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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6605189 No.6605189 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee appreciation thread. Did you know that coffee is the #1 reason why society experienced a Renaissance and humanity flourished?

Coffee: its the savior of humankind.

Tesla drank coffee like a badass, 10 cups a day. Edison shoved coffee beans up his ass when he was working on the light bulb. True story, bros.

>> No.6606065

Mozart wrote an opera about coffee.

>> No.6606427

Coffee, tea, alcohol, and tobacco are basically solely responsible for humanity advancing to the point we have today.

Trust me, I am wasting my money/life on being a history major with a minor focus on Anthropology and Geography.

>> No.6606476

Got a love/hate relationship
Love the taste, the mood, and the crazy ideas I get on it
Hate that it causes me to crack down into nerves and anxiety and become an autistic piece of shit
But then again that's also kind of a good thing
Overall, 9/10 would drink until I die

>> No.6606805

coffee is dope, homie.
I appreciate it.

>> No.6606811

>Hate that it causes me to crack down into nerves and anxiety and become an autistic piece of shit

hate to break this to you, but the coffee isn't the cause of that...

>> No.6606841

yeah it is. look it up

It happens to me too when I drink a lot after not having it for a decent amount of time. All caffeine does that to me, so I try to avoid. It's hard though.

>> No.6607396

What he was saying is that normally, with most of the population, that doesn't happen, and that you are a special case and some underlying mental/health problem is what is causing a commonplace, sort of weak stimulant like caffeine to have such a drastic side effect.

>> No.6607443

Bach wrote a cantata about coffee.


>> No.6607480


I think you are confusing caffeine and cocaine bro, that or you are an 18 months babby

>> No.6608766

I really like coffee, and am looking into ways to improve the coffee I make since I don't feel like the coffee I make is good enough. Do you guys have any tips on how I can do that?

>> No.6608773
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>Tesla, Edison, and a bunch of faggots

Who cares about those ninnies, here is a real man, and he drank so much coffee it killed him.

>> No.6608870

buy fresh local roasted coffee beans. use a hand grinder or burr grinder. learn to use a french press or buy an espresso machine

>> No.6608878

I have a french press, but I really should buy a grinder.
Do you have any advice for how to prepare it? I just pour in a mug full of water with a few scoops of coffee grinds.

>> No.6608898

yeah well john wayne died with five pounds of undigested red meat in his ass

>> No.6609972
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>> No.6609999

made a macchiato this morning

>> No.6610031

I recently bought an aeropress after repeatedly breaking French Presses (britfag, no one here uses drip)

Any advice?

>> No.6610042

God tier

Fantastic tier

High tier
>Moka pot

OK tier
>French press

Hipster tier


Just barely drinkable tier
>Drip machine
>That pod and capsule shit

Literally throw it in the trash tier
>Coffee teabags (yes, they exist)

>> No.6610203

So I'm thinking about getting a french press and a grinder, but the machine ones are huge and expensive. Will a manual one do the trick?

>> No.6610227

Manual burr grinders are a little inconsistent with coarse ginding, but still better than blade grinder.

>> No.6610296

How was it?

>> No.6610301

Made a piccolo for the first time.
Eh. If the first half of the espresso is better, why isn't it the norm to make risretto?

>> No.6610314

>made macchiato this morning
>scored quads this evening

>> No.6610321

Yeah, manual might be a bit clumsy. It will take you a lot of time and work in the morning, but if you are willing to put work and effort in it, it should be ok. Burr grinders, on the other hand are the best, but they are also expensive.Everything really depends on your budget. If it is high enough, note that you should spend the same amount for the grinder as for coffee machine.

In general I think people do not pay enough attention to the choice of a good grinder. Please realize that quality of your coffee depends highly on the grind that you have. The coffee bought in bags, already grinded is not good and if you really like coffee you will see the difference very soon. You can look at some online resources for getting the best coffee grinder, like http://www.coffeegrinderworld.com/best-coffee-grinder/.. I think you should read a bit about it and then you will get a feeling for what you need. (this post was in a wrong thread before, sorry)

>> No.6610329

Why are coffee drinkers such pretentious faggots?

>> No.6611958

literally the easiest way to make coffee.
An Aeropress allows for a lot of customizations/recipes.

>> No.6612054

My dad drank two pots a coffee a day his whole life

Now he has to take a shot in his stomach with this real thick needle every night because he has the bone health of a ninety year old woman

>> No.6612061

So I guess two pots a day might be too much. Good to know.

>> No.6612074

My dad drank two cups of tea everyday his whole life. Now has no legs because he got into a car accident.

>> No.6612080

Serves him right for insisting on having it black. Clearly he needed more milk in his diet.

>> No.6612082

so did ur mum lmao

>> No.6612112

There's a cafe near me that only serves ristretto shots. They've been doing it that way for years.

The first reason ristretto is not the standard is because it is more difficult to get right. The barista must be especially precise with the grind, tamp, and timing of the shot or it'll taste particularly bad. A standard shot is much more forgiving and can still taste good with milk or by itself.

Another reason is that people have come to expect more of a thing and associate more with a better value. Ristretto shots are a tiny amount of coffee and most people would scoff at such a small beverage. They also contain less caffeine, which is a big deal for some.

The final reason ristretto is not common, which is a result of the longer shot being the status quo, is that a ristretto involves re-adjusting the grinder, which is a huge pain in the ass for a barista, who has typically taken time in the morning to dial in the perfect espresso grind.

I use an Aeropress every morning. So easy and delicious plus, as you said, versatile.

>> No.6612146

Agree with everything except your dismissal of the drip machine. Commercial drip machines such as Fetcos produce extremely consistent coffee and in the right hands, they make a damn fine brew.

Oh, you also can't really compare espresso to brewed coffee. They're different animals.

I've been into espresso and tonic recently. Really nice flavor combination. Gotta make sure to run the espresso through a filter first though to remove the crema.

>> No.6612162

why is this blue

>> No.6612168

Looks like a white balance problem.

>> No.6612775
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>> No.6613300

A guy I know bought a used car once.

Ten years later, he got herpes.