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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 222 KB, 640x427, Five Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6553129 No.6553129 [Reply] [Original]

What is considered to be the most American food?

Is it really the burger?

>> No.6553132

Anything you'd find at a Texas State Fair.

>> No.6553133

most American food is Americanized version of foreign foods

>> No.6553160


>> No.6553164

The food that I think is mostly American to me as a Brit are wings.

>> No.6553173

>not the rodeo

>> No.6553177

I always thought it was hotdog and apple pie

>> No.6553179


I read that as "Weaponized".

>> No.6553210
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Whichever food tastes like freedom

>> No.6553233

meatloaf, simply a baked burger.

and now we wait

>> No.6553270

Ground roast meat.

Every region has a different way of doing it. It's very grass roots and if you don't have your own method you're a pleb.

>> No.6553274

I never understood meatloaf. Isn't it just ground meat mashed togheter and put in the oven?

>> No.6553292

apple pie

>> No.6553300
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This thing

>> No.6553307

You forgot bread crumbs, onions, spices and ketchup

>> No.6553310

I think barbecue from the American south is probably the most distinctly American food.

American food is interesting in that nearly all your food came from somewhere else (understandable, since you all came from somewhere else as well, except for the Indians) but you do it a certain way that's usually pretty good, but nothing like what it was in its home country.

>> No.6553319
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>smoked cooked meat is unique to uhmerrrica


>> No.6553335


It's not at all, we just do it particularly well.

>> No.6553347

Any kind of heavily sauced finger food designed to put you in a coma. Pizza, wings, bbq ribs, burritos...

>> No.6553468
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so it a burger...with ketchup mixed in....and baked instead of grilled or fried

>> No.6553509

American barbecue is a completely different from what other countries do. It's really not just smoked meat.

>> No.6553511

same as any other nation

>> No.6553525

>dough with fruit inside is unique to any country
>rice with seasonings is unique to any country
>water that has meat/veggies unique to any country
>ground meat shoved in a tube unique to any country
You can literally say that about any and every food ever, fuck off 2/10 for making me reply

>> No.6553591

If we're talking about the white American, it's the sandwich.

Like rice to asians and tortillas to hispanics, many Americans tend to desire sandwiches on most days of the week. As with other races and their stereotypical staple foods, many white people will become defensive or upset if you point out their dependence on the sandwich.

Homemade PB&J, club sandwich at a bar/grill, Subway meatball sandwich, the list goes on. Americans can't get enough of the sandwich

>> No.6553608
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x2448, AmericanPizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take something that another culture invented
>Replace all fresh ingredients with cheap, prepackaged and processed alternatives
>If at all possible, find a way to needlessly incorporate HFCS
>Claim you now do it better than the original culture
>wa la
>American cuisine

>> No.6553609

*tips autism*

>> No.6553611
File: 21 KB, 400x231, Murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /ck/, I wanna go to Sonics.
Which shake from Sonics is the best?

>> No.6553616

You dumb fuck, food changes as it moves or as the society its in changes.

We aren't actively ripping off other cultures, burgers have been here a long time and keep changing to meet demand.

>> No.6553620

First of all, it is surprisingly delicious.
Second of all, it's more than that. Usually I mix a few herbs in like sage/a couple bay leaves, etc.
Thirdly, it shouldn't taste like a burger. That's like saying fried chicken is just a breaded chicken breast. No.
Lastly, only lazy people bake ketchup on top. Chili sauce is the more delicious way to go.

>> No.6553623 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 429x466, tumblr_inline_np3ga5goFa1r2jyt9_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take something terrible like curry
>Suck it down with paki semen
>Say it still beats the fried pudding mushy hagus your country invented
>wa la
>cUcK 'cuisine'

>> No.6553624

Why would you even type this out?
What part of that meaningless, idiotic, empty-of-thought post made you decide it was worth the time to find the matching foods and click "post"? What are you doing with your life? Can you even communicate without using memes?

