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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6548350 No.6548350 [Reply] [Original]

How would you feel if they banned Alcoholic drinks?

You know its for the greater good but would there be an outrage?

>> No.6548360

See Prohibition throughout history

Banning things just creates a black market and criminal syndicates become exhorbantly rich

>> No.6548368

>costs police & nhs billions
kek a single dui costs thousands of dollars to clear up. it's the #1 moneymaker law in existence.

>> No.6548370

I'd be mad, and start making my own. I imagine alcohol companies would be pretty agitated too.

>greater good
No, not at all. All banning shit like drugs does is create a black market and encourage crime. Not to mention alcohol is significantly easier to make own your own compared to marijuana and other drugs. Best way to deal with drugs is a combination of education, taxation, and strict, timely punishment for mis-use. Take a look through a history book sometime.

>> No.6548392

I'd like if nobody did drugs, drank alcohol, smoked, or let themselves get fat.

Alas, people need need to be free to do these things otherwise they will murder people.

>> No.6548398

well that image is a good argument for banning alchohol but not a good one for making weed legal

>> No.6548417

>uses the term "cannabis" instead of "marijuana" (addicts always do this to sound smarter)
>cures cancer
>zero deaths in history
>saves police billions (while they're arresting people)
>no od

This HAS to be b8. Everything is wrong with it.

>> No.6548425

I'll be the next Al Capone. Who wants to give me syphilis?

>> No.6548429
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Can I be your deaf son?

>> No.6548436

if marihuana is as harmless as your picture makes it out to be why do so many people's lives get ruined by it?

>> No.6548443

Can you show me a case where someone overdosed on marijuana and died?

>> No.6548444

the only context under that would happen is sharia.
and yes that demands outrage

>> No.6548454

peoples lives get ruined by online gaming, porn, gambling, 4chan etc. anything can be addictive

That picture is stupid, but at least weed doesn't do as much physical damage as alcohol

>> No.6548466

I'd make enough for me to drink, then sell the leftovers. I don't mind people smoking 'cannabis' but I'm not interested. If you take my booze I'll get pissed.

>> No.6548471

Weed is for faggots.

>> No.6548625


Plus, marijuana, along with anything else you smoke, causes lung cancer.

>> No.6548640

>cures cancer
>grows brain cells

only someone high out of their mind would believe this.....

>> No.6548645

You don't have to smoke weed, you can use it in cooking or vape it.

>> No.6548680

Marijuana is a Mexican (not Spanish, Mexican) word used in the 1920's to scare Americans and pass laws to make cannabis illegal.

>> No.6548694

Alcohol has cultural and culinary significance. Weed does not and is purely an intoxicant. You should compare tobacco and weed. It makes no sense that out of the two tobacco is the one that's legal.

>> No.6548703

Have to agree here. Honestly, I hate that pro marijuana people compare alcohol and weed the most when tobacco is wayyyy more to blame and ridicule for it being legal.

>> No.6548716

Yeah even if you take out the cultural significance it still tastes better than weed. And while alcohol is much more dangerous than weed there are far more casual drinkers than casual smokers.

>> No.6548719

i wouldn't care. yes there'd be outrage.

>> No.6548721

They should really change their marketing from you can kill people drunk driving to it can cost you tens of thousands of dollars to drunk drive.

Take a cab or uber, people.

>> No.6548730

Or bike. I'll bike home wasted, and judging on how intoxicated I am I may even bike on the sidewalk. No one's out that late, and I'm not putting anyone in harm but myself.

>> No.6548735

Still a DUI in my state. I'd check your laws too. Cops don't normally cite people for it but I've heard of it happening.

>> No.6548745

Taste is an opinion. I enjoy the taste/smell of weed, but if I even walk by someone smoking a cig it smells foul and sometimes hurts my throat.

>> No.6548748

are there really people who think weed grows brain cells and cures cancer?

>> No.6548753

Are there really people that don't know that chemicals in cannabis have been shown to shrink tumors?

>> No.6548847 [DELETED] 

>Alcohol gets you laid
>cannabis turns you into a cuck

>> No.6548860
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>carefully controlled and taxed by the government
>tons of programs to help people become less addicted and to get help
>made in the fucking USA

>sold by drug lords and cartels with laundered blood money that thousands die over
>hecho in Mexico, Brazil, China

>> No.6548867

What the big breweries to survive prohibition is pretty interesting. They knew it wouldn't last and just had to stay afloat long enough for it to end.

Pabst made cheese.

>> No.6548924

This is contradicted by literally every moderate-to-heavy cannabis user I've ever met.

I'm all for legalization but blatant bullshit like that hurts the cause.

Same reason that lives get ruined by alcohol. Some people can't control themselves.

Of course, we treat people for alcoholism. Stoners generally aren't so fortunate.

>Punishment for misuse
Misuse that puts others in danger (e.g. DUI), sure. But otherwise, treatment is much more important than punishment. The same way we deal with alcohol, really.

Tobacco has cultural significance. Some would argue the same for weed, or at least hemp. And cannabis has legitimate medicinal uses, even if you dismiss it as just an intoxicant.

