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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.00 MB, 330x270, 1430929373675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6529140 No.6529140 [Reply] [Original]

Joey thread!

What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

>> No.6529144

I think you mean another hidden thread.

>> No.6529146


>> No.6529329
File: 38 KB, 190x190, 20150521_062132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty good gift.

Joey, stoned after eating 5 big macs and reviewing each in turn, stares into space.

Ken hides in cabinet, reaches out and gives fatty a slap.

Fatty bawls.

>> No.6530633


Ken men confirmed for retards

>> No.6530643

Nah. Confirmed phone Autocorrect. About which we do not care.

>> No.6530651
File: 68 KB, 788x685, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like fast food don't you, anon ?

>> No.6530690


>> No.6530740

>another video with joey laughing at all ken's jokes and trying to be his friend
I don't know if I can take much more of this gang.

>> No.6530748

Meanwhile, Ken controls the entire video. He plays Joey like a land whale on a harpoon.

Isn't it time you came round to the proper side? Embrace the Ken Men concept. Instantly lose 200 pounds of ugly fat. Instantly gain an understanding of business finance. There's a bit of hair loss as well, but we aren't ashamed.

>> No.6530812

Fucking Ken.
I guess I'll take Ken over that pathetic jack fuck you guys keep trying to force on us though.

>> No.6530823

Right, I'm sure if I try I can get this thread deleted.

>> No.6530828

All of these personalities are lame as fuck. Even the ones on cable tv are lame. There's no difference between Joey, Ken, Jack and Rachel Ray, Jon Taffer, and Guy Fierri. Each is banal in their own way, play acts, pretends and performs.

It's just that TV people have bigger budgets.

>> No.6530830

Why would you do that? Does it make you feel all moist and superior?

>> No.6530872 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6530875
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>> No.6530876


There is a minor difference, in that I don't want to fuck any of them except Rachel Ray

>> No.6530878
File: 1.92 MB, 300x225, 1408992132611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off jack you lousy piece of shit.

True. I think there is only one true food personality on youtube who tells it like it is and doesn't try too hard.
(pic related)

>> No.6530884

reviewbrah is the only person who i'll watch review food (or anything for that matter) on youtube just because he doesnt come off as the total fuckhead narcissit youd have to be to identify as a "youtuber"

>> No.6530911

I learned today that if I don't have to see Joey's obnoxious face in the OP of his threads that the level of disdain I feel for him actually diminishes somewhat.

I wonder if the same probably goes for the other annoying spam reviewers too

>> No.6530933 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 734x122, Autistic and awful voice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to somewhere else.

>> No.6530935

Well there is that, but I'll bet when she starts screaming about olive oil you'll want to switch to Ken, or maybe Guy

>> No.6530937

>people shit on reviewbrah but worship slobs like joey and jack
Some of us still love you here reviewbrah.

>> No.6530943

mfw people dont post jack


>> No.6531117
File: 74 KB, 480x737, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joey was pretty based in this vid, i was surprised
>calling both ken and himself sellouts
>"forgetting" his wallet
>being semi-critical of McDs in front of a well-outed shill
>generally making ken uncomfortable

granted, joey just wants to be liked, so he laughed at ken's shitty jokes at times, but i felt that joey had a stronger backbone this time, and wasn't playing the fool who was just happy for a tummy rub.

>> No.6531123

oh god why does that picture make me uncomfortable

>> No.6531132

Because that person is totally in an insane asylum

>> No.6531524
File: 242 KB, 343x433, スクリーンショット 2015-05-19 23.05.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reviewbrah is a gay idiot loser who turned off his youtube comments because hes too scared to take the heat. all his videos shitty anyway he never says anything funny or interesting and after you get over his weirdness its just like nothing. everytime he spends 5 minutes just looking blankly at the box and describing the colour and shape of it to me makes me feel like im going crazy!!!

>> No.6531699


>> No.6531720

white knighters from the reviewbrah reddit hugbox i see why dont you run back to ur pathetic little food babby maybe he'll tell you about anotehr bland pepperoni frozen pizza you pizza shit

>> No.6531723
File: 152 KB, 750x421, joey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6531737 [DELETED] 

Remember to sage, report, and hide.

>> No.6531763

Ultra douche detected.

You were probably the oil who ran to tell teacher when in grade school. Then again? Maybe you still are.

>> No.6531893


Here is the Kenemy's recent collaboration with Joey. I'm pretty sure all is lost. However that mod pizza place seems legit, wish I had one in my town.

>> No.6531920

Yeah I agree I have no clue when Ken always features that unfunny fat faggot Joey he kept forcing his stupid bwowoowwo joke on Ken was fucking annoying and I didn't even get my 1am hunger or scratch and sniff jokes

>> No.6531959
File: 14 KB, 243x208, dumbniggerburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white castle is my favorite. the closest one is 20 miles away so it's just far enough that i only eat it once in a great while. if there was one down the street this probably wouldn't be my favorite. hardees/carl's jr is most often prolly.

