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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6577602 No.6577602 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe you guys can help. So my boss recently cut my hours and gave them to other employees, when I confronted him about it he gave me a shit eating grin and said that they had been working here longer, and they need the hours. Fuck him I have bills to pay too what the fuck.

I was tempted to punch him in the face and quit, or just quit, but then I'd really be shit out of luck.

So while I look for a new job I need some help on what to eat while you're broke in the meantime
>where to shop
>cheap delicious recipes
>cheap protein

>> No.6577605

Rice and beans

>> No.6577606

Suck schlong on the street for pay

>> No.6577628

that way I could get paid, and get free protein!

>> No.6577633

there's your cheap protein, op!

>> No.6577636

i got some protein for you

>> No.6577657

eat lentils and rice. or lentils and oats (in some form, like bread or oatmeal/oat milk)
buy in large quantities and store it away from humidity, it will last.

lentils+rice/oats complement the aminoacid profile of ideal/good quality protein.

lentils has a high level of vitamin c, zinc and iron (as well as other stuff I forgot about), so it's granted you'll have a good immunological system (if you don't fuck around with your allergies) and is superior to anything on that matter. also has, sided with green peas and aside from soy, the lowest carbs percentage of calories of all the grains you can get, I think.and it's also the 'leanest'*/cheapest way you can go by/ingest a fairly good quantity of protein
Maybe except for quinoa, which is pointless on a budget.

If you want to vary eat black beans (complete protein), chickpeas and pinto beans (both have the same protein profile iirc) .

*if you don't eat meat/animal products and try not to resort on not fermented soy products.

eat fruits and vegetables to complement the vitamin/mineral/other daily needs and you should be stronk.

ps: eat good fat to aid feeling satiated (if I eat a whole avocado I can almost feel like eating nothing else for a day) without compromising your health.

I don't know how it's on the USA, but in brazil it's usually cheaper to buy food at a sort of wholesale/bulk grain/cereal market, not in supermarket chains, even though not many people do that (because of transportation issues etc).
Good luck. Vegans tend to eat paying less, so try imitating them.

>> No.6577673

solid advice, thank you

>> No.6577716

Spaghetti's a good poor meal.

1$ for pasta
3$ for sauce

That's a good amount of meals

>> No.6577722

Green capsicums (bell peppers) are cheap but they taste horrible and the red ones are much more nutritious. So use the self checkout to pay for green but go home with red.

>> No.6577763

50 cents for a can of tomato paste, add your own water and spices

>> No.6577765
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You belong in an internment camp.

>> No.6577779

What's the average prices for meat? I think I may have found a jackpot

>butcher near my house
>all of their meat is hormone free
>a pound of porterhouse is 10 dollars
>a pound chicken breast is 5 dollars
>a pound of ground sirloin is 4.60
>a pound of buffalo is 5.10

Those are the main prices I remember, and all of the meat I've had there is delicous

>> No.6578040

If you go to a place with a fresh-every-day bakery, they throw all of their stuff out at a specific time. If you go when they do, you can get free or highly discount bagels/other treats.
The last time I went to Safeway to do this, I picked up 28 bagels for 2.10.

Take advantage of the local global food market, as they can have some great deals. For example, at the ones in my area, they sell chicken for 1$/lb and you can get a 12-pack of soda for only two dollars.

>> No.6578053

i think the store near me sells ground sirloin at $5 or more per pound, and they regularly sell spoiled meat

>> No.6578056

ITT cu/ck/ asks permission to eat hot dogs

>> No.6578097

Shop at two different places, preferably three. If you have a dollar store, get your bread and condiments there, along with some half dozen eggs and the occasional pack of hotdogs.

Get bulk bags of rice, beans, potatoes, and dollar boxes of pasta. You can also get lots of different sauces at the dollar tree.

Get veggies and meat as they go on sale. If your picky, too fucking bad. Go to the store twice/three times a week and just get whatever they have on sale and only enough for three or four days unless it will last longer or you can freeze it. Broccoli and heads of lettuce are always cheap, and so are bananas and apples.

Chicken, though not exactly cheap, can be used for a lot of different stuff. For example, I get two drum sticks, peel the skin off and set it aside, then boil the meat. I shred the meat and use it with rice, beans, cheese to make about ten burritos then freeze them. Microwave every day for meals.

The skin you can throw into home made chicken soup with the potatoes, rice, pasta. Some salt, lidful of soysauce, and pepper/tabasco is fucking delicious. Oh and tip-cook the rice before you put it in the soup.

If you have a rice cooker and crockpot it will seriously make your life easier. Also, if you have a goodwill or senior center in your town, you can get cheap crockpots or whatever cooking things you might need.

>> No.6578134

Typical /ck/ advice.
White rice is nutritionally deficient so go with brown.

>> No.6578154

Whats the difference between white rice and brown? I always feel sick after eating brown rice, unless it's that mixed bag with other types in it, but even then my body is just like meh.

>> No.6578156

I has more fibre (although I still wouldn't say its high in fibre compared to other whole grain carbohydrates).
The main "advantage" is that it is pretty low on the glycemic index, and keeps you fuller for longer.