Agreed, though, that tobacco is far more destructive than alcohol or marijuana. Unfortunately, widespread awareness of the dangers came too late- in the modern US, the economic interests of the tobacco industry preclude any broad ban. Prohibition is sort of remarkable in that sense- the thought that the will of the American people could succeed in outlawing a large established industry is so far removed from how things are now.

>there are far more casual drinkers than casual smokers.
That's a tough one to call. You can openly be a casual drinker, but that's not always the case with weed. Even if the number was the same, you'd always observe more drinkers. And who's to say how many casual smokers there would be if alcohol and cannabis were comparable in terms of cost, legality, and availability?

>> No.6548930

My friend rode his bike home drunk one time... he had an accident and broke both his arms. Then he needed help putting his pants on.

>> No.6548932

>tfw alcohol and 4chan "ruined my life" but i've never been happier

>> No.6548933

hey hey hey hey

smoke beans everyday

>> No.6548958

I'm am so pro legalization of marijuana, I don't smoke it, but I the benefits could be great. I live in a state where IF it ever happens, we're going to fuck it up. Colorado nailed it by not fully regulating the money it made.

That said, OP's picture is the worst thing. I really wonder if OP is anti-pot. It'll never get legalized by people saying "zero deaths in history," that's not true.

>> No.6548962

I'm normally in favor of decriminalization and legalization of marijuana, but pictures like the op make me realize maybe it's better to keep it illegal so we can have an excuse to lock up all the retards.

>> No.6548978
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It would not affect me at all. I don't understand bans, though. How hard is it to just not abuse things.

>> No.6549003

Lol that article is so shit

>1 already had a heart problem so we say him smoking killed him and because it was cannabis means it was that. The 2nd one had drinking and drug problems in the past and died because of this but we say it was because of that one joint he smoked duhhhhh

>> No.6549009

addiction tho

>> No.6549012

>How hard is it to just not abuse things.

Go try cocaine.

>> No.6549018

Yeah it has nothing on heroin. Cocaine is for prissy little fratboy faggots who like to pretend they are rappers.

>> No.6549028

I've done both heroin and cocaine
Opiates apparently are only addictive to 1/8th of users, and from my personal experience, I've never actively wanted to do more heroin, but I fiend on coke bad
Coke really isn't shit compared to horse tho

>> No.6549039

Anything can be psychologically addictive.

Not the same kind of depression.

>causes/cures cancer
[citation needed]

>zero deaths in history
[citation needed]

>saves police and NHS billions
[citation needed], costs DOH and taxpayers trillions.

>grows brain cells
[citation needed]

I'm all in favour of legalising and taxing the shit out of it, but that image is just plain jewry.

>> No.6549041

Stoners are such morons

>drugs are perfectly safe guys!


>> No.6549043

>Non-ironically believing that inhaling any form of smoke is good for you

>> No.6549045

but in the end, who cares
and there's really no reason to get upset by any of this shit because everyone dies and is forgotten after a while so whatever, let them have fun
what else were they gonna do

>> No.6549096

they already do, at least here

huge billboards that say something along the lines of
"You just blew $10,000"

>> No.6549101

they would spend all of their money to prevent prohibition.

They wouldnt even float for a while, it would be an immediate sink or swim

>> No.6549130


As an alcoholic i would be fucking incensed. Alcohol is my anti-depressant, if you band my drugs you'd better start banning other people's brain drugs as well because they are equally dangerous to health and mental well-being. Booze ain't great for ya but it helps me feel like a regular person and that's something pills can't do. Drug snobbery must end

>> No.6549193

come on now, how the fuck is this cooking&food related?

>> No.6549251

alcohol is a drug

>> No.6549337

>See Prohibition throughout history
Clapistan is literally the only place that couldn't make it work.

>> No.6549345

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.6549348
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>but would there be an outrage?

>> No.6549353

>brain cells
Quickest, fastest way to tell if someone didn't do their research. There's a lot of disinformation out there about brain cells. In reality, not much destroys them, and it doesn't matter anyways because they grow back.
Still doesn't mean you should get fucked up daily, no matter what poison you pick.

>> No.6549361

>creating a pro and con chart which selects traits that favor cannabis

Hall WD, Degenhardt L: Adverse health effects of non-medical cannabis use. Lancet 2009, 374: 1383-91.


>> No.6549379


Nobody is denying that cannabis has negative effects. Heck, everything on earth has potentially negative side-effects of one sort or another. The point is to illustrate the huge disparity between how the law treats them.

>> No.6549380

Finally, 4chan is back

>> No.6549383

-Addictive depends on your definition. Cannabis can be addictive as well. The definition this chart requires to work is logically disjointed and overall of no real utility.

-Alcohol is both a CNS depressant and a stimulant. Cannabis also exerts depressant action in the brain. Though both are more easily classed as hypnotics. Weed is also by no means an anti-depressant in the way this chart is using the term.

-Marijuana and carcinogenesis is a bit more complex. Booze doesn't really meaningfully elevate cancer rates, so this point is dim regardless.

