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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 361 KB, 970x546, Great-American-Food-Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6561425 No.6561425 [Reply] [Original]

Best state for food and cooking /ck/?

>> No.6561432

peaceful state of mind. transcend the negative attitudes you will face for trying new things. it's a journey. look at Guy Fieri

>> No.6561449


>> No.6561455


What are the colors on that map meant to signify? I don't see any real correlation between the color and type of dish.

>> No.6561464

Been listening to snarky puppy and other fusion rock, love the energy. Other than that its either bossanova, funk or obscure 1970s soundtracks.

>> No.6561476

Is Nevada just an empty plate?

Me gusta.

>> No.6561482

South for BBQ

>> No.6561490

Depends on what you're hungry for, doesn't it?

>> No.6561505
File: 33 KB, 575x383, lobster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561511

What the hell does New Mexico have? Pancakes?

>> No.6561514

>fair food
>not just an ear of corn

This map is made of lies

>> No.6561529

the only thing nevada can offer are buffets

>> No.6561535
File: 98 KB, 600x435, chipotle-GMO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California :^)

>> No.6561619
File: 45 KB, 620x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's stacked enchiladas

>> No.6561625

This is dog shit. Why is Illinois the fucking deep dish pizza instead of the Italian beef sandwich??

>> No.6561638

Oh, cool. I've traveled through New Mexico and never saw anything like that. Mostly tamales and really spicy chili dogs.

>> No.6561644
File: 417 KB, 800x507, navajo-taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck were you eating at?

>> No.6561654

>No-Homo ingredients

>> No.6561720 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 500x375, coneyisland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The map shows a pasty for Michigan but most folks would say a Detroit Coney Island hot dog is the food of the gods - at least in the lower peninsula.

The U.P. probably the pasty or beer.

>> No.6561730

I live in Maine, what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.6561736

Mainefag here

>move from retarded stupid central Maine to based Southern Maine
>blonde ale as far as the eye can see
>fried clams all day
>the night I get back my folks get lobsters
Heaven on Earth

>> No.6561740

Why is ohio black

>> No.6561758
File: 47 KB, 680x510, 1395580217391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly gas stations

>> No.6561763

umm , lobster roll ?

>> No.6561766

knee grows

>> No.6561770

For New Hampshire, I'm having trouble figuring out what the fuck that is a steak?

>> No.6561784

Because everything is dead there.

>> No.6561936

Looks like a prolapsed pussy but fuck lobster rolls

Yeah I said it - fuck you for paying $15+ for a tiny ass roll of lobster and mayo

>> No.6561992

Montana eats balls, lol.

Anyway, probably Wheezy Anna.


Two of those are not states. Are you legitimately retarded?

To be fair, it's a corndog.

>> No.6562019
File: 101 KB, 874x656, chislic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the source

that's not fucking chislic god dammit it's steak bites on toothpicks

chislic needs to be lamb, it needs to be fried, and it needs to be served on skewers not fucking toothpicks

also there's literally nothing wrong with bierocks - the nebraska dish. they're not just hot pockets, they're beef with cabbage/sauerkraut and onion inside of buns.

>> No.6562055

What an awful article

>> No.6562062

>The Greats
>1. Chicago-style deep-dish pizza (Illinois)

Alright, which one of you fucks wrote this article?

>> No.6562063
File: 432 KB, 1800x1196, new_york_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one state has the most diverse cuisine from around the world

>> No.6562067

>rhode island
>not clam

what the fucking shit

>> No.6562079
File: 831 KB, 1800x1196, area-51-orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly Nevada

>> No.6562082

I'm gonna say North Carolina. In the big cities you've got lots of blacks and Mexicans cooking soul food and Mexican dishes and in the suburbs you have damn Yankees making really good Italian beef sandwiches and ruebens and such. Then in the coast regions you've got really good seafood and in the mountains you have barbeque.

>> No.6562096
File: 528 KB, 494x670, tumblr_n74pv36pqS1s2wio8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a state of grace and tolerance for others whose idea of great food might not be divine like yours.

>> No.6562103

Not a bad choice but I refuse to believe there are Mexicans in NC. They are all in California and Texas.

