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6605267 No.6605267 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or does veganism seem to be becoming trendy and popular?

>> No.6605271

I don't know of veganism is actually that trendy or popular, but there is definitely an increase in demand for vegan friendly food options.

I think that's fucking great. I'm not a vegan, but I'd prefer to eat like one as much as is convenient. The more convenient that becomes the better I'll be eating.

>> No.6605286

So why aren't you fully vegan?

>> No.6605323

Anything that pushes the idea that it's an easy way to lose weight has popular appeal because the majority of people are physically and mentally unhealthy and so seek anything that sounds like an easy feel-good fix.

Frankly, I think it's completely absurd that this ignorance has infected so much of the culture to the point that people don't really know what is and is not healthy.

>> No.6605357

>is it just me
It's just you

>> No.6605366

I'm not a vegan because it generally takes more knowledge and skill to eat a good, tasty, varied vegan diet. I'm slowly working myself towards it.

>> No.6605475

Why do you want to be vegan?

>> No.6605476

It's the Logan's Run of diet fads. When you turn 30, they take you to a big celery and juice party and execute you from the cult.


How many 32 year old vegans have you ever met?

>> No.6605493

Because being vegan is an ethical position, and I really don't care that much. I just have found that when I eat mostly vegan meals I stay trim and the doctor doesn't give me shit about cholesterol, so that's what I do. Taking an absolutist position on the ethics of it isn't very interesting to me, and also sounds like a pain in the ass.

>> No.6605494

Whole foods plant based diet is what some people really need right now, our fast paced lives and bad habits are catching up, best change I've made, do your own research don't just believe the masses.

>> No.6605507

That doesn't sound like being Vegan then, that just sounds like enjoying non-meat dishes. I don't understand why people have to come up with stupid buzzwords for this shit.

>> No.6605516

That's why I would never call myself vegan. But when I'm at a place with vegan options that's what I order. When I'm cooking at home it's mostly plant based meals. I enjoy the same kind of diet a vegan eats, just not 100% of the time, because I really don't give a fuck about animal welfare. Probably because I eat so few of them I really don't think it matters.

>> No.6605522

For health and ethical reasons, ethical as in ecological. Factory animal farming is truly a disgusting thing.

>> No.6605642

yes and it pisses me off

i try and cook for friends and the walking pussies claim theyre vegan and cant digest and animal proteins

enjoy your fucking salad, im out of here

>> No.6605666

>claim theyre vegan and cant digest and animal proteins

haha, they sound like some real retards. Meat is a lot easier to digest and a LOT more nutritious ounce for ounce than a bunch of fibrous plants, and that's a fact.

>> No.6605686

>more nutritious
I think your confusing calories with vitamins and minerals buddy

>> No.6605691

>Easier to digest
Enjoy that there meat fiber

>> No.6605694

Not to mention entirely discounting the value of plant fiber in a healthy diet.

>> No.6605701

I'm okay with it, honestly. The easiest way to make it not be obnoxious is if it's a pure social choice.

People who have to go out of their way to say "I'm vegan" are doing it because it matters for social planning, you either have to exclude them or pick a place they can go. If they can find options everywhere, it ends up playing more like "the dude who gets a chicken sandwich instead of a burger because he doesn't eat red meat." You never notice that guy.

I'm in favor of making it a non-issue.

>> No.6605726

Just remember, you'll have to stop sucking cocks once you're fully vegan. You can, however, continue to take them up your ass.

>> No.6605750

This pic is pretty creepy btw.

>> No.6605774

Who is this jizzy lizzy?

>> No.6605817

Macaulay Culkin

>> No.6605866

It's just you. It probably seems like a new trend to you because you're young enough to have limited perspective.

>> No.6607088

So HCLF has always been popular? Beyoncé just announced that she was high carb vegan recently too

>> No.6607103

That's a well-put opinion. Moral absolutism is stupid. No, I won't join an anti-meat crusade and give up all animal products. But yes, I can agree with you (hypothetical vegan being addressed) that eating fewer animal products is better for the planet.

>> No.6607106

Natalie Portman is a vegan! She's cool, therefore veganism is cool

>> No.6607113

eat locally grown chickens and wild game.

>> No.6607127

So is Beyonce, and Miley Cyrus :) Success!

