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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 708 KB, 2560x1920, CAM02649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590185 No.6590185 [Reply] [Original]

Foods you are ashamed of enjoying.

>> No.6590205
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>> No.6590239

My boyfriend and I just brought easy cheese with us camping a couple weeks ago, neither of us had had it since we were little. It is holy shit amazing, when we came home the remaining (most of the can) was gone in 1 day. We spent the next 2 days on the toilet. Never again.

>> No.6590246

but it is so sweet and carbonated and cold

>> No.6590255 [DELETED] 

>My boyfriend and I
fuck you. you could have made the story solely about yourself. I don't care that you are in a relationship you fucking ugly bitch.

>> No.6590263

Tuna and ketchup. Like literally just putting a heap of ketchup into a can of tuna and eat it with a fork. I used to eat it a lot when my budget was tight when I was studying and I still eat it to this day if I just want to have something quick to eat.

>> No.6590271

Part of the story was that it made both of us sick. Sorry that no one loves you, dipshit.

>> No.6590274
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>being this bitter and autistic

>> No.6590287

It would have been the same story with the same emotional impact. fuck you.
> I brought easy cheese camping a couple weeks ago, I hadn't had it since I was little. It is holy shit amazing, when I came home the remaining (most of the can) was gone in 1 day. I spent the next 2 days on the toilet. Never again.

>> No.6590293

I'm sure you would have had the same reaction if she had said "my family" or "my friend"

>> No.6590295

2 people ate it and 2 people got sick, that was the story. I'm not going to walk on eggshells around sensitive little pussies like you that can't handle hearing about anyone being in a relationship because you're a fat, sad virgin. Go fuck your waifu pillow instead of being a jealous little bitch.

>> No.6590301

Yeah bitches just look for attention.

>> No.6590311

We're in our 30's with kids. Seeking attention for being in a relationship in your 30's in not a thing. lol

>> No.6590317

>being in your 30's and on 4chan
I have nothing else to say.

>> No.6590321

>being in your 40s and a bitter virgin faggot

>> No.6590329

Oh, I'm sorry. Point me in the direction of a more age appropriate food thread and I'll try to click the link without triggering my arthritis or breaking a hip.

>> No.6590334

yes I would have. Why involve more than one person in a story if the same thing happened to each of you after doing the same thing? It is not entertaining, just fucking annoying.
my waifu pillow? why the hell would I be jealous of you having a relationship. I am an anon. I am not anyone related to you, or anyone you know, or anyone who has to listen to in order to pass the time or sell shit to you. I don't give a fuck about you. telling little details about yourself in a story does not make me like you in any way.

>> No.6590342

What am I some sort of Catholic heathen?

>> No.6590351

how is this an insult sans the bitter part?
are you really trying to make an argument by exaggerating the statements of others?
I beg of you, just stop breeding?

>> No.6590353

Good thing I wasn't telling the story in the simplest way (how it really happened) to get you to like me. Why would I think that that would trigger any kind of sympathy? Tons of people are in relationships. I'm not pissed when someone brings up their wife or husband even though I'm not married. Grow the fuck up, this is the way people talk in real life. No one's going to leave their wife out of a conversation because it triggers you.

>> No.6590362

Yeah right. "I went camping with my friends" would have completely gone under your radar because it wouldn't trigger your self-pity. Are you seriously suggesting that people not mention the groups they're in if they're at the same event? It's not like mentioning a random detail of the environment.

>> No.6590366

How is a 40 year old virgin faggot an insult? Oh, you're retarded. My bad.

>> No.6590370

>why should I be insulted for being me?

Keep living the dream, bud

>> No.6590371

Well that's another thread ruined by an attention seeking cunt.

>> No.6590375
File: 169 KB, 1010x1036, 1324297526948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some grade A faggotry going on in this thread.

>> No.6590377

I can't wait until you go to a party and some chick tells a story about something her and her husband did and you get up and yell "PARTY OVER, THIS ATTENTION SEEKING CUNT RUINED IT."

>> No.6590380

"I drove to work" -> Fucking faggot driver corporate whore, probably sucks off bloody hobo dicks in the park

>> No.6590382
File: 122 KB, 772x654, 1372485240348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we get it, you have a hole between your legs. I'm sure you're very proud of your achievement.

>> No.6590388

Oh my, you were born without a butthole? No wonder you're so full of shit.

