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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 1024x605, Logo_of_Sbarro,_LLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6567298 No.6567298 [Reply] [Original]

Alright cu/ck/s we all know you guys are the pizza wizards so what is your opinion on pic related?

>> No.6567316

Its shit

>> No.6567357

Horrendously bad. There's a reason they're only around in airports and shopping malls.

>> No.6567387

It's delicious as fuck. It's 1/10 pizza, but even 0/10 pizza is delicious.

Pizza rolls would be 0/10 pizza, and they're still yummers despite tasting like vomit.

>> No.6567430

They're in more areas now, I've seen on next to a carls jr.

>> No.6567529

Bad and overpriced. The only chain pizza I've had that worse is Cici's.

>> No.6567540
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Best post on /ck

>> No.6569231

This is the most disgusting place in NYC, no wonder they're going out of business and only exist in some mall court in middle America, that's because folk there don't know any better. There're worse places in NYC but one has to actively look to find them, Sbarro is like some tourist shit trap nasty rat hole.

>> No.6569234
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>enjoying things
Where do you think you are?

>> No.6569247

I like to save empty cardboard boxes to melt fake cheese onto for when I crave sbarro

>> No.6569249

It's pretty fun when people travel to NYC, spend all kinds of money, then dine in shit chains in times square and those areas. I realize that they don't know the proper joints, but they're not willing to go two blocks out of their nigger infested times square safe zone to get good stuff.

I guess I might not know much better though if I was in Chicago or FRISCO for instance, though I'd ask here first.

>> No.6569252

They ought to know better. Who the hell travels across the country to eat McDonald's and drink bud light? If you're going to come all that way you may as well eat and drink stuff you can't get at home.

>> No.6569275

Just a little FYI, nobody travels to NYC unless it's for business, or they are a retarded youth that watched Rent too many times and thinks they're going to move there and be some kind of artist. Almost anybody that goes there wants to try some of your food but not enough to wander to far into your disgusting shit city and interact with you disgusting filthy rude NYers, so they stay around their hotel location and try not to wander far, and just wait for the first chance to leave. The fact that you people are even slightly proud of that shithole is hilarious and I suggest you never leave.

>> No.6569304

for a lot of people food is just something to fill their stomach and as long as it does the job thats what matters. though thats not how i see things at all you just come off as a dick looking to feel superior to people. "they ought to know better", lmao.

>> No.6569307

I traveled to NYC with 85 bucks in my pocket, in the dead of winter. It was, as I expected, a place worth visiting but also a hostile and unlivable shithole. I planned to see the sights and keep going, and that's exactly how it went.

PS. Got trigeminal neuralgia and my head is all fucked up, I just did 11 captchas and still kept failing, what the fuck man? I don't know or care what the fuck you consider food you cocksuckers, let me post.

>> No.6569321

>people think NYC is scary

Detroit squares make NYC thugs look like puppies, stop being pussies. Times Square is not a dangerous feeling place unless you're truly a suburbanite who's not used to urban environments at all.

>> No.6569325

Nobody said it was scary, I said it is a disgusting shithole filled with disgusting shitty rude people. Nobody is scared of you fake thug JayZ wannabees, you people are just annoying and being in your presence is undesirable. The scariest thing about NY is the crazy jews.

>> No.6569329
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>average scary NYers

>> No.6569330

>you people

Lmao, your insecurity is showing. Just because I'm not scared of wanna be thugs and petty hustlers doesn't mean I am one you rube.

Also worthy of mentioning
>Jay Z

Bro gtfo

>> No.6569333
File: 84 KB, 567x600, nygangster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you people
I say that because I categorize you all in the same group, you are like niggers.

>average NY thug

>> No.6569337


Lmao what people? I haven't given any criteria on which to make any generalizations, unless you simply mean non pussies...in which case, if that's your idea of what a nigger is you have deeper issues than I can help with bumpkin.

>> No.6569377

They have some pretty shitty pizza but that stromboli is godlike

>> No.6569392

/ck/ does not understand pizza.

>> No.6569439

He meant all New Yorkers are niggers you dense idiot, he is pretty much right. From personal experience you are all pussies that try to act hard, thankfully the NYers in my area know their place and don't like to let people know where they're from because people will treat them like niggers.

>> No.6569441

Best pizza is mama lucias. Everyone that works there is Italian too and really nice. Pretty sure it's some kind of Italian mafia chain, but that's cool.