>> No.6531972

Fuck off Ben. Your dad obviously hates you.

>> No.6531975

Fast food in general is disgusting and I usually wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole but there are two exceptions. The first is the Turkey Bacon Club from Timmies and the second is the Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Wendy's.

>> No.6531978

Lmao Ben, you're nothing but a living, breathing tax write-off. He'll kick you out of the house as soon as you can't be claimed as a dependant.

>> No.6531992

Firstly I'm not Ben, okay? Secondly I'm sorry you guys don't appreciate sophisticated humour like KBDProductions. The people who laugh at Joey are the same kinds of people who laugh at Pewdiepie its just him acting like a retard and giggling like a fat retard. With Ken on the other hand you get informations, you get excitement and you get your soul fulfilled with all his funny jokes and sound effects.
2 Points for Ken!!

>> No.6532042

lel ken slipped in an "OOH LA LA" at 5:45 talking about the buns.
Fucking ken can't even stop with the corny jokes even when he's around joey.

>> No.6532053
File: 24 KB, 582x463, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i-is it coupon time?

>> No.6532074
File: 26 KB, 457x464, seda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying these KBD and Joey collabs aren't just a ploy by Daym to shift the Broey's wrath away from him

>> No.6532096

>>calling both ken and himself sellouts

Hes doing it in a mocking way, and these faggots obviously need to address it, so setting up the strawman of excessive "tongue in cheek, but please believe me, im not a shill" references to gorrila glue is their recourse

>> No.6532128
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6532191

>yfw daymn did a video with rachel ray
when will joey get to review something with rachel ray?

>> No.6532240

Joey needs a collab with Giada.

>> No.6532405

Exactly, like during the rating Ken asks Joey to give his rating on something similar to his scale. What a fucking douche.

And during the drive thru scene Ken mentions that Joey should edit it out so you know he mentioned that Joey should have more post-production on his videos. Ken won't rest until Joey is cringey and flashy dad humor.

>> No.6532631

Joey isn't TV presentable.

>> No.6533449
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>> No.6534754 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 680x425, ce8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Janitor deletes ken threads
>Janitor deletes ja/ck/ threads
>Joey thread left alone

>> No.6534801

going from having multiple tv shows to watching a dude eat in his car

>> No.6534863 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, 1429768933915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Joey's penis ever penetrated a vagina?

>> No.6534866
File: 1.71 MB, 320x180, 1429112241373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jack and Ken are fucking faggots.

The whole of /ck/ are Broeys, janitors included.

How new are you, fat ass?

>> No.6534892 [DELETED] 

I've been here since before joey threads were a thing newfriend, all three are about as food & cooking related as each other.

>> No.6534915


Shut your piehole, mother fucker.

>> No.6534935

Jack actually makes cooking videos, though. Ken and Joey don't. Well Joey made like 3 but that's it and 2 of them were just fucking processed cookies and marshmallow things.

>> No.6536095

No but Giada blew him

>> No.6536104

woo woo woo woo woooo

>> No.6536290

i-is it over for us broeys?

>> No.6536327

god i fucking hope so

>> No.6536397 [DELETED] 

Reported fuck off /joey/ fagots!

>> No.6536427
File: 1.54 MB, 480x270, 1432118940744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announcing reports
first day on 4chan?

>> No.6536519

I agree it seems to be slowing down but Joey threads need to keep going at least until the animation is complete

>> No.6536545

Nah, just hoping that other anons tired of this fat fuck and his little hordes' bullshit posts on here generally shitting up the place would stand up and be counted for.

>> No.6536642


Yep, the kenemy videos and shouting out ladytrayce instead of the broies were the last straws. He's gone

>> No.6536653

or you could, you know, hide/ignore the threads like everyone else

>> No.6536658 [DELETED] 



>> No.6536746

Ill fucgghjnlk

>> No.6537286


>> No.6537828

she probably uses olive oil as lube.

for butt sex.

>> No.6537905 [DELETED] 

Joey threads are allowed but Jack "Cuck Wild" Scalfani threads aren't?

>> No.6538743

Joey is part of /ck/ board culture

>> No.6538754

This. Linking to jack is pretty much advertising because he runs his sauce business. joey makes next to nothing off his channel.

>> No.6538768

Even though he is 400 pounds of smelly shit, you can tell that somewhere deep down in his massive disgusting body that he has the heart of a warrior.

Jack is a mere waddling manchild, he married a fat pig who hates him and his hunk son is quickly picking up on the charade.

>> No.6538875

>Even though he is 400 pounds of smelly shit, you can tell that somewhere deep down in his massive disgusting body that he has the heart of a warrior.

The broey manifesto

>> No.6539057

First joey video i have ever seen

wow the fucking ignorance

do they even have taste buds?

I've seen mcdonalds saute their mushrooms and the only reason they use the microwaves are to heat up the cinnamon bites and burritos

Also fucking white cheddar, tastes nothing like fucking swiss

>> No.6539163

>expecting youtube fast food reviewers to have taste
lovin' every lel

>> No.6539328

Not a single person here has bought his sauces. Advertising to autistic idiots on 4chan is not an effective strategy.