-You can't so readily calculate causation, nor do you have information to claim "zero deaths in history".

-Weed being legal would be net positive. Easily.


-Ethanol has never been shown to kill brain cells. Weed has also been shown to induce dysfunction and fucked up growth patterns in neurons. Neurogenesis is ongoing throughout life, seems some regions will regrow brain cells, some won't. It's difficult to figure causation.

Take this chart back to /b/ where it belongs.

>> No.6549408

>Wanting 4chan to be back

>> No.6549440

Cannabis is the name, marijuana is a made up mexican word, it is not chemically addictive only psychologically like literally anything can be, there are no deaths and it would be impossible to od without proccessing it into a more concentrated form.
Are you retarded anon? Family couldn't afford to keep you in school?

>> No.6549442

>alchohal get's you date rape
>weed get's you horny touch-y girls
lol you fuck those fat unconscious bitches you "alpha" you ;^)

>> No.6549444

Less addicting that mmos.

>> No.6549447

see >>6548645

>> No.6549449

Dumb statement. Just replying to let you know.

>> No.6549456

Well it's not chemically addictive so if anything it's equally addicting since it's the same type of addiction.

>> No.6549461

>abusing things has negative effects
Who would have thought!

>> No.6549467

It's difficult to make a meaningful delineation between being directly addictive, or addictive through psychologically mediated means.

Recent research shows the cannabinoid system does interact with dopaminergic neurons and spurs release, but also causes much less of an effect when dopamine binds to receptors over time. Which is typical of many stimulants, but weed appears to be somewhat novel.

Really, anything can be addictive. Sugar is as addictive as cocaine if you look at it in a raw chemical sense. I just draw the line at "it causes strong compulsion to consume again, and is apt to cripple or kill if you stop." That's what separates physical from psychological.

>> No.6549468

Wow, it is like I am in High School all over again.

Anyway, if the US government banned alcohol I would move. Simple as that.

>> No.6549481

>It's difficult to make a meaningful delineation between being directly addictive, or addictive through psychologically mediated means.

No, it's not. It's very very simple:
Find "addict". Get them off the drug. Do they have physical symptoms or not?

>>Really, anything can be addictive. Sugar is as addictive as cocaine if you look at it in a raw chemical sense

Correct. That's psychological addiction.

Physical addiction has withdrawal symptoms: for example, delerium tremens in the case of alcoholics, or the various symptoms associated with opiate withdrawal, such as uncontrollable muscle spasms (where the phrase "kicking the habit" comes from) plus goosebumps and chills ("going cold turkey").

>> No.6549494

Don't ignore what I said then reiterate my post, acting like you have something to tell me.

Your definition doesn't work when you try to actually apply it elsewhere. You'll find it pegs itself full of holes and is left without much utility quite quickly.

>> No.6549495

The only places where prohibition worked are places where 99% of the population is Muslim and weren't drinking alcohol anyway.

>> No.6549496

>"it causes strong compulsion to consume again, and is apt to cripple or kill if you stop."
Well I don't think that fits cannabis, I mean people certainly want to keep smoking because it feels good to get high but there's no real crash or craving afterwords.
Also psychological addictions can in some cases seem even stronger than physical ones with stuff like those chinese gamers who game to death but in most of those cases there seem to be other factors of social oppression and alienation and stuff like that.

>> No.6549503

Eh america is pretty nice and I have my legal weed so I'd probably stay, I'll just booze it up when I travel other places.

>> No.6549526

No it isn't, it's a drink.

>> No.6549530

It's a drug. From a pharmacological standpoint, most things are.

>> No.6549537


The two are not mutually exclusive. Alcohol is both a beverage and a drug.

>> No.6549550

People who become psychologically addicted are prone to do so for more case-by-case reasons. They are usually the exception rather than the norm. Anything can become addictive to them within the right circumstance.

Honestly, people probably just think weed is addictive because they associate it with other drugs, most of which are. The stigma is created due to lack of legality, which is solely political in nature for reasons which are obsolete and have been for probably centuries.

>> No.6549560
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people die because they smoke and drive all the time you dumb fucking junkie

>> No.6549564

>nyquil isn't a drug it's a drink!
>ayahuasca isn't a drug it's a drink!

>> No.6549571
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>it is not chemically addictive
you dumb fuck, it literally forces dopamine through your brain,something which your body is normally supposed to work for. how the fuck is that not chemically addictive?

>> No.6549575

>p-please believe me!

>> No.6549577

Nobody drinks straight alcohol, sperg, it's a fucking toxic poison. Most people drink shit that is only a small percentage actual alcohol in the same way a pill only has a tiny percentage of the active drug.

Alcohol is without a doubt a drug, and it's probably one of the shittiest drugs around considering its mode of action is literally closer to huffing paint than even shit like heroin.

>> No.6549585

Just like alcohol! Or prescription medication!

>> No.6549588

Just like eating chocolate or playing video games or having sex!

>> No.6549592

As a matter of fact, multiple independent studies have shown that smoking marijuana does not impair driving anywhere near the extent that even small amounts of alcohol does.