>> No.6571015


Once again, stop saying "you people" you fucking moron. What the fuck gives you the impression that I'm a New Yorker when in my first post I called them pussies...fact is you're a fucking faggot who's scared to be in Times Square of all places, it doesn't much gayer than that you suburbanite dweeb. NYC is not hardcore, sorry, you're basically too much of a pussy to hang around a fucking tourist trap.

Go fuck your cousin or whatever it is you people do in Idaho, you fuckin backwoods wimp.

>> No.6571041

Sbarro brings out the piece of shit in everyone here. You fucking ppl

>> No.6571064

Best cheap pizza by the slice is Costco.

>> No.6571071

I've enjoyed every type of pizza I've ever eaten with exception to some garbage low fat all natural no artificials frozen pizza I had once so maybe I'm not fit to judge. But Sbarro is pretty good in my book. Just wear a bib when you eat because the fucking grease is everywhere.

>> No.6571079

its from New York
so obviously its good

>> No.6571109

Hey fuck face, why don't you go shove an entire pizza up your hairy cunt you cunt

>> No.6571189

Too bad its shit just like your city.

>> No.6571191

>grease is everywhere.

Is that because of high fat, low water cheese or because of pepperoni? Or both?

>> No.6571224

>love every piece of pizza I've ever met
>try vegan pizza


>> No.6571687


>> No.6571770

>assumes I'm not from a big city
>assumes I find NY scary and not just repulsive and completely unpleasant

you people really are niggers, like the africa of the US

>> No.6571775
File: 22 KB, 450x286, 354[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have one here but there's no way it can be better than based Fazolis.

>> No.6571782

i haven't ate at one since the late 90s

>> No.6571795


You're not from a big city...you said Times Square was intimidating. You're rekt rube, sorry. As far as "big cities" go NYC is the tamest and safest...anywhere you could claim to be from has a higher scum level than it, you're from the suburbs.

>> No.6571825

ITT: People argue over whose home city is the shittier place

>> No.6571834

please cite where I said I find time square intimidating.

Also I am from Houston, which happens to be almost twice as big as your crusty city.

here are a few links you may be interested in:



>> No.6571845


>> No.6571853

God-tier if you're trying to UP THE PUNX!!!! (in your fatty regions)

>> No.6571855

Wa La!! Maestro Signore Fazoli!! Si prega di godere di tutti i grissini!

>> No.6571863

Holy SHITT nice Fazoli's brother!!

>> No.6571909


Oh you're Texan, now your stupidity, fear of jigs, and hatred of cities more culturally relevant than yours makes sense. But hey, I think you guys did good stuff for uh....country music, yeah, thanks for that. And you appreciate beef, that's a good thing I guess.

And once again I'm not from NYC.

>> No.6571918

so you're not from NYC
that leaves either

>> No.6571944


I'm from Detroit, which is a hell of a lot scarier than NYC or Houston for that matter I'm willing to bet despite never being there. But I've been to NYC and it ain't shit.

>> No.6571947

stay stupid. also enjoy the musdumbs.

>> No.6571951

>The South

Stay...actually stupid. Enjoy the awful music and hillbillies.

>> No.6571956

oh and don't worry about any mudslimes destroying your 'city' the free market did that 30 years ago

>> No.6571961

>muh racism/religious console war

Once again, proving the utter imbecility of Texans.

>> No.6571964

>water turned off so cant shower
>job market non existent
stay a literal NEET.

>> No.6571972

>yeeeeeeeeeeehaw willy nilly damn yanks n mooslims n naggers

Stay literally mad

>> No.6571977

you're the one who seems upset nigger.

>> No.6571983 [DELETED] 


Kek, I'm not the one who literally sperged out over the mere mention of NYC. Southern people are just the historical cucks of the US and it shows through their constant inferiority complex regarding the North.

>> No.6571988

>again I'm not southern and/or in texan
>if i say it enough it will become true
flyovers actually believe this

>> No.6571993 [DELETED] 

also. the north is more cucked.
>come too the north niggers we will give you welfare money.

>> No.6572024


Wa la!

>> No.6572025

>>again I'm not southern and/or in texan

Literally what?

>>come too the north niggers we will give you welfare money.
>come too

Yeah...you sure are more intelligent than those dumb niggers.

Do us Northerners a favor and just stay down there with your own kind, or is it "Yer own kahhhhhnd" ?

