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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6559431 No.6559431 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>How much citrus is too much and will destroy tooth enamel? Every day I drink the juice of 1/2 a grapefruit, 1/2 a lime, and 1/4 of a lemon. Most of the time I use a straw but the liquid still hits my teeth. I brush with fluoride toothpaste. Are my teeth going to be ruined if I continue this way?

>> No.6559835

Why are people on this board obsessed with food pics from Japan?

>> No.6559840

this is /ck/ not /thingsishouldaskmydentist/

>> No.6559841

Wait a half hour after drinking the juice to brush your teeth, to give them a change to remineralize

It's just one guy posting it over and over, and because the mods are looking the other way /ck/ is powerless to stop it

>> No.6559899
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op. I think you are worrying too much brush at least once a day, preferably twice.I like grapefruit juice or the ftuit but if taking beta blockers or some blood pressure meds you might want to ask a Dr.
here is a question how come"pork and beans" even the more expensive variaties like nan camps, campbells, heinze are mostly beans and sauce with a tiny bi t of pork(usually fat and an after thought) Should'nt be called beans and a bit of pork or in the case of really cheap labelled no hogs were injured in the manufacture of these beans. I bought a few cheap cans and honest vegans kosher or halal people could eat them guilt free.

>> No.6560167
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Cuz its cool mang.

What are good sushi fillings that I can get from your average supermarket. I've made a california roll and I'm ready to expand.

>> No.6560185

1. We are on 4chan, we are all weebs whether we care to admit or not
2. We like to pretend we're not weebs, but "cultured" folk who enjoy "exotic" things
3. We're weebs who like food

>> No.6560199


I like those threads because I find the dishes pleasant to look at. And also because Japanese food is pretty decent. I would like to travel there some day and just spend the entire time stuffing my face with ramen and sushi.

>> No.6560289

Please don't ridicule me for this.

At the supermarket fruit section you are supposed to bag your fruits in seperate small plastic bags. How do this work with fruits that don't fit in those small bags like watermelon? Am I just supposed to roll a huge watermelon up to the cashier without it being covered by anything? It just seems odd and I hate weird situations like this. Sorry if it's really off-topic but I don't know who to ask.

>> No.6560298

Where I am, you don't have to put anything in bags if you don't want to. It's just convenient to keep things together so they can be weighed together. That's obviously not necessary for melons.

Customs may be different where you are, however.

>> No.6560312

>Every day I drink the juice of 1/2 a grapefruit, 1/2 a lime, and 1/4 of a lemon.
why? i like tart and acidic foods too but that seems like a bit much.

couldn't you add the juice to a glass of water? 8-12 oz of water + juice of one of the fruits.

>> No.6560337

It's not that much. It's less than one whole grapefruit.

>> No.6560340

i mean it seems a bit much as in too acidic to drink that way.

>> No.6560970

There are some pretty knowledgeable fu/ck/s about

Thanks for the tip

No beta blockers or cholesterol meds but thanks for the heads up

I don't drink it straight like that but nearly every day I drink iced tea with lemon, carrot juice with grapefruit, and melon juice with lime.

You put fruits together in the bags. Like if you're getting three peppers, all in the same bag. You won't raise any eyebrows if you have a few bags of the same produce, like broccoli or beets with greens attached, since those can be kind of big and might require more than one bag.

Melons you generally don't bag. When you get to the register, they may ask you if you want it in a bag, depending on the size. If you do want it bagged, be sure to ask if they would double bag it.

>> No.6560976

Am I risking anything like food poisoning or whatever by cooking frozen chicken in steamer? It takes like over 1 hour to cook completely, but I can't be bothered to take it out of the freezer the night before.

>> No.6561069

>but I can't be bothered to take it out of the freezer the night before
This literally takes almost no effort. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.6561083

I'm lazy and forgetful. It's a miracle that I'm eating anything at all instead of just drinking all day.

>> No.6561086

Like seriously. Do you sleep with the light on because it's too much effort to turn off as well?

>> No.6561153
File: 107 KB, 1600x1200, Artificial-Sweeteners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best sugar substitute healthwise? I tried stevia recently and it was actually alright. Now I'm out and before picking up more I'd like to know if there's better options. Haven't seen xylitol in the stores around me but I tried it once and it wasn't too impressed.

>> No.6561158

in the grand scheme they're all shit because they trigger parts of the brain that cause and establish bad habits that reinforce unhealthy diet practices.