There is no scientific doubt that alcohol is objectively more harmful than weed, and that's a red herring because weed is actually more benign and harder to abuse than even over the counter medication. Weed is literally one of the safest drugs in the world, and that's a provable, observable scientific fact.

>> No.6549602


lol, man you're really grasping at straws now. Not only is your assumption incorrect, but I would advise you to look at how much more damage cell phone use causes accidents. I won't even mention the severe impact of alcohol on not just accidents but actual motor vehicle DEATHS, because that should be for granted that you know this already.

>> No.6549611
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except this is done through something easier than all of those, effectively creating a country full of lazy video gamers overdosing on mountain dew, skittles and doritos. too lazy to become something decent, just look at all of the "im successful and smoke weed" denial junkies, who could be much better at what they do, but instead smoke dope and pass on their junkie genes to the next unfortunate generation.

>There is no scientific doubt that alcohol is objectively more harmful than weed, and that's a red herring because weed is actually more benign and harder to abuse than even over the counter medication. Weed is literally one of the safest drugs in the world, and that's a provable, observable scientific fact.

except thats wrong, and is only observable as correct in your mind because weed is not as prevalent as alcohol is.

>> No.6549620

It was a Brass Eye reference m8, I didn't intend to upset you.

>> No.6549621

>it literally forces dopamine through your brain

That is incorrect. Cocaine does literally that, but weed does not.

Now, anything can be a trigger for natural Dopamine release. LITERALLY anything, but weed doesn't "force" anything. If dopamine is being released in your brain from smoking pot then it's because you naturally like the high, not because the drug has hijacked your brain and is forcefully pushing your buttons like Cocaine and Heroin and MDMA actually do.

>> No.6549627
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>lol, man you're really grasping at straws now.
im not the other anon, are you too fucking high to look at the IP count? dumb fucking junkie

seriously fucking kill yourself

it makes it easier for dopamine to be produced, thus whenever youre not high things arent as fun, effectively making it addictive and "forcing" dopamine through your brain.

>> No.6549633

>except thats wrong, and is only observable as correct in your mind because weed is not as prevalent as alcohol is.
I don't think you understand how the scientific method works. It's been observed to be practically impossible to die from an overdose of marijuana. Can you say the same about alcohol? Or any other recreational drug? If you think so then boy are you deluded.

>> No.6549637

>creating a country full of lazy video gamers overdosing on mountain dew, skittles and doritos. too lazy to become something decent
So everything would stay the same?

>> No.6549638

>it makes it easier for dopamine to be produced

speaking of "industrial grade stupid".....

>> No.6549642

You clearly do not understand the way the brain works. This conversation is pointless when you are talking about shit you don't understand.

People that are susceptible to that kind of behavior you describe will experience that effect with ANYTHING else, even something idiotic like gambling. It's a mental illness and personal cognitive issues that make them have an "addictive personality" not the gambling or in the case, pot.

If it was a physically addictive substance, we could say that is so, but you have to understand that that has proven to not be the case with weed.

>> No.6549646

>effectively creating a country full of lazy video gamers overdosing on mountain dew, skittles and doritos. too lazy to become something decent
You know, the founding fathers all smoked weed.

The declaration of independence was even written on hemp paper.

>> No.6549652
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>I don't think you understand how the scientific method works. It's been observed to be practically impossible to die from an overdose of marijuana. Can you say the same about alcohol? Or any other recreational drug? If you think so then boy are you deluded.
not even what i said you dumb fuck

it changed before marijuana was prevalent

buttwrecked junkie detected

>but you have to understand that that has proven to not be the case with weed.
except it hasnt and youre a dumb fucking junkie who cant understand the difference between marginal levels of dopamine in the brain.
to compare gambling to smoking weed is irrelevant because one is actually psychological and one isnt

probably one of the biggest lies ever created just to please junkies

>> No.6549659
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let me guess, you think warren buffet(billionaire) drinks coke all day and eats sweets just like the media reports that he does? fucking moron

>> No.6549660

ikr cannabis wasn't prevalent at all in ye olde times, not until it was imported by evil Mexicans

>> No.6549661


If you're not trolling then you're literally retarded. You're so wrong, that you disprove yourself by your own statements, and make the anti-weed people look like complete idiots. Carry on.

>> No.6549665
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no quote, how am i supposed to know what youre referring to? typical junkie behavior to just jump ahead without any regard towards logic.

dumb fucking junkie

>> No.6549669
File: 1.55 MB, 1600x1290, 1411162616503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ikr cannabis wasn't prevalent at all in ye olde times, not until it was imported by evil Mexicans
not in my neighbourhood

>> No.6549679

I think the fact that you are calling people who smoke pot "junkies" shows exactly how far removed from reality you are. Junkies are criminals that rob, steal, rape, and generally don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone else, and the term is for people who are crackheads, heroin addicts, cocaine abusers and such who have REAL issues.

