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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 500x334, 20091218-rib-roast-perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6563766 No.6563766 [Reply] [Original]

Seared or unseared prime-rib?

I like mine unseared with bone-out, side of jus, no horseradish: medium rare of course.

>> No.6563776

enjoy the fats in your bloodstream for 8 hours and brain aneurism from clogged arteries.

>> No.6563779

It is quite enjoyable.

>> No.6563781

Found the vegan.

>> No.6563807

>actually eating prime rib without a shred of irony
Are you in 1975, flyover land, or both? You gonna have some cold duck with that? Maybe some of those new andes mints for dessert?

>> No.6563819
File: 67 KB, 500x401, Sugar-Molecule-Found-in-Red-Meat-Linked-to-Cancer-Study-Shows-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegetarian. vegan means avoiding all animal products. go drink that cow tit juice.

>> No.6563824
File: 35 KB, 404x402, avg_midwest_gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You new here? On /ck/ a vegan is anyone who has ever looked at a vegetable, shopped at a store that isn't walmart, or eaten at a restaurant that isn't mcdonalds.

>> No.6563826

my dads a internal med. most of his patients are white racist fucks in their 50s - 70s that are obese, have bone problems, cardiovascular disease, prostate and colon problems. you pic is dead on.

>> No.6563973

What in the world are you trying to imply? Is prime-rib outmoded like faux-wood paneling and leisure suits? It's a cut of meat which many people enjoy. We're not talking about anything close to, say, hotdogs and broccoli hovering in aspic.

>> No.6563995

The one on the left. Is that cooked?

If I cut into a steak at home and it was like that I'd give it to the cats. Is it safe to eat for humans?

I'm a human.

>> No.6563999

>Is prime-rib outmoded like faux-wood paneling and leisure suits?
Yes. The only people I've seen eating it are greyheads in baggy suits tailored to hide their misshapen ugly bodies. The kind of people who go on river cruises to "stay active"

>> No.6564117

>Is that cooked?

Yes. Don't you know what prime rib is? It's not a steak. It's a large cut of meat that is the thickness of many steaks. It is roasted in the oven, then "slices" are cut off for serving. It is the same cut of beef that ribeye steaks are taken from, but it's cooked whole, not in steak form.

>>safe to eat
of course.

>> No.6564125

>le ebin spoiler maymay

>> No.6564595 [DELETED] 

>being this much of a twat.

Did Tyrone lock you in the cuckshed again while he and your mom spend some quality time?

>> No.6564605 [DELETED] 

/pol/ tard.
Get back to your cuckold fetish containment board you fucking loser.

>> No.6564608

The fat should be carmelized.

>> No.6564610

>Doesn't eat Prime Rib
>Because Tyrone only let's him have the worst cuts of meat so that his mom can afford to take Tyrone to the club after dinner.

>> No.6564612

How exactly does one "carmelize" a foodstuff?

>> No.6564636

I just meant that it should browned and partially rendered.

>> No.6564650


Heat it up until it browns.

>> No.6564661


the guy was pointing out that you misspelled 'caramelised'

also just fyi most of the browning comes from the maillard reaction which isn't the same as caramelisation.

>> No.6564678

no problem with prime rib here. but i'm a fan of a good char so i'd stick with a decent ribeye.

>> No.6564709

Why don't you just go on Craigslist and find a big black man to stuff his cock in your mouth? Clearly you want this. It's a free country and I am supportive of your right to engagage in gay things, Bruce.

>> No.6564741
File: 35 KB, 445x520, brendanfraseristoobroketopaychildsupport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single one of you faggots answered my prime-rib question.

>> No.6564752

>The only people I've seen eating it
>implying you ever leave your mother's basement

>> No.6564762



but to be fair, i don't understand the difference you're drawing. the oven will brown the outside in any case.

>> No.6564766 [DELETED] 

Get a load of this angry cuck.

>> No.6564821


Where do you live that prime rib isn't hilariously vintage and weird?

Do you also consider chicken cordon bleu to be normal?

Do cool people in your area throw polynesian-themed cocktail parties?

>> No.6564859

>A cut of meat is trendy

You are an idiot.

>> No.6564863

Carved prime rib has never gone out of fashion in the midwest, and probably never will.

>> No.6564880


In the context of restaurant menus it absolutely is. In fact the example the guy posted earlier about fake wood paneling is a perfect example. Prime rib was de rigueur in the 60's and 70's. It's certainly not trendy now. That's not to say that it's a bad dish though.

>> No.6564889


Prime rib is not a cut of meat, it's a dish.

The cut is called a rib roast if it is boneless or a "standing rib roast" if it has bones in it. Depending on how it is prepared the dish has different names. If you slice the cut into steaks then you have ribeye steaks. If you roast it whole and serve thick slices then you have "prime rib". The slice off the end of the roast (on the right side of OP's photo) would be the "end cut".

>> No.6564933

I eat plenty of red meat. Have all my life. I run several miles every other day and do plenty of weightlifting. I'm extremely healthy by all accounts. So why am I not having all these problems? Is it because I'm not a lazy fuck and actually take care of myself? Also are you trying to suggest all those ailments are the result of eating red meat? That would be a pretty stupid thing to suggest.