>> No.6607169

HCLF has been the official nutritional guideline for the past 40 or so years. That's why meat and dairy is just under junk food in the food pyramid and grains are at the base. We've been having the supposed folly of eating meat drummed into our heads for generations.

>> No.6607176

it's a fun distraction and a way of proving that you're rich and have a lot of time on your hands

>> No.6607181

Peter Brock was a vegan. Aussies will know.

I saw him race live once and while he left skid marks on the track I left skid marks in my underpants.

>> No.6607189

Google Trends says a bit but not crazy like

I'm vegan and have been since like I was 12 or something. It's alright and I wish everybody was vegan

>> No.6607199


Thanks anon

>> No.6607225

>and I wish everybody was vegan

now you see thats exactly the problem here, you want everyone to do the same thing as you. I bet all eat meating creatures on the planet don't care about you being vegan or not. But hey you make it a mission to do something which you think makes you morally better. Thats the most inhuman thought pattern you can follow. I thought about becoming vegan but it's because of people like you that i'll just stick with meat keeps you more sane I guess.

>> No.6607305

>eat meating

>> No.6607306

Anon, slurping semen isn't vegan

>> No.6607344

> I'm a religious nutjob and I wish everybody was like me. Join us or die!
nah m8, i'm gud.

>> No.6607553

The false dichotomy that you're either a bleeding heart vegan or a planet destroying carnivore is a load of shit.

Someone who chooses to eat animal products a couple times a week instead of a couple times a day is probably doing just fine as far as health and ethics are concerned. No reason to go crazy with this shit.

>> No.6607583

One of my fitness obsessed friends recently converted to veganism.

He gave me the big preachy rant about how farming animals uses up too much water in that we are destroying our land and resources, and that cows and chickens are raised and torturous, filthy environments. And he was also preaching to me about how you can get all your sources of protein through non animal food sources.

I inherently know that he's wrong, but I can't be bothered to do the research to shut him up.

>> No.6607601

>I inherently know that he's wrong,
If he's using the typical Western diet as practiced in modern America as a baseline he's actually right.

>> No.6608378

He's mostly right.

>> No.6608400

>implying there aren't a fuckton of meat eaters who harangue you for ordering a single vegetarian meal, let alone having a completely vegan diet

It will be a waste of time researching it, because you won't be able to prove him wrong. Just stick to knowing what you think you know.

>> No.6608439

He's right about one thing though meat isn't hard to digest. The problem is when you're only eating meat without any veggies and in heavy sauces. A lot of people think that digesting meat is hard for the body. One college athlete even thought that if a vegetarian ate his diet it'd tear him up inside, while in reality if he shitfed to a fiber heavy vegetarian diet he'd be on the toilet for days.

>> No.6608454

Holy shit, OP, get back in your time machine; return to 2004; and short the shit out of some mortgage backed securities.

>> No.6608463

He's not forcing people to be vegan he's just saying he wished it were so. There's a difference. And if you are vegan for ethical reasons you should wish that everyone was. Say you think slavery is bad in 1800, firstly you should stop owning slaves and then try to convince other to do so too. And before you say i'm comparing eating meat to slavery I'm not, I'm using an extreme case to illustrate what ethical choices are.

>> No.6608466


Funny that vegetarianism has actually declined in popularity since then.

>> No.6608503

vegetarian is superior.

Dairy and eggs ftw.

>> No.6608536

From legit five words "I wish everybody was vegan" you got mad

Thanks dude for bringing some sense to the thread

It also inversely correlates with Hitler. https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=vegan%2C%20hitler&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT%2B7

>> No.6608545

And vegetarians are inconsistent if they don't go vegan for basically any reason.

Brothers of egg laying chicks are slaughtered by throwing them through a wood chipper

The same wasted resources that go into meat go into egg and dairy production

>Annoying your parents
Being vegan is much more difficult, and often necessitates spending an extra twenty to thirty minutes at the grocery store, carefully reading ingredients on items that should be vegan but aren't (crackers, jams, etc).

>> No.6608961

>From legit five words "I wish everybody was vegan" you got mad

To be honest I got pretty mad as well.
It just seems like such a shitty smug attitude I guess is why.
I do honestly wish everyone ate meat but I know that saying that would annoy people so I generally do not.

