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6578290 No.6578290 [Reply] [Original]

If you come to the United States you should tip

Reminder of how you're looked at

>> No.6578319

The American system should change and actually pay a normal compensation for the waiters and cooks that work in the food industry. The problem is not that people don't tip the problem is that they shouldn't be having any hidden expenses in the first place. Man the fuck up and just raise the prices of the food and pay your personnel a proper wage. Americans have it all backwards.

>> No.6578328

Psssh...Nothing personnel...Kid

>> No.6578355
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>If you come to the United States you should tip

Cool. He said that I should, not that I must!

>> No.6578361

>If you come to the United States

Why would I ever go to that shit hole?

>> No.6578369

LMAO that bartenders actually get tipped for simply pulling a pint, opening a bottle or making a cocktail. Horrendous m8s

>> No.6578370

This >>6578319

Fact is that America is retarded, but we love then for it; half the time they'll create things like barbeque sauce, slow roasted pulled pork, subs, collard greens (sans grits...), Gateway to the West, the P-51 and Pitts Special, Harleys and Indians...
But the other half of the time they'll show how stupid they are: corruption in government and their police force, mislabeling prices to "make them clearer", creating nigger culture, being a theocracy in all but name, Watergate, George Bush Jr, obesity epidemic, etc...

Not paying employees at least minimum wage is batshit retarded and should be illegal. Tips should not suplement or substitute for wages. Why haven't waiters campaigned about this shit yet?


>> No.6578382

>Not tipping a bartender you frequently visit, forming a friendship as each of you just shoot the breeze and spill your sorrows
>Not becoming pretty good friends
>Not occasionally getting drinks on the house because of it

>> No.6578406

>over time tip him like $200
>he gives you one or two free drinks worth $10

wow amazing friendship

>> No.6578454

>suck some guys dick for free
>do it weekly
>sometimes I lick his asshole too
>one time he gave me a compliment

Murriclap logic.

Waiters have it nice though, pretend you're a victim while making bank each night all because retards allow themselves to be guilt tripped into giving away free money.

>> No.6578462


>becoming friends
>on the basis that you paid him more money than his job's worth

no mate

>> No.6578517

>misinformation: the post
All I'm going to tackle is your last bit. All workers have to at least make minimum wage. The employer has to make up the difference if tips do not get them to minimum wage. Most servers make well above minimum wage and actually do pretty well considering it's unskilled labor.

>> No.6578532

Well gee wizz I wonder which matters more, my bank balance or the opinion of clappyfats.

>> No.6578668

>tfw bartender at upmarket bar in scotland
>never receive tips but make decent wage so never think about it
>american tourists tip me like it's normal and I'm genuinely surprised every time

I think this is how tips are supposed to work, rather than a weird forced social thing for every single customer to do, makes me appreciate them when I do get them and that customer gets super great customer service from me afterwords.

>> No.6578708
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I don't support 'tipping culture'.

I've never understood the mindset of giving extra to people who are just doing thier fucking job.
It shouldn't be my place to give you more money for going out of your way. That should be on your employer.

I don't tip the dentist, I don't tip the mailman, I don't tip the door greeter at walmart, I don't tip the kid making my burgers.
What makes you so fucking special?
Tipping culture needs to die.

>> No.6578832

I have never understood American tip culture. he reasoning is that the people working these jobs make peanuts in the first place so you should tip to help them out.

Wikipedia says US minimum wage is $5-7, which is pretty shitty. But if you want a better job get some qualifications? Compared to the rest of the world they are only above all the poor countries like Russia, Africa, South America, etc.

Why don't they just raise the minimum wage by $2/hr so that instead of having to rely on some ridiculous unspoken rule to get by, you can just work your job and cope with what you get as a salary.

In the UK people don't tip as heavily and I don't even know if it's necessary since the minimum wage is $10-17 according to Wikipedia, compared to $5-7 in US. In which case it seems that they have tried to bring over tipping culture for more money but it's bullshit.

>> No.6578869

Tipping is a clever way for the employer to avoid paying employees a wage they can survive on, under the guise of social etiquette.
> implying people aren't worth their time and labor to at least sustainable levels

>> No.6578882

>corruption in government
>thinking that's exclusively to America
>believes everything on a website
Opinion discarded

>> No.6578898

Plus do the least work in the whole establishment.
Honestly, I shouldn't have to pay a ransom to not be snubbed or have my food messed with because some failed #ocw who read fight club is just look for any reason to take the anger from his or her failed life out on the first person they feel won't tip them what they feel is enough to quell their amger

>> No.6578906

That's how it's supposed to be is for good service, it's a small thank you. It's not ment to be supporting a wage

>> No.6578921

Or enforce the law so we don't have to subsidize it.
>b-but anon you will have to pay more for the meal if they pay them a living wage.
Aren't I already doing that with the tips anyway?

>> No.6578924


>8 dollars to carry food and be polite

Yeah he clearly deserved $40 for that, it's such demanding physical work and a skill that clearly took time to develop