>> No.6590391
File: 173 KB, 425x284, lbP4iQj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590392

Nah skip, I was just scrolling through /ck/ and was about to make fun of you Ameriblobs for your shitty "cheese" and then I saw you trying to wave your cunt around for attention.

You're pathetic.

>> No.6590395

I could've been a gay dude. I don't know why you're so focused on the vagina in my story when I didn't put it in there.

>> No.6590396

people mentioning the groups they're in does not equal a random detail of the environment.
If you were telling it like it happened then you would have only told about what happened to you.
>treating virgin and retard as an insult
sure is summer in here
putting words in my mouth.
sure is summer in here
What the fuck are you talking about? Your statement does not make any sense?

>> No.6590399

That was the exact quality of banter as I would expect from an American.

PS stealing and fucking up a Katy Hopkins insult is pretty sad for a woman of your age.

>> No.6590401

same cunt

>> No.6590404 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 447x495, Really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590407

You know what's weird is that I saw a post a few days ago about a dude wanting to cook something for his girlfriend and no one said anything. He could've just said he wanted to cook but he had to go waving his fucking penis in everyone's face, right?

>> No.6590409

Oh I knew that, but pointing it out seemed a little cruel, hell, just look at all of the masturbatory replies to her posts, she is samefagging like fuck, but that is irrelevant.

>> No.6590410

You're embarrassing yourself with this autistic hissy fit of yours. You act like you don't care about what some "fat, sad virgin" thinks of you on the internet but then you proceed to post stupid shit like this which makes you seem like you care immensely about what people think of you.

>> No.6590412

lol, no actually. And I'm american but I have no idea if the other poster is. Do you assume everyone except you is american?

>> No.6590414

Except you did shove your cunt in the thread by admitting it after being called out by the earlier guy.

Nobody gives a single fuck, but this thread is probably just what you wanted by attention seeking in the first place.

>> No.6590415
File: 461 KB, 900x675, 1408674449937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this faggotry
>from both people

>> No.6590421

I didn't respond with my gender, I said my age and that nobody looks for attention when they're in a relationship in their 30s. And no, I'm getting no enjoyment out of jealous little virgins that can't handle anyone speaking like an adult because it fills them with rage.

>> No.6590425

>people mentioning the groups they're in does not equal a random detail of the environment.

No shit that's the point. Get your mammy to read the sentences to you and you'll understand.


Traffic to 4chan barely changes in the summer

>> No.6590431

I don't think you understand how things work here. If you want to be an attention whore then stick to your containment board.

>> No.6590432
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>being this assblasted


>> No.6590433

>in her 30's
>has kids
>posts on 4chan
>eats easy cheese
>retorts to calling the rational posters "stupid yurotards"
As a true American (wealthy, white, educated) I apologize for this thread.

>> No.6590434

You better run and post shit on the thread about the dude's gf making him egg salad sandwiches. What an attention seeking piece of shit.

>> No.6590435

She said she used spray cheese, she is American.

>> No.6590436

>I trawl slow 4chan board to shitpost
>you are the pathetic ones

>> No.6590438

yurotards... Where? You take healthy food camping? Congratulations, that's dumb.

>> No.6590440
File: 37 KB, 506x284, You keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590442

You take unhealthy food camping? Congratulations, that's dumb.

>> No.6590444

Nah, this thread transcends borders. We can all unite in laughing at this attention seeking cunt.

>> No.6590446

Healthy dinners but not healthy snacks. I'm not going to snack on carrots and apples while drunk in the woods.

>> No.6590447

NAh, his woman was has already been called out on her shit cooking ability and poor taste. He has been called out on being a beta bitch that accepts crap because she has a hole between her legs.

>> No.6590448

Sure is samefag in here.

>> No.6590455

>You take healthy food camping? Congratulations, that's dumb.

Must resist posting American bear image.

>> No.6590456
File: 48 KB, 450x450, k2-_a4af3253-2c6f-444a-81c6-dbb1ae7b5a7a.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6590457

trips for truth
unhealthy snacks still equals unhealthy food. Just because you try to offset it by eating what you would consider to be "healthy meals" doesn't mean that you won.

>> No.6590463

I am honestly shocked that processed food has not been banned in america.