>> No.6539333

Joey is not making next to nothing. It's not enough to pay his rent/mortgage but it's not like $15/month either. If linking to Jack is advertising then so is linking to Ken and Joey. Or anyone who monetizes videos on jewtube

>> No.6539346
File: 179 KB, 594x396, 451395878-jack-scalfani-todd-english-and-johnny-gettyimages[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here is Ja/ck/in it?!

King Cu/ck/ has actually met Todd English and cooked for him. How does that make you feel, faggots?

>> No.6539354

>the most hostile conversation concealed as friendship

Don't stop till you see the whites of their eyes joey

>> No.6539601

Not only this but people from 4chan have bought Joey merch

Joey threads should be banned and Jack threads should be allowed.

>> No.6539848
File: 175 KB, 1334x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's bbyyyyyyaaaaaacckk. Woowoowoo


>> No.6539903

>3.49 for some fucking ice cream

>> No.6539927

if that's true, /ck/ needs to step up its game.

And what is this "board culture" anyway? It's a fucking meme in and of itself.

>> No.6539945


lol, he just goes to disneyland alone

>> No.6539955

Going to Disneyland alone is the super best way to go. Alone is the best for almost any experience. Joey understands this.

>> No.6539966

The camera moves some. He was with someone, maybe Giada?

>> No.6539972
File: 90 KB, 333x385, josephine-backer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hispanic whole-heartedly praises the fruits Dole® Inc

We have come full circle

Via con Dios, mis joermanos

>> No.6539976

Not when you're in love.

I wonder if Joey has ever had sex.

>> No.6539986

I don't know.

One of the secrets to happiness is not pondering on such subjects.

>> No.6540409
File: 111 KB, 720x384, スクリーンショット-2015-05-26-0.44.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all my fellow Ken-men riding the spaceship Avintrive through galaxy kbd how's it going? What did you think of Ken's LATEST fast food review? Personally I found it an enlightening experience around here we don't have that fast food join so I'm quite eager to go try some the food looked ABSOLUTELY scrumptious. Except for those fries of course which Ken did not rate very highly. The best part?? NO PICKLES, YUCK!

>> No.6540425

Yeah I agree my fellow Ken-man! Unlike all those Joey-Bronies we always see Ken give it his best. It's good to see some of him is rubbing off on him maybe Joey will stop being an unfunny fat fuck sometime

>> No.6540453

Lel there isn't even dairy in it. It's 3 fucking 50 for a bit of pineapple juice and cellulose gum.

>> No.6540459

Fuxk off, Ken is awful. The term "Ken Men" is incredibly lame and faggy.

>> No.6540464

Lol! Joey Broey finally managed to get his fat fingers onto the keyboard to type out a reply dont you have some cheese wiz to be ingesting?

>> No.6540470

And Joey Broey is mature and absolutely Army Ranger tier hetero.

Are you even allowed to be up this late?

>> No.6540530
File: 17 KB, 803x87, aldfjalkdjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Ian Keiner peeped out a stroke.

>> No.6540533

>And Joey Broey is mature and absolutely Army Ranger tier hetero.
Yes. Die in hell "Ken Fag". lol *self high 5*

>> No.6540537

Cheese wiz in a spray can challenge. How many cans can Juggalo Joey take in half an hour? All orifices are fair game.

>> No.6540540

lol get a load of this Joeyfag why dont you self high combo #5 yourself to an early grave you fat sack of shit
2 points for ken!!

>> No.6540549

Ken-Men are secure in thier sexuality. They need prove nothing to the Joey Bronies. Ken-Men are confident, successful and business smart. Stick Ken Man in a Turkish bath with 25 confirmed man lovers, and by the end of the steam, there'll be 25 gay entrepreneurs, all more business and tax law savvy than they were before, and one Ken Man, integrity and reputation in tact who was happy to have been able to help.

Unlike Circus Clown Joey Bronies, Ken-Men feel no need put others down. No need to make themselves look better at others expense.

The sooner the Bronies realize this and admit defeat, the happier it will be in review-land.

>> No.6540557

Ah you're right. I'm afraid a sudden burst of emotion over took me to a point where I lost control of my motor functions and had to type out that enrage filled post. I see now that I was in the wrong and respectfully apologize for my aggressions and ask that you do not take my words as something that all Ken-Men fell and just my personal opinions.

>> No.6540559

See! This is a Ken Man talking right here.

>> No.6540561

All rise for the Ken-Men national anthem!

>> No.6540565

Brings a fucking tear to your eye does that.

>> No.6540566


>samefagging this hard

>> No.6540568
File: 225 KB, 967x640, welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You plebs make me laugh. Join the Dyer Club and we can welcome, WELCOME you to a higher state of being. Now, doesn't that hit the spot? HITS THE SPOT. WOOOOO

>> No.6540575

None of that toffee nosed horse fuckery here if you please.

