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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6551432 No.6551432 [Reply] [Original]

> pigs eat anything, including rotten food, maggots, feces, other pigs, humans, teeth, hair, cancerous tumors.

> they carry more parasites than the average rat and no amount of cooking can completely remove it from the meat

> almost any virus carried by a pig is transmissible to humans

> It only takes four hours for a pig to digest it's food. It also can't sweat. Therefore it does not excrete the toxins it consumes and stores it in its own fat instead

> Jesus said that shit is nasty yo

>> No.6551437

Because it good

>> No.6551438

Because when I put it in my mouth I feel happy.

>> No.6551439

go bomb something mudslime scum

>> No.6551440

Because it's the closest equivalent to the long pig of our ancestors we can get.

>> No.6551457

allahu akbar detected

>> No.6551459

Knob detected.

>> No.6551460

tfw pig is my chinese sign

>> No.6551462

nice citations and facts, maaaaaan.

>> No.6551465

It's called Leviticus you god damn cunt

>> No.6551466

pretty sure i've made your mom sweat op

>> No.6551467

>Only places faith in perceived authority
>Incapable of employing their own reason and faculty for thought
Lol. I'm not OP, but I've begun to think heavily if you could even be called "human", or if the spectrum simply needs more explicit subdivision. This much variance and we tend to consider something a different species outright. If we cannot reconcile racism, might as well embrace it.

>> No.6551469
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>> No.6551487
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Well, you might be subhuman and somewhat unsightly, but at least cat ears on human-like creatures are immutably cute.

Thanks for being good contrast.

>> No.6551490

Christian condemn porks, anon.

>> No.6551493


>> No.6551499


>> No.6551501

They taste good?

>> No.6551519

>Pigs eats maggots and faces and stuff
So what? So do chickens. What does it matter? Am I eating their unsanitised and unprepared stomachs and intestines? How does that effect the flesh or non digestive organs? And digestive organs are sanitized.
>Carry parasites
Where? In their flesh? No. Parasites live in orifices, digestive tracts, skin and hair. If there were any other parasites that infected a host and lived in blood vessels or flesh then they would be removed if physically visible and be killed and rendered inert if microscopic by the cooking process. Holy shit were not eating pork sashimi here.
>Implying there is a health threat currently identified as a virus transmitting through consumption of pork flesh
If there was, health organisations would deal with it.
>Muh toxins
hahahahaha haha hahaha citation where?
You mean a jew told people pork is nasty without any proof? Yeah I'd believe it considering Im waitnessing it in this very thread.

>> No.6551520

Because bacon.

>> No.6551602

Lol mudslimes eat old ass goats and shit but they won't eat delicious pork.

>> No.6551616

Lol no

>> No.6551652

>pork sashimi here.
is this a thing in any human culture? would prolly be so gross

>> No.6551663

Jesus specifically said pork was okay, anon. That's why Christians eat it.

>> No.6551669

Because meme

>> No.6551676

>Where? In their flesh? No. Parasites live in orifices, digestive tracts, skin and hair.

Go look up trichinosis. The parasite embeds itself in the meat, and if you don't freeze it or cook it throughly, it hatches in your stomach acid and fucking burrows into YOUR meat. It isn't a significant problem in North America, due to food regulations, but if you're anywhere else in the world, you're fucked.

"In parts of Eastern Europe, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports some swine herds have trichinosis infection rates above 50%."

All things being equal, OP is still a fag and I love pork.

>> No.6551679

>> pigs eat anything, including rotten food, maggots, feces, other pigs, humans, teeth, hair, cancerous tumors.
And are typically fed pretty well in American farms. Well enough anyway that they're not going to go sucking the shit out of another pigs ass for more food.

>> they carry more parasites than the average rat and no amount of cooking can completely remove it from the meat
A huge portion (I don't know the actual numbers) are clean when they go to slaughter. Any infected are typically caught before processing. Any that actually makes it to somewhere people can buy it is noticed fairly quickly, preventing too many people from getting sick

>> It only takes four hours for a pig to digest it's food. It also can't sweat. Therefore it does not excrete the toxins it consumes and stores it in its own fat instead
But seriously, all this is a non-issue

>> Jesus said that shit is nasty yo
Jesus said a lot of shit. Most of the shit he's apparently said was written by people that never met him at least 100 years after he apparently died.