McDonalds nuggets and hornel canned chili are my guilty foods

>> No.6590464

I don't eat like that all the time, obviously. Just like I don't drink every day. It's a vacation. That's why I hadn't had easy cheese since I was a kid.

>> No.6590465

Ah yes, the deflection tactic. You were called out on your samefagging and now you are trying to do the same.

How trite. I'll let you in on a little secret, there are enough people on 4chan, the anonymous imageboard, that don't like attention seekers.

>> No.6590468
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>> No.6590469

I won. Fuck. What should I do now?

>> No.6590470

That wasn't me but alright.

>> No.6590474

You know you don't automatically win something by announcing that you win, right?

>> No.6590478

but it is pretty fucking clear that I won though.

>> No.6590483
File: 43 KB, 530x402, super-computer-nerd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I won."

>> No.6590491

you are proving my point.

>> No.6590502

at the end of the day, when this thread expires, I will be able to live a life carefree of the troubles that plague a 30 year old, poor, american woman who has kids with her boyfriend (rather than husband). I will always win.

>> No.6590533

You sound a lot more pathetic than she could ever be, TBH. I don't care who won but everyone that read this stupid fucking thread has lost

>> No.6590540

lulz, at the end of the day you're just a bitter, lonely person that derailed a thread because someone mentioned they were in a relationship. if it were a guy that told a story about him and his girlfriend you would've called them a normalfag and huff about your secret club being ruined.

>> No.6590553

deja vu. the same argument made in this thread over and over.>>6590502 I am right. fuck off.
does that mean that you have lost as well because you posted in this thread?

>> No.6590557

Quality thread

>> No.6590566

You got triggered like a fucking SJW tumblerina--that's nothing to gloat about.

>> No.6590575

I'm none of you faggots but calling out someone using personal information goes against the entire sites anonymity.

>> No.6590582

It's over. I just don't care anymore >>6590502.
this will be my last post.

>> No.6590591

passive aggressive beta hung up his fedora, everybody let the thread die.

>> No.6590600

Underrated post, I hate when b itches do this. Like who gives a Fuck keep that shit to yourself

>> No.6590601

It's the feminists that are the fedoras you retard.

>> No.6590606

Fuck off white knight cuck

>> No.6590632
File: 227 KB, 900x1350, ZR5OlTv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the feminists that are the fedoras you retard.

>> No.6590640

salty postin

>> No.6590644

Oh get fucked, I'm nothing to do with your spergoff, idiots misusing memes triggers me.

>> No.6590660
File: 142 KB, 544x360, dcfrgty-544x360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care that you are in a relationship you fucking ugly bitch.

>> No.6590666


>> No.6590674
File: 344 KB, 720x540, cool_fedora9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh get fucked, I'm nothing to do with your spergoff, idiots misusing memes triggers me.

>> No.6590697


And people wonder why moot couldn't get the fuck away from this site fast enough.

>> No.6591013

The Supreme Gentleman and his autistic army appear to have the upper hand on the Attention Whore and her royal whiteknights.
Will they win the title of Shitpost King?
Find out next time on Autism Wars!

>> No.6591062

OP of that post here.

I'm a guy. I'm gay. What's your fucking problem, Not enough GBP to buy lube for your ona-hole?

>> No.6591077

It's only attentionwhoring if you respond to it. It was an average uninteresting story about shitting, I didn't bat an eye on "my bf" thing. Stop acting like being a woman on the internet is something special, you fucking autists. It might as well be a gay guy. Read it. If it's good, respond, if not, don't. Fucking idiots. Both white knights and fedora tippers.

>> No.6591298

White knights are fedora tippers, you faggot.

>> No.6591301

The better question is why didn't you die earlier in life you attention seeking piece of shit?

>> No.6591303

yeah? well you're a cuck!


>> No.6591304

I always thought "red pilled" wanna be alphas were fedora tippers.

>> No.6591307
File: 101 KB, 596x800, Tips communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fedora tippers are the atheist, feminist lefties.

They are the opposite of the "red pills".

>> No.6591308

'tis a wondrous thing to see, m'lady.

Feminists consider MRAs fedora tippers and MRAs consider white knights fedora tippers. Fact is, nowadays the fedora is anything you want it to be as long as it's worn by someone you hate.

>> No.6591310
File: 2.21 MB, 1296x864, Tips mangina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because the white knights have tried to co-opt the maymay, doesn't change the fact that it was created to mock them.