>> No.6540578

You have no clue.

Not only don't you have one, but your mother didn't have one either and that's how she wound up with you.

>> No.6540581

Ken is a good guy he donates his monies to the food bank how can he be the bad guy?

>> No.6540584

Ken-Men don't have to go to your Joey Brony samefagging ways. we've moved past that when we transcended to the Ken-Men lifestyle.

>> No.6540597
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>> No.6540602
File: 40 KB, 280x280, just-for-you-white-letters-351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory uniform shirt for all Ken-Men followers.
Remember, he does it Just For You™

>> No.6540604

Are the anti-Broey's so desperate that they have latched onto Ken now? What's going on gyang?

>> No.6540606

Face it Joey Brony your time here is over it's the year of the K-B-D

>> No.6540609

Go to bed Ben. Your father obviously hates you.

>> No.6540610

And WE will be accurate when filing our tax returns. Unlike some food reviewers who got into hot water.

>> No.6540614

You Ken Men love Ken so much, I don't see you making silly Youtube tribute videos for him. 2 POINTS FOR JOEY WOO

>> No.6540617

Ken doesn't need superficial tribute videos made purely to boost his ego. He's self confident enough that meaningless tripe like that are beyond him.

>> No.6540619

lol you tell em fellow Ken Man.

"ooh la la"

>> No.6540620



>> No.6540623

Yes you did. With logic and dignity and a complete lack of desire to do a Nutella challenge. Quite unlike the mouse eared one.

>> No.6540631
File: 72 KB, 800x533, IMG_6708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a little reminder to all my, 1am in the morning hunger fans! Hope I don't make ya too hungry ;)

>> No.6540648


I wish i had cocaine u fucking nigger

>> No.6540650

Did you know joining the Ken-Men organization has a 95% success rating in recovery from drug addiction? Maybe you should give it a shot!

>> No.6540656

You're fat Ken. Keep lying to yourself and riding that bicycle, you weigh at least 220lbs.

>> No.6540657


Im not addicted im just drunk n shit. Last time i did cocaine was 3 months ago. Fuckin bullshit

>> No.6540673
File: 1.05 MB, 1229x659, スクリーンショット 2015-05-26 3.05.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckle up and I'll take you away for a ride on my fitness mobile straight to the calorie burn bonanza. You're just envious of his level of fitness maybe if you rode your bike up high altitude mountains like him you too could become an icon of good health and bodily perfection.

>> No.6540677

the amount of post-post-meta-irony itt is staggering

>> No.6540702

Ken nearly has a BMI of 30 and he's no swole motherfucker. He fat.

>> No.6540704

>This is why I don't gain wait
Is that a jab at joey?

>> No.6540707

The BMI is frequently known to be wrong. Ken is a mass of pure muscle so obviously he would weigh more then expected.

>> No.6540710

It's only "wrong" if you're building a lot of muscle for your weight. Ken doesn't do that and he is a fatass. What's "wrong" is the calorie expenditure estimates on his bike.

>> No.6540716
File: 713 KB, 959x611, possessed by pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My video that was unlisted has more views than any of my other shitty ones.


>> No.6540991
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, t32d885_2012_0624-doener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Döner macht schöner

>> No.6541351

Let's see a video of Ken going to the doctor to get his cholesterol checked, I'd like to see his levels.

Riding a bicycle doesn't magically negate the effects of eating trash all the time. Ken won't make it another 5 years.

>> No.6541508

Wo ist die Soße?

>> No.6541586

Ken has already made such a video. His levels were fine. Nobody watched the video so her simply removed it from view.

Also, while Ken may eat all the food on his reviews, he rarely digests it. He's not as stupid as Joey.

>> No.6541594
File: 1.07 MB, 300x300, 1432591973232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody watched the video so he simply removed it from view.
Fuck off, Ken.

>> No.6541661

Ken has nothing to prove to the likes of you, you common pepe.

>> No.6541664
File: 21 KB, 480x360, busted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually he does. Ken is a giant attention whore that needs validation from internet strangers because in a mid life crises. Otherwise he wouldn't have 20 different social media accounts and pay amateur musicians to songify his reviews to sell on iTunes, which I bet has amassed a total of 3 downloads.

>> No.6541666

Hail Joey!

>> No.6541749

more like 3 MILLION downloads

>> No.6542469


>> No.6542947
File: 721 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2015-03-05-17h14m11s253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Ken-Men have you seen the new KBDProductions video? It's pretty baller poor ken...

>> No.6542972

Jesus Christ. I haven't watched a ken video in a long time but seriously fuck this guy. An adult human male actually acting like this. Joey is a goofball but you can tell in this video how serious ken is about this and how he actually thinks this is in any way important to anyone. And pathetic to see the change from videos where he is just hanging out, to here where he is hamming it up like no other and putting on an obvious character. It's clear to me now that ken considers this his actual job and he somehow actually considers this an honorable profession.

>> No.6542978

Get a load of this delusional Joeybronie it's okay maybe one day you'll mature past the mental age of 11 and appreciate how a real food expert should behave.

