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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 174 KB, 500x375, rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590951 No.6590951 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ck/

I just shot, cleaned and quartered my first rabbit, and was planning to have it for lunch tomorrow. Any tips for how I should cook it?

>> No.6590957
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>> No.6590969

It's high-muscle, to-bone game.

I would roast it with rosemary and sea salt with red potatoes within the carcass.

Watership down up in this bitch. Do the vegans really want to know what rabbits do to each other?

>> No.6590970

Eh, I shot it in the neck and broke it's spine. It probably didn't feel a damn thing.

>> No.6590972

It's already been quartered, so I can't do that.

Also, I should've mentioned. It's a young'un, so it's much smaller and pretty damn tender, if that makes a difference.

>> No.6590975

Braised in beer with onions and garlic

>> No.6590982

Just grill it with garlic and salt then, you cunt.

In the Northwest we hate both sides of the civil war equally.

Twat waffle.

>> No.6590985

I'm in AZ though, we didn't participate

>> No.6590992

and also thanks, that sounds good

>> No.6590994


How have you not cooked it then? I'd be dead with that heat.

>> No.6591001

Sun was going down when we got it. We had some ice blocks in a cooler to shoot at to see if they were good examples for a hunter safety course. Also, I'm up in the mountains, so it isn't nearly as bad. Really, the whole thing was lucky. We were just up there to shoot potatoes and shit.

>> No.6591004

lots of quinky sauce

>> No.6591006

I used to have this one wabbit recipe that used a honey and curry powder mixture.

>> No.6591008


It's all fun and games until you get a city permit. Then you have to pay people with a paramedic. I did it for free but fuck. Stop that shit.

>> No.6591269

Rabbits are friends, not food.

>> No.6591277

They can be both

>> No.6591621

Have fun with your parasites op.
You don't hunt rabbits in the summer, they are riddled with worms.
You just killed a rabbit for no reason.

>> No.6591743

smoke it

game meat usually doesn't take well to fast cooking.

>> No.6591773


Rabbit stew is the tits

>> No.6591964

Forgot about that rule. Fuck. If I cook it through well enough, the parasites will die, won't they? I don't like to waste meat.

>> No.6591971
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>> No.6591972

Does it help that I'm at over a mile above sea level?

>> No.6591973
File: 47 KB, 460x276, 54dd422cd6244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe this?

>> No.6591975

Yep. And I don't care. Rabbits are prey animals. I'd feel worse if I killed it without planning to eat it.

>> No.6591977

Man, cooking baby rabbit meat enough to kill the parasites is as wasteful as throwing it out. Maybe just deep fry it.

>> No.6591985
File: 33 KB, 443x325, dog-laughing-from-Laugh-It-Out-with-Luisa-Thwaites-443x325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a prey animal for worms, bacteria, viri, small paarasites, mosquitos. What does that make you?

>> No.6591987

A longer-lived food source. One that doesn't try to run directly under cars, like some rabbits I've seen.

>> No.6591991

Goddamn that looks good.

>> No.6591993
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He does believe the crap he's spewing.

>> No.6592014

Nah, the intestines didn't break or anything. All the crap stayed in.

>> No.6592027

Who cares? Do you believe the beef in the grocery store had a better life? Unless you've only bough 100% free range for your entire life, you cant say shit.

>> No.6592030

goes great in a sauce like a ragu or tapenade even

>> No.6592032

Even free range go through some pretty grusome shit. for us vegan fags, at least.

>> No.6592040

So then quit bitchin

>> No.6592087

You would have to cook it so long it would become inedible. Ad do you really want to eat wormy meat?
No. Do you think animals that live at high elevation don't get parasites?

>> No.6592092


Why would you, as a vegan, come into a thread about cooking game meat?

>> No.6592153

No, but there aren't any ticks up here due to the elevation and lack of humidity. Doesn't matter anyway. Braising it now and taking my chances.

>> No.6592155

If OP actually checks the meat and there's nothing there, then it'll probably be perfectly safe as a stew or some shit.

>> No.6592181

That's literally not what prey means.

>> No.6592205

i believe the word you're looking for is host

we are hosts for parasites


>> No.6592258

I live at high elevation as well. I also live in a dry place without tics. That doesn't mean your rabbit isn't full of worms.
Post pics of the rabbit cooking, because this thread is starting to stink of troll.

>> No.6592321
File: 2.76 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20150613_141152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished braising it. Ate one of the legs. I wasn't trying to troll. I don't frequent /ck/ and didn't realize that some faggots would get up in arms about this.

>> No.6592332

you can make soup

>> No.6592340

Just the vegan faggots. Ignore them. How was the rabbit? I usually go for fried, but I also live in the Midwest. I had a bunch of grilled rabbit when I traveled in Spain that tasted great.

>> No.6592347
File: 19 KB, 630x420, 3945685173_69a4c2c2fa_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make this

>> No.6592348

It tastes like really tender, gamey chicken. It's really good. Thanks for the advice, people that didn't come here to try to shame me

>> No.6592349

>mile above sea level in AZ mountains
Lucky fucker.

>> No.6592358

Roast it wrapped in bacon, with a dusting of herbs and oil. Use a bit of extra liquid as they have no fat and dry out easy. About 1.5 hours at 120°C.

Congratulations on your first kill mate.

>> No.6592366

>didn't realize that some faggots would get up in arms about this.
I think that in general those that visit /ck/ regularly respect the animals that end up being their food. Yes, there is that vocal minority that always trolls everyone else by taking about how inhumane slaughter is best, or suffering makes the meat tender, or animals have no feelings. But most of us respect meat animals.
You shot a rabbit on inpulse, and didn't know what to do with it. That can and will be interpreted as a disrespectful thing to do.
I'm not saying I personally think what you did was disrespectful (ok, a little bit), but that's how people will take it.

I still wouldn't eat that. You're going to get worms.

>> No.6592386


I didn't think it was disrespectful or really on impulse. We went to where we usually go to shoot targets, knowing that the place had a lot of rabbits and that if we saw one, we would go for it. I wanted to make sure not to waste any meat, because I feel that that -would- be disrespectful. Sorry if it came off otherwise.

Also. I've already had some of it, so I guess I'll just hope for the best.