>> No.6562109


>> No.6562117

that shit is fucking disgusting. fuck maine if thats what u guys really eat there. hope u like the roach of the sea

>> No.6562143

louisiana but basically ever major city has dozens of excellent restaurant and it's easy to get fairly high quality goods anywhere

>> No.6562145

/ck/ is just a similar case of /pol/ where banter has begun to be taken seriously by fucktards, and trolls having a field day, which really is reflective of the majority of 4chan.
/ck/ has its moments, but yeah, trolls suck ass.
There isn't even any humor to their shit.

>> No.6562146

you better belive or think again. and thy cook damn well and wotk many jobs others don't like. Pardon moi francias, but fuck a duck, they are here and most people are very glad they are. pic unrelated. I learned a lot more from them than some others.

>> No.6562164
File: 55 KB, 387x214, qdoba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK chipotle. Qdoba master race

>> No.6562191

I'd say Texas. It's the premier state for BBQ. You've got all those hipsters in Austin for the more pretentious stuff. Then there's a lot of Mexican and soul food. Fine dining in DFW or Houston.

>> No.6562202

And that's just eating out, I totally forgot about cooking. Texas is the beef capital of America, and ingredients in general are good and dirt fucking cheap. Lots of folk around here who've been perfecting family recipes for generations as well, and they're all happy to share.

>> No.6562205

>They are all in California and Texas.

I live in AL and even we have a ton in certain parts of the state.

>> No.6562215

What are the best states for spicy food?

>> No.6562220

Maine and North Dakota

>> No.6562226

The Southern states.

>> No.6562232

>not calling it a runza like every other 21st century nebraskan

you're right though

>> No.6562249

Don't let 4chinz get you down anon. Of course it's not what it used to be, just filter out the retardation and don't come so often anymore.

You sound a tad bit butthurt.

>> No.6562252

im going to denver for 5 weeks, can any cu/ck/s in the area recommend tasty shit/good food places to go? greasy questionable street food to pretentious fine dining, anything, it just has to taste good

>> No.6562267

Anybody try spam musubi before?

>> No.6562297

>Mission Style Burrito- California
Have these faggots never had a burrito from San Diego?

>> No.6562334

I lived in the county for a while. It feels really good to back in southern Maine. I forgot how much I missed the seafood. Also the access to great beer.

>> No.6562342

>fried food on a stick

Truly the heartland.

>> No.6562501

Hawaiifag here.
Spam musubi is a god-tier snack

>> No.6562514

>that's a corndog
At least you can tell what yours is. If Nebraska's is supposed to be a runza, that's a shit looking runza and we don't do pasties here.

>> No.6562528

The correct answer would be Louisiana

>> No.6562532

Thanks for the (retarded) source. >>6562514 here. Retard didn't even call them bierocks, he said "Handheld meat pies (Nebraska)" which are something entirely different and something I've never seen here, anywhere. Bierocks are a different beast (and infinitely delicious-er).

I just... I hate these lists. The people always have shit opinions, and I know their going to be shit opinions, and I recognize they're going to be a SUPER EDGELORD about every state they 'definitively, definitely, super duper don't give a fuck about and have never been, but I googled it for 3 minutes to do my due diligence.' I shouldn't get angry... but I get angry.

I'd rather have a Fazoli's thread to be honest.

>> No.6562587

just describing it as it is

>> No.6562598

Chicken Spiedies in CNY.

>> No.6562611
File: 40 KB, 597x552, 1328054925633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? didn't know we were known for candy, anyone can recommend?

>> No.6562643

It's likely meant to be "salt water" taffy.

>> No.6562692

ahh i think i've seen that mentioned before on the new jersey sub reddit. i'm going to have to look around and try some of it.

>> No.6562709


>Company started in Colorado

>> No.6562716
File: 244 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Casa Bonita ;^)

>> No.6562799

louisiana bayou

>> No.6562812
File: 16 KB, 300x225, Spammusubi1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ma boy, that is the most delicious looking thing I've seen from hawaii. do you guys add eggs or pineapples by any chance? not to be a stereofag, I'm just curious

>> No.6562819

California is best. Largest variety, and it's wealthy, populated, and ethnic enough to ensure that you can get pretty much any ingredient you need.

>> No.6562830

Not a lot of dagos in California though.

>> No.6562833
File: 618 KB, 680x627, bf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its not connected to a coast its food is shit.