>> No.6578168 [DELETED] 

>cook white rice in stock
hey now we're thinkin'.

if you eat vegetables with your rice you don't need the extra fiber from brown rice.

it's like the difference between whole and split/peeled lentils in indian food. they're both good and for different uses, saying one is just better than the other is wrong.

white rice makes a better side dish, brown rice makes a better main component since it's more filling.

>> No.6578172

Shepherds pie is a nice poor meal

An onion, a few carrots, half a kilo of mince, beef stock, worcestershire sauce. and a kilo or so of potatos can be had for pocket change and can do you for a few meals

tastes fucking awesome too

>> No.6578174
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Man, just eat at McDonalds. It's cheap and you'll be surrounded by the type of people you can relate to.

>> No.6578178

A meal is about 6 dollars at McDonalds.

That's a pound of chicken and a bag of small rice, which is a shit ton more food.

If you're truly on starvation mode, fast food isn't cheap unless you order off the dollar menu.

Even then the portions are small enough to the point it'd be better off spending your money other places.

>> No.6578179

Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I've given up on life

>> No.6578183

closer to $10 dollars where I live. I can get a lot more food at the dollar store with that ten bucks.

>> No.6578235

ur eating horse

>> No.6578286

Chilli is pretty cheap and delicious

>> No.6578332

Cheap foods:
Dried rice
Dried beans
Dried lentils
Whole, raw chicken
Some fresh vegetables like onions, carrots, celery, etc.
Some frozen vegetables (plain without sauces) like peas
Meat that's on sale (cook immediately, on sale means it'll go off soon)
In season vegetables

If you don't have much time to prepare food or don't want to, a slowcooker or pressure cooker can help you out, but unless you're using every waking second to find a new job, it's probably better to save your money by not buying one. You can also reduce the amount of time you spend cooking by making meals in large batches on the weekend, then freezing individual portions so you can eat them at your leisure. On the other hand stir frys are a quick meal that doesn't take much time to prepare.

As for where to shop, look for ethnic stores. They're usually cheaper than bigger stores that don't let you buy in bulk, and they're going to be even cheaper for whatever sort of stuff that cuisine specializes in. But it's still worth shopping around a little to figure out where some of the cheaper things are in your area.

>> No.6578335

I can vouch for this.

>> No.6578508

would also suggest cowpeas/black eyed peas
here are lentils in comparison

I wasn't aware of their aminoacid profile until now. decided looking up for them because they taste delicious for me (they taste slightly smoky somehow) and just as lentils, I don't get tired of eating them. fits well with salads. low carbohydrate percentage as well.

you can make vegetable burgers off these seeds and enrich/boost them with isolate soy protein to meet your needs.

>> No.6578552

Really? You can't figure out a way to make money on your own? Do that.

>> No.6578704

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.6578713

somebody already suggested pasta

>> No.6578736

shit that is genius

>> No.6578744

Some cheap veggies/fruit-
Pineapple (when it's on sale for under 2$ so worth it)
And see if you have and aldi near you. It will save you some serious $

>> No.6578954


The liquor store I work at pulled this shit with me. I found a second job bartending and my GM was butthurt that she's about to lose me on weekends. Bitch could have avoided it.

Anyway I feel you, OP. I'd just quit if they're going to be that shitty to you. I understand the need for all of us to work our way up to a good spot but you've got to make the money to make the job worth it.

>> No.6579171

different guy but new to lentils here. Never cooked with em before. How and what can I do with them? A friend just sorta said "lol stews I guess".

>> No.6579219

Aldi's is super cheap, definitely shop there if you can.

>> No.6579238

You can do with them whatever you do with beans and peas. Soup, salads, replace chick peas on chana masala (as long as you don't overcook them), mash/process them into burgers.

I soak them and prepare it with cumin, bay leaves, tomato sauce and pepper. If you were raised eating pinto beans prepared this way you could almost mistake them because lentils absorbs the spices very well.

If I'm lazy I eat them pure with salt and olive oil or mix it with rice.

The only application I find questionable is on salads because some people overcook them to the point they're pasty and they are also not a grain I enjoy eating cold. I don't advise pressure cooking them either.

>> No.6579257

Typical /ck/ advice
The poor bioavailability of the nutrition in brown rice makes it inferior; use parboiled.

>> No.6580837

>a pound chicken breast is 5 dollars
Why so expensive?

>> No.6580873

All cereal grains http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cereal and pseudocereals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudocereal are all nutritionally deficient and the difference between whole-grain and white is marginal.

Eat enough veg, fruit, pulses, starchy root vegetables, nuts, non-cereal seeds and meat to get your vitamins, minerals, fats, protein and fibre. If you have room for carbs left, feel free to indulge in some cereal grains because you don't have to worry about nutrients anymore.

>> No.6582353

Brown is better for you, but also harder to cook right and tastes worse (or just has a taste, unlike white). Not worth it imo.

>> No.6582534

>I have the taste of a child the post

>> No.6583307

Did you read the post above yours? You're better off eating the type of rice you enjoy in moderation and eatin some veg for the nutrients. If you're eating rice and beans, eating more beans and less rice would also solve your problem.

>> No.6583399

Your probably unattractive.

>> No.6583402

You're probably unintelligent

>> No.6583403

All of this. Everyone else has no idea what they're talking about.