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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 410x308, Kiev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6541414 No.6541414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As I sit here posting this, I have a delicious-looking chicken kiev cooking in the oven. It's spilling its stuffed insides all over the pan. How do I prevent stuffed chicken breasts from doing this while they cook? Is this a futile quest?

>> No.6541416

wrap it in meme part of a pig, lots of it.

>> No.6541423

The first step of successfully making chicken kiev is to learn how to cook.


>> No.6541434

Thanks anon, that was fantastic!

>> No.6541452

>dat voice

You end liking his voice. It's so hypnotic.

>> No.6541578

That dude is based.

>> No.6541587


>> No.6541601

hoholniggers steal everything

>> No.6541610


I guess that's OK, but he'd get his ass kicked for that in a real restaurant.

You're supposed to pound the chicken flat and round, but the butter in the middle then fold and roll it like a burrito.

then you bread and fry seam side down first to seal it closed. bake in the oven seam down as well

>> No.6541621

But the guy in that video did everything you said said.

>> No.6541627

great video anon, thanks!

>> No.6541630

Wow, amazing video thanks for posting

>> No.6541633

This has helped me a lot, great voice.

>> No.6541636

Great guide, probably best kiev guide I've seen. Thanks!

>> No.6541643


The guy literally did everything you said only he didn't "pound the chicken round" and accomplished the same thing.

>> No.6541647

Good guide, anon. Thanks for posting

>> No.6541648


um, no?

he scraped all the edges together into a hot mess and squeezed it shut like a bunch of playdoh. you're supposed to literally fold and roll it exactly like a burrito and it's supposed to be an oval, not a round shape.

>> No.6541649

And why are you supposed to do it your way?

>> No.6541653

Because someone on a cooking channel said so?

>> No.6541654


Sorry did his final product not end up exactly the same? Why would that warrant his ass getting kicked in a restaurant.

Power level 5 linecook scum detected.

>> No.6541657

Great guide anon thanks!

>> No.6541658

His round chicken kiev looks better than any oval shit kiev i've I've seen.

>> No.6541669

Looks gut m8.

Get a load of this pretentious little shit.

>> No.6541681


Because its a recipe that's been around for 150 years and you don't need to fuck with it?


because it would take him 5 million years to make them and they wouldn't be consistent?

slow+lack of consistency==ass kicked

>> No.6541686

You should use a trip code

>> No.6541690

>Because its a recipe that's been around for 150 years and you don't need to fuck with it?
Oh fuck off you Italian autist.
Recipes change over time and this is something your sniveling ass will have to deal with. I'm not going to cook something a specific way because someone 150 years ago said that's how it's done.

>because it would take him 5 million years to make them and they wouldn't be consistent
He isn't making them in a restaurant though, this is why he took his time and did it a different way.

>> No.6541710

>Recipes change over time
I'm gonna jump in and say that pretentious asshole is right.

Sure, recipes change over time. Maybe someone will discover that adding vinegar to the butter filling makes it more savory. Then that person and his restaurant will start doing it like that and maybe others will adopt it, too.

Recipes change for the better. Having an inconsistent and slow method is not a change for the better. I liked the video and hadn't heard about kiev before this thread. I've already decided I'm making it tonight, as I have leftover mashed potatoes from steak night on Sunday.

That being said, you're digging your heels in the ground for literally no reason. Why not just admit that a burrito roll would be tighter and more consistent?

>> No.6541713

Which one of us is the pretentious asshole?

>> No.6541720

lol, you both are

But I'm agreeing with the one who actually sounds like he knows what he's talking about (burrito boy).

>> No.6541725

He literally isn't right.
If he gave a reason why the burrito way was better, I wouldn't care. Fair enough.
But all he had to say was


>> No.6541732

>inconsistent and slow method is not a change for the better
you could easily do it without the freezing. It was just to make it look more presentable.

