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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6570932 No.6570932 [Reply] [Original]

It's funny because it's True.

>> No.6570950

what tastes good exactly?
soda? juice?
are you 5?

>> No.6570954


>> No.6570955

>beer tastes bad


>> No.6570959

The joke is that dude on the right is being a prick because of his "if I don't enjoy it there's no way anyone else can" mentality. Which is obviously lost on someone like you. 2/10

>> No.6570965

I'm sick of this beer tastes bad meme.

>> No.6570968

Not smelly alcohol.

>> No.6570988


It's true for the people that drink shit like PBR and IPAs

It's not true for people that drink good beer.

>> No.6571001
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Fuck Randall Monroe and his dumb believe that taste is pointless.

>> No.6571003

But beer is tasty. Is it so hard to believe that some people enjoy bitter flavors?

>> No.6571006


You've tried every IPA?

>> No.6571009

You posted this a few hours ago and it got no replies. Lmao what a loser.

>> No.6571010

Alcohol is NEVER good. You should drink bottled water an coke like me.

>> No.6571019

I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove. In reality, people are connoisseurs about more interesting things than photos of Joe Biden eating a sandwich, because they aren't shut in a box with only that for entertainment. But if they were, I'm sure they could get more enjoyment out of them by looking for the most interesting ones. So this means people who take an interest in anything aren't really enjoying themselves because...?

>> No.6571024

IPA's are my favorite and I genuinely like that cedar taste.

>> No.6571025

American beer is awful.

>> No.6571029


Indian style Pale Ales are a bit like American style politics. Even the so-called well-rounded moderates are complete outliers.

>> No.6571032

Beer tastes terrible to anyone who is trying it the first time, but that's true of about 80% of all foods.

>> No.6571034

All beer is awful
Just like how all alcohol is.
The only thing stupider than drinking shit like that is smoking pot.
Get a life, you satanists.

>> No.6571035

It's okay to not like something other people like. It doesn't make that thing bad, though.

>> No.6571037

Everyone is just pretending. Real alcoholics just drink because it's a fuckign drug, not because it's tasty. Social/casual drinkers who pretend alcohol is their hobby make me fuckin' sick.

>> No.6571048


You're missing the point.
NOBODY actually likes IPAs. They just say they do out of some weird sense of solidarity. It's pure herding-instinct.

Go work at a bar or restaurant and keep an eye out for the sorts of people who order IPAs. They're of a type.

>> No.6571050

>NOBODY actually likes IPAs.

That's silly, lots of people do.

>> No.6571051


Definitely not.

>> No.6571052

shut the fuck up you retard.

>> No.6571054
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>> No.6571059

Okay, have a great weekend, anon.

>> No.6571066


You too!

>> No.6571069

Not opinion if it's Fact, Jack!

>> No.6571080

But apart from bitter drinks, what really is there other than sweet drinks?

I'm presuming you think everyone who likes, say, bitter lemon, is also just pretending - right?

>> No.6571084

eggs are bitter

>> No.6571089

>The 'IPAs are bad' meme
Real original, anon

>> No.6571131

I agree with the comic, beer doesn't taste good in the way say fruit juice does

but it's more a sense of satisfaction that comes along with drinking the beer which makes it enjoyable. Lets not forget, it is a drug.

And I would be hard pressed to drink 12 cups of fruit juice, but I can easily drink 12 beers

>> No.6572759

Well, personally, as far as I can remember I've always liked lager very much. Probably since I was 2 and allowed to taste alcohol free lager from my mother who was pregnant.

>> No.6572776

ITT: nobody mentioning that wine is 9001×as good as beer

>> No.6572844

various teaa taste pretty good unsugared.
Also coffee with milk. (Don't know if that counts because of the sugar in the milk)

>> No.6572850

Beer tastes like what I imagine koalas taste when eating eucalyptus. It tastes wholesome, fresh; green and browns in a synesthesia sense.