>> No.6591315

Whatever. Both are fucking faggots.
My initial points was not to take the bait then shit all over eachother.

>> No.6591316


literally nobody knows what the fuck fedora tippers are anymore

>> No.6591319

You guys are sad and pitiful.

>> No.6591323
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>> No.6591325

Actually, I'm pretty sure the feminist usage came first, but I'm not willing to put the research in because I give so little a fuck that I'm practically a virgin.

>> No.6591331

It really didn't. Mocking militant atheists came first and what are militant atheists? Militant lefties and feminists.

Their spirituality was first and it snowballed from there. They got wind of it on reddit and started co-opting the meme.

>> No.6591334

>having a heteronormative worldview
Anon could be a dude, you fucking faggot.

>> No.6591337

Nobody cares about your mental illness, faggot.

>> No.6591339


feminism has literally nothing to do with atheism

>> No.6591342

This was around the time of Atheism+

>> No.6591344

>understanding that people who aren't like me exist is a mental illness
How many buckets of paint chips did you eat as a child?

>> No.6591355

No, being mentally ill makes you mentally ill.

>> No.6591383

You're not very good at trolling, Anon. Step your game up.

>> No.6591391

Ah yes, calling people trolls, the death knell of the defeated retard.

Go back to your containment board, faggot.

>> No.6591396

There is no containment board for intelligent people. It is assumed they will not visit 4chan.

>> No.6591399
File: 86 KB, 1920x1080, #.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the death knell of the defeated retard

>> No.6591406

Your mentally ill containment board, /lgbtqrxtuv/. Go there with the rest of the freaks.

>> No.6591418

You lack suttlety. Trolling is a suttle art.

>> No.6591425

And you are a mentally ill degenerate.

>> No.6591430


>> No.6591451


>> No.6591508
File: 8 KB, 120x119, 3b0947a9c5e49224e44a7ed07e542514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting mad over how someone depicts their story on an image board about food
Yikes Anon. Maybe you should go outside for a change.

>> No.6591556
File: 29 KB, 307x247, 1429749561267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut the fuck up you fucking autistic faggot

>> No.6591587
File: 125 KB, 619x310, 1431202319788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those two words you keep using. I can see you like to mirror yourself in your posts.

>> No.6591678

My sweet lord

>> No.6591726
File: 654 KB, 457x586, 1432365842259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being this mad, about an anime board.
life of a manlet

>> No.6591779


I enjoy every second of the chemical corroding my intestines

>> No.6591806

A-are we still talking about food?
>no? okay...

>> No.6591815

Anything that comes precooked and frozen.

>> No.6592029

My boyfriend and I have been mulling over propagating a meme on /ck/, where my boyfriend and I take every opportunity to insert the phrase my boyfriend and I into each post. I'm going to start now.

>> No.6592165

Wow a lot of autist people with deep relationship issues in this thread, how dare she mentions that, go back to planning your murder rape fantasy if it bothers you that much, seek help

>> No.6592175

>thinks it's a she!

>> No.6592186

Op here again. I sat back drunk at age 33 with 5 kids 2 of which i live with my baby momma and her boyfriend and my hot young
current thai girlfriend and wondered what my life had become eating cheese from a can. I came back to this thread and the posts have reconfirmed my sanity. Thank you all

>> No.6592210

Holy shit what a thread.

So uh. Let's talk this over for a sec.
4chan's dealio, especially with greentext, is to divulge as little information as necessary to get the point across (other than humor which is always fine to leave in). The main objection against somebody mentioning other parties who are not essential to the story is that it removes brevity and feels thoroughly unnecessary. With that said, please don't fedora tip just call people out on writing badly and then go back to jerking it to food porn.

>> No.6592216

btw this was all me

>> No.6592260
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1920, CAM02665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post about being 33 and op was actually me. Dont make me timestamp cheese on my cock

>> No.6592269
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>> No.6592275


Please deliver, op

>> No.6592296

It's not 4chan really, just one butthurt sperglord.

>> No.6592302

Everyone is about to leave the house except my girl and I. Going to see of i cant make a cheese mess on her. I understand pics or didnt happen so I am working on it. Give me an hour please.