>> No.6564958


prime rib is clearly a cut.

>> No.6564972

fucking try hard jesus fucking christ get a life

>> No.6564976

and autism is clearly a disease.

>> No.6564978


>le autism meme

>> No.6564980

>no horseradish


>> No.6564987

Green texting a meme and adding le in front of it to point it out is just as cancerous, anon.

>> No.6564995

"A standing rib roast, also known as prime rib, is a cut of beef from the primal rib, one of the nine primal cuts of beef."

>> No.6565006


Isn't the entire point of searing to seal in the juices?

>> No.6565009

Weak bait

>> No.6565010
File: 16 KB, 600x600, e74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565036

Prime Rib is my favorite, I get Prime Rib and crab legs every time I go out.

God-tier food.

>> No.6565049
File: 383 KB, 2561x1773, BeefChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565054


>le cancer meme

>> No.6565058
File: 44 KB, 479x720, 1429323618136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565070
File: 217 KB, 760x965, retail_beef_cuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565077

What does someone's belief about race and skin color have to do with health?
Buzzword much?

>> No.6565083
File: 35 KB, 960x690, db131_fig2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's le epic white people suck maymay

>> No.6565093


>masking the pure flavor of such a beautiful cut of meat

asphyxiate in ranch dressing, you child.

>> No.6565334

>muh precious work of art
If you've ever seen a factory farm you'd understand how it's the same as a piece of tofu, only it spoils faster and it won't trigger "omnivore" autism

>> No.6565527

Holy smokes, didn't this go off the rails?!

OP- I cook a prime rib a fair amount as I raise beef. This last year I had them all cut as half prime ribs (about 6 pounds apiece), bone-in. I sell them like that at xmas time and make a pretty penny. Unfortunately, this year I was left with around 5 of them.
I like prime rib just fine (with a bunch of horseradish sauce), but I've found over the years that I enjoy the end cut more. I think it's the salt more thanthe sear, but maybe not- I could just salt it.

I've got one defrosted int eh fridge right now to cut into steaks for the grill. I much prefer the 'prime rib" this way/ More slat, more sear, more browning.

>> No.6565616

>telling truth is trying hard
What should we do? Lie so you feel your quaint attitudes are mainstream and current?

Prime rib is just weird, no one said it's bad. Just that it's weird and retro like tiki culture and jello aspic.

>> No.6565620

I don't eat that stuff or care about tiki shit and I'm not the op.

it's just incredibly pathetic that you care if a cut of meat is hip or not. it's a fucking cut of meat, get over yourself.

>> No.6565622

I'm a new poster in this thread.

I don't think prime rib is as weird and retro as you may think. Where do you live? I'm in New england, and I think it's in every butcher shop I've ever been in. I think aspic and tiki culture is pretty retro and weird, but not prime rib.

>> No.6565649

I think you confused rib cuts in general with prime rib the dish.

I'm in the northeast in a large city

>> No.6565678

Hmm, maybe so.

I think of prime rib being a primal (or sub primal). When it's sold as a whole roast, I don;t think anyone is cutting it into steaks on their own. They're cooking it as a whole roast, and serving it as a whole roast, and around here (and everywhere else, I thought), we call it prime rib. And you can find the uncooked roast in every butcher shop. And you can find the cooked roast in a lot of restaurants ( as an all you can eat kind of thing, or I guess as a big honking slab) and on the table for a special event.
Maybe it's a WASP thing? We used to have it every christmas, and other occasions as well.

Are you suggesting that raw rib cuts (not steaks, but roasts) are more prevalent than cooked ones?

>> No.6565707
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 1417893975096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't like marbleazed cut's of meat.


Ayy, lmao.

We have a creative writer in our midst.

>> No.6565714

It's a cut from a rib-roast, jackass.

>> No.6565739

No, I'm suggesting that how you cut up and prepare a primal is what differentiates the end result, and doing it as prime rib, with jus and horseradish and carved extravagantly by a guy wearing a clip on bow tie, is not to be confused with say preparing rib eye steaks.

Every cow has the same primal cuts inside, surely no one is aspie enough to read my posts as suggesting otherwise.

>> No.6565969

Well, then I'm lost.

Let it be known to others that I may have confused- I think that prime rib, the roast you cook whole, in an oven, and then serve up as slices, is not weird and retro. The uncooked roast is readily available where I live, and my assumption is that people buy said roasts and cook them and serve them whole. I think they'd buy rib eyes if they wanted steaks.
Let it also be known that what I think of as prime rib, that cooked whole roast, is also available to purchase at many restaurants- fine and not so fine. At these establishments it doesn't appear weird or retro, either.

I love marbleized cuts of meat. I just like a thick steak more than a thick slab of prime rib. I find prime rib kind of bland.

>> No.6566236
File: 120 KB, 625x417, 20091218-rib-roast-perfect-thumb-625xauto-204235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. Don't you know what prime rib is?
Well I didn't until now, so thanx for the education.

I found a slightly bigger version of the same pic, btw. Shows the texture a little more clearly.