>> No.6541743

this tbh

burrito boy is just being an autist

>> No.6541759

naw m8, I read the whole thing

he said that that method wouldn't be used in a restaurant, implying restaurant methods are the best (not always true, but typically is)

I would argue he couldn't do it without the freezing, because the seam of his kiev was too loose.

When I go home tonight, I'll probably do a combination of what was said in the video and what the level 5 line cook suggested. I will definitely burrito wrap it, though, because fuck wasting time freezing it. Also, I'm not using meme crumbs.

>> No.6541764

The video clearly wasn't intended fro restaurants so I have no clue why he brought that up.

It works perfectly fine if you're just cooking in your house.

>> No.6541779

I think the whole point, though, is that while it's "perfectly fine," it's not "the best way to do it." Sort of like how I can pick up a box of kraft dinner and it is "perfectly fine," but I really should just be making my own macaroni and cheese because it's simple, easy, and cheap.

Part of the point being: why do it that way when it's slow and inconsistent when there is another way used by restaurants that is relatively quick and very consistent while tasting the same?

Also consider the fact that every extra step adds the potential to mess up. Probably my #1 favorite source (other than my books) is America's Test Kitchen. Their goal is to literally fool proof recipes.

>> No.6541808

That wasn't his explanation though. As I said, if he explained why I wouldn't care.

>> No.6541814

Huh, I didn't know you were supposed to pound it out. I just jam a knife in the end of the chicken breast and shiv it until there's a big enough pocket.

>> No.6541822

Did he need to add that explanation? I got it. Maybe you're just autistic.

>> No.6541836

You're the fucking autist here.
Yes, his explanation was literally

Had he explained properly, I would have been perfectly reasonable about this, but he didn't.

Don't you dare respond again.

>> No.6541841
File: 15 KB, 250x350, frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supposed to be oval, not round

Fucking why? What does a slight difference in shape contribute to the dish in this case? If anything, a round kiev means the butter is more likely to be distributed completely evenly.

>> No.6541845

dat putin pun tho

>> No.6541847

>no u
>Don't you dare respond
LOL, you're literally arguing like a hormonal feminist bitch.

Look at the post he fucking made. Sure, he was abrasive, but we're on god damned 4chan here. Put on your big girl panties and develop some thicker skin, cunt.

>> No.6541855

>OP here
>Ask for Kiev/general stuffed chicken advice
>Get linked to a very nice video
>Also get good advice from what looks like a pro chef
>Flame war

As a first time poster to /ck/, I guess I was naive to think this board would have less back and forth fighting than my /co/ home base. C'est la vie. Food is srs business.

But really, thank you guys, I will absolutely use these tips and never lose my garlic butter to the pan again, dammit!

>> No.6541862

The only reason I can put up with you for longer than 1 post is because I have thicker skin.

I'm not explaining what that guy did wrong for the 4th time because you're not capable of reading.
Can you even read?
I bet you can't read.

>> No.6541869

>I bet you can't read
You're either serious and the most retarded person on earth or just bad at insults.

Anon may not have been tactful with his comment, but he was right. Sorry he hurt your feelings.

>> No.6541871

He didn't hurt my feelings. I just want him to know he is wrong and I'm starting to wonder why you're using so much effort to defend a stupid incorrect baby.

My feelings are not hurt.
I don't know why you're still replying. Still digging that hole deeper, huh?

>> No.6541884

I'm not defending him. He's a pretentious asshole.

He's also right. The guy in the video, were he to use that technique in a restaurant, would get his ass kicked for being so fucking slow.

Burrito method is objectively better. I can say that without even ever having made one. I've made plenty of dumplings to know that crimping the ends of something that won't stick to itself is a bad idea.

>> No.6541888

>I've made plenty of dumplings to know that crimping the ends of something that won't stick to itself is a bad idea.
which is why he freezes them slightly to help solidify the edges, then freezes again after breading, and end product shows that nothing leaked.
His round Kiev is much more presentable than the oblong pieces of shit some restaurants serve.