Though I won't abide beers like those Voodoo Donut piles of crap. A friend(reee) of mine bought a pile of them at no small expense and I had to spend far too long pretending that that shit was worth it.

Anyway: Don't like chillis? Don't put them in you. Don't like hops? Don't put them in you. Repeat.

And xkcd is not funny and is popular only because people like to pretend they're clever.

>> No.6572853

B-but I think pbr tastes good

>> No.6572885

it takes a big boy to realize different people have different tastes you piece of shit

get cancer

>> No.6572898
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If beer was truly that detestable, then people wouldn't drink it. Let alone for millennia, when other options have become more and more viable.

But lets assume that it really is the case of it not tasting good, all beers, all styles. Then wouldn't everyone who wished to seem sophisticated merely drink it in public? It would be a purely social thing as there is no social gain from private events.

But most people that drink beer enjoy a nice beer, location and foodstuff of their choice in comfort and the company of themselves alone.

I'll admit there have been beers that I thought were absolute shit and others that have shown me why humans have been drinking it since before we had bread.

Beer is like porn, a lot of people like it, but are particular in what they prefer. Some are finnicky about their tastes, others wish to go to the XtReMe to show off socially, some prefer things milder and more delicate. People discuss it with others that have made it known they like it too and while they may do so socially as a bonding event (often among men) it is also a predominantly solitary enjoyment that is found in it.

>> No.6572904

i really hate this entire style of arguing. mocking the person and then just saying shut up.

>> No.6572942

what is wrong with everyone on this board? this is food and cooking (drinks fall into the category of food) and in every thread the majority of you fuck witts are all saying that everything is shit or that people put too much effort into their food/drinks or appreciate their food/drinks too much. are we all supposed to only drink soda and eat shitty fast food and pre-made packaged garbage? if you don't like beer don't drink, don't talk about it, don't post about it on the internet.
tldr go somewhere else if you hate food and cooking.

>> No.6572962
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>And xkcd is not funny and is popular only because people like to pretend they're clever.

If you read something and it automatically makes you smile....

This is now an XKCD thread. Post your favorite. Here's mind. Always makes me cry a little.

>> No.6572965

>I know for sure what other people feel and enjoy

glad we know at least OP and randall are omniscient. alternatively:

>stop liking what i don't like

>> No.6572967

No it isn't.

>> No.6572973
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>> No.6572992

Updates rules of liking things on the Internet, 2015:

>stop liking things that I don't like
>stop liking things that are popular
>stop liking things associated with a particular subculture

>> No.6572997

>not liking the god-tier taste of tequila and things with tequila in it

>> No.6572999

Wow gay

>> No.6573006

Beer isn't gross in of itself, too much hops is gross. I hate hops, even in small amounts, it makes everything taste like bitter toilet water. Scarcely hopped beers are enjoyable to me, everything else is fairly gross. I'm not even habitually averse to bitter flavors, I just find hops to be awful.

>> No.6573008

tea is a bitter drink, bae. So is coffee.

I don't mean if you brew t wrong and end up with something overly bitter, I mean if you brew it right and end up with an appropriate level of aromatic bitterness

>> No.6573010

Is there any beer at all that is tasty when it is warm?

>> No.6573019

My father actually prefers warm beer. No, it does not run in the family.

>> No.6573034

warm beer is nice, provided it's not shit, in which case the cold is only so you can't taste it anyway.

>> No.6573046

All alcohol tastes like shit, people just get used to it and try to ignore the fact. The only kinds that actually taste decent are the fruity wines that taste like juice only not as sweet.

>> No.6573047

>All alcohol tastes like shit, people just get used to it and try to ignore the fact.
The word is "acquired" taste, anon.

>> No.6573053

This applies to any alcohol. No one in their right mind ENJOYS drinking fermented, bitter, fluid that burns your throat as it goes down. Also inb4 a billion fedoras get on me about "MUH DEEP COMPLEX AROMAS" because I know you're just bullshitting. How can you taste anything at all while your tongue is on fire?

