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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6593597 No.6593597 [Reply] [Original]

They are supposedly healthy and sustainable. Who eats these, and what's your recommendations?

>> No.6593601

>the 1% has convinced you this is healthy

>> No.6593604 [DELETED] 

If I told you eating your own shit was healthy and sustainable would you do it?

>> No.6593605

Sardines are shit imo. Too bony. Sprat is the best canned fish.

>> No.6593607

Brisling sardines on buttered toast. Salt, pepper.
The Brisling part is important apparently the others taste terrible.

>> No.6593630

They're really great on pizza. One tin of sardines is good for 2 or 3 slices. They're also really good on some garlic bread.

I like them better than anchovies because imo they have more flavor and arent as salty. It's weird that pizza joints don't offer sardines as a topping, they're all programmed to offer just anchovies.

>> No.6593633

I don't know about healthy or sustainable, but they taste pretty good.

Treat them like canned tuna and you'll be fine. Personally, I prefer them without the heads, but to each their own.

I also like to fry them up in a bit of oil in a pan (not the oil they ship in, that shit tastes awful), and add some garlic and a bit of hard cheese, mix all that up and eat it on rye toast.

>> No.6593920

Fisherman's eggs.

>> No.6593941

My grandpa says Sprat gives you gout. Pass.

>> No.6593950

Great, as long as they are packed in oil or water. Also, don't bother with anything that isn't from Spain/Portugal/Canada, I find products from these countries to have more of a meaty tuna flavor;everywhere else bland or bitter. Norway and Morocco have nice products, but those are usually packed in mustard or tomato sauce to cater to regional taste which I personally don't enjoy. I eat mine on white bread or crackers with hot sauce and dill.

>> No.6594077

I eat at least one tin a day, usually just out the can

Sardines in tomato sauce = good sandwich

>> No.6594083

Out of all the canned seafood I have tried, sardines and tuna are least liked.

I'd rather eat anchovies. I feel like there are more creative ways to eat them. Sardines/tuna sit really heavy in my stomach and it isn't pleasant.

>> No.6594085

>Grandpa says.

Because the old fart is a nutritionist....right?

>> No.6594095

You're a weird one but all opinions are equal

>> No.6594123

>toasted dark rye/pumpernickel
>course mustard
>min-dill pickles
>can of sardines
I snack on that couple times a week. I'll toss them in salads, like them fried eggs or straight out of the can. Anchovies are pretty much a base in almost all of my red sauces.

>> No.6594257

Well he's not wrong - they're high in purine. Enjoy in moderation.

>> No.6594264

Interesting canning fact - only the freshest fish can be canned in water or oil. Tomato and mustard are very effective at hiding less desirable flavours. Or so I've been told.

>> No.6594479

i fucking love sardines, but i read on /ck/ that they're poor people food so i never ate them again

>> No.6594606

I often use anchovies when making pasta dishes, does that work with sardines as well? i.e. do they break down and mix well like anchovies?

>> No.6594623

I can only eat them warmed up, once I put them in the microwave and they exploded in a fishy mess. I like making a basic kedgeree with them or mixing them up with some spaghetti and tinned tomatoes

>> No.6594781

Depends what kind you get. King Oscar is $4 a can. I've seen some from France and Portugal for $8-$14 of that's poor mans food, I want to be poor. Chicken of sea products are shit, for .60 cent a can. I'd rather eat cat food.

>> No.6594860

I like them, especially in pasta. The ones in olive oil are best, especially smoked ones.

>> No.6594923
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Sardines with jalepenos are good

>> No.6594953

get king oscar brisling sardines in olive oil. the can might say cross-packed or double layer or something.
do _not_ get skinless and boneless

don't judge them before you try these. there are plenty of other good ones but king oscar seems to be everywhere so whoever is reading this can access them.

>> No.6595385
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After reading this, I started craving sardines, had a tin for dinner. Love sardines!

>> No.6595390

Seconding fisherman's eggs. 10/10 breakfast right there.