>> No.6553625

I should add the 'ketchup' isn't mixed in with the onion, bell peppers, bread crumbs and herbs, it's baked on top of the meatloaf.

>> No.6553630

Our breakfast foods tend to be pretty unique to America too, just saying.

>> No.6553635
File: 48 KB, 620x345, pb and j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PB&J is mostly alien outside of the the U.S. and Canada. And Canada only knows about it 'cause they copy everything we do.

>> No.6553641
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>> No.6553643
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>> No.6553647
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>> No.6553658

Hell yes. It got us through the great depression.

>> No.6553661
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>> No.6553667

Its like a burger but a loaf with bread already mixed in. No mustard or mayo. Some people use ketchup as a topping, I've always used tomato sauce and oregano. Its pretty much the same as a meatball but its big, you bake it and cut into slices.

>> No.6553668
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I was just posting American food.

>> No.6553672
File: 117 KB, 800x536, 800px-Succotash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It got us through the great depression.

I find it strange that the wikipedia article shows a plastic spoon and a walmart pot. Like it's some kind of depressing poverty food. Is that really how it's seen? I've only ever seen it in this sort of hipster foodie place I go to for lunch sometimes, you get a little sandwich and a succotash side for like $16.

>> No.6553675
File: 3.86 MB, 306x224, hi cotton2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barbecue pork

uses an indigenous cooking technique on an animal from Europe, it has been perfected over centuries in by white and black people in the South and the Midwest, there's tons of regional variation, and it's delicious and fattening.

>> No.6553686
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what's this one made from?

>> No.6553688
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Pic related is average serving. It tastes almost nothing like a burger, and is a really tasty traditional comfort food. The leftovers also store remarkably well compared to most food, its like pizza. Eat that shit cold the next day or nuke it, just as good.

>> No.6553693

>Take something terrible like meme arrows
>Make dank meme
>wew lad

>> No.6553698

It WAS depressing poverty food.

The amino acids in beans, squash, and corn form a complete protein. It was dishes out during the Depression for that reason.

You've heard of "Suffering Succotash" right? That doesn't mean you can't make it nice, but you don't want to eat it every day because that's what the soup center is doling out because no one can afford meat.

>> No.6553700

lima beans and corn is pretty much a working class food. but yeah, that is a really shitty picture. and succotash is good.

>> No.6553701
File: 386 KB, 634x618, Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 3.56.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be British
>Have to give what little money your country lets you have to foreign brown people who blow up your subway
>wew lad

>> No.6553707
File: 384 KB, 360x240, 1396250862235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm american tho
>le spongebob face

>> No.6553712 [DELETED] 

no your not your a curry fucking paki semen sucking cuck.

>> No.6553717

>people from other countries trying to tell us what makes our food great

Get out.

We ground roast whole animals in my state without the organs with pure maple wood under heavy, thick cement after burying it. A lot of things are put into the carcassas sides or just for flavor.

It's not at all exclusive to my part of the country but it is a tradition.

Why are you asking a country full of immigrants how we do things anyways? It's always going to be an adaptation of how things were done before.

>> No.6553722

only seen one paki in saint louis, we do have a sort of big bosnian population though

>> No.6553753 [DELETED] 

But as a society, we still can't afford meat. We just pretend otherwise because it keeps the masses compliant.

>> No.6553765

seriously? other people don't know about the good old peanut butter n jelly?

for real you people. get you some creamy peanut butter and grape jelly on really soft and fresh white bread... and a big glass of milk... its really fucking fantastic.

>> No.6553767


But as a society, we still can't afford meat. We just pretend otherwise because it keeps the masses compliant.

>> No.6553773
File: 170 KB, 400x400, 1300632342632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what?

>> No.6553775

Wings is British, Paul McCartney and all. Sheesh.

>> No.6553782

>broken record vegan
>trip related to condition
Dear lord, you're like a typing tumor.