>> No.6542982

whatever, I hope he does more challenges like this to ensure his early death.

yeah he rides a bicycle sometimes but that's not going to help you when you;re eating 1500 calories of chocolate in a day, then eating a quadruple burger with fries and large coke the next morning.

>> No.6542984

>food expert
>shovels 5 chocolate bars down his gullet to try and impress internet people

not only did Ken fail the challenge, it slowly contributed to his eventual diabetes. ken will then write off his insulin as a business expense.

>> No.6542987

He'll just bike the diabetes away

>> No.6543452
File: 287 KB, 595x319, Screenshot 2015-05-26 at 11.13.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat bite at 1:00

>> No.6543462

>you're walking around disneyland and suddenly you see joey "WOOWOOWOOing" into a camera
what do?

>> No.6543471

I really can't tell if he is alone or the person he is with has the steadiest hands ever.

>> No.6543501

>tfw joey is having the time of his life going to wrestlemania and disneyland while i sit here on /ck/ defending him against ken and others trying to ruin his channel

What the fuck happened to my life?

>> No.6543573

>Defending the mouse eared one in any capacity
Are you retarded?

>> No.6543587

Just so you guys know, this wasn't actually me.

>> No.6543591

Someday, Anon. Someday.

>> No.6543865


>> No.6544024

Fuck off Ken, don't you have treating your son like shit to be getting to?

>> No.6544119

>Rush up to Joey.
>Grab Joey's camera hand.
>Aim camera so both Joey and I are in the shot.
>Big smile and shout.:


>> No.6544127

He keeps mentioning the price now that Ken mentioned he should include it in his videos.

I bet it's his mom <3

>> No.6544135

Ken's son is a shameful waste of air. He deserves everything he gets. I'm surprised Ken even let's him on the video.

>> No.6544332
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, andy whut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.49 for a rice krispie treat
I know it's disneyland, but fuck me

>> No.6544362

post your favorite Ken's face!

>> No.6544379

If I had to choose one fast food place for the rest of my life, Burger King.

>> No.6544393
File: 14 KB, 300x400, KENJOEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hi to your new overlord! LOL

>> No.6544398 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x400, Jacken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king of cucks

>> No.6544413

I'm so confused right now

>> No.6544416
File: 13 KB, 300x400, KENJOEYJACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544427

The one in the photo of his obituary.

>> No.6544972

I'm jelly of that Boba Fett lanyard.

>> No.6546552
File: 130 KB, 1063x608, plastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6547637

Joey needs to be careful. One of these days his choking/suffocation gags will go too far ;_;

>> No.6547648

*muffled woos*

>> No.6547667

Of course Ken would have a Bazinga shirt.

>> No.6547824
File: 59 KB, 196x232, 0252_CG02141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's wearing it ironically sorry that you're too dense to realize that

>> No.6547826

>i'm only pretending to be retarded

>> No.6547874

Who do you think should do a collab video with competitive eater Matt Stonie?

>> No.6547878

I would like to see Joey do the 1 gallon yogurt enema challenge.

>> No.6548231
File: 530 KB, 755x464, Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 8.01.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New review, Broeys!

>> No.6548282


>> No.6548318

Carl's Jr can do no wrong in joey's book it seems.

>> No.6548356

Why are you so obsessed with Joeys chin grab? Lots of people do that.

>> No.6548720

Nice. This was reminiscent of classic Joey

>> No.6548820

>I'm a rhymer! I rhymed! hahaha! I'm slim shady.

That's the closest to the classic "I'm rambling! Why am I rambling?" in a long time. Are we getting him byack gyang?

>> No.6549081
File: 5 KB, 371x106, 1425651501739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gyang, long time broey here.

I am livid.

joey is acting like he's on fucking sedatives in this abomination of a "review" >>6548231 It's the worst thing since ever. And anons like >>6548720 are saying, literaally saying this pile of bloody, feces covered dragon dildoes of a food review is "reminiscent of classic Joey."

You may as well say banging your face on a violin is reminiscent of Yo-Yo Ma. You might as well declare that rancid, spoiled milk is reminiscent of hand churned ice cream. Joey is a shell of a man, an empty vessel, empty of passion, empty of trail blazing, empty of vitality. Joey has been fixed like a common dog. He may as well be on percocets during that abominable review.

We completed Operation Woo, Operation BOTR, and what did it amount to? Nothing. ...No, worse than nothing. Joey hasn't just forgotten about the broeys, Joey actively seeks to distance himself from us. He embraces literally everything we tried to distance him from. Every single fan video we make is ignored. What sort of faggot ignores a fucking fan made animation of your tiny ass youtube channel? I'm so sorry, animation-broey, about what must appear to be amounting to squandered time to you.

I watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSf_8ZtlSJw the other day and I leterally started crying. We fucking lost. We never won. Joey has turned his back on us. It's time to go home. It's over, people. Over.

>> No.6549138

The newest review was way better than the absolute garbage he has been putting out lately.

