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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6595341 No.6595341 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to be that guy who comes to someone else's board and asks for help, but I have a problem that's not very common. As a child, I was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder. tl;dr: I'm sensitive to taste and other senses. Now that I'm out of the house during school and mostly responsible for myself, I'd like to learn how to cook my own meals (instead of microwaving, eating frozen food, etc.). The big problem is that I'd like to introduce new and healthier foods into my diet, but gag uncontrollably when food has too complex a texture or flavor. The only way around this is to force myself to eat something privately for a while to get used to it. It's much easier to do with foods that are relatively homogeneous in texture and flavor. For example, I am fine with most meats, potatoes, bread, green beans, and other relatively "plain" foods. What foods would you recommend I try adding to my diet to help overcome these issues?

>> No.6595356

It's cool that you have a made up disorder to explain why you have the palate of a child, but I recommend suicide.

>> No.6595361
File: 16 KB, 400x400, MGTOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sensory processing disorder
when I was a kid we just called that gay

>> No.6595364

Try British cuisine, its pretty flavorless.

>> No.6595367

Guess I shouldn't have assumed /ck/ wouldn't be as awful as the rest of 4chan.

>> No.6595381

You just have shit taste, don't try to pretend it's a disorder. You are simply a fucking faggot.

>> No.6595392

Okay guy.

>> No.6595396
File: 101 KB, 709x400, 1430369954903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try making this, OP.

>> No.6595400

could you try something like partially blended soups e.g. mild chowders to work your way up to a more complex texture and flavor? maybe also like tomato soup -> mild blended gazpacho -> less blended gazpacho with more flavorful ingredients

and hey maybe it's bs but whatever i'll treat it as a /ck/ brain exercise

>> No.6595401
File: 256 KB, 897x957, scramwraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you handle wraps and scrambled egg?
Try this if you can, and even add a little hot sauce.

>> No.6595404

guaranteed thread derailment.jpg

>> No.6595412

>Can you handle wraps and scrambled egg?
Yeah, that's fine. I actually really like peppers and hot sauce too, so.

That sounds like a good idea, anon. I'll look into it. Thanks. And regardless of whether my particular diagnosis is bullshit, I need to get new food into my diet.

>> No.6595440

idk i've watched enough picky eater threads to know aversions to certain or new foods is a real thing and growing out of that is a big deal. a guy i have worked with for almost 3 years now was picky as fuck when he first got hired and now he comes to me and brags whenever he tries something new and fancy. if you can learn to overcome your issues you will be doing yourself a great service.

if you find you are interested in making your own soups/chowders and shit i recommend an immersion blender because they're neat

as far as anything else i would just look for foods you are already comfortable with and then ways to creatively modify them, adding more ingredients or perhaps preparing them in a different method that yields a slightly different texture. your examples of meat, potatoes, and bread all fall into that.

>> No.6595463

Thanks for the help anon. Took a screenshot of this for future reference. Maybe I can get started tomorrow.

>> No.6595470

It''s summer. Nowhere is safe.

>> No.6595506

Have you tried a tomato OP?

>> No.6595515

Does anyone have a gif of that woman who only ever eats cheesy fries? Where she tries to put a carrot or something in her mouth and starts retching, then bursts into tears?

It's funny and I lost it.

>> No.6595548
File: 51 KB, 500x612, 1433999166716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, assholes aside, I feel you on this. My kid is autistic, and she can't handle too many flavors at once, or too many textures, so we have to work at it. I'm not so sure where your issues lie, but, I'll offer what I can.

Making homemade soups is pretty damn easy, so I'd say start there. Make broths with the meat and bones of your choosing, add mild spices - sourness and heat are two thing you want in you diet, so try to incorporate those somehow? Arab/Indian cooking might be a thing to look into - and make a LOT of it. Freeze what you don't eat for the day. Add breads with spiced/things baked into them, like cheese or red peppers (good as FUCK, ngl) and grilled chicken. Makes an alright dinner, but it is bland - though, y'know. That's sorta what you're going for. From then on, just graduate yourself with a little more spice and texture as you go.

>> No.6595556

I'm so fucking glad you're trying to get past it OP

I have a friend with the same problem who made zero effort and is in his thirties and only eats pizza and hot dogs, nothing else

good for you for working on it

>> No.6595807

Hey Op! I have sensory integration disorder. I too get easily overwhelmed by too much stimulation. For me, I am set off by movement, lights, and loud sounds. My balance is also effected. This makes walking around in an urban downtown area a dizzy Adair for me. I actually use a mobility dog when I am in such situations.
I also love strong favors, but I can't stand them for more than a few seconds.