>> No.6553783

Meatloaf: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-meatloaf/

>> No.6553803

I know what a meatloaf is, I'm simply arguing the fact that a meatloaf is a baked burger, burgers have spices and breadcrumbs and so do meatloafs

>> No.6553808

That's a super simple recipe, but solid enough, I guess. I prefer 1 1/2 pounds ground beef and a half pound of ground pork. I also put more shit in there.

>> No.6553809

Breadcrumbs don't belong in burgers.

>> No.6553813

Seconded. What the fuck.

>> No.6553814

I don't think you know what "vegan" means

I'm not even vegetarian

>> No.6553821

>I'm simply arguing the fact that a meatloaf is a baked burger

Well your argument isn't very solid. Just because it's mostly comprised of hamburger doesn't make it a burger. I don't know why you think one cut of meat can only make one thing.

>burgers have spices and breadcrumbs and so do meatloafs

The most spices a burger SHOULD have is salt and pepper and some garlic if you're in the mood. There is never a need to put eggs or breadcrumbs or herbs or anything else inside a burger. Call me a snob if you want but I can't imagine a cheeseburger being any better with anything other than salt, pepper and garlic. Toppings are a different story.

tl;dr Meatloaf should never under any circumstances taste like a big baked hamburger. If it does, you did it wrong.

>> No.6553867

meat. loaf. its a loaf. like bread. of meat. like cow.

i always made it with lots of minced onion and greenpepper, egg, and chopped up white bread. don't bother putting ketchup on top as a glaze because i have a morbid passion for ketchup and will smother it in the stuff anyways.

>> No.6553876


chopped onion, Worcestershire sauce, and mustard taste great in burger patties.

>> No.6553886

That's fine but the point is I'd only put one of those in a meatloaf.

>> No.6553892

And I guess worcestershire would be acceptable but I wouldn't do it. Meatloaf is traditionally supposed to be a hearty comfort food, not a tangy spicy meal.

>> No.6553909

>>tangy spicy

does milk burn you

>> No.6553949

Here in Mexico is known, but not eaten regularly.

>> No.6553964

that's just the flavor profile of worcestershire bro, just saying I wouldn't add it to meatloaf.

I eat hot sauce almost every day for the record, I love spicy shit.

>> No.6553977

worcestire is complex and mellow, it adds nothing but a salty richness to the meatloaf. there are far too many flavors in worcestire for it to cause the dish to become noticeably strong in any sense. Worcestershire is a soft flavoring when its in fat and protein for this reason.

this is a hill i will die on. i throw my glove in your face.

>> No.6553998

This shit is considered gross in Europe.

>> No.6554118

worcestershire is not mellow but I get what you mean about it being a soft flavoring when it's in something like meatloaf. still wouldn't do it as I've perfected my recipe and don't particularly want to fuck with it.

europe is wrong as fuck.

>> No.6554121
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>> No.6554167
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>> No.6554174
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>> No.6554194

That's like asking what's the most European food.

The only difference is that kebabs are ubiquitous in Europe, whereas in the States they eat all different types of food.

>> No.6554288

the only american thing on this picture is plastic cup.

>> No.6554711

Britfag here

This is one of the few things I actually consider good from the USA. It's very filling, cheap and tastes damn good.

>> No.6554729
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>> No.6554834

>wa la
it's voila you dipshit

>> No.6554875

it's /ck/ you dipshit.
Long story short, some plebeian spelt it wa la out of ignorance and it became a /ck/ catchphrase.
>Thank me later newfag

>> No.6554885

Though i aknowledge this post ...
I actually know someone who spells it "Wah!! Lah!!"

Also, "Voila? Isn't that a instrument?"

>> No.6554889

Thirded, what the fuck are you doing with breadcrumbs?

>> No.6554894

it's italian

>> No.6554895


>> No.6554898

Chicago deep dish "pizza".

take something good (in this case pizza) and totally ruin it.

>> No.6554900

Janitors anon, Janitors.

>> No.6554912

Hot dogs are German. Apple pie is English.

>> No.6554916

We don't have subways in Britain.

>> No.6554928

The "voila" [sic] is a string instrument, and is spelled viola.