>> No.6551684

>It isn't a significant problem in North America, due to food regulations
Well that is the only place that matters, so I guess we're all good.

>> No.6551687

>Well that is the only place that matters, so I guess we're all good.
Glad you agree.

>> No.6551691

Did you misread the part where I said any parasites that did embed themselves in flesh would be rendered inert by the cooking process, or did you deliberately ignore it?

>> No.6551709
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Not even gonna fall for it

>> No.6551715

>it doesn't sweat
>it must be toxic
That's an interesting leap of logic.
Is your sweat toxic? Mine isn't.

>> No.6551723

pls go Jew

>> No.6551725

I really hope you're trolling not just retarded.

> pigs eat anything, including rotten food, maggots, feces, other pigs, humans, teeth, hair, cancerous tumors.
They would if given the opportunity but it's not like farmers just give them troughs shit to eat.
Also eating maggots may be gross, but it's not likely to spread disease. And as you may, or may not know, cancer isn't contagious so eating a tumor is actually harmless.

> they carry more parasites than the average rat
So what, as long as you cook the meat it's fine

>and no amount of cooking can completely remove it from the meat
[citation needed]

> almost any virus carried by a pig is transmissible to humans
Farm raised pigs are not likely carrying to many viruses and if they are cooking the meat kills the virus

> It only takes four hours for a pig to digest it's food. It also can't sweat. Therefore it does not excrete the toxins it consumes and stores it in its own fat instead
First of all pigs can and do sweat, second the amount of toxins lost in sweat is negligible compared to the amount excreted in urine. So unless pigs can't pee, they're getting rid of toxins.

> Jesus said that shit is nasty yo
Jesus didn't say anything about eating pigs, although the Bible does say pigs are unclean.

>> No.6551732
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>> No.6551736

Jesus never made any comment on pork eating. Furthermore, the New Testament outlines an account where Paul was told that he can eat any beast on Earth by God, which includes pork.

>> No.6551737

i've eaten pork all my life and don't have any parasites or "toxins", get fucked OP

>> No.6551739

What about the Old Testament?

>> No.6551741

what about your mom?

>> No.6551744

If one is a follower of Christianity, then this means a follower of Jesus, which in turn leads to his disciples, which is all based in the New Testament. Unless one is a Jew, the New Testament, if any conflict or contradiction of the Old Testament, overrides it due to it being the words recorded by the disciples.

tldr, if one is a Christian then it's like this
(Jesus > Disciples >) New Testament > Old Testament (Jewish Prophets)

>> No.6551750

All large scale pig farming/harvesting is done with the FDA overseeing everything. 99.9% of pork in supermarkets will come from one of those mega farms. All the animals are constantly checked, and after butchering the meat is inspected and tagged so that if any outbreak or contamination happens they can recall all the products in that line.

You could go years eating raw supermarket pork before you got sick, and chances are that was caused by an error on the supermarkets end (bad handling/packaging etc...).

Unless you live in some 3rd world shithole you have nothing to fear.

>> No.6551752

Id fry up a pig's dick and swallow it all any day.

pork death is sweetest death.

>> No.6551769
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Piggles are cute
I like eating cute things

>> No.6551775

on a scale from 1-10, how retarded are you?
10 being the most ofcourse

>> No.6551784

This. Also, sweat isn't what removes "toxins" from your body. Your liver and kidneys do that.

That said, yes the meat industry could be way better than it is in some ways (while compromising on other ways in which it is currently very good)

>> No.6551787

Except Jesus told everyone he had come to uphold the old laws, not undo them. The Apostle Paul is actually the one that started deciding Christians didn't have to be/become Jews.

>> No.6551794

Jesus came to uphold the Word, but not the manmade law the Pharisees and past priests made. We this disregard of such "laws" as when Jesus did labor on the day of the Sabbath when he picked vegetable to eat, much to the condemning of the local Pharisees.

Paul's vision of God giving him approval to eat the beasts on Earth is trustworthy in that this occured while he was meeting with some of the original Apostles during Acts. If there was anything wrong with Paul's vision, then it would have been met with disagreement with the Apostles, and not have made it into the book of Acts.

>> No.6551819

>only takes 4 hours to digest food
what does this have to do with storing toxins in fat?
>sweating removes toxins
sweating is supposed to cool you down when it's hot, not remove toxins

>> No.6551820

le bacon? or pork belly. it's delicious.