I know you are just trolling, but it makes you sound like a complete sperg. It's obvious you don't care about the truth and are simply here to antagonize people. It's nothing new, but you have to understand that people see through this like you aren't even there.

It's silly dude, you're just objectively acting like an idiot for anyone to see and showing your ass and your ignorance. Do you realize that you probably have a mental illness to act this way for no other reason than to stroke your ego? So it's ironic that a mentally ill person like yourself, who relishes in dragging down the conversation to the lowest level (where you feel most comfortable, no doubt) would be insulting anyone. You're like a child.

>> No.6549684
File: 101 KB, 500x667, burnedbottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkie or junky may also refer to:

A person suffering from drug addiction, most commonly used to refer to a heroin addict

all dat ad hominem and nothing else, its always an easy victory arguing with junkies.

>> No.6549904

>creating a country full of lazy video gamers overdosing on mountain dew, skittles and doritos
lol great strawman bro.
Highschool kids and college dropouts with barely enough cash to afford mexican dirt-weed are not the majority of cannabis users. Many individuals enjoy cannabis after work or on weekends to unwind and even socially much like alcohol or as an occational thing like vacations and it is commonly used throughout academia.

>junkie genes
So you're just a troll or retarded?

You'd be a better troll if you tried to use any actual facts.

>> No.6549947


>> No.6549960

Last I checked this thread was about alcohol.

Please take your argument elsewhere, this is. /ck/ not /b/.

>> No.6549965

please take this tread away from /ck/

we have alcohol related threads but this isnt one of them. this is /b/ tier

>> No.6549971

srry buddy but your daughter is already carrying jose junior and jamal has dibs next

>> No.6549984

>lol great strawman bro.
>Highschool kids and college dropouts with barely enough cash to afford mexican dirt-weed are not the majority of cannabis users. Many individuals enjoy cannabis after work or on weekends to unwind and even socially much like alcohol or as an occational thing like vacations and it is commonly used throughout academia.
> just look at all of the "im successful and smoke weed" denial junkies, who could be much better at what they do, but instead smoke dope and pass on their junkie genes to the next unfortunate generation.

>> No.6549996

it actually ranges a lot by strain, some are very pleasantly piney

>> No.6550009

>junkie genes
Do you think cannabis alters your genes? Or are you referring to people with addictive personalities who can get addicted to literally anything from gambling to video games.

>> No.6550018


My guess is that he is referring to the latter. Some people are more prone to addiction than others. For example, some people can drink alcohol without becoming alcoholics. Other people cannot. And it's been found that alcoholism does tend to run in a family, so genetics certainly does play a role.

>> No.6550029

Yeah but what does that have to do with cannabis and the fact that it's generally used by working people and throughout academia?

>> No.6550030

>just look at all of the "im successful and drink alchohal" denial junkies, who could be much better at what they do, but instead drink booze and pass on their junkie genes to the next unfortunate generation

>> No.6550034


>> No.6550039

>dem dumb ivy-leaguers with their fancy-pants book learnin' and scientific gobldy-gook

>> No.6550067

That might be the political point.
Presedent Eisenhower warned us of the militiary industrial complex as did others before him. War is apparently necessary.

Now us in the USA has clinton/hillary and a load of other shills. The goal isn't to win, like with pharm companies, it's to continue on and tax people up the ass for the "privilege."

>> No.6550073

The goal of a pharm company isn't to cure something, it's to mitigate a solution and reduce pain. That's where the money is, the money isn't in a cure.

>> No.6550076

>not known for impairing memory
ayy lmao
Neither should be illegal.

>> No.6550119

Right, but it is so we have to deal with it until someone in the federal branch sais fuck it and calls for the removal of MJ laws.

I'm not saying legalize it, I'm saying that the government makes a lot of money from it being "illegal" without reason.

States are realizing, slowly, that they dont have to pay for federal bullshit.

No states are going to enfore it anymore and no state wants to pay for federal government ineptitude.

>> No.6550124

The point isn't to legalize MJ, the point is that it's none of the government's business. The federal government isn't getting support from the states on this shit.

>> No.6550139

There isn't a clear line between physical and psychological addiction. Addiction is a behavior, and all behavior/psychology is ultimately rooted in physical (chemical) mechanisms. Certain substances and activities are inherently more addictive than others, just as the predisposition for addiction varies from one individual to the next. Different people may have different specific "weaknesses" along with that broader tendency.

The binary notion that something is or isn't addictive is then also flawed. Really it should be a statistic, sort of like LD50, that describes the general response but not any specific individual. Perhaps a percentage, estimating the probability that a random individual will exhibit addictive tendencies following exposure. Cocaine, opiates, and nicotine would rank high, alcohol, marijuana, and caffeine would probably be moderate, and various things like sex, food, gambling, and video games would hold the lower end of the spectrum.

Too many "420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT" retards in this thread. Legalization is an obvious step forward, but don't try to say that pot isn't addictive. It's disingenuous at best. Yes there are responsible pot smokers, just as there are people who can responsibly use cocaine or heroin- anecdotes do not make a substance non-addictive.