>> No.6554934
File: 8 KB, 216x233, kim_kardashian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6554960

>Immediately attacks the UK with no provocation

I love the UK/US banter on this board. It really is the best place to see how insecure Americans are.

>> No.6554963

inb4 madmen.jpg

>> No.6554968

>Take something terrible like pig offal
>Suck it down with beaner semen
>Say it still beats the beef offal patties your country invented
>wa la
>fAt 'cuisine'

>> No.6554969

Buffalo Wings
Cobb Salad
Corn Dogs
Mac & Cheese
Biscuits & Gravy
BBQ Ribs
Grilled Cheese

Take your pick.

>> No.6555014


The funny thing is, yeah it sorta is. The US sells burgers everywhere and it's doesn't have strong regional ties, unlike BBQ, soul food etc.

>> No.6555050

definitely the sandwich. America has more words for sandwich than any other food in the country, like eskimos have words for snow or French people for mosque. every region claims some kind of specialty sandwich, be it bbq, italian style, European deli meats, plain old turkey, local beef, fried seafood, avocado, Chinese food, whatever the shit is in that region.

that's not even fair, because Hispanic-Americans have shit loads of sandwiches (tortas, cuban stacks, etc) and Asian-Americans have sandwiches (chop suey sandwich, banh mi). And blacks fucking love sandwiches, look at how much they eat at Zaxby's, McDonald's, po-boy shops, etc. Most Americans of any and every color love sandwiches, far more than their forefathers overseas would have ever eaten them.

>captcha: click on the burgers
fuck you

>> No.6555053

I don't think I've seen anyone or even heard that anyone would eat peanut butter in my country

>> No.6555054

The fucking sandwich? This a whole new level of retard.

>> No.6555076

fantastic counterargument

>> No.6555100

I don't waste my time arguing with idiots. I instead call them idiots and await the next idiotic response for my own amusement. A rich and fulfilling life.

>> No.6555131

same thing really

>> No.6555251

Ya I'd the the PB&J. Most people outside North America don't know what it is, yet most people who try it love it.

>> No.6555257

>Hot dogs are German.
Are they? I thought in Germany they're served chopped up on a paper plate with sauce.

>> No.6555262

As a Brit, I used to eat pb and honey sarnies, but I think I don't think anyone else I knew ever did that. It was only because of the Simpsons that I ever tried pb and jam.

A friend of mine at school got mixed up between what Americans call jelly (jam) and what Brits call jelly (jell-o). So he made some strawberry gelatine, cut it into slices and put it in his sandwich with pb. I tried to correct him, but he said it tasted nice so he didn't care.

>> No.6555264
File: 247 KB, 387x700, 1658jw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555266

Pretty much this. I think PB&J is unique to America. Gonna try it actually. Sounds unappetising, but so does the food of gods (haggis) though.

>> No.6555273

I like to laugh at yanks as well but I don't get this image. What is it meant to convey?

Also, if the captcha bullshit is moving, just click verify and it will stop and let you select at your leisure. I just found that out, bad code.

>> No.6555277

When it comes to American food there are a two main categories: foods traditionally popular in America, regional dishes developed in America and recent dishes made possible by industrial farming and the food science lab.

In the first category you have dishes immigrants brought with them: Americanized versions of various English, German and Italian dishes.

In the second category you have more uniquely American things like: Clam chowder, BBQ, chili, Cajun cuisine, hamburgers, sub sandwiches (and other sandwiches based on ingredients immigrants brought with them), Mission burritos, pancakes with maple syrup, grits, sausage gravy on a biscuit, scrapple, goetta, succotash, cheesecake and the like.

The last category is shit like Spam, Velveeta, grilled cheese made from American cheese on Wonder bread, blue box mac and cheese, casseroles made with canned soup, Coca-Cola, nachos, Doritos, potato chips, milkshakes, pizza made with low moisture mozzarella, "dip" made from sour cream and dehydrated onion soup mix, corn dogs. and disco/chili/carne asada fries.