>> No.6595397

What about canned sardines with scales? Do you like/dislike the scales?

>> No.6595411

I get the kind in hot sauce, the ones in olive oil taste absolutely disgusting to me.

>> No.6595447

All the skinless boneless ones around here are all from Morocco, no matter the brand. Seems they the only ones that produce S&B. Same place, different labels and prices.

>> No.6595472

Any body checked out the Sardine society? Guy blogs about sardines. It's not been updated in awhile, sardines may of killed him... http://www.sardinesociety.com/?m=1

>> No.6595479

portuguese sardines in olive oil so good

>> No.6595480

anyone who eats these is also eating all of the fecal matter inside of them, good job. Enjoy your hepatitis.

>> No.6595485

poor people food

>> No.6595493

oooh a sardine thread

my favorite brand is blue galleon but they're kinda out of my price range for what i use sardines for (emergency lunch)

second favorite brand is season.

both are very consistent, never had a bad tin of either. they are delicious enough to eat plain. if i really want a little flavor on them i'll use twang or pickapeppa sauce. saltine accompaniment is also an option.

>> No.6595499

Only to Americans standards. The "man"placed "poor food" title to sardines when canned tuna was developed. To believe that, makes you the sheep of the 1% there's done sardines that cost more than a ribeye, aged sardines are a delicacy

>> No.6595502

Wild Planet packed in water are my personal favorite.

>headless, tailless, eviscerated
>good fat meaty fish that holds together.
>three to a can

a bit pricey and the fact that they're packed in Vietnam is a bit sketchy, but they're delicious and filling. Plainly set in portions of thirds on crackers with cholula sauce is simple and effective.

I do want to get at fisherman's eggs. Any recipes for me?

>> No.6595503

I'm a fan of season brand. Portclyde in hot sauce are very good, sauce is unexpectedly good, for sardines.

>> No.6595509

It's different. I think anchovies make more of a background flavor in a tomato sauce, but a can of sardines are more of a forefront flavor.

I don't mix them, but for instance if I'm making a sauce that calls for sardines I'll add a whole can into the sauce then once the sauce is done pour that over the pasta.

Only the ones in oil or water though, as another anon said, those are the best ones, don't get the ones in something else like mustard, those are pretty nasty.

>> No.6595513

fresh sardine sashimi is amazing and makes even the good expensive canned shit take like dog food

>> No.6595547

How times have changed. In the 50's Sardines had their own dinner ware. From custom sardine servers to special sardine bowels and custom key openers. All cookbooks mentioned and had sardine recipes. The East coast was known as Sardine land, the west coast, cannery row. Now the mention of sardines relates to images of hobos and ghettos. They are beginning to make a huge comeback in the health conscious and environmentalist conscious people.

>> No.6595554

It'd be pretty beautiful to see a resurgence of the industry on the continental US.

>> No.6595561

Usually I just finely chop some onion and fresh parsley, mash the sardines up with it in an oven safe bowl, salt to taste (remembering that eggs will be added) then crack in an egg or two.

Bake at 350F for about 15 minutes or until the eggs are done to your liking.

>> No.6595572
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>mfw timestamped sardine pics

>> No.6595635

Too fishy for me, would be good fried, with hotsauce.
Also fuck captcha, i'm never posting again, I suggest everyone do the same.

>> No.6595641

That wont happen, our democrats and republicans have secured our lack of industry though secret fast track trade deals that enrich the politicals and not our own people. That's really a fact and I'm not a conspiracy nut. The overriding goal is called "harmonization."

>> No.6595645

I've never seen sardine cans with that twisty opening top thing, I wish I could because it looks fun to open.

>> No.6595669

Yeah, they no longer make tins that has to be opened with keys. I believe corn beef is the only canned item that uses keys still? Canned sardines no longer have their heads on them ether.

>> No.6595677

Nah, I've come across more or less whole sardines before. Mostly brisling from King Oscar I think.

>> No.6595740
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These are the best. They are very good and only $1.

