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File: 17 KB, 300x299, panini press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6581739 No.6581739 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The most useless kitchen tool/appliance you own

>> No.6581748
File: 24 KB, 340x325, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta maker


>> No.6581752
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Garlic Press

>> No.6581753

Does it pack a decent weight? Is it made from cast iron?

>> No.6581758
File: 199 KB, 946x644, honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these more convenient or easier to clean than a spoon?

>> No.6581764
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>> No.6581775


They hold more honey than a teaspoon or tablespoon. Also the round handle makes it easier to spin between your fingers thereby avoiding drips.

Easier to clean? certainly not.

>> No.6581778


Yes it is and does.

Have fun cleaning it though, especially the top part.

>literally have to put it in my sink

>> No.6581795

What the fuck?



>> No.6582334

why ? I always use it when I add garlic to food I'm cooking.

>> No.6582337

the plates don't come off ?

>> No.6582338
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>> No.6582348

those are perfect for grilled cheese sandwiches, but not much else.

>> No.6582354

The sole essence of a great hamburger is not pressing it.

>Hamburger Press


>> No.6582362
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Mini donut maker
Sandwich press that makes triangle halves
Several sushi molds my mom bought and never uses

>> No.6582434

billy mays had never steered me wrong before

>> No.6582438
File: 20 KB, 393x274, egg-muffin-toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually worked pretty well, but its cheap and once it got dirty there was no cleaning it back up.

Its like trying to clean old cheap plastic bowls.

>> No.6582613
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Maybe your spoon isn't big enough

>> No.6583749
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Deep down in me I love it

>> No.6583756
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>> No.6583762

The novelty shape isn't important, but I'd say a wheel cutter like that is actually pretty handy.

>> No.6583769 [DELETED] 

I hate these things.

I just cut or grind my garlic. My gf uses a garlic press and always leaves it around for me to clean up. But I don't. Because I'm not a cuck.

>> No.6583923


I have this shit too man. I should not be allowed on Amazon when I am drunk.

I only use the wee egg pan to cook eggs, make my own sausages and heat the english muffins in the pan with the sausage and bacon. I don't like it too toasted.

>> No.6583930
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I've never used it or had a need to use it but my mom gave it to me as a birthday present and I didn't have the heart to return it

>> No.6583933

nigger, you hatin' on a toaster? In what solar system do you live in where there is no morning?

>> No.6583934

>actually pretty handy

How so? What can it do that you cannot do with a basic chef's knife?

>> No.6583943

why dont people just rinse it off after use? if you do it directly after you dont have to clean shit

>> No.6583949

A fucking garlic press

I got a triangle sandwich press too and it literally saved my ass for months, cannot possibly hate it.

>> No.6583954

Cut pizza.

>> No.6583961

Fuck you man, I love my panini maker

>> No.6583962


Knife works just as well bro

>> No.6584236

fried eggs, creme brulee, dabs?

>> No.6584245

ice cream scooper

>> No.6584276

I hope you don't cut a pizza with a chef knife.
Anyway, that thing is useful if you have to cut quickly a pizza in lots of small pieces
>so never

>> No.6584373
File: 119 KB, 1500x1500, Big-Boss-Juicer-700W-18000-RPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so much easier to just eat fruit or veg, rather than turn it to liquid to drink. On top of that it's a bitch to clean.

>> No.6584528

>fried eggs

For over easy eggs? I'd rather just stick the pan in the toaster oven on broil for 30 seconds but I could see how this would be useful

>creme brulee

Been meaning to make it but just not something I make often or for myself


Live in a southern state

>> No.6584548

You've never tried to cut a pizza in your life. Go on, try it. Go get a frozen pizza, cook it up till it's nice and hot, then try to cut all that gooey cheese with a knife. It doesn't fucking work, all the toppings slide off. You need a wheel cutter.

>> No.6584602
File: 33 KB, 700x352, really faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6584622
File: 34 KB, 500x332, 20110211-singas-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I do it quite often. You just have no idea how to use a knife properly. Of course you don't drag it along the cut, that would make the cheese, etc, slide off. Instead you rock the knife. Because you are only pressing down and not sideways none of the toppings are disturbed. They even make special tools for this for use in pizzerias but an ordinary knife works fine assuming your pizza is not enormous.

You don't need a wheel cutter, you just need knife skills.

>> No.6584626

Every pizza restaurant on the planet uses knives.

>> No.6584656

My wife.

>> No.6584683
File: 56 KB, 350x263, LamsonRockerKnife350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a really tiny pizza. All the pizzas I make are twice that size if not bigger. They're hardly "enormous", but they're all larger than the biggest knife I have (except maybe my bread knife, which obviously won't work). Making multiple cuts with a chef's knife is just going to get messy.

And I've seen those "special tools" you're talking about. They're curved like, GUESS WHAT, a wheel. The wheel cutter is just a smaller version of the rocker, and is much easier to use than a chef's knife, which isn't as curved.

>> No.6584697

Good to know that there are no kitchen knives that are curved "like a wheel"

>> No.6584722

My mom gave me a shaved ice maker when I moved out. After 3 years I tried to use it once and the thing broke in half. It was a total piece of shit

>> No.6584725

>not loving panini toasters

Hey screw you.