>> No.6573059
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>alcoholic drinks burn your throat/tongue

>> No.6573064

>make apple bread for Thanksgiving
>/ck/ recommends I buy some applejack to serve with it
>"It's apple flavored, it'll go great with the bread! :^)"
>oh god it's like drinking battery acid, can't taste the apple at all
>force a second glass down anyway thinking I just have to get used to it
>get violently ill the next day

Thanks /ck/

>> No.6573070

Everybody that likes this thing that I don't must surely be pretending!
literal autism

>> No.6573083

you should see a doctor about all those open sores in your mouth and throat

>> No.6573107


No, it's taste bud Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.6573384
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ITT: babbys first digestive

>> No.6573395
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this is only true with IPAs
other beers are tasty

>> No.6573421

Randall Munroe is a piece of garbage and you are also garbage for thinking any comic he's ever made is worth bringing back here.

>> No.6573425

/ck/ pls

IPAs are not bad, what is bad is the market being overflowed with them and the inability to find a good stout or porter or lager. It is a bad thing when breweries will come out with 5 different IPAs but only 2 of a different style. An oversaturation of the market with one style is a bad thing, not the style itself.

>> No.6573446


kitsch as fuck

>> No.6573461

As for the millenia part there, beer and alcohol in general was far easier to store for long periods of time compared to water which would spoil faster.

>> No.6573474

This saccharine and retarded misinterpretation of how time is measured is the kind of thing he'd make fun of if someone else was doing it.

>> No.6573478


>> No.6573481

>tfw drinking my beer in private pretending to enjoy it hoping to impress no one

Also OP your image triggered me

>want some stouts or lagers?
Yeesh, horrible beer talk etiquette

>> No.6573495

If beer is truly delicious then why is non alcoholic so unpopular? I understand it's a drug and its part of the experience, but based solely on taste, I surmise beer would not be as popular as it is.

>> No.6573501

it's acquired but honestly don't need to try hard to acclimatise once you mature because your taste buds do change from childhood to adulthood.

i switched to coffee in what seemed over night but beer took a while longer. think because i was socially expected to drink beer

>> No.6573546

I started drinking beer as I got tired of sweet drinks. Maybe one day OP will grow into his twenties.

>> No.6573560

Non-alcoholic beer tastes worse.

>> No.6573564

Leave it to a geek to not only think beer tastes bad as an adult, but to assume that "peer pressure" has to do with anything he doesn't like.

>> No.6573593

You can't expect a webcomic artist to know about the things he draws, man.

>> No.6573601

I really don't understand why anyone would think that everyone secretly hates the taste of all beers and only drink beer to get drunk.

If this where the case that literally everyone would just drink Vodka mixed with juice

For example One shot of Vodka (even really shitty 5 dollar a liter vodka) mixed with 4-6 ounces of pineapple orange juice just taste like juice with no alcohol in it.

>> No.6573626

The best non-alcoholic beer I tasted had unpleasant metallic overtones. I'd love to find one that tasted like a rich stout. If you know of one, point me to it.

>> No.6573627

>I really don't understand why anyone would think that everyone secretly hates the taste of all beers and only drink beer to get drunk.
because selfcentered people lack the ability to understand that other people perceive things differently

>> No.6573636

Like maybe you'd notice they just like something you don't? Rather than think everyone is pretending

>> No.6573643

This one doesn't have to know about the things he draws, because he doesn't draw.

>> No.6573654

You must be fun at parties

>> No.6573662

that's crazy
clearly the entire world is stupid and the one special snowflake is the only brilliant person

>> No.6573667
File: 17 KB, 300x100, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank-you. saved. less= more. thanks.