>> No.6595751
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These are the worst sardines that I have ever had.

When I opened the can, it smelled rotten and the sardines were all smashed. I tried a little bit and they were VERY bitter.

It's not really the company. MW Polar just imports things. Some of their things are good (their kippers are amazing) and some of their things are shit.

>> No.6595759
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These are also horrible.

The company is not to be confused with "Crown Prince", which is a good company.

>> No.6595801

Isn't that some stupid nat geo show?
You realize that those kind of shows are 100% made up, scripted, and staged?

>> No.6595815


So does offal (organ meat) if you eat it too often.

>> No.6595816
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I rise to your bait.

>> No.6595819



Spam is considered poor people food too but don't try telling anyone from Hawaii that.

>> No.6595837

I eat them occasionally(they are my no.1 insomnia food and thankfully I have not had the insomnia for a while!) like so: drain water, add 2 splashes of a dark vinegar(balsamic is best, apple cider will do, my dad always used normal white vinegar, yuck), a sprinkle of salt, sugar and pepper. Then eat them with a fork right from the tin. It's my secret shame.

>> No.6595870

Smelt is master race you faggots.
See : Shisamo

>> No.6595896

The bait are those stupid shows on history channel, nat geo, travel channel, food network and others that are all owned by the same overall company. It's fake staged crap. It's funny when they try to push off something as an individual or two people all alone against the wild but never seem to show the whole camera crew, security people, production people, interns, caterers, paid off locals, guides, porters to carry around equipment and stuff, etc.

What a load of shit those shows are, worse if you believe that shit.

>> No.6595899

The bait is to get you watch the commercials and you've bitten.

>> No.6595905

years ago ,I ate these and bit into a egg sac. fully formed, filled to the brim egg sac.
fucking sandy eggs all in between my teeth, back of my throat... shit was out of a horror show. fuck these things. I'll eat it when they properly gut these little fuckers.

>> No.6595909
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These are GOAT i hate picking through bones

>> No.6595915

Do you often enjoy downing a load of hot cum?

>> No.6595918

What are you silly? Sardine bones are so tiny that they can't harm you, just eat them and enjoy, it'll give you calcium too!

>> No.6595929

The only way I could see someone getting harmed by a sardine bone is that if they're a retard and they're vacuuming up the sardines without chewing properly.

>> No.6595945

nice to see the maturity on /ck/ is still 13 yr old boy level.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.6596014
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These are pretty decent

>> No.6596022

I ain't eating SHIT with a motherfucker that devious looking on the can.

>> No.6596039
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Beach cliff fish steaks in mustard, pure trash! Tasted like burnt hair! One bite, it went straight to the trash.

>> No.6596042

rice and a pich of salt mix it in.

>> No.6596063
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What is going on in this picture.

>> No.6596082

Where you from, anon? Taiwan? HK?

>> No.6596084
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Surstromming is way better than sardines.

>> No.6596088

beach cliff is shit tier
why cant i find Possum brand sardines anymore ;_;

>> No.6596097
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Not a fan of sardines, but this here is my shit
Used to be $1 each at work till I went in one payday and got like 30 of them.
Next day the price was suddenly $1.38 a can. Cunts.

I love taking these to work and watching the look on peoples faces in the breakroom as i'm snackin on muh fish.
Put a little on a saltine, dribble a little of that oily mustard on it.. hhnnnngghhhhh

>> No.6596102
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Great way to learn about supply and command economic theory.

>> No.6596117

>packed in water
Absolutely disgusting. I made that mistake once, now it's oil, hot sauce, or mustard only for me.

>> No.6596165

>thread about sardines
>then there's the one guy rambling about tv shows

>> No.6596174


I take little $1 tins of tuna, that have lemon and pepper in, the least inoffensive fish ever and people still make faces, I don't know what they'd do if I had some stronger fish.

>> No.6596180

You must live I America where the grand majority are retards.

Fish is not steak or fried chicken!

>> No.6596279
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>least inoffensive

I meant least offensive. fuck.