>> No.6562835

massachusetts for our glorious portugese american cuisine

>> No.6562841

Sopapillas, green chili sauce on everything.

>> No.6562867

Is MD a fucking hot dog?

>> No.6562945

Can't even tell what the dish for New Hampshire is...

>> No.6562951

I was about to argue this point, but we are including the Gulf Coast, you are absolutely correct.

>> No.6563102
File: 245 KB, 984x850, myAMjYt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I don't want to be surrounded by retards?

>> No.6563114

then you don't move to the retard counties

>> No.6563128

That requires a lot of jewgolds.

>> No.6563132

I don't know, seems like a pretty shit state from where I'm standing.

>b-but muh relevance!

>> No.6563134
File: 130 KB, 580x570, CTZj1fL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops :^)

>> No.6563142
File: 159 KB, 539x517, utah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm from utah. con confirm we eat a lot of jello.

there's always a fresh batch waiting to congeal in my fridge.

>> No.6563144

Neopets mate?

>> No.6563163

You lost so bad the casino doesn't even bother comping your meal. They feel bad for you and want you to go home.

>> No.6563168

Clearly that is Utah anon. Learn to read filenames.

>> No.6563169

What the fuck happened to Illinois?
Why it is missing a huge chunk out of its right side?

>> No.6563202
File: 101 KB, 655x720, mfw the meth lab down the street caught fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Never realized how shit it must be to live on the coasts.
I couldn't imagine spending half my income on rent for a tiny little shithole apartment, while having to worry about car thieves and minorities shooting and scowling at me every day.

Thank god for the 'flyover states', where the air is cleaner, the rent is cheaper, and the ethnics and trannies know thier fucking place and have no positions of power whatsoever.
(...if only we could get the white trash drug addicts to stop burning everything down with their meth labs, it'd almost be perfect.)

>> No.6563839

Eggs, maybe. Pineapple, never.

Plain rice, spam, and nori to wrap is best.

>> No.6563851


I pay more than half and I work an average of about 55 hours a week. My place doesn't even have a kitchen and I work as a fucking cook. I wish I wasn't born here.

>> No.6563857

i've been through entire usa and it's wisconsin, hands down

>> No.6563894

Outside of portland and maybe a few random places downeast it's worse the Ohio when it comes to food. But God damn does Portland make up for it.

>> No.6564157
File: 64 KB, 850x565, 1370215708909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>plain better than teriyaki or furikake

>> No.6564199
File: 30 KB, 692x600, hotdogsonplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food of the gods? food of the faggots to be exact. coney island hot dogs are as salty as their waters. fuck nathans and anything that comes from them. sabrett hot dogs are top tier and are always paired with the softest of breads.

>> No.6564210
File: 21 KB, 350x298, 1433015187621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still consuming sea cockroaches
>considering them a delicacy

>> No.6564237

>coney dogs are from coney island
lolno. I'm not even American and I know that, you friendless faggot.

>> No.6564261

I live in Arkansas, and it's pretty awesome. In less than a day's drive in any direction, I can be at a food destination.

I've got Texas West of me for Tex-Mex, authentic Mexican, food trucks (love 'em or hate 'em), chili, etc.

Then we've got Memphis, TN on the other side for dat barbecue.

In the South East we've got New Orleans, LA, one of the richest culinary destinations in the world.

After Hurricane Katrina, many people came here to start their lives over and you can find all kinds of good New Orleans' favorites here now.

As for Arkansas we've got rice and pork. All the rice and pork you can stand. Fried catfish is a local favorite. As well as cheese dip.

I'll never move.

>> No.6564298

>i'll never move
There are disability advocates in Arkansas that can provide you with a free or low-cost mobility scooter. That way, you can move all you want, fatty.

>> No.6564319
File: 75 KB, 634x473, article-2528954-1A479BED00000578-320_634x473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never move.
pic related is what i'm envisioning you look like

>> No.6564325

don't feed him. free summer meal programs are coming to town this month.

>> No.6564330

whats that thing in pennsylvania?

>> No.6564338

So the best thing about Arkansas is the food that's 500 miles away from it. That's like a guy in Connecticut saying it's awesome living there since NY is only a day away. Not something to be very happy about.