>> No.6573671

>hate alcohol
>cant smoke weed anymore
>need to get fucked up to enjoy vidya/movies

I just down some shots of shit whiskey and drink a beer. Feel like utter shit and being drunk only lasts a fraction of the time as being high. fuck alcohol so much

>> No.6573672


>> No.6573681

Tried acid?

>> No.6573683

Why do people keep claiming IPAs are bitter? I've never had an IPA that didn't taste like you were drinking pure sugar.

>> No.6573691
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So what's your medical condition called where you interpret bitter as sweet?

>> No.6573693

IPA is basically pale ale with extra hops, which was historically used as for preservation reasons when exporting pale ale to India by ship. Hops are responsible for bitterness in beer. If your IPA doesn't have that flavour, send it back and ask for a refund.

>> No.6573694

No mainly because I have no connections. Not like I could even get weed anymore if I could smoke. Being drunk is just no fun for me but it's the only obtainable legal drug

>> No.6573738

XKCD guy confirmed for that friend who only wants to eat chicken fingers at applebees.

>> No.6573744

Hops don't taste bitter at all to me, they just taste herbal.

Coffee is bitter. Lots of stouts are bitter. Unsweetened cocoa is mildly bitter. Hops don't taste bitter.

>> No.6573762

post your best radlers itt

>> No.6573772
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>Thread theme: spotting the American lite beer drinker

>> No.6573878

well, we wouldn't want to be liars

>> No.6573900
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>> No.6573911

>spotting the American...
>posts britbong webum

>> No.6573934

>XKCD guy
his large collection of "this is how nobody has ever talked and a conversation nobody has ever had" comics disagree

>> No.6574015

I know that feel man, the weed here is kinda shit anyway.

>> No.6574195

This is only true for whiskey.

>> No.6574603
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>> No.6574606

>All alcohol tastes like shit, except this one that I like, everybody else is just pretending.

>> No.6574633

If alcohol doesn't taste good then why do I like it.

>> No.6574704

>Taste doesn't exist
>Standards don't exist
>Flavour doesn't exist
>The concept of refining a palate is literally beyond my comprehension

He's autistic. Not even using it as the word is normally used on 4chan. You would have to be autistic to think this.

>> No.6574710

Tequila is just awful

>> No.6574900

because it has psychoactive effects

>> No.6574931

I do like the taste of things that have alcohol in them (such as beer, wine, or spirits), however, strait alcohol (such as vodka or moonshine) doesn't taste all that great because it's just alcohol and water.

>> No.6574940
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I've drunk espressos from all over the city for years, at least 5 days a week, and still won't tell you what my favourites are or if there is a difference between "a bit more burnt tasting than the others".

P.S. That's thousands of dollars I could have bought and espresso machine with :(

>> No.6574961

agreed. i like some beer better than others, but id probably never drink beer if it didnt get me drunk

>> No.6574970

so who like black dildos on their shrimp scampi

>> No.6574976

Why would you want to ruin being happy with the cheap stuff though. Especially with wine, seeing how expensive it gets.

>> No.6575074

Because you can explore and expand your palate.

You can also be happy just drinking water your entire life, if you want to save money.

>> No.6575599


It's always nice to have confirmation that it's the correct decision to filter every trip I come across.

>> No.6575734

Beer fags getting so defensive in this thread. Beer taste like shit and you know it. We all know you just want it to get drunk.

>> No.6576052
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Having seen this specific 'comic' of his I think I have to agree. One of the most genuinely autistic things I've seen to date.

>> No.6576509

domestic industry shill pls go

>> No.6576547

oh hahaha that's so funny because brackets

yeah he's seriously fucking autistic and it shows in everything he writes

>> No.6576575

I only drink water.

Why would you ruin your health drinking things that the human body obviously wasn't made for?

>> No.6576594

I am a person who never in life had any problems to swallow anything that was given to me. While everyone complained about tomatos, onions or other stuff they didn't like, I just thought it was all delicious. I can't really think right now of a food that I don't think is at least tolerable.