>> No.6596291

>Fish is not steak or fried chicken!

>americans are the retards
okay pal

>> No.6596296

He meant Americans are outraged by anything that isn't steak or fried chicken.

>> No.6596310

when did the American palate regress to that of a 6 year old?

seriously when

>> No.6596315

there are 5 sushi places within 10 miles of me

when you started thinking the hundreds of millions of americans are all like the ones in your head

>> No.6596316

I mix with crushed tomato and garlic and put on a bed of white beans.

>> No.6596318

When consumerism led to the homogenisation of food production via the inevitable introduction of fast food. So sometime in the 50s or 60s, I suppose.

>> No.6596320

why aren't sardines popular anymore then, smart guy?

>> No.6596326

tip top kek

>> No.6596338


>> No.6596363
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Great on salads!

>> No.6596367

They go really good with avocado.

>> No.6596377
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I hate when this happens.

>> No.6596382

Alton brown did a avocado and sardine sandwich deal, on good eats.

>> No.6596404

Around the 50s.

It is pretty well know that the majority of Americans are disgusted by fish unless it has breading disguising it.

>> No.6596407

Or canned tuna but yeah Americans are fucking picky and entitled

>> No.6596421

Maybe in flyover states.

>> No.6596422

You wouldn't understand, it's a freedom thing.

But honestly, I don't know why people act so picky. Half the time they just douse everything in enough hot sauce to mask any semblance of flavor. I'm personally not a hot or spicy person, so I usually try find food that actually has flavor.

>> No.6596426

It's like you don't know what an average American is.

>> No.6596428

They mostly live on the coast and have access to great fish.

>> No.6596438

Okay, fried cat fish and fish sticks do not count lol.

Seriously if you think the majority of Americans don't think fish is icky, you areare probably not exposed to red necks and poor blacks and are confusing the chic wannabe hipsters in your posh, urban neighborhood as the majority.

>> No.6596456

A quick survey of fast food and chain restaurant menus makes it pretty clear. Fish is the old people option.

>> No.6596531
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These were from Portugal on tomato sauce. A bit spiny

>> No.6596540
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It's the mainstream, advertising systems and all out greed that has made Americans such picky eaters. Sardines use to be a item in kids and adults lunch boxes, today, that kid would be laughed at for having Sardines. Even King Oscar, while they have a small selection here in the states; they offer a larger variety else where. From Japanese style, to even, aged sardines. Do they not think we are worth the "specialty fish"?

>> No.6596676

>spines in brine!


>> No.6596868
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There's a Sardine club over in France.

>> No.6596981

Sardine are good with olive oil, vinegar, diced tomatoes and a piece of toast. I also split the sardines in half horizontally and take the bone out. Another way I enjoy canned sardines is with soy sauce, hot sauce, and diced tomatoes and toast again. Tasty stuff!

>> No.6597868
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>course mustard

>> No.6598186

Never eaten sardines, but I've been told that Sardines packed in water don't smell nearly as much as other varieties. Is there any truth to that?

>> No.6598211

>angie detected
Does anyone even remember angie?
>milliards of Americans

>> No.6598216

Yes these are great!

>> No.6598222

Well, first of all, usually all mushrooms should be boiled thoroughly before even starting to cook anything with them. Well, technically not all but most. You should realise that mushrooms take in all the pollution and crap, so it is a wise safety measure even when the mushroom is edible just like that. Then again, if one has a favourite spot and all the, he can prolly estimate the quality and such without even tasting. I myself like to always be sure.

Previously from that you, you of course take your mushroom knife and you mushroom brush and remove the dirt and bad bits. Then, the actual cooking bit, mushrooms stay good for about 1 to 3 days after picking in a refrigerator. The taste reduces, though. Mushrooms should be always prepared as fresh as possible. I personally usually season and dry some species and cook some right away. There's nothing like fresh mushroom salad.

>> No.6598226
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>he actually uses a mushroom brush!