>> No.6564343

>I've got Texas West of me for Tex-Mex, authentic Mexican

Unless you are driving all the way down to San Antonio, no, you don't.

Scrapple, and I realize that probably has still answered nothing.

>> No.6564373

Uh no. Nevada has a great restaurant scene and has the best thai in US

>> No.6564381

clam chowder

>> No.6564388

>best thai in the US


>> No.6564406
File: 46 KB, 655x618, Ohio General.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sensibly chuckled because it's true.

>> No.6564436

Are you that guy who's always going on how it's actually michigian or Ohio or some one of those states? Because they don't have to cater to white people?

>> No.6564450

>Great restaurant scene
You don't understand the graphic, do you?

>> No.6564521

No, he's not. Cuz I am. And that's Minnesota.

Seriously, the best general SEA I've had in America. Less Viet, anyway. Viet food in MN is just average.
Best Viet I've had in the US is a three way tie between, believe it or not, Arlington TX, Oklahoma City and Memphis. Honourable mentions to Philadelphia and Houston. I don't know what it is with dry-as-fuck southern places, but Viet food is really good in locales like that for some reason.

>> No.6564533

google helped me.. thanks!

>> No.6564615

Alaska has the best Seafood.

>> No.6564618

They also eat eagles.

>> No.6564620

Those are Rocky Mountain Oysters.

>> No.6564622

Shut it whale eater.

>> No.6564630

Killing an Eagle is a felony. But they are definitely not an endangered species here. We have a half dozen of them that live in our trees during the winter. I'll feed them salmon and halibut.

>> No.6564685

dont know what the fuck you talkin about

>> No.6564815
File: 114 KB, 1024x685, sopapilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I think it looks more like sopapillas, which are a fried tortilla coated with cinnamon sugar and served with honey. Most Mexican restaurants had them available as a dessert option from what I could tell.

>> No.6564823

>faggy hipster burritos started in san fran
>guy from colorado takes the idea and turns it into a fast food place

>> No.6564830

Why did Illinois lose a good portion of it western edge to Iowa and Missouri? Also why is Illinois' dish pizza casserole instead of the Italian Beef sandwich, which is infinitely better?

>> No.6564865
File: 19 KB, 200x200, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey genius, the article that pic was taken from was posted here >>6562019

>> No.6564904
File: 74 KB, 720x540, 140[1].jpg_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that article
>chicago pizza first
>shitting on bratwurst
>gawker media site

>> No.6565044

I live in CT and nyc is an hour away from me so, granted this state still sucks

>> No.6565079

I live in western NC we have tons of mexicans here. It's ruined flea markets for me.

>> No.6565089

I love that I know people as concepts instead of as people. You not Jim. Your the idea of where the best asian food is. But you exist and we can talk and all that jazz.

>> No.6565092

Ah well I live in Indiana and I'm pretty sure there's a total of 5 mexicans in the entire state and they all work at the local mexican restaurant.
It was a total culture shock when I went out to california for the first time. Felt like I was in mexico.

>> No.6565097

If you have unlimited money, California is objectively the best answer. Live in Monterey, Carmel specifically for the best overall food experience. SF is a close second, while LA is a better version of NYC (still shitty as hell though)

If you don't have money, Colorado seems nice.. I guess if you like BBQ exclusively then the south, but all other states are pretty mediocre and shit.

>> No.6565106

I'd say California. God tier sushi/mexican food. especially Samurai Burrito which has sushi burritos and sushi nachos. And they got asian/cajun food that will knock your socks off

>> No.6565115

Why is it that the only people that like Californian food are the ones who live there and everyone else who visits California hates it?
I visited California for a college friend's mother's second wedding. Said friend grew up in California and kept raving about all the food places and how great they are. I was very, very thoroughly underwhelmed. And so was everyone else I was with other than the Californians.

>> No.6565126

Californians are known for their narcissism, it's only natural to extend that to the local food.

>> No.6565127

And to be clear, we stayed at my friend's mother's place (huge house just outside SF) with some excursions to other parts of CA, eating every meal but two out at supposedly amazing places. Thoroughly. Underwhelming.
>so what's this? oh, another asian/mexican fusion thing with too much cilantro. th-thanks...
>oh, but it's made from organic, gluten free, heirloom, locally sourced, fair-trade, co-op ingredients.
><sarcasm>yeah, that totally makes a difference.</sarcasm>

If my palate could yawn, it would have.