>> No.6592304
File: 18 KB, 206x500, 41uM3EJNpIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Energy drinks

I just love the sour bitter taste

>> No.6592331

That would be so fucking great to see at a party tho

>> No.6592342

Samefagging is easy to spot of you keep an eye on the number of posters in the thread.

>> No.6592389

Your a idiot.


>> No.6592467


Literally who?

>> No.6593485

bumping this quality thread

>> No.6594097

You know whose fault all of this really is, right?

The Jews.

>> No.6594138

>your a idiot
No anon, you're an idiot.

>> No.6594194
File: 137 KB, 500x375, db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog biscuits. They look so good, but when I try them they taste like dirt. Yet I keep trying one again and again because they look so freaking good.

>> No.6594361

jesus christ this thread.

someone types out "my boyfriend" and it causes the biggest butthurt ever seen

>> No.6594387

Those are bone shaped sugar cookies. Not dog biscuits. So stop eating dog snacks, and start baking bone shaped sugar cookies.

>> No.6594484
File: 155 KB, 500x375, Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much as the food as my appetite in general.
I like junk food and I can eat for 4 people.

>> No.6594844

The meme was made to mock atheists.

Since red pillers/misogynists/whiteknights are the biggest atheists on the internet by extension it makes fun of them too

>> No.6594881


>> No.6595832

There's some major /r9k/ faggotry going on here

>> No.6595868

Containment thread, natch.

>> No.6596340

sounds nasty.

I like canned tomato fish tho

>> No.6596347

My boyfriend and I brought dog biscuits with us camping a couple of months ago

>> No.6596354 [DELETED] 

post tits



fucking cumslut normie

>> No.6596356 [DELETED] 

post your fucking tits or leave this place forever you fucking cumnigger

>> No.6596357 [DELETED] 

epic post bro xDD fck women !! hahaa :DDXDDD

>> No.6596361 [DELETED] 

reddit niggerlover detected

>> No.6596386 [DELETED] 

Post tits or gtfo

>> No.6596392 [DELETED] 

You guys know you're not on /b/, right? I think you should go to /b/.

>> No.6596395 [DELETED] 

you should go back to reddit you fucking piece of human garbage

I bet you can't even suck dick as good as your lgbt friends you literal nigger

and sucking dick was all that you had going for you since you can't even post on a fucking niche community correctly without being a fucking piece of trash

I hope you get raped

>> No.6596397 [DELETED] 

LOLOLOL good one. I love these summer fags, they're so funny that I literally get a massive erection every time I read one of their hilarious posts.

>> No.6596399 [DELETED] 


please leave forever

>> No.6596405 [DELETED] 

It was parody, dumbo.

>> No.6596547

Oh that fucking video...

>> No.6596669

except you're never going to see critique of this faux pas, since the triggering is not really about writing quality

>> No.6596737

They sell canned sprats in tomato sauce.
It's a god-tier nothing to eat/camping food with boiled/baked potatoes.

>> No.6596759

>SJW trying to push their agenda on 4chan

>> No.6596792

I remember when these came out. They had a bacon version that actually had bacon bits in it, it was fucking delicious.

>> No.6596803

You don't know what SJW is, do you? No SJW would call anyone a faggot, faggot.

>> No.6597890

>My boyfriend


>> No.6597893

I remember it too, MY BOYFRIEND loved it so much i bought a whole bunch for MY BOYFRIEND that MY BOYFRIEND told me he was my BOYFRIEND MY BOYFRIEND MY BOYFRIEND MY BOY FRIEND

>> No.6598912

topkek, why make a big thing about this post? It's a self-fulfilling prophesy, crying about how it always derails a thread if you say the "b-word", whilst derailing the thread yourself

>> No.6598991
File: 2.37 MB, 448x252, 1370616989886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

This is repugnant man, shameful.

>> No.6600519

Hahahahha BTFO

>> No.6600995

did you guys bang while camping?

>> No.6603051

huh? I thought he was saying that he was a gay furry?

>> No.6603276

I just wanted to see guilty pleasures...

>> No.6603661
File: 10 KB, 229x274, 1434092884283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread about shamefur foods gets derailed into the eternal fire because someone said boyfriend


>> No.6603714

Ranch Dipped Hot Wing Doritos for salty/tart and Caramello bars for sweet. It's a shitload of calories, but jesus fuck I love them. The Ritter Sport Yoghurt bars would top the charts over anything, but I have to order those online.