>> No.6598317

I decided to try them for the first time today.
I was super nervous opening them up thinking they'd be gross, but they literally just tasted like canned tuna.
Why do people always whine about how gross they are? They were fine

>> No.6598329

I eat them

They're awesome with antipasto platters

In a sandwich with cheese, hummus and marinated eggplant

With nice bread

>> No.6598574
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I usually get these, it's a pretty cheap tasty and healthy lunch on some whole wheat bread. Plus they're not as fishy smelling so I don't have to worry about pissing off my coworkers.

>> No.6598589

I had these the other day. Pretty good for around a buck fifty.

>> No.6598615

>tfw you can't eat sardines and anchovies at home because family hates the smell
>tfw you have no face
Seriously, how do I eat this shit without stinking up the whole house? It lingers as well. I've tried cooking them in meals before too, which makes the stains the area with the smell for a long time.

I really don't mind it, but no one else I know can handle it.

>> No.6598637
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>> No.6598644

>spicy Morrocan sardines in oil
They truly are good vittles. I drain the oil because I usually eat them over piping hot white rice. I don't want a puddle of spicy, fishy oil at the bottom of the bowl.

>> No.6598654

There is a lot of great food that could be considered poor people food.

>> No.6598662
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I like the bones.

>> No.6599377
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>I obsess over what I eat and deny myself because I'm terrified of someone thinking I'm poor
Even rich people will get mcdonalds and shit for convenience and many "high class" foods developed from peasant or famine foods.
Are you one of those "wanna be rich" bitches who show off eating caviar and gold because they think if they "eat like a rich person" they'll get rich too?
In short: you're an over sensitive faggot even more pathetic than those in extreme poverty.

>> No.6599380

It's autism.

>> No.6599385

>The overriding goal is called "harmonization."
Is that what summons their lizard overlords?

>> No.6599392

>the mean spices are too hot for poor baby's sensitive tongue and burn her delicate palate so she can't taste the whitebread and tendies with extra ketchup for "flavor"

>> No.6599404

>menus makes it pretty clear. Fish is the old people option.
>things stupid people say after looking at the menus for mcdonalds and tgif

>> No.6600126

Uh-oh... I got a tin of Beach Cliff Sardines in Mustard Sauce.

I had them last week and they weren't that bad, so I grabbed another. Hopefully this guy was just unlucky and I wasn't lucky.

Also got some Herring Fillets from "Smart & Simple". They are from Poland, so fingers crossed.

>> No.6600162

That stands to reason, as their flavors are less potent, so anything foul will be tasted in thr fish.

>> No.6600197


where do I find these in the US

>> No.6600364
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>mom look I'm talking out of my ass

No point in arguing with you though since you're only fooling yourself.

Fish is extremely popular here.

It was shunned for a time in the 70s-80s because of the large Catholic population that force fed grossly cooked fish to their kids on Fridays.

However now sushi, crab boil, and fish in fine dining are all extremely popular.

If anything the flyover states eat a lot of fish because many hunt and fish as a leisure activity.

>inb4 more ignorant shitposting/moving the goalposts

>> No.6600400

>However now sushi, crab boil, and fish in fine dining are all extremely popular.
not nearly as popular as fast food and shit-tier chains

I think it helps if you have a regional culture supporting the consumption of fish, like the crab boils. in my personal experience of growing up in a cultureless vacuum, the only two types of fish were fish sticks and tuna casserole. bland and creamy is appealing and easy to market.

>> No.6600488

After eating them, rinse out the can before placing it in the trash, or bag the can up separate. I eat sardines at work this is how i hide the evidence.

>> No.6600607


>fish sticks and fast-food are more popular

Maybe so, but there's no hope for those sad fucks and they live everywhere, not just murica.

>> No.6601004
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They're pretty easy for me to find because I live in an area with a lot of Arabs. I would try going to a middle eastern store if you could find one.

>> No.6601043
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Not quite the same, but I got some "Pampa" herring fillets in paprika on a whim with the rest of the usual canned fish and now I'm having some queasy flashbacks to other "herring/sardines in X sauce" disasters.