>> No.6609008





Thanks for the new shameful obsession, OP.

>> No.6609089

Please tell me she is not a fucking vegan.

>> No.6609176


Don't know or care, as I will most likely only be masturbating to her and not cooking dinner for her.

>> No.6609416

I wouldn't say it IRL. That'd be stupid.

The reason I stopped getting in people's faces about how y'all the living graves of murdered beasts isn't because I stopped believing it, but because it isn't a good organizing strategy. Mostly I'm just vegan and when people ask I explain my position quickly and with an effort not to be a dick.

That video is legit dope. Them huts are cool

Googling Petite Meller + Vegan didn't pull up anything conclusive

>> No.6609419

>Baby Love

>> No.6609428
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That is so racist! I want to fill her with a hundred thousand white babies.

>> No.6609434

Veganism is only popular in 1st world countries.

>> No.6609596


there's too many points at once to go into detail

>muh environment
irrelevant/insignificant. animal farming adds nothing to the carbon cycle (unless your cows eat coal and drink oil, kek)

>muh water
water 'scarcity' is made-up bullshit. unless you live in a literal desert (like the american southwest) water is plentiful and self-replenishing.

>other protein sources
possible? yes.
convenient or practical? no.

a matter of personal opinion. no point of debating it.

>> No.6610056

hi, i am a vegan and did it to be cool

>> No.6610087

I don't think actual veganism (ethical, not eating honey, wearing leather, going to zoos etc) is becoming more trendy

The health part of it is

>> No.6610089

If its a moral position ofc they'd want everyone to be vegan, don't be a moron

We wont have a choice but to eat a lot less meat in the future for purely practical reasons

>> No.6610113

No idea because after your teen years you stop asking everyone you meet for their age. Also veganism isn't that unusual where i live.

I know a vegan doctor in his 50s, does that count?

>> No.6610197

Underrated post cobber

>> No.6610226

It is if you collect your own milk and eggs.

>tfw have friend who turned vegan, wont even eat my own hen's eggs

>> No.6610315

>I wish no one was racist

Wishing someone would do something and forcing someone to do something is completely different. You seem to have a misguided view of vegans.

>> No.6610324

There are so many non meat protein sources that you can conveniently purchase from any supermarkets, it's all about knowledge. Also, I wouldn't downplay the environmental impacts, the world consumes a shit ton of meat so the resource use by the meat industry is always going to have a significant effect just due to the sheer size of the industry.

>> No.6610335

are you comparing racism to meat eating you filthy vegan cunt?

This is why everyone hates you

>> No.6610892

>I wish no one would shitpost

>> No.6610934

No one is shitposting anon.

we have legit differences of opinion and must fight this shit out.

>> No.6610954

>things that should be vegan

Butter makes crackers taste better. Nothing that tastes better when made with an animal product "should" be vegan.

>> No.6610996

Crackers are a base for toppings like cheese and dips, and butter interferes with their ability to bring out the flavour of toppings. Water crackers are the best crackers.

>> No.6611350

we could do that, but you're thick and don't get simple points.

When I say "I wish no one would shitpost" you're supposed to realize that it's a reference to something earlier in the thread, when someone suggested that "I wish no one was racist" and "I wish everyone was vegan" are not forceful statements.

You didn't get that those two things could be related without being exactly identical, so I gave you another example ("I wish no one would shitpost") so you would be on the same page and able to participate in the conversation. I did this as an act of charity.

But, like pearls before swine (that's a simile, you can look up where it comes from on Google, which is a search engine), this microscopic level of irony was enough totally confuse you.

>must fight this out
Nigga who are you, braveheart?

>> No.6611381
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You introduced a very loaded word anon and you want to pretend that you did not.
I believe you equate carinsm with racism. Perhaps it was a Freudian slip but you cannot pretend it did not happen.
Also you are talking to more than one person.

>> No.6611406

>You introduced a very loaded word anon and you want to pretend that you did not.

I said in that post that someone else used the phrase "I wish no one was racist". This is why arguing on the Internet is dumb -- not because discussing ideas with strangers is unimportant, but because 90% of people online don't have reading comprehension skills.

>> No.6611411

Why is she cool?

>> No.6611417

How about sticking to the central point?
I will make it perfectly clear to you.
Vegans think carnists are as bad as racists.
What do you say about that?