I really can't eat pork anymore though, even for bacon. Pigs are hideously close to humans in both flesh texture and intelligence. It's flat out wrong to eat something that smart. That we torture so many of them so every fast food chain ever can have bacon everything makes me hurl. May god have mercy on our souls.

>> No.6551826

Get it from a nicely run small farm and it's objectively no worse than boars existing in the wild.

Unless you're an antinatalist then there's no reason to have any problem with the concept of raising animals to eat.

>> No.6551828

>oh boo hoo I'm squeamish so no one should eat pork

>> No.6551830

What is this anti-pig /pol/? Not even one bit of that is the least bit true or if it is it is ridiculous and true of almost any living thing as much as it is a pig. If you don't like pork don't eat it but hold off on your crazy propaganda anti-pig propaganda.

>> No.6551837

I stopped eating pork because shitloads of herds have been infected with MRSA.

I prefer not having to cook my food into charcoal to make it fit for consumption.

>> No.6551841

I'm quite high right now, but I have dropped in to say that in my post-orgasm haze, I've come to grasp, among other things, an almost zen-like capacity to experience and perceive the sheer absurdity of your post. Pure, undiluted, direct. It's comical in a way that almost floods my psyche.

Nothing is right with it. Everything is scattered. Disjointed, hacked together. It's a mess. It is broken. It's almost surreal, as though its absurdity is by design and seems to reflect the unintentional intentions of an almost rigidly calculative mind for iteratively engineering it and yourself, over time, all for this explicit purpose. Absurdity that others may witness. Nonsense sense.

It is a thing of beauty. Thank you for existing and posting this that I should read it just prior to going to sleep. I cannot understand quite why, but I feel as though I needed to see it. I needed to store it, and from the very beginning, long before any of our collective context could even be vaguely postulated, it had already begun and everything was set. Everything leading up to this point anon. Was for this.


>> No.6551964
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Because it tastes so fucking good.
Also it helps you get rid of people who wouldn't want to eat this mana from god in cases were its hard to guess.

>> No.6551997

I want to be this high

>> No.6552168

Strange new animal food shows up, clergy ban it,.

Pigs originate from from Asia and Europe.

The domestic pig originates from the Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). We have sequenced mitochondrial DNA and nuclear genes from wild and domestic pigs from Asia and Europe. Clear evidence was obtained for domestication to have occurred independently from wild boar subspecies in Europe and Asia.

>> No.6552217

MuhamMAD get out

>> No.6552253

>It also can't sweat. Therefore it does not excrete the toxins it consumes and stores it in its own fat instead
thats not how livers work retard

>> No.6552302

Leviticus only bans the Israelis (jews) from eating pork.

>> No.6552340

Raw natty pork will give you endotrichanosis or however you spell it, so no.

>> No.6552341

>carry more parasites
There are these things called "regulations". As long as you're not in some third world country the chances of your pork having parasites are virtually 0.

>pigs can't sweat

I don't think you understand how humans remove toxins. It has nothing to do with sweat.

Also fuck off you muslim/jew.

>> No.6552374 [DELETED] 
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If you think pigs are not disgusting animals, you're fucking delusional.

As for "muh regulations", almost ALL US PORK IS FACTORY FARMED. This means they are smashed into tiny indoor stalls together where disease (especially mange) spreads like wildfire and the consumption of fecal contaminated food is virtually unavoidable.

Meeting consumer demands is more important than yours or the animals. Hate to break it to you.

Fuckers are still delicious though

>> No.6552438

Leviticus 11:7-8

And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you

>> No.6552470

The old testament is jews m8.

Jesus dissolved the Old Covenant.

>> No.6552481
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The new Covenant thanks to Jesus supersedes all those old Testament rituals. That's Jew shit anon.

>> No.6552488

Acts 10:9-16

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

“Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

>> No.6552505

I also enjoy catfish, which eats all kinds of shit.

>> No.6552508

19 year old spotted.

>> No.6552513

The chestburster from spaceballs is surprisingly smug.

>> No.6552526

I don't really care how smart they are, they aren't human. If aliens showed up tomorrow that were smarter than us, I'd be OK with eating them.

>> No.6552527


Mathew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them

>> No.6552540

Wait, so pigs were domesticated separately? Does that mean pork from China tastes different from European pork?