Anybody familiar with this product or brand, please advise.

>> No.6601048

Just try it you pussy.

>> No.6601074


>smoked flavor

That stuff is awful. It seems that it's legal to advertise products with liquid smoke or whatever added as "smoked" even if they are not literally smoked. Actually smoked canned fish is great and only a little more expensive, the sort in artifically smoke flavored oil are terrible.

>> No.6601088

>It seems that it's legal to advertise products with liquid smoke as "smoked"

That's because they make most liquid smokes with actual smoke.

>> No.6601108

Best brand for mustard sauce?

>> No.6601173

Portclyde or bumble bee. Aldi sardines in mustard is decent also

>> No.6601410

my nigga. had this on day old crusty french bread. ate it alternating with fresh parsley and clover sprouts.

>> No.6601416

open can
put in mouth

>> No.6601710

Personally I prefer mackerel fillets. I eat them in baguettes with lemon juice, and lots of cracked pepper.

Sardines are ok as canapes with slices of tomato but they're better eaten grilled like the iberians do.

>> No.6602213
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Git gud makrill in tomato sauce is where its at

>> No.6602557

min broder, it wont get any better than those canned goods.

>> No.6602562

Can I skip the "taste" step plz

>> No.6602973
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I made this just now.


>> No.6603007
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i like to make sardine shmear to put on beagles.

onions and sardines and beagles and smash'em and spread 'em

so good

>> No.6603016


china detected

>> No.6603035


NEVER get them in soybean oil. Disgusting.

>> No.6603045

You sick fuck. Couldn't you at least eat an ugly kind of dog or one of those annoying little shit chihuahuas?

>> No.6603068

i much prefer a labrador

>> No.6603304

Here in Portugal we normally eat fresh sardines, grilled.
But there are lots of canned varieties. They're pretty good, and now some restaurants with only canned food have been opening, it's a hipster thing I guess.

>> No.6603577

>it's a hipster thing I guess.

Say it's not so... There's hipster in Portugal too? I thought we were only plagued with hipsters here in the states. I've heard of the restaurant Can the Can. Looks interesting.

>> No.6603613

wtf kek

>> No.6603628

1.72MB holy shit...... i dont even.... wtf kek

>> No.6603652
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Mushed up with noodles.

>> No.6603670
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>nobody liked my toast

>> No.6603690

presentation is excellent i actually want to try it... never had sardines, but if i did i feel like thats how i want to try them...

>> No.6603711


Motherfucker acknowledge me acknowledging you

>> No.6603713

I like them in mustard, and in louisiana hot sauce. I don't really like them in oil because you get that really oily taste, and i'm not a fan of too much oil.

>> No.6603717



>> No.6603722


thanks anon. don't forget to salt it at the end as it will help bring out the flavor in the avocado. I used rice wine vinegar instead of sherry, but I wouldn't skimp on any of the ingredients (including the lemon zest) as they equally compliment each other.

>> No.6603758

filter what faggot?

>> No.6603763

and thank you.. i will

>> No.6604387
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Beach cliff in lemon sauce, sounds strange. I've been unable to locate these. Anyone try these?

>> No.6604452

Why do a lot of people tend to go for bottom feeders or cheap fish? There's a lot of seafood out there, but when I travel to this part of the world it seems as if people are just discovering "sardines" and "tuna" and their benefits.

I heard that most people in America eat tilapia because it's bland and doesn't have a "fishy" taste and smell to it. It's also cheap and is used in a lot of products.

>> No.6604683

do what? the canning process make the bones barely crunchy. you can even eat the fins.

>> No.6604715

>There's a lot of seafood out there
most Americans don't live near the ocean or anything

>> No.6604720

nigga please you know they can refrigerate fish and ship them to your store? Or put them in a magical invention called a fucking can where they stay good for years and can be transported around the world?