>> No.6555288

This was such crap I stopped reading after the first sentence. Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.6555290

Worcestershire is bitter like eggs you faggot

>> No.6555292

Typed "two" when I meant "three categories". Beyond that I'll stand by my response.

>> No.6555294

You sound like a prick.

>> No.6555295

Most nations developed their own food because they wanted to make raw ingredients taste better.

>> No.6555304

Straight for the ad hominem? Stay classy.

>> No.6555310

You do though, try and ignore it all you want. You sound like a prick.

>> No.6555317

Will you shut the fuck up faggot? You go onto a site where people give opinions and subjects that interest them and you look at those and say hurr durr retard.

You're underage and you've never contributed any OC to this board. He does not sound like a prick while you do sound like a cunt. Go back to /v/

>> No.6555321

Anything served in massively oversized portions as a matter of principle

>> No.6555324

I cringe every time I see someone say ad hominem.

It's the most fedora tippingly reddit tier shit you could ever say.

>> No.6555325

Not that I agree with either of you idiots, but that's not what an ad hominem is, you sperg. You can insult someone all you want without it being an ad hominem, you fucking twat. It's only ad hominem if you claim that their argument is wrong because of an unrelated insult, you cunt.

>> No.6555326
File: 27 KB, 640x360, aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketchup in your meatloaf

>> No.6555327

Great post. I am almost personally ashamed seeing you try and pretend your are defending 'another poster'. Sad as fuck.

You wouldn't know if I ever made OC, I took off my trip because I realised it was for faggots. Keep trying m8.

>> No.6555329

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

>> No.6555333
File: 248 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-31-13-02-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good try though nigger. And i do know you've never made any OC

>> No.6555343

Oh shit, now I have been proven wrong by an easily manipulated image. Woe is me, to be so fooled by a teenager.

Also, I won't argue about OC. If you 'know' then you clearly 'know.'

Do you have a vagina? I will put my penis in it if you want.

>> No.6555345

Take your autism pills please.

>> No.6555347

Yep i have photoshop on my phone. Lemme fuck your boipussy

>> No.6555352

Not even that guy

>> No.6555357

Seriously? You think you need a PC for image manipulation? Are you 10 or 80?

>> No.6555359

>take screenshot with phone
>transfer file to PC
>edit with paint
>transfer back to phone

Yep. All this to win an internet argument.

>> No.6555364

even kebabs vary depending on where in europe you go

>> No.6555367

>and the Midwest

>> No.6555368

Are you so fat that it seems like a lot of work?

>> No.6555378
File: 225 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-31-13-16-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know who you're arguing with anymore

>> No.6555388

That's the best way to argue though. Just shout until everyone agrees. Megatron taught me that.

>> No.6555391
File: 27 KB, 720x440, american breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country fried steak seems pretty american

>> No.6555428

The English can't claim apple pie. It existed before the country did.

>> No.6555439

Well at least it's definitely not American then.

>> No.6555442

I will never forget this post. Holy shit.

>> No.6555473

>German in origin
>Texan national dish

That's nowhere close to American.

>> No.6555482

Texas isn't American?

>> No.6555487


>> No.6555493


I was thinking if St Louis and KC. Chicago has some good spots too

>> No.6555532

*tips fedora*

>> No.6555546
File: 18 KB, 249x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in shit louis
>home of the tardinals and dindunuffin riots

>> No.6555642
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>> No.6555722

Plenty of other countries have a sandwich.

>> No.6555733
File: 11 KB, 500x587, 1430619713860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you even type this out?
What part of that meaningless, idiotic, empty-of-thought post made you decide it was worth the time to find the matching foods and click "post"? What are you doing with your life? Can you even communicate without using memes?

>> No.6555740


>assuming that everyone in America eats McDonalds
>assuming that McDonalds is the only thing Americans eat
>assuming that the USA is the only country with a McDonalds


>> No.6555745


Go eat a quarter pounder with fries and diet coke Amerilard.

>> No.6555855


well wew'd my lad

>> No.6555908
File: 77 KB, 620x387, daym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always considered pancakes to be THE american food.