Stop adding sugar/sweeteners to things.

>> No.6561176


>> No.6561178

Are eggs really bitter or is that one dude just a shitposter?

>> No.6561179

except stevia isn't synthesized in a lab; it's natural.
it's objectively the best sweetener.

>> No.6561180

i'd assume it's 2-3 shitposters trying to force a meme

>> No.6561186

have you eaten eggs m8?

The yolk is indeed bitter, but in a good way. I hated yolks as a kid.

>> No.6561189

fuck of joey faggot

>> No.6561190

yeah, but I always season the shit out of my eggs so hard to tell. I've never eaten a plain fried or scrambled egg.

>> No.6561445

>I don't drink it straight like that but nearly every day I drink iced tea with lemon, carrot juice with grapefruit, and melon juice with lime.

That might be a problem. The amount of citrus juice you drink doesn't actually matter so much as the frequency does- chugging three glasses of juice with breakfast would be less harmful to your teeth than sipping a mouthful of juice three times a day between meals, for example. Your teeth need time to remineralise and they don't get that if you're regularly consuming sugar, particularly sugar AND acid together, as happens with juice. You can limit the damage by only having these drinks with meals, not snacking in between, and perhaps rinsing your mouth afterwards or chewing sugar-free gum.

>> No.6561456

same. hard boiled egg yolk i would just throw or something

>> No.6561494

I think it's a marketing tactic so they can advertise it being "Pork n Beans" with only a tiny bit. It prob adds flavour and fat to it to make it more wholesome as well. Think of it like those fruit drinks with 5% fruit juice in it just to say "MADE WITH REAL JUICE"

>> No.6561528

Is loose tea worth it?

>> No.6561530

what is it

>> No.6561534
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Like related.

Worth it compared to tea bags

>> No.6561538

no you asked if its worth it. worth what?

tl:dr sure why not

>> No.6561542

What an autistic way to interpret a question.

>> No.6561543

if youre going to ask me some faggot ass question I'm going to give you a faggot ass answer. what if I asked you if tea was good? would you say yes? great fucking question you cunt.

>> No.6561557

Please don't reply if you're actually autistic.

>> No.6561567

ask a better question anon. say what would make it worth it to you and maybe someone will tell you if its like that. I like it but I don't know if you would find it worth it.

worst case I've bumped your question a few times

>> No.6561667

My nigga I feel you on that one

>> No.6561738

What's the ideal side dish to serve with buffalo wings?

>> No.6561814

I'm curious, how much is milk where you live? It's $6 a gallon here in Puerto Rico and I still buy it for some reason.

>> No.6561861

Would it be gross to mix caramel liquid coffee creamer w milk

>> No.6561933
File: 700 KB, 4128x2322, vegetarian-steamed-dumplings-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make dumplings more soft?
I used some special dumpling flour thats nearly completely starch but it still wasn't as soft as in the restaurants.

Should I knead it more or use more oil? Or no oil at all? Or should I just roll it thinner.

>> No.6562037

Thanks for the info. I may need to rethink my juicing strategy.

What is the best way to generalize teeth?

>> No.6562157

What's the cheapest and best rice cooker I can buy? Also where to buy good rice online?

>> No.6562181

>>best bang for buck

In my opinion it's a basic Tiger model. They are solid quality, have a proper locking lid, but at the same time they are much less costly than premium brands like Zoojirushi.

>>buy rice online
I wouldn't do that as the shipping costs will screw you over. Find an Asian, Mexican, or Indian/Paki/Desi market locally and buy a big sack.

>> No.6562188

Thanks. No stores where I live currently but I'm going to Uni in a bigger city so hopefully there's stores there.

>> No.6562211

blue cheese and celery. really you dont do sides with wings (buffalofag reporting in), but if you really insist on making a side, maybe a nice coleslaw, cornbread, or something that would be traditionally served with bbq would be nice. usually wings are the whole meal though.

>> No.6562230

I think it is. I drank like 3 energy drinks a morning, then quit and became healthy. After awhile bag tea just looses it's idfk...Anyways I think the taste is better, although the price is higher. Try it out man.

>> No.6562253

Gotta side with this anon here. That was a pretty faggot question, and poorly phrased.

How can anyone but yourself be expected to judge "worth" to you? Price vs bagged? Look for yourself. Taste, variety, freashness? Again, faggot, that's on you to judge.