>> No.6549191

It was better in the way that a eating a dog turd is better than eating a dog turd soaked in piss.

>> No.6549711

He started doing it when he lost his personality

And it just perfectly captures him trying to do the le serious reviewer bullshit.

Fucking "Focus Group" Hernandez at it again.

>> No.6549753
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>> No.6549817
File: 73 KB, 762x384, スクリーンショット+2015-05-29+13.32.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does ken always give these non answers to everything youd think it would be better just to not erply

>> No.6549866

I'm in fucking tears. Dat tombstone sent my sides into orbit.

>> No.6549881

Skeletonjello appears in serious need of psychiatric help. I mean... Joey tribute videos? Death videos? Disappointment videos? Angry about Joey and Ken colaboration video videos?

Holy fuck man. Seek help.

>> No.6549885

Yeah, but the videos are golden.

>> No.6549887


>> No.6549892

No. It's better to take stupid anon posts as a joke. Ignoring them or giving them credence gives the anon room to troll further.

Ha. Ha. Is the perfect reply when dealing with trolls. It softens the troll, because it's a joke right? You aren't serious right? You aren't being mean right?

>> No.6549900

Oh please. Please please please.

Lenny's going to take over /ck/. Did you know that? He's already managed to make Joey look like a wanna be.. Joey, the 4chan /ck/ champion, running hard as a wanna be. Trying to remain a force, he's being turned into a farce.

It's a fucking train wreck.

>> No.6549931

what the fuck

>> No.6549936

Everyone here is angry about Joey and Ken collaboration videos. We all hate the Kenemy.

>> No.6550041


Literally who?

>> No.6550057

replied to wrong post lol whoops


>> No.6550063
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>> No.6550092


>> No.6550104
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>> No.6550109
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>> No.6550182
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y-y-you too

>> No.6550186

Has Joey lost it?

>> No.6550192

I think he meant ken and his phone did the Autocorrect thing.

>> No.6550193

Ken, Lenny is what my phone corrected it to. Stupid phone.

>> No.6550216 [DELETED] 

Move on anon. Joey is dieting.

He probably has realized just how much he fucked over his body and his life (since he's still living with his mom at 40) over the past decade, and he's trying to change everything.

Just support him and enjoy his older videos. If you need a different youtuber to mock and laugh at, then there's always Jack the cuck.

>> No.6550233

Ken will never become king of /ck/ it's more negative than positive comments about him. I used to message Ken with links to these threads to make sure he knows people are onto his tax scams, that is until he banned me.

>> No.6550240

>Thank you for letting me know about what people are saying about me. lolbanned

Typical Jew.

>> No.6550241

He banned you? Really? Heh!

I think you are just angry because you so ooooo wanted to be his friend and he banned you.

>> No.6550245

I believe we've all come to the conclusion that old man tom willet is our new /ck/ overlord.

>> No.6550257
File: 121 KB, 960x717, kbdproductionstv faggotmobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be in the Toronto/Barrie area for the whole month of July and hope to see his shitbox parked somewhere so I can slash his tires, put sugar in his gas tank and steal his vanity plates, put them on my car and then commit crimes. It's what friends are for.

>> No.6550353 [DELETED] 

I can't mock Tom. He's cool as fuck. He's obviously not an idiot, just really getting up there in age.

Completely different than Jack the fat cuck who is a natural blithering moron.

>> No.6550357
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, 1431134444718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Toronto and I've yet to see him

>> No.6550699

Luckily I know Ken's postal code in Barrie which narrows it down to a few blocks. I just need to drive around the area until I see his faggotmobile.

>> No.6550722

I seriously advise you not to do anything stupid. You don't want to wind up with a criminal record.

>> No.6550749

OK Ken.

>> No.6550888

Seriously, I can take the tax evasion, but running to the police (that you refuse to pay for) like a little bitch every time you might actually get what's coming to you is too much


>> No.6550897

Good thing I'm not ken then. Anyhow, I'll keep an eye on the news, just in case you aren't simply a basement dweller from Peoria.

>> No.6551023
File: 57 KB, 640x640, ken thug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I message Ken and told him to keep his car in his garage and linked him this thread so jokes on you faggot.


>> No.6551090


Albert bill reporting in.

Ive given up. Therell never be another legitimately good joey video. Rejoice, lads, for we succeeded in Operation nacho cheese and although Operation Woo was a temporary success, LadyTrayce emerged the victor as she was shouted out, and no broies were.

I fought with trolls over joey and i spent hours doing so. And i didnt get shouted out. None of us did. That spoke volumes. He is gone.

>> No.6551213

Letting Joey know about us was a mistake. Especially linking him to these threads. He no doubt saw some of the underhanded tactics we were involved in and didn't understand we were just trying to protect him from others. Plus being associated with 4chan is never good for someones public image.

>> No.6551295 [DELETED] 

he cucked the shit out of rachael ray's shitpipe in the backseat before AND after this video was taken.