>> No.6604731

>a magical invention called a fucking can
yeah, and the main canned thing is tuna

as for the fresh fish case people do eat it but it's a bit intimidating for most

>> No.6604736
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>> No.6604740

>Why do a lot of people tend to go for bottom feeders or cheap fish?

Because they're cheap bro. Not everyone can afford high end fish.

>>I heard that most people in America eat tilapia because it's bland
We don't eat it because it's bland. We eat it despite it being bland because it's cheap.

>>refrigerate fish
And that's done. But the farther from the coast you get the more expensive things become, and therefore less prevalent. For example, I used to live in Seabrook, TX. I could get freshly caught (as in still kicking) jumbo shrimp for about $5/lb. Drive a couple hours inland to Austin and suddenly those same shrimp--not as fresh---are now $20/lb.

Yeah, but most canned seafood tastes far far worse than fresh. And while there does exist very good canned seafood it's also expensive.

>> No.6604749

>We eat it despite it being bland because it's cheap.
I don't think that particular variety is special in its cheapness, among farmed fish. People like the 'mildness' ie blandness. My grandparents can vouch for that.

>> No.6604793


I can't speak for everyone, but in my area Tilapia is by far the cheapest fish you can buy either fresh from the "seafood counter" in the supermarket, or in frozen fillets. Catfish comes in next, and then it goes up from there. Tilapia is cheap and widely available because it's easy to farm.

Perhaps some people like the blandness but I don't. In fact, I find it confusing. I'd much rather have a more flavorful fish.

>> No.6604864

>We don't eat it because it's bland. We eat it despite it being bland because it's cheap.

I still don't get it. There's better bang for your buck elsewhere and I can even get fish for the same price as tilapia in some places.

>> No.6604934

I love these..how bad are they?

>> No.6605031
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Just dropping by to say that I tried this and it's delicious, thanks

>> No.6605042

>open can of sardines in tomato sauce
>empty into some wholemeal tortilla
>toast in oven
Arguably the best taste:effort ratio out of any meal

>> No.6606921

Picked up a can of season brand sardines in olive oil today, really good! I'll pick up some more tomorrow.

>> No.6606924

It does yes, some more than others, depends on the size if the fish. These were crunchy like a saltine.

>> No.6606931

What brand is this, Anon?

>> No.6607032

Looking up sardines cuz this thread, ran across a sardine blog. Mouth full of sardines. I thought I liked sardines, this guy is a sardine junkie!

>> No.6607035

Sainsbury's Portuguese sardines in water
I can't find any of these fancy brands, only these and John West skinless/boneless
Any britfags wish to drop me some guidance?

>> No.6607071
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I like king oscar mediterranean flavor the best.
>extra virgin olive oil, herbs of provence, red bell pepper, black olives

>> No.6607078

I just bought a tin of these yesterday. Any recommendation on how to eat them? Im still a sardine noob.

>> No.6607098

no I'm retarded I just eat them out of the can, I can't imagine they would be terrible with some of the recommendations in this thread though.

>> No.6607117

Straight from the tin with crackers

>> No.6608569

I had this one bookmark for a blogspot about sardine reviews,anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6608576


That's the one, thanks.

>> No.6608606

>TFW fam took your baking dish and now you can't make your usual Friday fisherman's eggs.

>> No.6609290
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>> No.6609296

I have a can of sardines I bought a week ago, but I'm afraid they'll still have their heads when I open them.

>> No.6609313


take the little fishies and cut the heads off then.

>> No.6609324

It doesn't say on the tin?

In any case, if they aren't beheaded, just do what the other anon said. Snip off the bits you don't like, or mix them up in something else so you don't see them.

>> No.6609337

You don't understand, I have a complex about fish with heads.

They're Beach Cliff, do those have heads?

>> No.6609360

are these regular or packed in a sauce?

>> No.6609361

no heads on those
beware of egg sacs tho

>> No.6609367


>> No.6609942

There are no longer any sardines in a tin with their heads on them.

>> No.6610007
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>> No.6610048

I know you're just ironic shitposting, but I want to point out that Lobster used to be poor people food.