>> No.6552593

Have a Cuban sandwich and you will understand

>arguing about theology, especially Christianity and expecting a definitive answer

How did Judas die again?


>> No.6552679

Because it taste good
hiding thread now because pictures of animals being mistreated makes me cry ironically

>> No.6552764

This meme disturbs me

>> No.6552791

It tastes good.

>> No.6552873

That's easy, son.
You see, Matthew witnessed Judas's death, while Luke did not. However, Luke was a doctor by profession, while Matthew not nearly so well

While Judas did hang himself, causing his death, his body was left to rot in the hot desert sun. Luke is only describing what is happening to his corpse- that is, it swelling with bacteria and gas, then bursting open- not his actual death. The misconception that Judas burst apart after falling off a cliff is just a misconception. He really just hung himself.

>> No.6553008
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Just bought these for grilling. Am i gon die?

>> No.6553009

everybody will die eventually

>> No.6553014

i get sick every time i have pork or anything cross contaminated with pork

im not the boy in the bubble and im pretty white

i dont know, why does anyone eat it?

>> No.6553022

>pretty white
So Turk shitskin or Mexinigger? Pork is fine, you either have weak genes, are a pussy, or go to some shithole that doesn't process meat properly. Try doing stews or braising if you don't like pork chops. Also, if you want to enjoy pork but are still having an issue you could go splurge on some really high quality stuff from a expensive butcher. Or kill yourself

>> No.6553062

I don't know who made the 9/11 but every suspect need to die.

>> No.6553120

Haha o agree
But actually all bacteria dies when the meat is being cookef

>> No.6553148
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>cookin up pig all morning in the crockpot
>this thread

time for lunch

>> No.6553193


/pol/ I love you, but stop shitposting in /ck/.

>> No.6553219


Come down here NC and you'll change your tune after some eastern style pulled pork. Follow it with banana pudding and you'll understand,

unless you avoid it specifically for religious reasons in which case go fuck yourself and stay right where you are ok?

>> No.6553372
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Well in Germany we have Mett which is basically, seasoned, raw, ground pork.

>> No.6553437
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>> No.6553490

> implying they don't shitpost on every board

>> No.6553495
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Under that logic it's perfectly ok to eat rotten corpse meat as long as you cook it first.

>> No.6553540

>when god spawns you animals for your hunger you need to eat that shit

>> No.6553825

>getting shit meat
check out this moron in poverty!

>> No.6553837

>having standards
This means being vegan, though. We should all only eat CAFO pink slime hormone garbage, anyone who disagrees is from PETA.

>> No.6553844

Bacteria leave toxins behind.

>> No.6553846

It taste good

>> No.6553866
File: 144 KB, 790x541, mangalitsa pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pigs originate from from Asia and Europe
Somebody brings some to the middle east, goat farmer get pissed off (Moses probably) has local Clergy declare them unclean.

and the rest is history.

>> No.6553877
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What part of 'virtually all' do you not understand?

It's not the price of the meat, dipwad. It's the fact that it practically doesn't exist because factory farming has the monopoly on things.

Even "organic" shit is like whatever non antibiotic treated Russian roulette

>> No.6554149

>tfw pig innards for breakfast

>> No.6554349
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>> No.6554369


>> No.6554453

Chao long baby, nothin better

>> No.6554482

Because it so goddamn versatile and tasty, any culture that has any relevance in the culinary world will have various recipes for pork using a multitude of different parts and organs and having varying methods in which to prepare them.

>> No.6554485
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Dirt pig aside, it's one of the only animals that are actually self aware and capable of understanding the concepts of individuality and death.

It was in god's infinite wisdom to make such a creature so tasty.

It was also in our alien overlord's infinite wisdom to breed monkeys with pigs and make us.

>> No.6554487

Because it tastes good.

>> No.6554965

Accidentally had pork. For breaky lunch and dinner today, am I going to die?

>> No.6555106

Secret Muslim/Jew detected, stand still while we deploy a punitive unit that will escort you back to


>> No.6555143
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>> No.6555161
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What is going on in the pic? I see the baby pigs and a big pig, but what the fuck are these body parts on the big pig? I am so confused.

>> No.6555176
File: 260 KB, 987x799, piggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother pig laying down, snout towards piglets

>> No.6555185

Thank you m8 I can now go own with my day

>> No.6555212

Nice false claims muslim/jew/otherkin.