>> No.6551415


I agree. The dreaded christmas card from "4chan.org/ck broeys" let the cat out of the bag. We should have remained in the shadows, with only the light of our monitors illuminating our planning faces. But we stepped into plain view, only to frighten the beast into a half-waddle-half-run... and he galloped into the waiting arms of the kenemy. My granpappy once said you can't unfrighten a buck. Gents, it's over.

>> No.6551514
File: 59 KB, 640x332, kingjack_dun_cuuck_me_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Jack has been fucking it up royally for 7 years. He will never learn and he will never make it.

>> No.6552111

I still have faith old Joey will return.

>> No.6552467
File: 21 KB, 113x66, disney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6552644

why is he reviewing rice krispie treats and corn dogs and shit you can get anywhere? Get something unique to review, the dole whip one was good because that is a disney exclusive.

>> No.6552699

>greasy corndog and a small bag of lays

>> No.6552839

everything there is expensive, it's a tourist trap

>> No.6553165

You expect too much out of Joey.

>fried to perfection

>> No.6553182
File: 70 KB, 163x269, ali dimaev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's in disneyland, not world you fucking illiterate piece of shit

>> No.6553223

Id better tweet him too just in case he didn't see yours! our boy Ken has to be safe and sound from little trolls like that other guy

>> No.6553325

god forbid I mixed up disneyworld with disneyland.

calm your tits, your autism is showing.

>> No.6553878
File: 974 KB, 1200x681, スクリーンショット 2015-05-30 23.18.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ken loves you

>> No.6553883

And I love him.

...love him drinking 2000 calories of milkshakes in one sitting so he dies prematurely so I don't have to ever see his faggot dual-colored facial hair ever again.

>> No.6553888

Woah man thats mean

>> No.6553896

I wouldn't hate you Ken if you didn't take money from internet strangers and get a free charity tax write off for it and make a video about to stroke your ego.

>> No.6553897




>> No.6553910
File: 511 KB, 836x964, 1427157568448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest is mine~

>> No.6553952


>> No.6554025

Wheres the video he made stroking his ego? I thought it was just an off hand comment that he writes off his foods.

>> No.6554033

there's videos of him donating money to a food bank.

some poor sap sends him money as a "sponsorship" he drives to the food bank, makes a vlog video about it showing him donating money and getting a charity tax receipt. instead of the original sender of the money just donating it themselves, he gives it to him so he can get the right to pay less taxes at the end of the year.

>> No.6554057

This made me laugh

>> No.6554066

Oh I think it's the one where he reviews fast food, or maybe the the one where he drives around with a selfie stick and talks about how awesome his life is, or maybe the one where he is a dick to his obviously gay son. It might be the one where he openly admits to writing off other peoples money on his taxes.

tldr: all of his videos

>> No.6554068

Ive never seen that I think youre making it up my friend or grossly over exaggerating

>> No.6554075


>> No.6554084

not a video but see

Tell me that picture doesn't scream pure ego. Look at the license plate.

>> No.6554087
File: 34 KB, 539x477, 1430761848425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just advertising his brand whats wrong with that??

>> No.6554116

Why doesn't he review their Nutella while he's there?

>> No.6554207

The fact that "his brand" is eating fast food in his car. Most people that do this do it out of time restraints because they have a real job. Ken's "career" is a constant lunch break. #AuditKenDomik

>> No.6554271

You are just a jealous whiner troll. It's all you ever do.

>> No.6554281

Not that guy but stuffing your face with garbage in your car for a living is nothing to be jealous of. It's deplorable really.

That's the only rebuttal ever from Ken Men. "you're just jealous he does that for a living!!!" Ken has the eating habits of a 13 year old boy and I'm sure he's thd laughing stock of his family and friends. I actually felt sorry for him when I saw the Milky Way challenge video. You could tell he was actually taking the the thing very seriously like his life was on the line or something.

>> No.6554282

Considering its his source of income you could say that it is life threatening!

>> No.6554355


>> No.6554492

Pickles are disgusting anyway who even likes them LOL

>> No.6555362

What do you think the Domik family eats on a regular basis? I bet ol KBD brings home all his leftovers and just keeps it in the fridge so whenever they want they just dump it all on a plate and microwave it.

>> No.6555415

Ken always eats it all. His family probably eats proper food and goes to real restaurants while Ken is in his car stuffing his face with triple cheeseburgers from McDonalds. Ken is extremely self-absorbed and doesn't care about his family.

>> No.6555420

But there's times when Ken is like "Oh I'll save this for Ben" so he obviously does care for his son with all his heart.

>> No.6555796

Ken is such a unlikable fucking faggot, joey for life.

>> No.6555862

That may all be true anon... But at the end of the day, what's it to you? There are plenty of people who have jobs that cause them potential illness or disability.

So what? It's nobody's business but theirs.

You do sound awfully jealous. I personally don't care one way or the other what Ken, Joey or even what you, anon do for a living.

Stop the manufactured outrage. it's quite pathetic, really.

