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File: 139 KB, 604x337, new-coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6540562 No.6540562 [Reply] [Original]

Remind me why New Coke failed?

>> No.6540567

It failed on purpose. They chose to release a subpar product in order to later release "classic coke", therefor making Coca-Cola appear like a great company that truly listens to the public

>> No.6540633

And it was an advertising mega hit. Media exposure worth literally trillions of dollars.

As you may see, people are still talking about it to this very day.

>> No.6540652


>> No.6540653

People didn't like taste. Funny, because when they switched to the "classic" formula it still wasn't the same as it was before New Coke

>> No.6540655

>Coke Zero always sold out
>Diet Coke always mostly gone
>Cherry Coke always untouched

Consumers are plebs.

>> No.6540700

Cherry Vanilla Coke from those '100+' choice machines is GOAT.

>> No.6540709
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Blame Don

>> No.6540758

Damn I hate it when I can't get any flavored cokes in sugar free form around here. Only thing you get are regular Zero and Light, but no sugar free cherry, no sugar free vanilla, no nothing.

>> No.6540813

Something to do with how Coca-Cola structured syrup-cost contracts with Coca-Cola bottlers.

The bottlers had an upper hand, so Coke tried to push new formula which they didn't have a negotiated price set in stone decades prior.

It failed, and Coke decided to just buy out the bottlers.

>> No.6540842
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>It failed on purpose. ...
Unfounded conspiracy theory, but New Coke truthers never give up.

The conventional explanation of why they introduced the new coke formulation was in response to the same research Pepsi used as the basis of their "Pepsi Challenge" ad campaign: when presented Coke and Pepsi in a blind taste test, most people preferred Pepsi. The ad campaign helped Pepsi gain some market share, and had Coke worried. The most overt difference between the two is that Pepsi was sweeter, and so Coke reformulated their drink to be similarly sweet, until blind taste tests showed a slight preference for what became New Coke.

What they failed to realize at the time was that the preference in a blind taste test wasn't a good predictor of what someone would want to buy or drink on a regular basis, and most people preferred the less sweet old coke as their go-to drink. There were exceptions among certain demographics, most famously American blacks, who on average want more sugar in their diet (and not coincidentally have nearly twice the rate of diabetes of American whites).

There are lots of convoluted details about the ad campaigns and public outcry and such, but the truther's insistence that everything went exactly according to Coca Cola's plan is ridiculous. They came out of it okay, but it was still a colossal fuckup.

>> No.6540869

Nice try, /pol/. Back to your own board now please.

>> No.6540877

People were more upset that it was going to completely replace Coke than anything else. If they had sold both of them, nobody would have complained.

>> No.6541059

it was Pepsi

>> No.6541060
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Peggy wrote the Coke ad

>> No.6541154

Ate you retarded?

>> No.6541620

Subpar in terms of HFCS? Nice conspiracy theory, but they'd already switched to HFCS a year or so earlier.

>> No.6541623

Fun fact:
Diet Coke is based off the New Coke recipe but without sugar. Coke Zero formulation is based off the Coca-Cola classic recipe. That's why Diet Coke tastes "different",

>> No.6541634

>it failed on purpose

Then explain why Roberto Goizueta, the CEO of Coke at the time and whose idea the whole disaster was, so vehemently believed in the superiority of New Coke that for the rest of his life, he had a standing order that Coke's labs had to make and bottle a bunch of New a Coke just for him and ship it to his house once a month or so. He never drank regular Coke ever again except when he had to in public.

He literally went to his deathbed the only man on earth with a fridge full of New Coke. It was his Rosebud.

>> No.6541637

It would have to be the other way around, with New Coke based on Diet Coke, which already existed for years.

>> No.6541642

Now if only they'd have the balls to release a zero-calorie Coke that actually tasted like Coke with sugar in it.

If it's even possible anyway.

>> No.6541662

Partially correct, when diet coke was released, it was based off coca cola classic. Then when New Coke came out, the diet formulation was changed to match as well. But they never changed diet coke back to the original after New Coke was axed. My uncle used to work in their lab.

>> No.6541674


He was really dedicated to the lie

>> No.6542567

Agreed... but you should put a tldr, as 4chan is full of autistic dipshits

>> No.6542615

fuck off pol. subtle unnecesary racism won't save you.

>> No.6542654
File: 151 KB, 500x527, ontheshelf_mexican_coke_6pack_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke without real sugar is blasphemy.
I never thought I'd say this, but thank God for Mexico.

>> No.6542717

>Now if only they'd have the balls to release a zero-calorie Coke that actually tasted like Coke with sugar in it.
it has nothing to do with "having balls" why they haven;t released it.

food scientists still haven't found/produced a no-calorie sweetener that replicates sugar perfectly.

>> No.6542860


Came here to post this.All true.