>> No.6555917

Questions to the Americans in this thread;
What is hamburger meat and how does it differ from minced meat?

>> No.6555920

I consider modern pizza to be the American food.

>> No.6555930

The concept of putting two layers of spread between white bread is pretty depressing

If I want something sweet and creamy, might as well get an actual cake or pastry ya know? Probably the reason it never caugh on outside the US. It's what fairy bread is to Ausfags.

>> No.6555934

Hamburger meat is ground beef with a specific amount of fat left on it before grinding, for both helping retain shape, and adding flavor.

Minced meat is any meat that was minced.

>> No.6555957

hamburger meat should be ground coarse, with 15-20% fat content. It's a subcategory of minced meat

>> No.6556527

This website is 18+, you know

>> No.6556651


Nigga, I'll fight you.

>> No.6556657

It's supposed to be a fairly healthy, easy food though. The ingredients are cheap, and the peanut butter gives energy while the jelly contrasts well and ads a sweet note. Getting a cake requires either baking it, or driving out somewhere to buy it. Not to mention a cake isn't filling or energizing in any way, you wouldn't eat a cake for lunch.
>fairy bread
Nah that was just invented to shut children up

>> No.6556659

plenty of countries have sushi, some have their own variations of sushi, but that doesn't keep it from being a Japanese food now does it fuckwit? spoilers: lots of countries have burgers too. thanks to your post, we can now conclusively prove that there is no such thing as a food representative of any country or culture. you dense motherfucker.

>> No.6556664

>Not the vastly superior Minnesota State Fair

>> No.6556766

underrated poster

>> No.6556784

I googled this and all I got was a bunch of dirtbag "vape" sites

If I could press a button and kill everyone who vapes instantly, I would

At least cigarette smoking had a culture

>> No.6556790

Surely it must be either coca cola or the big mac?

famous all around the world

>> No.6556806
File: 152 KB, 800x646, 800px-MedicineWheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a berry pudding. Some fruits it's traditionally made from are blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, chokecherries, sand cherries, buffaloberries, juneberries, huckleberries, and juniper berries.

>> No.6556835

hash browns

>> No.6556850
File: 1.24 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demolished this all American spread last night drunk as fuck

>> No.6556879
File: 70 KB, 500x663, 1401326411596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A burger I guess or hot dogs.maybe pizza peanut butter and jelly,America is not noted for great or unique quinine.We are you

>> No.6556968
File: 3.93 MB, 7129x3833, 1422761250115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I mean

>> No.6556981
File: 21 KB, 400x282, smore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single person not from the US that I have introduced this to was completely bewildered by the concept.

>> No.6556984

>Flyover Nazi supporters

>> No.6556997

>This is what midwestfats actually believe.

>Captcha "Select all the food"

Yeah I bet you do.

>> No.6557001

It's more like a giant meatball.

>> No.6557041

Nothing, except we named it after the food product it's going to be made into, instead of the method we used to make it.

>> No.6557074

All very American. I was waiting for someone to mention buffalo wings.

>> No.6557111

Nothing is American. Freedom is a lie.

>> No.6557116

I guess it qualifies then. Literally everything else brought up in this thread was derived from some other country's food culture.

>> No.6557125

It's almost like the USA is a mix of many different cultures.

>> No.6557126

A real hamburger is just ground meat, handled as little as possible, and cooked hot and fast, so that it's loose and comes apart in your mouth. Meatloaf is a big meatball: eggs and breadcrumbs, kneaded until tight and stiff.

>> No.6557193


Let me guess, you think french fries are french?

>> No.6557213

Smores are great anon, but have you tried smoreos?

>> No.6557226

Of their basic shakes, I'm fond of their peanut butter shake.

>> No.6557235

Right? It's almost as though asking what the most American of foods is is a pointless exercise designed to stir up a lot of "people who aren't from where I'm from are stupid fat fucks who can't cook for shit" arguments.

>> No.6557250

freedom fries