>> No.6611424

>moral relativism
>smarter than absolutism

Better read up homie

>> No.6611640

Can you fucking read?
>I said in that post that someone else used the phrase "I wish no one was racist".
>someone else used the phrase "I wish no one was racist".
>someone else used the phrase
>someone else

Shit you're stupid

>> No.6611645

It's not smarter it's just real and the other one is not

>> No.6611781

/and I am saying drop that shit and answer my question
I do not care about the previous miscommunication.
Do you get that?

>> No.6612293

In third world countries it's called 'being poor' because they can't afford meat.

>> No.6612333

But the grand majority of poor people eat Meat lololol.

>> No.6612346
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>> No.6612352

Do vegans not see how agriculture is more destructive than the meat industry ecologically?

>> No.6612366

I think vegans are fags, but I think the non vegans who refuse to eat anything that is vegan are even more fags. Like they hear that it is vegan friendly and they're like
>Eww that shit is nasty I'm gonna go get McDonalds instead!

>> No.6612850

This. Being a vegan myself, I usually bring my own food to parties and such, but some of my friends used to get irritated that there were some restaurants we couldn't go to when we all went out to eat together.

>> No.6613220

why is the video all niggers

>> No.6613227

The meat industry requires agriculture though. Cattle feed doesn't just magically appear.

Not that I care, the environment can get fucked.

>> No.6613269
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owning slaves =/ veganism you dumb nigger.
vegetarians are literally absolute morons, if there ever was an analogy about the effects of veganism on others it would be that you are trying to boil the ocean. society will never give up meat because its cheap and tasty, and everyone loves it but your faggot asses. you might as well all just kill yourselves because its quite obvious that all vegans are braindead.

>> No.6614489

being without my own animals has me feeling like a vegan without a garden.

>> No.6614524

>owning slaves =/ veganism you dumb nigger.
Did I say that, can you read? Honestly I included a disclaimer at the end of my post for idiots like you, even then you managed to show up.

> society will never give up meat because its cheap and tasty
It's tasty but it's not cheap. It has never been cheap. It's only artificially cheap becuase of subsidized corn and soy and inhumane factory farming.

> you might as well all just kill yourselves because its quite obvious that all vegans are braindead.
You sound really mad.

I know you want to believe that people who disagree with you are stupid and should die but I'm not the one who types like a gradeschool /b/tard. I don't wish you would die though, just grow up eventually.

>> No.6615515

>Did I say that,
Not the same anon but you kinda did say that.

>> No.6616638

Veganism is my cover for my eating disorder.

>> No.6616724

He was saying that if you make a decision based on a moral pretext, you would of course hope that other people come to embrace that moral pretext, because your view of morality is important to you.

He chose to identify another moral decision to exemplify this. He was not saying that all moral decisions are of equal significance.

>> No.6616751
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>but I'm not the one who types like a gradeschool /b/tard. I don't wish you would die though, just grow up eventually.
you literally have nothing else to argue except ad hominem? yup im still 100% sure all vegans should die you are a waste of oxygen. your brain is already dead and your body isnt far behind.

you dont eat meat because it makes you feel like a special snowflake faggot, not because it actually has or ever will have an effect on the world.

you might as well be a black crack addict with behavior like that.

>> No.6617229

do you really not see how that is offensive?

>> No.6617326

It's only offensive if you're a moron.

>> No.6617665

>How many 32 year old vegans have you ever met?
a few. probably around the same number of people under 32.

>> No.6617717

I'm kind of semi-vegetarian.
I just try to avoid eating meat and gelatin and some other stuff because I find it disgusting, especially if I have to handle raw meat and prepare it myself.
When I go shopping I often buy vegan and organic products for the same reasons, also they have really interesting flavours sometimes.

But when it's convenience food or restaurant food I usually get "normal" stuff, because it's usually much cheaper, and in restaurants also faster and has fresher ingredients.

Actually being vegetarian is pretty hard when most people in your environment aren't and I'm too lazy.
Being vegan requires far too much effort and is either too restricting, too time-consuming and/or too expensive.

>> No.6617926

So you find handling real meat disgusting but still eat the processed garbage from fast food places?

>> No.6618050

sweet. more meat for me.