Having this said: Never in my life have I ever enjoyed a single sip of beer. I sincerely do not understand how can one like beer. I am traveling through europe right now. I have tried English, German and Czech beer, and I sincerely didn't like any of them, even tho the Czech beer was a little less repulsvie. If there is anyone who sincerely likes beer, please explain me: Why doesn't anyone drink it quickly? I see people drinking juice really fast, but I never saw someone naturally drinking beer fast. I always thought it was because it just didn't taste any good. I also don't like any other alcoholic beverages, but I can drink Vodka or Whiskey without having the urge to puke. Can't say the same about beer.

>> No.6576599

I'll never understand why people like XKCD. His "opinions" are myopic garbage masked by slightly clever presentation that tricks anyone who doesn't know about lazy poor writing and manipulation.

It's like Shallow Hollowed Out Strawman: The Comic.

>> No.6576601

we're literally savoring disliking it.

its hard to explain.

its like cutting.

>> No.6576602

>The human body was made for something

>> No.6576604

Yes Anon.

>> No.6576611

What's next, was it made by "god"? Lel

>> No.6576684
File: 1.52 MB, 3000x1173, whole-foods-beer-austin-texas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The United States produces over 10,000 individual beer brands. Most are local. Most are handcraft. The days of "ugh Budweiser is all murcans drink" ended about 10 years ago.

We live in the golden age of beer. Also its capital.

>> No.6576701

It was. Atheist or not.

>> No.6576714

No. Individuals survive if they happen to be in an environment in which their genes happen to be amenable to. They weren't designed to survive in the environment, they were born with a historical preponderance to survive in the environment that their past few generations have managed to survive in. And human bodies have been surviving alcoholism for centuries.

>> No.6576716

There's one that shows how the new robot in Star Wars 7 works.

He meant it to be a hilarious adventure in autistic robot pets, but it's sorta useful for the other reason

>> No.6576735

Ancient Egypt had bars

>> No.6576745

does drinking broth count?

>> No.6576755

Rogue Dead Guy and Deschutes Black Butte Porter are great and you should try them. Rogue in particular makes excellent beers.

>> No.6576759
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Is it me or is Munroe getting even more autistic and insufferable lately? He's even contradicting himself in the stop liking what I don't like department.

>> No.6576765
File: 1.58 MB, 3000x1173, 1433715114834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, forgot pic.

>> No.6576771


>> No.6576774

You just argued for my own point.

>> No.6576792

No, I didn't. It wasn't designed for anything, it just happens to endure.

>> No.6576796

He doesn't have to write well, because the art is so precise.

>> No.6576797

Sure, if you ignore everything about that act of enduring and pretend we developed in a vacuum.

>> No.6576848
File: 252 KB, 750x498, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he's a pedantic asshole with autism, and his comics are unfunny and poorly drawn

>With the support of an Autism Speaks research grant, Dr. Kuschner is developing and testing a cognitive behavioral treatment program that addresses the complex reasons behind narrow food choices in many individuals with autism


>many individuals with autism have difficulty describing what they like or dislike about certain foods. So it can be difficult to determine what it is about a certain food that’s so important – or upsetting – to your son. And that increases the risk of meltdowns.

>Research also tells us that many individuals with autism tend to have strong preferences for carbohydrates and processed foods, while rejecting fruits and vegetables. This, too, may reflect an aversion to strong tastes and textures.

Pic related, Randall soothes his autistic rage by looking at his stick man book from the comforting refuge of his ball pit

>> No.6576896

Because I don't want to completely change my diet to shit so I can live an extra few years.

>> No.6576915

i agree with this.... except for scotch, leave my scotch out of this

>> No.6578093

please refer to

>> No.6578120

People who say beer tastes bad are the same people who said mustard tasted bad.

>> No.6578143
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I did not expect this to end this way.