>> No.6566442
File: 21 KB, 450x338, FhuWT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same as a piece of tofu
>"omnivore" autism

>> No.6566615

Dude you are way too defensive about this, calm down

>> No.6566712


not the guy you're responding to, but who the fuck cares what's considered "normal"?

should you be ashamed of eating chicken cordon bleu if you enjoy it?

you sound really insecure. get a hold of yourself.

i fucking hate cordon bleu though. there's few things i don't like when properly prepared, this is one of them.

>> No.6566714


I don't actually think eating red meat is unhealthy, but you're clearly a fucking retard.

"I eat two big macs every single day and do about six hours of cardio. My liver and heart have never been in better shape."

That's how fucking dumb you sound. You cannot look at an individual and then generalize it for everyone.

Look up "logical fallacy" and don't post until you know the wiki entry word by word. Report back to me.

>> No.6566723


>> No.6566736

Only had prime rib once, it was only ok. Probably more a reflection on the place (now out of business) than the cut of meat. I like my steaks raw, but I like my steaks seared. So I think I'd like prime rib better if it was seared.

>> No.6566871


To add to my preference, when I make prime rib, I give a quick sear to the leftover slabs, and like them more than the original slabs.

I also have been trending toward more cooked steaks. I prefer medium rare, on the way to medium (I know, I know. Think what you want. I like Genessee, too.), but I think that has something to do with my beef, and the fact that it's less marbled than feed lot beef.

>> No.6566887

I ate some of this shit awhile back from logans roadhouse, i asked for it medium but it was rare as hell when it came, and i make it a RULE to never return food to the kitchen once it's on the table im going to eat it, plus i was pretty well drunk by then so i gobbled it down, i was sickly for a day and a half after that not sure if it was the rareness that made me sick like salmonella or something but it turned me off of prime rib i'll just stick with my medium ribeye from now on

>> No.6566921 [DELETED] 

Not even that guy, but your only comeback so far has been 'cuck'. Seems like there's some repressed shit in your head. Either that or you just don't have any original thoughts and have to regurgitate memes.

>> No.6568408

I REALLY enjoy these threads where someone comes out of the gates, swinging, but is a total moron, and eventually just quits.

I imagine that they realize they are a moron, and I like that. Too much, maybe.

>> No.6568412 [DELETED] 

He has a point and you are the guy, cuckold boy.

>> No.6568413

>I imagine that they realize they are a moron
I wish I thought the same.

>> No.6568917

Unseared, au jus.

>> No.6568950

You niggers will really argue over anything lol.

>> No.6569420

>should you be ashamed of eating chicken cordon bleu if you enjoy it?

Who said anything about shame? All I said was that it's weird and vintage.

>get a hold of yourself.

Everything is fine here. You seem a little shaken. Are you ok?

>> No.6569524

damn I haven't had prime rib in way too long

>> No.6569544

>Are you in 1975, flyover land, or both? You gonna have some cold duck with that? Maybe some of those new andes mints for dessert?
>The only people I've seen eating it are greyheads in baggy suits tailored to hide their misshapen ugly bodies. The kind of people who go on river cruises to "stay active"
>Where do you live that prime rib isn't hilariously vintage and weird?

>Do you also consider chicken cordon bleu to be normal?

>Do cool people in your area throw polynesian-themed cocktail parties?
>Prime rib is just weird, no one said it's bad. Just that it's weird and retro like tiki culture and jello aspic.
>I'm suggesting that how you cut up and prepare a primal is what differentiates the end result, and doing it as prime rib, with jus and horseradish and carved extravagantly by a guy wearing a clip on bow tie, is not to be confused with say preparing rib eye steaks.
>Who said anything about shame? All I said was that it's weird and vintage.

I'd say it feels like you (assuming these were all from the same doofus) were trying to shame people. I think if you were just trying to proclaim prime rib as weird and vintage without shaming people, you'd say something along the line of, "I feel like prime rib is kind of weird and vintage, " not the above.

>> No.6569787

>trying to shame
It's called banter, but I know MUH COOKED BEEF is the sacred cow of /ck/ and we're not allowed to have a sense of humor about it. Only activated almonds, sushi, and other elitist coastie fag foods can be joked about.

>> No.6569793

That's unfortunate.

I usually only make it once a year, for Christmas dinner.

>> No.6569850

sure is ass blasted coasties in here.

You got a problem with people holding the primary form of our intellectual development during evolution to a higher standard then your fucking sushi that isn't sushi because its a fucking California roll?

>> No.6569861

Nice bro science

I'm always up for shitposting about Real Sushi, followed by a nice lunch of california rolls and chili with beans. Calm down sugartits

>> No.6569881
File: 52 KB, 622x360, 20h0b3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone better pull all that bro science out of the books then. I'd hate to think it triggered your soy eating ladyboy cunt.

Get that shit out of here.

>> No.6569886

Please proceed, I think you'll find it was elephants, fish, and all kinds of stuff that your dumb ass probably would make gagging noises and childish facial expressions
>eew marrow gross!
>fish is slimy and weird!
This is you, silly rural baby.