>> No.6550164

Highschool: The Thread

>> No.6550184

>There isn't a clear line between physical and psychological addiction.

No,there's not. Physical addiction has physical withdrawal symptoms ("the shakes" for alcoholics, "going cold turkey" and "kicking the habit" for opiates, etc.) Psychological addiction does not.

>> but don't try to say that pot isn't addictive
It's only addictive insofar as other pleasurable things are addictive like sex, gambling, adrenaline sports, shopping, etc. But I do agree with you that it's misleading to say that it's "not addictive" because some people clearly do get addicted to it. People ought to say it's not physically addictive which is an important point that separates cannabis from certain other drugs such as opiates or alcohol.

>> No.6550185

>I only use mature drugs for mature individuals, such as myself

>> No.6550212

>implying I drink or use drugs
>implying I have a problem with them or the people who use them
You guys are just acting like everyone at the high school I went to when there was a weed/alcohol
Whenever someone brings up an argument about weed you all go
>alcohol is so much worse though!
Then the alcohol people bait you and call you junkies, you get pissed, and then the cycle repeats, all the while both sides are pulling statistics with no citations out of their asses
Yeah, this is Highschool: The Thread

>> No.6550227

It's literally just trolls claiming weed is super terrible.

>> No.6550312

super trolls each with an agenda when it's not their business in the first place

>> No.6550323

Yeah, banning drugs sure made them disappear, let's ban alcohol next.

2/10 I replied

>> No.6550331

In some nations it's carbon credit taxes.
That's another load of shit.

>> No.6550350

You're philosophy is wrong. It's not about about the "greater good" or anything like that. The point is that in the USA the federal, state, and local governments should butt the fuck out and realize that what people do is up to the people in the first place.

You're a twat and will lose in a real argument v, hey maaan i'm a hiipppppy faaaag I waannaaa joint. No, that's not the right way to do this.

>> No.6550365

>alcohol depressant
>cannabis anti-depressant

Yep, that was made by an ignorant stoner alright.

>> No.6550376

If only idiots like you knew what we do in NYC, we don't need assholes like you telling us what to do. Get over yourselves.

You're not that important, at least I admit it, I also admit that you're nobody to tell me what to do.

>> No.6550379

It's your body you should be able to put whatever the fuck you want into it, so long as you don't get behind the wheel of a car.

>> No.6550384


>> No.6550419

That's technically how it is for "weed." Nobody really gives a shit and nobody ever has, that said in NY esp in NYC which is the most watched place on the planet, there's no reason to blow smoke in someones face to make a point. Niggers want to make a point and then they get busted because "YO YO YO, NIGGA."

Do understand that.

>> No.6550439

Fuck, I hate junkie threads. You can write a book with links to studies and citations alone saying all their 'positive benefits' are full of shit and made up and it's still all "but.. but.. muh munchies XD Alcohol is worse!"

Fun fact: Any positive chemicals in this stuff has been bred out long ago to make room for anything they can squeeze in to make highs stronger, and, lo and belong, sneak in things to, infact, get you addicted. The bottom line is cash, not curing cancer, don't kid yourself.

>> No.6550448



Faggot, you have the worst laws anywhere, literally police state status. You don't know what life is like WITHOUT people telling you what to do.

>> No.6550486

in actual fact cannabinoids DO have a pharmalogical effect on your reward sytem, its not just psychological (inhibition of GABAergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area, leading to disinhibition of the nucleus accumbens, more dopaminergic activity deltaFosB expression etc etc
pls go

>> No.6550525

I've seen a lot more campaigning against tobacco in the past few years and a lot more young people against smoking tobacco. Unfortunately they often replace it with weed...

>> No.6550536

>make highs stronger,

That's a good thing, not a bad thing bro. It means you have to inhale less smoke in order to get your high.

>The bottom line is cash, not curing cancer, don't kid yourself.

What if you grow your own and there is never any money involved? What then, Einstein?

>> No.6550546
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let the butthurt flow through you young padawan

>> No.6550554
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>That's a good thing, not a bad thing bro.
makes you a dumber lazier dumb fucking junkie

>What if you grow your own and there is never any money involved? What then, Einstein?
except you dont, and most people dont, and never will, kill yourself junkie

>> No.6550848

i don't see how a higher thc content would help with making money considering how it means you need to smoke less resulting in less weed and less sales

agree with the rest of the post though fuck delusional addicts justifying their shit

>> No.6551142

I couldn't stay in school yet you are supporting the killing of brain cells.

>> No.6551149
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>comparing essential prescription medication to alcohol and marijuana

>> No.6551199

Weed, or vaping. Honestly, I'm ok with that, it's still a step forward. I would think that pot smokers practice much more moderation than tobacco smokers do, and vaping can't be any worse than smoking.

It's kind of surprising really, I never imagined that those cringey "truth" ads would actually help when they started running all those years ago.

>> No.6551205
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>he thinks because his doctor gives it to him there are no side effects which impair driving


>> No.6551211

You're still comparing it to an unrelated subject. Does your doctor prescribe you alcohol? Are you going to compare it to having a stroke now? That impairs your driving.