>> No.6565143

I mean... you'd think that in nine full days of being in California, I'd have at least one meal to rave about. But I didn't. And all the other people of our group who didn't live in California thought the same. Every single one. Well, not all of them. This Ukrainian guy who never heard of a frittata was amazed at the one he was served in SF.
With organic, locally sourced goat's cheese and organic, locally sourced kale, IIRC (and I think I do).

I'd been to CA before that trip, but never for more than a couple days. Before then, I just figured "you know, maybe it's just LA" and "maybe it's just LA and Napa" then "maybe it's just LA, Napa and San Bernardino." But come on. I've spent about a month's worth of time in CA all together now and I can't say a single good thing about the food I've had there. Not a one. It's entirely shrugworthy. I mean... it's not bad... it's just 'meh.'

>> No.6565145

West coasters, especially Californians, tend to get pretty masturbatory about themselves. This is just an extension of that: they clearly must have the best food, because they have the best everything.

>> No.6565165

>I mean... it's not bad... it's just 'meh.'

That's the thing, they have some decent restaurants, but they make them out to be god's gift to the culinary world, and with a huge population this "Emperors' new clothes" effect takes on a life of it's own. So then these ego inflated chefs start looking to outdo each other and spend time chasing fads instead of doing simple, and I say simple as a relative term, dishes that they can produce well. Then they refuse to accept outside criticism, and tell people that don't agree that THEY have the problem.

>tl:dr California is one giant hugbox that promotes mediocrity

>> No.6565173


>> No.6565181
File: 50 KB, 193x269, yasuna53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toss-up between South Carolina, Maine, and Louisiana.

South Carolina has the Low Country southern cooking AND GOAT BBQ styles (fuck mustard, though), and has access to just about every fresh produce imaginable and seafood.

Maine has that northern boil/broil/bake seafood thing going for it, plus lobster. Also really good dairy products.

Louisiana has creole, which is fucking fantastic. I'm a sucker for spicy cooking, and the French influence definitely helps.

>> No.6565310

honestly your friend just didn't take you to the right places

>> No.6565316

>mfw people who aren't from California actually expect it to be cool. if you live in CA you know LA is fucking garbage.Orange County/San Diego/Santa Barbara are the places actually worth while

>> No.6565354

But the retard counties are the only place hayseeds from flyover land would be comfortable. Otherwise zomg gays and wicked scheming yellow men trying to take over our country.

>> No.6565370

Hey, Deadspin is bro tier.

>> No.6565391

This. LA has some really good food, and perhaps the greatest variety of food, but it seems like there is a way higher proportion of shitty/meh restaurants compared to the rest of the country. If you just walk into a place at random it will probably suck. Shitty businesses in general seem to somehow manage to stay afloat in the LA area, so you have to know where to go.

>> No.6565398

Even then, only the coastal areas.

>> No.6565477

but californians are objectively more retarded than those filthy hick flyovers you hate so much

>b-but muh relevance and muh coast

>> No.6565582

>but californians are objectively more retarded than those filthy hick flyovers you hate so much

Lel. I mean you're right if you're talking about LA, but since techies are driving out the gays and SJW's the bay is by far the GOAT place in California.

>> No.6565597


Flyovers love to bring up LA, it's their second favorite topic besides the deep south.

As an elitist coastie I'd definitely pick Minnesota over LA, but that's not really saying much now is it.

>> No.6565602
File: 89 KB, 651x720, 1418118507403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a self proclaimed elitist coastie

haha oh wow

>> No.6565604

>taking yourself this seriously

You must be the guy from Wisconsin choking back tears while rageposting

>> No.6565605

no, I'm a different flyover peasant who thinks Wisconsin isn't particularly great.

>> No.6565611

Michigan. Duh.

>> No.6565626
File: 160 KB, 590x393, sopa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, dipshit, New Mexican sopapillas look like this. And it's not a "fried tortilla" it is actually fried raw dough that puffs up and creates a nice big pocket for honey. They are only like that in New Mexico.

>> No.6565632


>Best seafood recipes.
>Best sandwiches.
>Best soups.
>Best innovation with recipes.
>Best use of spices.
>Best food that relates to the culture.