>John Mitzewich graduated from Paul Smith's College, New York, in 1983. He received an Associate of Applied Science Degree, with Honors, in Culinary Arts/Chef Training, and was also honored as the school's 1983 "Outstanding Chef Training Student.".[3] He "held just about every position possible in the food industry" including Executive Sous Chef at the Carnelian Room, Sous Chef at Ryan's Café, and Garde Manger at the San Francisco Opera. Chef John was a Chef Instructor at the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco for five years before leaving to focus on teaching people to cook online

I'll take his advice over some autist on the internet.

>> No.6541904

Again, if he were to use that particular technique in a restaurant, it would not work. Credentials or not.

>> No.6541905
File: 90 KB, 1213x661, 1432226976219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real abstract kind of cancer goin on ITT

>> No.6541907

Why is the "restaurant way" automatically the right way?

>> No.6541923
File: 45 KB, 480x374, 02s10-mat-tina-422__551721l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'v don't think I've ever seen this board so active.

Also, for anyone i can totally recommend subbing to foodwishes. Probably the best cooking related channel on youtube,

>> No.6541933

Eat nigger dicks.

then read this post:

>> No.6541948

So what actually is your point?
You believe his method was bad because it wouldn't work in a kitchen.
Yet you also believe that kitchen methods aren't the best?

>> No.6541973


like everything else on 4chan, a delectable pearl of knowledge and wisdom, wrapped in a crusty sock full of shit

>> No.6542001


I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but there are obvious differences between restaurant cooking and home cooking. What makes sense for one doesn't always make sense for the other.

For example, restaurants are founded on consistency. The dish needs to be exactly the same, every time. Most home cooks don't give crap about that. If one dish is shaped differently or seasoned differently than the others nobody really cares.

Restaurants also alter their preparation methods from the optimum method to something that works well during busy service. For example, foods may be mostly pre-cooked and then simply finished off when the customer orders.

And finally, restaurant kitchens often have equipment that home cooks don't have: high-powered ranges, giant deep-fryers, commercial-quality food processors & blenders, combi ovens, proofing cabinets, and so on. Many recipes, even those published by well-regarded Chefs will alter their recipes for cookbooks/magazines/etc because they assume the average home doesn't have access to the same kind of equipment that a restaurant kitchen has.

....now I have no idea if any of that applies to making chicken kievs (I've never made one), but in general there are a lot of differences between what works in a restaurant versus what works at home.

>> No.6542020


Stop pretending to be three different people when you get backed into a corner you shithead.

>> No.6542026

My point in saying that is that I never claimed "restaurant way" is automatically the right way. I even went out of my way to say they *aren't* always the best way.

I also said that that was burrito boy's implication that you somehow missed.

>> No.6542028

>multiple people disagree with me
>must be a samefag
Get over yourself. We're not even all saying the same thing.

>> No.6542030

I didn't miss anything.

Good job with that damage control bro. Shane it's not working.

>> No.6542031


That was my first post in the thread bro. I saw a question posted, so I answered it. And I made it clear that I have no idea how to make a chicken kiev, so what's your problem exactly?

>> No.6542041

>damage control
It's not damage control if I put my disclaimer out there two hours ago. Shame you can't be bothered to read it (or spell shame correctly).

I, too, have stated that I've never made (or even heard of) chicken kiev before.

Literally the only thing I'm arguing is that burrito boy wasn't really wrong, and certainly not for the reasons anons attacked him.

>> No.6542042

That guy is amazing. I love his voice! And I really like gay black men.

>> No.6542044

That was a typo you fuckwit.

I attacked him because he couldn't explain why his method was superior. And I was right for doing so.

>> No.6542048

it's okay to admit you were wrong.

>> No.6542050

There was nothing to be wrong about.

Read the thread. I was merely correcting someone.

>> No.6542059

>That was a typo you fuckwit.
No shit, nigger. I'm still going to make fun of you for it.
No, he didn't have to. When pressed, he fucking did. He said it was more consistent and wasted less time. I even took note of the fact that it also gains a higher guarantee that the butter filling won't leak out.

Seriously though, you should admit you're wrong.