>> No.6551216
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>he thinks a substance isn't medication because it's commonly abused

>> No.6551224

What is marijuana medication for?

>> No.6551226


>> No.6551235

As many people have said...banning alcohol will not get rid of it, only make it illegal and fill jails with even more people for stupid shit.

But, hypothetically speaking, if alcohol was somehow eliminated for real I would just kill myself. Really what's good about life unless you can make yourself stupid enough through booze to pretend it isn't shit briefly. If booze was outlawed, only the dumb would know peace.

>> No.6551274

It's easy to group when symptoms are that clear-cut, but that's not always the case. People get headaches of varying severity from caffeine withdrawal. How sharp does it have to be before it's clearly not psychosomatic? What about mood effects from stopping anti-depressants, or the mental "fog" experienced by a heavy cannabis user who quits? So-called psychological effects are inherently physical at their core, even if their exact mechanisms aren't understood, or we don't model them down to the chemical level.

Another example would be Candy Crush and its ilk. The dirtbags who develop that kind of garbage actually employ psychologists to "optimize" the games. The resulting products are addictive, by design- they purposefully fuck with the reward mechanisms in the player's brain, subtly wearing them down so they'll part with their cash in a "free to play" game. Even though there's no substance involved, the effects are similar, the "victim"'s brain chemistry is affected, even if only for the short term, they are physically altered by the experience.

It's also worth noting that dependence and addiction aren't quite the same thing, even though they often occur together. Addiction is a pathology unto itself; the idea that there is a separate class of "physical" addiction is a bit of a cop-out. A heroin addict doesn't keep using simply to avoid withdrawal symptoms; they are following the compulsion just like a "psychological" addict would. Dependence can complicate the healing process, obviously, but it absolutely does not cause addiction, nor can it perpetuate addiction without other factors. In fact, without the addictive pathology, dependence can usually just be worked around. For instance, users of some anti-depressants may be dependent on the drug, but not addicted. Should they (and their doctor) decide "quit" the drug, they will safely taper the dose off to avoid withdrawal symptoms- no big deal.

>> No.6551281

I am a god damned Wet and I'll die a god damned Wet

>> No.6551294


The unsympathetic point of view attributes addiction to personal weakness or moral deficiency of the victim.

The sympathetic perspective blames the substance and describes addiction as a "disease" as if the sufferer bears no responsibility.

The reality is a degree of both. We are flawed beings; people have mental weaknesses, and various hazards in life sometimes exploit those. With our brains compromised, we engage in pathological self-destructive behavior. It can't be helped; our weaknesses are a part of who we are. Even if we make an honest effort to be responsible and stay out of trouble, nothing is bulletproof, and shit happens.

>> No.6551479

>Grows brain cells
>Cures cancer

Yeah, maybe if you extracted the THC and used a steamer, but most people who smoke it are going to get the exact opposite effects, not to mention that weed is normally smoked with tobacco.

>> No.6551596

>what is America

>> No.6551712

I can't wait til we live in Demolition Man times, as OP clearly wants.

>> No.6551713

How come stoners are always willing to throw just about everything else under the bus to get marijuana legal?

>> No.6551726
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Totally agree.

Additionally, substance abuse stems from self-medication - Why would you want to abuse a substance if you have a great life already?

Substance banning is ridiculous. I believe it is a basic moral right to be able to ingest whatever you want to.

>"thats substance is unhealthy for you anon, it can potentially ruin your life!"
>"dw, we'll put you in prison and ruin your life instead"

>> No.6551745

People who claim weed cures cancer are fucking retarded, you're not helping your cause, you're just making yourselves look like morons.
There are some studies which show that it *may* slow the growth of *certain types of cancer* and all the idiot stoners jump all over them "OMG weed cures cancer guys", ignoring the other studies which say it promotes growth of other types of cancer.
It may be better than alcohol but it's not a miracle cure for everything. Hell, Bob Marley, arguably the most iconic pot smoker in pop culture died of cancer at the age of 36.

(By the way, I'm not saying all stoners are idiots, I'm saying that the ones who claim it's some kind of magical cure-all are idiots)

>> No.6551914

As a raging alcoholic struggling to quit I'd be thrilled not to see it everywhere and have it be a dominant part of most social activities.

As a realist I know that banning something that is in demand creates more problems. Prohibition created the mobsters and war on drugs created drug cartels. Best course of action surprisingly is to decriminalize all drugs.

>> No.6551920


>> No.6551960

Vaping is still bad for you holy shit stoners are retarded. YOU'RE PUTTING SHIT INTO YOUR LUNGS WHEN YOU VAPE.

>> No.6551994

Can't ban alcohol when it's so easy to homebrew.

>> No.6552000

As word out and stale as it sounds, drugs/liquor tend to give you a different perspective on things.
Moderation is of course key, nobody would be productive if they did salvia 24/7/365, but I do imagine most scientists and writers might probably do better if they had a singular trip of LSD or something once every year or month or so.

>> No.6552006

That's a good one.