>> No.6572027
File: 1.00 MB, 1600x1200, istock-team-laughter-pic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not gonna continue arguing with you because in the end you lose. you live in fucking detroit

>> No.6572042


Well if you're not going to continue arguing, I may as well go out on a limb here and say you're likely fat ugly and stupid and mostly likely cant speak English properly if how you type is any indication. So there, I have the final word.

>> No.6572097

Lol you mad boy, I appreciate you people, without NY other cities would have to worry about terrorist attacks, but thankfully you people are the only ones that need to worry. We are a bit overdue btw.

>> No.6572107

LOLOL, Detroit, not that person but you aren't even the equivalent of a nigger, you are a literal nigger. I will not stop arguing with you, I'd love to see you dig yourself into a bigger shithole than your city. Why did you delete that comment btw, are you perhaps embarrassed of where you are from? You should be you scum.

>> No.6572147


I deleted it because I deleted part of my post before posting it by mistake. Go on, Hoss..you don't belong on this board, we eat more than brisket here.

>> No.6572168

>the final word
yeah thats all you have detroit nigger
>you cant drink the final word
>you cant wash with the final word
>you cant get paid by the final word

>> No.6572216

I'm sorry I know that there isn't much of an education system where you're from so let me help you out. I am from Houston, it is actually a major city, detroit is not, it is not even worthy of capitalization. Literally everything about my city and honestly most other cities is better than yours. When I thought you were from NY I was actually interested in an argument but there isn't one with you nigger, you have nothing to defend. If you make it out of the ghetto one day maybe you would find out that there aren't many rednecks around here, those would be found in rural areas. Although our brisket is better than anything your city has to offer, we have a wide range of other cultural and local dishes that are all better than anything your section 8 city has to offer, some even competes with areas that actually have good food. So please, go on nigger, you don't belong on the internet, go get an education or a job and try to better your life, rather than sitting on your stoop leaching wifi from a fast food restaurant. I'm surprised you would even mention you are from detroit to be quite honest.

>> No.6572218
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>being this butt blasted

Southerners truly are stupid.

>> No.6572221
File: 109 KB, 306x306, elton-john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6572222

he may be putting more effort into this than necessary but he's spot on

>> No.6572232
File: 369 KB, 289x460, 1431051609394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Texas has culture
>Defending shitty brisket

No, he isn't "spot on" about anything...just very very mad.

>> No.6572262
File: 128 KB, 614x660, 1389569471877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads confirm.

>> No.6572266

he's definitely spot on about your lack of education and the culture of your own country

either that or you are just talking out of your ass at this point due to tremendous butt pains

>> No.6572277

lol yeah Im super mad bro, about to go to bed because tomorrow I've got a busy day involving a brew tour of one of our many local breweries, eating multiple meals from some delicious local food joints and then I'll be attending a concert, all while smoking copious amounts of high quality marijuana concentrates, all thanks to our thriving economy. And are you insinuating you have more culture than us? We have black people too so there really isn't much that you've got on us. Hope this makes you so happy that you post another spiderman pic to prove it.

>> No.6572282
File: 111 KB, 640x481, spider-man-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you had been paying attention at all, you'd know I've already said never been to Texas so I've never had the aforementioned shitty brisket and am just talking shit.

But Patrice O'neal said it was awful and so it probably is, also the fact that you fucks are so easily stirred into a frothing rage only proves the stereotype that Southerners are nothing but simple minded goons who get uber defensive about being rednecks. Played like a fiddle.

>> No.6572285

Oh god, I grew up in Detroit and please stop, it is a cesspool and if you are ever fortunate enough to get yourself out and hopefully your family you will realize this. Fuck you are embarrassing.

>> No.6572288

Man I grew up in Texas and I have to disagree! People from Texas are nothing but sweaty fat rednecks and evangelical christians, if you can leave you should.

>> No.6572289

I'm not from TX, but I have traveled through there multiple times and BBQ is always the a stop to be made, also real texmex. Patrice O'Neil died of a bigmac overdose, it makes sense that people from detroit base their opinions on what a fat dead negro says.

Nobody in this thread is frothing with rage except possibly you, we are all pointing and laughing at this point. You have managed to derail people from hating on NY even.

>> No.6572292

lol i see what you did there

>> No.6572293


There is only two of you, I can read the poster count.

>> No.6572296

Haha detroitian, there is a reason Texans will defend their state till death, it is god-tier. They are like califags with less homos and more humidity.

>> No.6572933


Are you suggesting... that he eat a pizza?