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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6583773 No.6583773 [Reply] [Original]

Why put ketchup on eggs? They don't go well together.

>> No.6583778

yes they do

>> No.6583780

You can put ketchup on almost anything and it'll probably be at least okay.

>> No.6583783

Each to their own.

I didn't think that your mum and my hepatitis would go well together but she seems happy.

>> No.6583784

Because eggs are bitter

>> No.6583785

Fuck no they don't. OP is right. My wife absolutely DROWNS her eggs in ketchup. When I make eggs for breakfast, I honestly don't even bother putting any salt or pepper in hers because she's just going to slather fucking ketchup all over it. How goddamn ungrateful is that?

Fuck. I'm triggered now.

>> No.6583789

Eggs (scrambled at least) taste pretty terrible, it makes sense why you'd use ketchup to cover up the rubbery ballsack taste.

>> No.6583791

must make shitty eggs then. i could please her

>> No.6583794

>I honestly don't even bother wearing sexy lingerie in bed anymore, because my husband is just going to blow his load in 30 seconds anyway. I won't get off. How goddamn ungrateful is that?

>> No.6583797

No they aren't

>> No.6583798

it's a dank meme

>> No.6583799

Heh. But no, she's been doing it her whole life. I guess it's true that you can't change a person by marrying them.

>> No.6583800

I never understood ketchup on eggs, but I must ask:

Is hot sauce on eggs weirder?

Because I like a dab of hot sauce on my scrambled eggs.

>> No.6583802

I wouldn't mind dabbing some hot sauce on your scrambled eggs.

>> No.6583804
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That's why you gotta use some finger action. Pic very related.

>> No.6583807
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Would would you marry someone who puts ketchup on their eggs?

>> No.6583813

All eggs really need is a little salt.

>> No.6583821


Ketchup contains three of the strongest flavors, being sweet, sour, and salty. It's the one condiment that pretty much destroys the flavor of the food you put it on and replaces it with its own.

I use ketchup to make a poor tasting dish tolerable.

>> No.6583847

I knew a britbong who'd put ketchup on fried rice

>> No.6583848

Hot sauce as a breakfast condiment is a real plan.

>> No.6583849

That actually turns out to be a thing. Japs make fried rice with ketchup and ham and then drape a runny omelet over it. I thought it was a joke until I googled it.

>> No.6583859


If your scrambled eggs are rubbery, you're overcooking them. Well made scrambled eggs are delicious.

Make them like this and you shouldn't need any sauce


Also i find adding some basil makes them even tastier

>> No.6583863

>he doesn't make his own ketchup

>> No.6583956
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>but I do

>> No.6584067

you do know different people like different things, right?

>> No.6584069

Yes they do. Eggs are bitter

>> No.6584078

is this a new meme? xD