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6592541 No.6592541 [Reply] [Original]

Lobster rolls are stupid

It's just lobster and mayo in a bun, it costs $9 and you could get a whole damn lobster for a little more cash. Fuck lobster rolls.

>> No.6592547


>> No.6592548

kinda agree its better just to get some lobster and dip it in butter mmmmmmmmm

>> No.6592558

wait so that sauce is just mayo? Looks like I saved me some money then

>> No.6592604

So buy a lobster and make your own if you're such a whiny poorfag, the idea is just to feature the meat and there are variations or warm/cold, toasted bun or not, mayo/brown butter.

Yeah it's basically just to hold the meat together instead of being it's own thing and so good rolls are dressed JUST enough.

>> No.6593850

Lobster in a roll is for plebs. I have my lobster thermidor, americaine, normande, etc...

>> No.6593971

flyover detected

>> No.6593998


had one on the ocean in Maine
over fucking rated

>> No.6593999

had one in socal from a food truck and it was still 9$

tasted like shit

>> No.6594007

The only place I can get them sells 2 + a side of fries for $20. Feelsbadman. Theyre such amazing fucking lobster rolls, but I have an issue with spending a Jackson on lunch.

>> No.6594025

Holy shit have none of you ever been to Cape Cod Massachusetts?

For fucks sake, a lobster roll done shitty has a few chucks of lobster with mayo on a hot dog roll, sure and HURR DURR tourists food is going to get overpriced, especially the shitty stuff 'cuz they can't ever sell enough of it. And you lot are dumb enough to buy it.

a REAL New England lobster roll has a toasted bun and tons of lobster meat with at >2 obvious claw chunks of meat. Also, very slight on the mayo, maybe just butter dipped and served with a lemon wedge.
It's delicious and well worth your money.
It's especially popular with fuckwits who can't crack their own lobster (tourists, and old folks with arthritis)

>> No.6594031

Dude you pay >9 bucks for a lobster?
I'm not saying buy them out of season, but in the summer lobster here are sold ~3.99lb and the best size to get is 1-1.5lbs

>> No.6594035

A lobster roll is just a quick way to enjoy already shelled lobster. It's the equivalent of a crab cake.

The bun is supposed to be crispy griddled sides (buttered). Though tail is used quite frequently to appear that it adds value to the consumer, it's really best when it's claw and other pickings, just lightly dressed with butter and a tiny amount of mayo (a fresh mayo has tangy lemon). A hint of chives or parsley is common on top. It's like chicken salad on bread! Big deal. Dunno why all the hate. It can take a good hour to pick out a whole lobster, stopping to dip bites. While walking around a downtown or getting a business lunch done, you simply don't have the time.
$9 seems too cheap. I bet it's kind of frozen unfresh lobster, or some other corner cut.

>> No.6594039

>lobster roll
>just lobster and mayo

Lobster rolls don't have mayo. Just drawn butter. Lemon juice, celery salt, and/or pepper are optional.

>> No.6594042

Mine are better than anything yoube had, trust me. But they are expensive.

>> No.6594044

That's just a lobster sandwich. Lobster rolls have mayo by all accounts.

>> No.6594048

>live in Maine
>lobster rolls as common as hot dogs
>only drawn butter

>some flyover-stater tells me that lobster rolls have mayo now.

OK, well I guess you've got a point.

>> No.6594056


A lobster roll is thus:
a 1/4lb of new shell lobster with at least one claw's worth of meat on a buttered, toasted split-top roll topped with salt and pepper.
It is served with potato chips, a pickle, and a lemon wedge.

If you get anything else (like mayonnaise, celery, scallions, etc) you are just eating something mixed into to lobster to cover up the fact that it's not sweet new shell lobster meat, and of course, to stretch it out.

You might as well have shrimp or imitation crab meat mixed in.

>> No.6594060

I think this butter vs mayo debate has to do with the freshness. Hot lobster out of a steamer will melt mayo, and is also hard to pick. But, the freshness and purity of "wow look how much fresh lobster in crammed in this roll!" abundance helps a restaurant. Whatever the chef wants to portray, a thermidor in a sandwich, or cold lobster with mayo. Or both! It's preference.

>> No.6594117

>tasteless peasant food

>> No.6594124


This. Lobster is fucking terrible. No flavor at all and people just drench it in butter to taste anything. You know what else people drench in butter because it doesn't have any taste? Fucking popcorn. And you don't spend $22/lb on it either.

I'd rather eat shrimp, at least that has a little bit of flavor to it.

>> No.6594160


Let me guess, youre a lower to middle class (most likely lower class) american living in a flyover state.

>> No.6594473

>$9 seems too cheap. I bet it's kind of frozen unfresh lobster, or some other corner cut.
Going by >>6593999 it may have been spiny/rock lobster.

>> No.6594498
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He probably means European "shrimp" from the North Sea. They are small and full of flavor compared to other shrimps.

Ugly little buggers, but taste great.

>> No.6594513

>by all accounts
There are regional variations and personal preferences.

I'm in maine too and there are definitely rolls with mayo but it tends to be more the cheaper more tourist-y places so they can bulk up less meat and mask shit quality like fucking mcdonalds.

Fresh cut and cooked fries can also be substituted for chips and salt and pepper is often an add-your-own thing and I've heard of some liking celery salt though some purists swear it off.

>> No.6594514


>> No.6594601
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>$9 for a fucking lobster roll
Holy fuck really? I went to Boston last year, went to some little fish shack type place, got two amazing lobster rolls and some fries and 2 beers for less than $20. Pretty much what >>6594025 described. Toasted bun, one was a cold lobster with a small amount of mayo and celery seed, the other was warm lobster with butter.
The place also sold live lobsters for like $7/lb.

>tfw I live in Michigan and lobster here is like $12-$14/lb
>even if any restaurant around here had a lobster roll it'd probably actually be $9

>> No.6594649
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Lobsters are are stupid to begin with

They are just Crayfish with gigantism.

Just make a sandwich with crayfish for cuss's sake, or shrimp or crabstick while we're at it.

>> No.6594686


Thanks, Billyted-ray-bob.

>> No.6594696

Are you cussing me? Cuss you!

>> No.6594698

I'm Norwegian.

>> No.6595040

Kinda similar, I unfortunately bought a crab roll for 28 dollars. Never again.

>> No.6595047

>a REAL New England lobster roll

No true Scotsman.

>> No.6595077

Okay, but anyone who knows seafood knows that, with very few exceptions, fresher and simpler is better. People can argue back and forth about what a "true" lobster roll is but at the end of the day, who can argue that the best preparation isn't with the freshest lobster, lightly dressed, and allowed to stand on its own?

>> No.6595086
File: 13 KB, 350x262, Whats_Your_Major_Malfunction..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You come across as a whiny fagit. If you don't like it, don't eat it.
What's your major malfunction?

>> No.6595095

In my experience, lobster rolls are smart.

>> No.6595102

While technically somewhat of a "no true Scotsman", the intent of the poster to distinguish good lobster roll from shitty varieties is pretty clear. Unless your position is that there is no qualitative difference between a well made lobster roll and a poorly made one, the sort of fallacy is irrelevant.

>> No.6595131

except you literally don't

>> No.6595192

Maybe OP should have written it that way in the first place. Fuck all, I'm not wearing my nigger decoder ring.

>> No.6595199
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>Fuck all, I'm not wearing my nigger decoder ring.
They make those?!

>> No.6595210

Hell yeah, given the way these niggers in the USA speak if one can call that language, a decoder ring is necessary sometimes to know what the fuck their on about.

>> No.6595689

Christ, you're still here? Asshole.