>> No.6555224

>Jesus said a lot of shit. Most of the shit he's apparently said was written by people that never met him at least 100 years after he apparently died.

Damn right

>> No.6555229

> not Jews

>> No.6555230

well I didn't want to make my own thread so this seems like a good place.

how do I make pork chops not suck?
i'm going to be grilling some tonight and I want to do more than just slather them in BBQ sauce.

>> No.6555461


Jesus declared all foods clean by saying that things that pass through the stomach cannot make you impure, as they do not pass through the heart (Mark 7:19).

Fucking read the Bible a little bit maybe?

>> No.6555477


First step is to post the question in an unrelated thread on a guatemalan pez swapping image board

>> No.6555522



>> No.6555543

Even disregarding any alleged health concerns, pork is just disgusting. Lamb, steak, birds and game are all far superior. Pigs just aren't very nice to eat, and their meat is low quality.

>> No.6555548

If hexes /ck/ never eats pork again.

>> No.6555553

>If you think pigs are not disgusting animals, you're fucking delusional.

They are objectively less disgusting than many other animals.

>> No.6555555

Your gnob is of low quality.

>> No.6555564

the real true answer right here.

>> No.6555619

How do you know God made the pig clean then

>> No.6555630

>dem digits

>> No.6555634

They do not. Their reason and very being is dominated by desire.

>> No.6555635


>> No.6555637
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>> No.6555641

The text is just open for interpretation

I also notice there aren't any shellfish on there

>> No.6555710
File: 781 KB, 800x1584, 3131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not trusting gods creatures to prepare a meal by providing an animal with a life support system in support of that meal
>thinking nature would get let a disease ridden slobbering infectious animal to roam around and be food
>not trusting your own cooking methodology and trusting what it can do
>not adding small strips of bacon to meals almost exclusively for their grease and flavor to help cook other foods more delisiously

sometimes I feel really good about my food career and that maybe it will pay off wen people start to turn around and explore what it means to eat :)

>> No.6555789

>Being religious

>> No.6555801

Oh boy, here come the hat memes.

>> No.6556084
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>> No.6556185

Strawberry feels foreverrrr

>> No.6556275
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>> No.6556382

We also have Ordnung in our Schweineaufzucht and Fleischinspektion.

Same reason raw milk is allowed to be sold for human consumption here.

>> No.6556393

>okay to eat them
you should first check whether they are non-poisonous and otherwise edible

>> No.6556421
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> this surprisingly sane and well constructed discussion of religion

>> No.6556771

No its not

>> No.6557579

Pork is better than chicken
Pork is better than mutton
Pork is better than horse
and is just as good as beef

Do you know what is disgusting to eat?
Bats! because niggers in Liberia can't resist eating rare cooked, ebola-infested bats, we almost had a pandemic

>> No.6557584

fag detected

>> No.6557608
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Does this trigger you?
You filthy AllahSnackbar!

>> No.6557659

This is so ridiculous.

You think, that because most pork is produced in horrific conditions, all pork is produced like that, and you have no options.

Bullshit. I buy my pork from a local farmer/butcher. He raises the animals, slaughters and then dresses and sells the meat. He has beef, pork, chicken and lamb. Sometimes goat.

All the animals are raised in happy, not just humane conditions. They live the best lives possible. He doesn't do veal, he has everything including his pigs, free range. You aren't allowed in the pens or pastures for biosecurity reasons, but you can go visit the farm and see things for yourself if you want to.

Yes it's more expensive, but it's also well worth it. Stop eating walmart grocery store and fast food shit. Find yourself your local butcher.

>> No.6557784


>> No.6557789


Shrimp and lobsters exclusively eat shit and garbage, we still eat them

>> No.6557821
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it's tasty as fuck.

>> No.6557910
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>> No.6557942

Unless that farmer owns a USDA inspected slaughter house, you're full of shit. He may pay to have them slaughtered and then sell you the meat, but I doubt he slaughters them himself.

>> No.6557958

I find it really hard to keep pork chops from going stiff and slightly tough in a pan.
I have no idea what's going wrong although grilling or roasting pork is fine. Even preparing pork for dumplings and whatever is good.
It's literally just pan frying that I can't seem to work out.

>> No.6557989

u try brining them first?