>> No.6562261

any halfway decent anti-cutting glove recommendations? home use, mostly for grating all kinds of shit.

>> No.6562271
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Where can I get Kvass in the UK?

>> No.6562275

mixmarkt dot eu

>> No.6562301

>bottled kvass

>> No.6562701

>Is loose tea worth it?
Yes, it very much is

>> No.6562772

"It" is the added prep time and cleaning over teabags, obviously.

It is worth it, because you can adjust the strength of the tea to your liking and the quality is often better.

>> No.6562971

Ayy /ck/,
I will be at a party with a campfire this weekend. Is it possible to cook italian sausages over the fire without a pan?

I'm thinking of boiling them, bringing it to the party and browning it over the campfire. Is there an easier way to do this?

>> No.6563049

Please don't use sugar substitutes. They desensitize your buds since they're so sweet. If you have to sweeten something I'd say use >>6561176

but it's better overall to just try and cut out sugar where you can, bit by bit. Humans shouldn't be eating as much sugar as we do anyway.

>> No.6563059

I haven't ever made dumplings but you don't have any replies. My credentials: I watch a lot of Cooking With Dog and other cooking shows.

I'd say roll it thinner. I wouldn't think that the oil would affect it. Your kneading might be a contributing factor, but I don't know if more or less is the solution.

The only plausible answer is to test all of the methods, scientifically.

>> No.6563084

I think it's possible. You'd be cooking them longer if you don't pre-cook them, but I'm sure the image/practice of cooked weenies over a fire has some legitimacy. You just have to be careful with positioning to make sure that the insides have enough time to cook before the outside gets overdone.

>> No.6563267
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Wouldn't steaming them longer or making them sit for a long ass time make them softer? Sorta like overboiling pasta?

>> No.6563268

Make a rotisserie up in that bitch and stick em on a stick.

>> No.6563278
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So I made this soup and I got the recipe from the booru. It tasted great, but the texture was like really liquidy applesauce.

My question is, would I get a creamier texture if I used a blender rather than a food processor? I don't think I'll get an immersion blender, but would that be the best? Recipe in the next post.

>> No.6563279
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>> No.6563284


use less liquid if it's too liquidy

>> No.6563293

It really depends what you mean by "creamier texture," too. If by texture alone, then a food processor should do the work just fine (do it for longer perhaps). Or do you mean less liquidy or creamier taste?

Cheat with cornstarch.
Cook down (reduce liquid) for longer.
Start with less liquid.
Sub some of the chicken stock for a little bit of cream.

>> No.6563317

like, I mean it had the chunks like applesauce does. THey were too small to chew on so they were more like gristle than anything else. What can I do to make sure its all just one uniform liquid? Like a bisque.

>> No.6563364

Recommendations for making a cheese sauce?
Something to cover Jojos/steak fries/chips in.

>> No.6563379

Velveeta and tomatoes/peppers is the standard go-to. Melt that shit on the stove or in the microwave. It won't burn unless you put your stove on high or you stop stirring for a long ass time.

>> No.6563404


That is a pretty decent recipe. Although if you can't be assed to dirty up a pan, go with >>6563379

There's no shame in using velveeta sometimes. If I eat too much of it I become too self aware and the taste starts to make me cringe, though.

>> No.6563409


if it's any consolation, every time I've made butternut squash soups, they've come out just as you've described. I also use a food processor.

>> No.6563421

Since it's made of butternut squash, I'd suggest you roast it for 5 minutes longer so they get soft and remove the peel.

>> No.6563451

is it possible to get carpal tunnel from using a lot of knife at work? Or am I just really bad at using knives?

>> No.6563460

use a blender, food processors don't really make food that smooth.

>> No.6563637

dumb but serious question: How come buffaloes have wings? Aren't they mammals?

>> No.6563641

They come from Buffalo New York brah

>> No.6563642

When do you and when don't you use olive oil to cook?

>> No.6563644

You don't use it if you don't want the taste of it. For example, I tend to do asian style dishes with peanut oil. For a cake you want a neutral oil like canola or grapeseed, etc.

And when frying. Its smoke point is too low.

>> No.6563690
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I've made this a few times, and it usually turns out well, but last time it got fucked up hard -- the sauce didn't stick, and the breading fell off. I left it in the fridge all day coated in the corn starch, and I made a 1.5x recipe of the sauce. I think I did something else weird too, but I can't remember. Where did I mess up most?