>> No.6555883

Ken donates to charity what does Joey do? Other then be a fat unlikeable piece of shit retard

>> No.6555992

i know this post is 9 days old but spicy chicken sandwhich is my fucking weakness
great taste anon

>> No.6556116

>mfw Ken considers feeding his family a business expense

>> No.6556131


>> No.6556169

But it's 7pm?

>> No.6556288


>> No.6556299

But it's almost 8 now u should ave waited 10 minutes and posted it exactly on 8pm you bakalord

>> No.6556305

>not flying to where it's 1 am just so you can eat and watch a middle-aged man eat fast food in his car

>> No.6556314

I want to hire KBD Productions TV for my wedding. Do you think he could produce a review of the food at my wedding?

>> No.6556338

im sure he would actually just toss him a $20 you should try tweeting him or maybe ill do it for you

>> No.6556608

>wanting ken to write off your entire wedding on his taxes

Fuck off.

>> No.6556684

Okay I tweeted at him that you want him at your wedding hopefully he sees it. He live sin Canada so hes probably in like -8 time zone or something so he might be asleep

>> No.6556688
File: 39 KB, 998x110, スクリーンショット+2015-05-31+22.11.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6557968

>pretending to like Ken just to piss off Broeys

Pretty sure that's how the Brony fandom started as well. It's like pottery.

>> No.6558170

>>pretending to like Ken just to piss off Broeys

>> No.6559166

Can transfolk be Ken-folk too? If so then im a Ken-TransWoman!

>> No.6559699

I noticed Ken eats his chicken nuggets with honey, whats up with that?

>> No.6559926
File: 92 KB, 769x454, ss+(2015-06-01+at+08.00.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New vid Broeys!

>> No.6559935


>> No.6559942

Honey is my sauce of choice as well. A little pissed that I share this with the Kenemy tbh

>> No.6559944

Honey just masks the taste of the chicken nuggets completely like literally all you taste is honey you might as well just be licking it straight out of the container

>> No.6559990

I love that emotionless "hope you guys are doin great" he does everytime in the middle of a review.

>> No.6560046

Well Ken has the taste palate of a child so i'm not surprised.

>> No.6560060

Pickle lover plz

>> No.6560082

Tasteless pleb pls

>> No.6560086

dont you have some pickles to suck you homo dumbass?

>> No.6560129

He says as he's licking the taint of Kenny.

>> No.6560139

Ken is my friend and we're all part of the Just4UCrew alright buddy? so why dont you just relax and watch some funny kendomik reviews just for you and JUST FOR YOU

>> No.6560146


Yeah, that's what he tells all of his boipussy.

>> No.6560148

>1,707mg sodium

All aboard! Departing for Bloat Island
Dinner will be served promptly after clearing harbor
Lick a salty life jacket if you feel anxious & we apologize for any inconvenience that the delay of caloric intake may cause you

Welcome to paradise

>> No.6560153

Ken is married with kids you sicko! Don't spread nasty rumours.

>> No.6560188

>being married
Filing joint taxes = more money
>having kids
claiming dependents on taxes = more money
>eating fast food in your car
?????? = somehow more money

>> No.6560198

Don't forget soliciting money off children on the Internet for free charity tax write offs!

>> No.6560235

You guys are just reading into his personal life way too much he doesn't see everything in his life as a walking tax write off get real

>> No.6560285

I really don't care anymore. There is nothing unique or interesting about le fat focus group man anymore. Ken for as self absorbed as he is at least makes for entertaining hate watching

>> No.6560307
File: 22 KB, 310x325, el jacko diablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be welcome in the warm glow of the Cu/ck/ King Ja/ck/

>> No.6560328

>he doesn't see everything in his life as a walking tax write off

Yes he does.

>> No.6560329

no he doesn't!

>> No.6560335

Go to bed Ben. Your father hates you. I actually feel bad for you. FYI Ken is going to kick you out once he can't claim you as a dependent anymore.

>> No.6560393

You keep saying this but we all know its not true Ken LOVES his son

>> No.6560439

Why did your dad roll his eyes at you when you said you would be late to work in his Cadbury McFlurry review

>> No.6560441

He didn't

>> No.6560448

we've almost hit the bump limit gang! WOOWOOWOOWOOWOO

>> No.6560454


>> No.6560671

Ah fucking whoo.

>> No.6561014
File: 12 KB, 248x97, and I can say that, cause I&#039;m mexican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6561216

Ken did a computer unboxing with Ben and treated him like shit because he hard trouble opening the box (he's a child give him a fucking break) and pretty much took the spotlight in the video because he is the centre of attention. Old bad prick.

>> No.6561255
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x689, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6561719

Well I mean the channel is called KBDProductions not BigBenStudios okay he's not taking the spotlight from anyone people are there to watch him not his son.

>> No.6562504
File: 587 KB, 759x414, goodnight sweet prince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reminds me too much of Ken right now. The only thing that could take him further in that direction would be shitty editing. Joey pls.

>> No.6563047

That video was on Ben's channel actually.