>> No.6552093

Actually strains have been bread for many purposes including charlottes web which was bread to minimize the high so it could be used medically with children.
You really gotta educate yourself before talking about things to not look like a retard.

>> No.6552096

Nah I don't support abuse of any drug from booze to prescription meds.

>> No.6552100

>effectively creating a country full of lazy video gamers overdosing on mountain dew, skittles and doritos. too lazy to become something decent
Already happened.

>> No.6552102
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>people don't abuse prescription meds and they're never harmful
lol sure that's why toootally aren't huge numbers of people in rehab for prescription medication addiction
Are you trying to make anti-cannabis people look retarded?

>> No.6552104


>> No.6552106

>weed is normally smoked with tobacco
Not so much in the US.

>> No.6552109

>a steamer

>> No.6552115

It's already legal where I live and if you think that pointing out that alcohol is more harmful and dangerous than cannabis and comparing them is "throwing just about everything else under the bus" then you seem far too sensitive for 4chan.

>> No.6552123

The irony is that nowadays many places don't have wide internet sales of booze but prohibition today would almost certainly mean an increase in that.

While I think prohibition is stupid and won't work, the U.S. has had a big back and forth attitude on alcohol going back to its founding. If they tried to ban it again it would be on some health grounds, like tobacco. There are too many obstacles though like alcohol and hospitality lobbies.

>> No.6552124

Yeah the vapor that contains the cannabinoids.
The carcinogens are from burning plant matter which isn't part of vaping.
You should really calm down and cool off from your cruise control caps to educate yourself some so you don't look like such a dumbfuck.

>> No.6552139

Banning alcohol wouldn't affect my life a bit since I've been dry for years. However, all drugs should be legal and able to be bought at the corner bodega just like booze.

>> No.6552149

Yeah, I fucking hate false weed propaganda as a stoner.
It definitely doesn't grow brain cells, but I don't think it gets rid of them like alcohol does. I've met way more idiotic drunks than I have dumb stoners. And I count myself as not the brightest stoner every but I know a girl who smokes all day erryday and she's only 21 with a master's in psychology and she's almost done with doctrine and has a job all lined up as soon as she leaves school.
I think that whole "worthless stoner" thing is just a stereotype that fits a somewhat large group of people and they make the rest of us look like shit which is aggravating cause I'd rather not have to defend thus shit, ya know?

>> No.6552165

A family friend of mine has a 6 year old girl who has on average of 20 seizures a day. They found out that concentrated doses of THC almost completely cured her of the seizures.

He said it's terribly frustrating because he is actually petitioning for the legit medical use of THC, but he gets overshadowed by some 19 year old white kid with dreads, trying to get his sour diesel legalized for "back pain" (said while smirking).

>> No.6552170

>gets rid of seizures, turns her into a junkie
cure sounds worse than the disease

>> No.6552248

That is shitty but the fact that it helps people that much and doesn't have extreme side effects for people who are using recreationally means it's a pretty good drug compared to all the other shit out there.

>> No.6552287

and which "chemicals" would those be?

>> No.6552922

Unfortunately, you're going to have to get used to that no matter where you live, you're likely amidst a majority of collectivists (using that term loosely). Evolutionarily they, and their thought processes, were overexpressed over time. For obvious reasons.

So yes, they don't grasp the idea of personal choice. And if they see you compromising the group, they do believe it's correct to stop you by force and strength in numbers. This will never change.

>> No.6552956

The us is going to have the most successful legal weed industry in the world,

>> No.6552960
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ITT: reality is black and white and everyone is stupid but me

>> No.6552962
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>> No.6552972

I hate Vsauce because his videos should be able half their length. The second half he always going into some bullshit off topic metaphysical rant.

>Hey guys on the subject of tomatoes, did you know that there is technically a chance of Monsanto being in the Illuminati, and that the Illuminati could be extraterrestrials with mind control powers? Also did you know that the particles making up tomatoes are actually black matter which makes up..

>> No.6553002

He does it on purpose. Different people process information in different ways, therefore their attention and interest is hooked in certain ways and if you give something to em right, they'll be able to process the whole better. And it works, as you can tell by his subscriber count, he hits it from as many branching angles as possible.

I don't like Vsauce much either though. He skims over a lot of things, has gotten very formulaic, and shoves in a lot of opinions and crap I don't really at all see as valid. Like claiming Occam's Razor reconciles "Last Thursdayism", you're joking right? No honest human being in their right mind could actually convince themselves of that. Then more minor he tries to spur far too much touchy feely emotional connection in, for obvious reasons. His education is in cognitive psychology last I knew.

I clicked on one of his videos (the last thursdayism one) when it showed up as suggested a while ago, hadn't watched any of his stuff in ages because I got sick of the aforementioned. Decided to probably not watch again. Perhaps he should have stuck to showing weird little things with intermissions of sexy Evangelion cosplay.

>> No.6553112

This thread is pointless. Weed is legal just about everywhere if you're white.

The only place where it's illegal to smoke weed if you're white is Texas.

>> No.6555162

I only breed sons, I sacrifice daughters to khornes throne