>> No.6595820

This is probably one of the nicest, most productive threads on this fucking board, second to the canning thread.

>> No.6596071
File: 111 KB, 625x469, 20100318-dt-jacques-pepin-quick-roasted-chicken-thumb-625xauto-79470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make chicken that's mild and also subtly complex there's this recipe you can make in a toaster oven, if it's large enough.


Learn to spatchcock and you have instant oven roast chicken whenever you want.

>> No.6596087


You might want to consider that this board has the highest percentage of alcoholics of anywhere on the site. Dude is probably just drunk.

>> No.6596095


These are the sounds I made imagining tasting that.


>> No.6596101

Eat your salad like a big boy, throw some jalapenos on there.

>> No.6596104


Drunk is the ephemeris of stupid.

>> No.6597376

Thanks for the response.

Lights and sounds do it for me too. Thankfully my balance doesn't seem to be effected very much, but I know the feeling.

I would like to, but when I say uncontrollable gagging I mean uncontrollable gagging. Not "oh, I don't like this so I'm just going to avoid it."

>> No.6597399

This is the first time I have run into someone else with SID (or similar) on 4chan.

>> No.6597405

Me too actually. It was a lot worse when I was a kid, and I've gotten a lot better about a lot of things, but I still have one hell of a time with loud, bright, or fast-paced environments. Also when people decide to touch me without any warning and other miscellaneous things.

>> No.6597406

that looks fucking horrible

>> No.6597409

I also have an exaggerated startle response.

>> No.6597413
File: 1.07 MB, 200x154, zzfinalforms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder.

me too
click on picture

>> No.6597414

How are you with humidity/heat?

>> No.6597431

Yeah, I don't want to live like that. I may never be a very adventurous eater, but I can at least put in the work to make sure there's enough variety for my diet to be normal and healthy.

>> No.6597435

What are autistic girls like?

>> No.6597592


my son has this. he only likes plain foods. hates shit with a sauce or mixed up shit.

just eat your food in separate courses and don't put it all on the same plate if you can.

steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli, all separate, go

tfw you will never be a foodie but ironically you probably have amazing taste buds.

>> No.6597724

I don't have problems with heat/humidity, but I cannot stand cold air at all. In the summer I am often forced to carry a light jacket with me to the grocery, restaurants and movie theaters. It isn't just a mild discomfort, my skin gets painful.

I can't stand for my food to touch corn or green beans, so I usually put them in a small bowl on my plate. I only do this at home, I know it makes me look like a weirdo.

>> No.6598056

>tfw you will never be a foodie but ironically you probably have amazing taste buds.
My family used to poke fun at me for noticing small differences in the flavor of food, so I might.

I'm the opposite. I absolutely cannot stand heat/humidity. It's extremely uncomfortable. I absolutely love winter. No matter how cold it gets it never seems to bother me.

>> No.6599411

>For example, I am fine with most meats, potatoes, bread, green beans
>relatively "plain" foods
Nah, you're just a picky faggot.

>> No.6599423

>diagnosed with sensory processing disorder. tl;dr: I'm sensitive to taste and other senses
>relatively "plain" foods
>I actually really like peppers and hot sauce too
So what the fuck is "plain" in your book?

>> No.6599428

>being a picky faggot is a real thing and getting over it and growing up is a big deal

>> No.6599430

Maybe op has autism? They should see a professional.

>> No.6599442

I don't know what to tell you. While I've never heard of sensory processing disorder I recognize a fussy eater when I see one. Half of the people on my mother's side of the family are like you - they like totally Plain Jane foods. My mom was a senior citizen before she came around on things like eggplant and cumin. She still doesn't like foods with sauces. My grandfather, uncle, cousin and niece all have/had an aversion to onions. My brother didn't eat any green vegetables until he was in his 20's.

I wish you luck on trying to adjust your taste toward eating more than just meat, potatoes and plain vegetable side dishes. Knowing a bunch of people with similar shitty taste all I can say is put the time in. My brother managed to get over this kind of shit, but it took him years.

>> No.6599443

Another person with related issues here, I have trouble with heat and passing out as a result and light/sound sensitivity along with other problems.
If you notice an exacerbation of your symptoms when you sit/stand up then you should look into orthestatic intolerance disorders.

>> No.6599486


>I was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder
>gag uncontrollably when food has too complex a texture or flavor

So basically that's like autism in overdrive right?

>> No.6599520

Sensory integration disorders are often found in people on the autism spectrum. Basically your brain is magnifying the things your body is processing, and gets overwhelmed. Anxiety, dizziness, panic are often side effects of an overwelmed brain.
SID is a neurological disorder. It is not a psychiatric disorder.