>> No.6563692

How do I home make that sesame salad dressing like they do at Mos Burger?

>> No.6563705

Less peer reviewed studies against Dixie Crystals, so I'd go with that.

>> No.6563725

>Stop adding sweeteners to things
I already use way less sweetener than most people. I can't even drink straight juice anymore, it's too sweet. But things like iced tea and black bean brownies still need a little something

Honey is good but has a lot of calories. I sweeten with honey and stevia currently


>Please don't use sugar substitutes
What about stevia?

>> No.6564062

Bout to make a veggie stock. Will roasting the vegetables before hand contribute any noticeable 'roasted' flavor?

>> No.6564107

I'm just worried because it takes ~45 minutes to cook in the oven. Wouldn't wanna wait that long on the day itself..

>> No.6564189

tempura whatever you like, cream cheese, sliced vegetables

most sushi fillings are japanese sea vegetables and fish, not so easy to get elsewhere

>> No.6564201



>> No.6564203
File: 42 KB, 1000x655, Professional_Grip_ADAC-11400_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get carpal tunnel from anything

buy some grip trainers, work up your forearm strength, and (this sounds stupid) stretch your wrists out before you start knifework

make a fist and draw circles with it, stretch your fingers back from your palm, roll your shoulders out and keep your back straight

you'll thank me when you're 40

>> No.6564206

>is it possible to get carpal tunnel from using a lot of knife at work?


>>really bad at using knives

The most likely issue is that your cutting board is at the wrong height. Try a lower or higher position that keeps your arms and wrists at a more comfortable angle.

>> No.6564250
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I was given this at christmas this year. immersion blender is the tits for soup

>> No.6564257

copycat recipes are usually pretty easy to find on pinterest honestly

>> No.6564359

Is tartare any good? I'm on vacation in the south of France. Last night I had frog legs for the first time. Fucking bomb as shit - like holy fuck were they good.

Tonight I was considering trying veal tartare, but im a little worried that I won't like it at all.

Tips? Thoughts?

>> No.6564369

try it you'll like it

>> No.6564440

Don't use sugar substitutes. Just use sugar. I was looking around for a sugar substitute for a while, but then I realized that there actually aren't that many calories in sugar at all. Half a tablespoon of brown sugar in my morning oatmeal adds about 20 calories. Just don't put it in everything you eat, and use a reasonable amount. 20 extra calories here and there is nothing.

>> No.6564453
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Dude, you need calories to stay alive. Why is /ck/ so concerned about calories ? I mean if your getting all your energy from sugar and saturated fat and not burning it off then that's a problem but n-oones eats that much junk surely?

>> No.6564471

>we are all weebs
The closest I've gotten to anime is Samurai Jack tbh. I don't even remember how or why I got here.

>> No.6564505

I'm not really one of those calorie people, it's just that in my experience people looking for sugar substitutes ARE calorie people. I like to point out to them that a) there's not a lot of calories in small amounts of sugar and b) calories are not the root of all evil.

>> No.6564546

Calories are literally the sole determine factor in whether or not a person gains or loses weight, you dipshit.

This is probably why you're fat.

>> No.6564582

Thanks anons

>> No.6564591

Thanks. I'll try making my own first though.

>> No.6564601


> sole

in the sense that all else being equal less calories means less weight gain/more weight loss

your body does not utilize all calorie sources equally though

>> No.6564614

>your body does not utilize all calorie sources equally though

which is moot because that's already taken into account by the calorie figures you read on food packages.

You know those numbers that say that fat is 9 cals/gram and protein and carbs are 4 cals/gram? Those are called Atwater factors. They are not the same thing as the caloric value of those foods measured in a labratory setting. Rather they are empircially calculated based on a study of the human body to see what the body actually gets out of them. If you put one gram of protein in a calorimeter and measured its energy content in the context of a Chemistry class you would measure higher than 4. However, your body only gets 4 due to how that protein is digested. Same for other foods: fat actually contains more than 9 cals/gram but 9 is what the human body gets out of it. Etc. Atwater factors, google it.

>> No.6564658

No, they're not. Physical activity is just as important to your weight as calorie consumption. Not to mention that there are plenty of medications and illnesses that can make you gain or lose weight regardless of your caloric intake or activity level.

Please don't use the word "literally" if you don't know what it means.