Most useless purchase was a mandolin. Never used it once.

>> No.6584726

you are supposed to leave it in the jar
the jar must be big enough to fit that shit

>> No.6584731
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>> No.6584733
File: 123 KB, 954x578, cuisinart-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get something as a gift and it's a piece of shit

My aunt gave me a Cuisinart food processor and it sucks ass. I tried making hummus in it. The hummus kept forming into a lump that the blades couldn't reach. I mostly used the "chop" button. When I tried to use the "grind" one, which turns the blades in a different direction, the cup came flying off the base. That was the first time I used it, and I haven't used it since.

Pic related, I have the green one.

>> No.6584737

But you can use a mandolin to make some dank ass homemade potato chips

Once I slice part of my thumb of with my mandolin
Everytime I told someone how I injured myself they always ask if they could hear me play once my thumb was healed because they all assumed I must have been doing some insane finger picking.

>> No.6584739

I have one (the green one aswell), I only use it to chop nuts
The handle physically broke off the cup, I messaged cuisinart and got a new one shipped pretty quickly.

I only bought it because it was on clearance at the grocery store, it had the wrong tag on it so I paid 3.99$ for it

>> No.6584742
File: 24 KB, 400x397, 5069d6f5dbd0cb3071000ac9._w.1500_s.fit_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf's mom bought this and gave it to us. garlic crusher unitasker

it's hard to clean and completely impractical

>> No.6584978

Nothing a pair of kitchen scissors (which actually are multi-purpose, unlike that wheel thing) can't do.

>> No.6585085

Panini presses are like improved george foreman grills. Sometimes I just want a quick burger or some grilled chicken, or I want to toast a sandwich, reheat some leftover pizza

It's one of the items that I will certainly buy again when I move into a house of my own

>> No.6585091

But they're not generally on an incline and the grease therefore doesn't pour out.
And they cost a helluva fucktonne more.

What's the improvement?

>> No.6585097

Floating hinge means equal pressure on all side of the item and no uneven cooking
I've never much had a problem with pooling grease, but you could prop it up at an angle to get the grease to run down I suppose. As I've said, a non-issue for me

Plus, it's heavier duty than a george foreman, leading to better cooking results. Also, since it's a meme cooking appliance, it's usually on deep discout on Black Friday or other commercial holidays

>> No.6585104

Keedoke. I've never used either, mind, and couldn't see what the improvement might have been, but you explained a few (floating hinge, heavy duty).
Also, as >>6582337 implies, I'm guessing some models have removable cooksurfaces for easy cleaning? That'd be another improvement.

>> No.6585157

probably can use that to sear certain things, i mean some sushi places do that to certain nigiri or something

>> No.6585163

>the grease therefore doesn't pour out.

Plenty of grease pours out. The whole "it knocks out the fat" from the foreman grill's ads is nothing more than marketing BS.

Cook something fatty like bacon on a plain fat pan. The fat still runs out.

>have removable cooksurfaces for easy cleaning
You mean like an ordinary frying pan? Yeah, those are very easy to clean. And you can use them for a lot more than a foreman or panini press.

>> No.6585224

That's nice, but nobody cares about what comes out of your Alton-sucking unitasker-shaming facehole, Anon. :-)

I've seen that, but I can't for the life of me remember which nigiri it was. I wanna say prawn, but something tells me that's not quite right. Octopus? I forgot.

>> No.6585228

A-are you retarded, Anon? You do understand the difference between pouring and pooling, don't you? How can it pour out if there's nowhere to pour out from? In a frying pan, bacon grease just pools. It's embarrassing how stupid you are. You must hear that a lot. Poor, stupid, dumb little man. Life must be tough when the only thing you even manage to get down on job and welfare applications is about a pound of dribble and drool.
I'm sad for you.

>> No.6585501


Not on my model. Fucker weighs about 7 pounds too.

>hamilton beach
>not even once

>> No.6585522


this is horribly over designed.

>roll it around on wheels to crush garlic

just why

>> No.6585836

Lol exactly what I was thinking.

>Live in a southern state
I'm in Houston and I'm getting like 5 different kinds of concentrates

>> No.6585842

These make way better toast than toasters.

Back when I still lived with my family we bought both of these, but eventually threw out the toaster.

>> No.6587586

I feel the same about mine but am reluctant to give up on something that cost more than $100. If you do use yours ever, line the waste bin with a bag so there is one less thing to clean out

>> No.6587608

That isn't pasta in the video. It's noodles. Two different foods, really. And besides that, not only are most people too lazy and/or stupid to work with noodles like the guy in the video, even fewer wish to. That fact alone gives value to a pasta maker. Not for me though because I just roll pasta dough out with a pin and use a 7 wheel slicer to make fettuccine.

>> No.6587616
File: 11 KB, 300x300, bho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one option

>> No.6587617

I use a large chefs knife to cut all my pizzas. You put it in place and press down on the back of the blade.

It's very easy, kiddo.

>> No.6587624

I see you don't make potato chips.