>> No.6542064

>two retards who have never made something who are vehemently defending one particular method of preparing it

Just stop.

>> No.6542070

I bet next you're going to tell us that you not only have made it, but invented it.

Topkek. Keep them coming, lady.

>> No.6542079

What does that have to do with anything?

Why don't you make it and tell us which method is better?

>> No.6542085
File: 12 KB, 400x265, 1429056941353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP here
>Innocent chicken Kiev thread on the internnet has dissolved into chaos

>> No.6542089

>vehemently defending one particular method of preparing it

Lol. >>6542001 here. I'm not defending anything or anyone. Your reading comprehension is remarkably poor, even for a 4channer. I never said either of those fuckwits was doing it right. All I said was that restaurant cooking is not the same as home cooking.

>> No.6542094


Hope your chicken kiev came out well. Did you fold it into a burrito or did you do it Chef John's way?

>> No.6542099

Wish I could report in and settle this debate, but I'm not going to make it again until this weekend.

I am probably going to try the burrito method mixed with light freezing. I liked the video a lot, but I was still skeptical that everything would stay in with the way he folded it.

>> No.6542104

>What does that have to do with anything?
Exactly. What does us never having made kiev before have to do with anything? Why does that automatically disqualify me from making an accurate assessment of the methods?

Wrapping the chicken like a burrito is objectively better than crimping the bottom. That can't even be argued.

>> No.6542108

Right on. I'm going to try it tonight burrito style. Will post pics.

>> No.6542156

Just admit that you were wrong and I'll stop, it's that simple.

For me, there is nothing to be wrong about. I was merely telling some complete retard why he was wrong and you decided to jump in. Pathetic.

>> No.6542176
File: 6 KB, 165x176, 1432187388323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these autists have been going at it on and off for 4 hours now

>> No.6542184

>What does us never having made kiev before have to do with anything?

Because it means you have zero experience with the situation and are relying on your intuition and common sense instead, which may or may not be worth a damn.

>> No.6542192

That's what happens when you don't have a job

You argue about chicken stuffed with butter on a vietnamese image board

>> No.6542199
File: 213 KB, 467x453, 1424032557183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stuffing chicken with butter


>> No.6542207

Admit I was wrong about what? Seriously. Something's wrong with your head.

>> No.6542211

I have tons of experience making dumplings and burritos, though. Considering chicken flesh doesn't stick to itself, it makes perfect sense to wrap it like a burrito rather than like a dumpling.

>> No.6542213
File: 489 KB, 420x315, tumblr_n54avcTLZp1s5e5bko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is great.not only did I find what I'm going to make for dinner tomorrow but I got to watch people go full autist

>> No.6542214

Joke's on you: I'm shitposting at work.

>> No.6542215
File: 4 KB, 124x122, 1407522116954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your video. Never post it again.

>> No.6542224
File: 84 KB, 494x494, 1387438102637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you chill it though, if you went without chilling it of course it would just come undone and all the filling would fall out.

I recommend trying both ways to settle everyone's anxiety on this mess and just seeing how they work and picking personal preference.

>> No.6542232

Yeah, okay skeleton.

But really, that's why I said I was going to upload photos tonight of my burrito method sans freezing.

>> No.6542234


>> No.6542243
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>> No.6542250

>insert buzzword
>now am victory
Fuck off, bitch.

>> No.6542257
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>> No.6542259


>> No.6542265
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>> No.6542274

Imbecile. You took a thread that was shitposting about food on the food board and made it into shitposting utter nonsense on the food board. You deserve to be b&

>> No.6542279 [DELETED] 
File: 736 KB, 1181x1181, surrender-monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more

>pic related, you.

>> No.6542280
File: 39 KB, 490x327, cat-bowtie-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about your thread, OP.

Have a picture of a cat with a tie.

>> No.6542284

I actually facepalmed.

>> No.6542292

Your hands are wet from the tears.

>> No.6542296
File: 1.23 MB, 168x120, 1428655770718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