Pick all of them.

>> No.6565652


>> No.6565658

Map is full of fur and faggotry.

Anyone who has been to NM knows their state food is red and green chile sauces

>> No.6565673

Nice minis

>> No.6565679

You're right. California does have the most diverse cuisine in the western hemisphere.

>> No.6565684

dat poverty and ignorance tho

>> No.6566601

California, Oregon, Maine, and Michigan.

>> No.6566943

Then why did all the other Californians in the group circle jerk over how good each meal was as the rest of us remained quiet in awe of the combination of the utter mehness of the food and the adoration it got from the Californians?

>> No.6567142

Which places did you go to and what did you order?

>> No.6567374

It may be the state food, but it's fucking disgusting

>> No.6567474
File: 59 KB, 600x325, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6567551


>> No.6567801

I have to travel to SC for business all the time and the food is always garbage. Not nearly as bad as Florida but right up there. Also the BBQ is better in NC and along the Mississippi.

>> No.6568521


They obviously chose to go with the superior hot wiener.

>> No.6568540

I've had ground beef that looks like that. Worst shit ever.

>> No.6568648

Seriously though, it still looks better than the hot dogs they serve in downtown Chicago.
When I order a hot dog, I want a hot dog, not a fucking salad and 5lbs of condiments.

>> No.6568651

Kentucky here. Probably not the best but we know what we're doing.

>> No.6568655

fucking based.

RI native here and they totally nailed our infatuation with new york system/gaggers/hot dogs

>> No.6569723

South louisiana

>> No.6569744

Louisiana and it's not even close
>Emeril Legasse
>Paul Prudhomme
>John Besh
>Frank Davis

>> No.6569963

This, why the fuck doesn't iowa have any barbecue?

>> No.6569964 [DELETED] 

You can get all sorts of food in Iowa City, Ames, and Des Moines

>> No.6569978


I live in Oklahoma City and it's true. We have a large Vietnamese community and therefore some killer pho.

What is up with Oklahoma on that map? Is that just a pile of potatoes? I have no idea what that is.

>> No.6570037

....that is true too. I stand corrected, even though agriculture is god-tier in Iowa

>> No.6570486

I just looked up how much rent is in Nebraska- for less than what I pay, these niggas have a dishwasher, balcony, hard wood floors, 600+/- square feet. Fuck man. I'm Florida, and I thought I had it okay, but fuck.

>> No.6570529

OKC has surprisingly great pho. I usually hit Pho B & B on the southside or the place inside the Cao Nguyen on classen.

It looks like a pile of onions- because Oklahoma is poor.

>> No.6570563

Which are balls, yes.

Don't feel too bad. I make jokes about my cousins eating dogs. They say they don't, but I tease them about it because every time I go visit, they seem to have a new dog because the old one's "gone missing." And because it's a stereotype of mountain-dwellers to eat dogs.

>> No.6571746


I've never tried that place on the southside. I like Mr. Pho, though. I think my favorite overall is Pho Lien Hoa on 23rd Street.

>> No.6572106

Any Pennsylvanians here ever had scrapple? I've never had it and wouldn't even know where to get it.

>> No.6572152

the supermarket, if you're actually in pennsylvania. if not, then you're shit out of luck and have to find somewhere to order online.

>> No.6572159

I've never seen it in a supermarket in northwest PA or in Pittsburgh.

>> No.6572171

>SC food is garbage

Never has there been a more shit opinion. Do you really fucking hate shrimp and grits? Peaches? Crab cakes? Fucking pecan pie? Fried chicken with macaroni and cheese and honey butter cornbread? Unless you're traveling to Darlington or eating from shit chain restaurants, there's no excuse for your terrible opinion. Southern cooking is GOAT, particularly Low Country cooking. Also, you can't lump SC bbq into a single category. There's like 4 completely different styles, and Pee-Dee region vinegar- pepper style is the best. It's like most NC bbq, only much better because it's whole hog and they don't rush the preparation/cooking.

Also Florida has dank cooking, too, but it's all Cuban food. Generally everything else is shit.

>> No.6574036

Jesus everyone who says NYC or California is just fucking braindead

food costs money niggers
paying an arm and a leg for it is not /ck/-friendly