It's a legendary case in b-school. The take-home-and-drink preference was what drivers purchase, and Coke was ahead in that; they were just pissed they were losing the first-sip challenges and fucked their product up to win it.

Ironically, this year, Pepsi announced on the exact anniversary of the new coke release that they were changing their diet pepsi formula to remove the aspartame in order to satisfy nutjobs.

As a DP drinker, I'm apprehensive.

>> No.6542891

enjoy your spic saliva from the reused bottles. I'll be drinking my Pepsi throwback.

>> No.6542896

How the fuck does this have anything to do with /pol/? Get the fuck outta here

>> No.6542909

Anon, every day (I hope) you drink and are pelted with water that has been littered with piss and shit day after day after day.

>> No.6542913

You mean you want me to drink coke? because that's the experience you described.

>> No.6542915

There's a good chance the water you drank today was once dinosaur piss. Think about how wonderful that is.

>> No.6542966

/pol/ here

Kikes are maggots; raping dykes;hanging faggots;no niggers; kill them all ;social justice brains on the fucking wall

That is all

>> No.6543293
File: 4 KB, 176x148, 9k%3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6543304

> water you drank today was once dinosaur piss

Please explain

>> No.6543316

is this real

>> No.6543330

Don't poison the cow if you intend to sell the milk.

>> No.6543346

water you drink now has been on the earth for millions of years, it could have been in a rain cloud, sitting in a glacier or being pissed out of a stegosaurus eons ago.

>> No.6543367

Nope, you couldn't be any wronger.

>> No.6543377

>This thread is now about New Water, the little known substance that replaced all of Earth's drinking water in the 1980s

>> No.6543382

>What’s in Coke? Caffeine. What’s caffeine? A mild stimulant, right? It’s also a diuretic — it makes you pee.

>What else is in Coke? Salt — 55mg of sodium per can. It’s like drinking a pizza.

>So what happens if you take-on sodium and lose water? You get thirstier. Why is there so much sugar in Coke? To hide the salt.

>When was the last time you went to a Chinese restaurant and had sweet-n-sour pork? That’s half soy sauce — you wouldn’t eat that. Except the sugar plays a trick on your tongue. You can’t even tell it’s there.

>Everybody remember New Coke? 1985? More salt. More caffeine.

>That’s the smoking gun. They know what they’re doing.

>That’s The Coca-Cola Conspiracy.

How much of this is bullshit?

>> No.6543387


>When was the last time you went to a Chinese restaurant and had sweet-n-sour pork? That’s half soy sauce — you wouldn’t eat that.
>How much of this is bullshit?
100%, I had sweet and sour pork like a week ago. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.6543417


Don't poisen a cow in a way that hurts the cow, and remember not to drink milk from that cow. There ya go, fuck end-consumers

>> No.6543421

us so ronge god end jesas maid water 4 the therstey peapel

>> No.6543570

>what is the water cycle

>> No.6543590

The story is that during the mid-80's Pepsi was starting to take over Coke in terms of market share. As a response, Coke start doing national taste tests with a new formula called "The New Coke" compared to it's rival Pepsi, to which the patrons responded that Coke tasted 'better.' It was a sweeter, more sugary formula more similar to Pepsi and people didn't like it overall because:
-it wasn't the original taste of Coke Classic that folks grew up with
-it may have been TOO sweet, so that small samples tasted better, but a whole can of New Coke was too overpowering
-Pepsi was marketing was better at the time

Coke re-introduced Coka-Cola Classic with a marketing campaign that appealed to the nostalgia of drinking coke for those filthy baby-boomers and it has secured it's market presence ever since.

>> No.6543599


But Pepsi WON

Dr Pepper is the #1 American Soft Drink. Coke is like #3 at this point

People hate Pepsi but Dr Pepper is owned by Pepsi so we all know who won

>> No.6543603


citation needed please

>> No.6543610






>> No.6544965

I'm pretty sure DP has changed their formula at least four or five times in the past.

>> No.6544978

>opens one of your links
>Coke is #1 in sales

>> No.6545051

Dr. Pepper is its own company that just often partners with Pepsi because Coke used to push their Mr. Pibb, which was a Pepper ripoff.
Seven Up is part of the same company as Dr. Pepper and used to be found at restaurants that sold Pepsi until the came up with Sierra Mist, which is dog piss.

>> No.6545099

>it was still a colossal fuckup.
It was very convenient, though. By the time Classic Coke was reintroduced (with HFCS instead of sugar) no one could easily get their hands on the original formula to do a side by side comparison to see if the change in sugar had a negative effect on flavor. No one cared, because they were just happy to have "old Coke" back.

So regardless of whether or not the debacle was planned it allowed Coke to increase profits by substituting HFCS for more expensive sugar without anyone making a fuss about it. Because they were too busy making a fuss about New Coke not being as good as old.

It may have been a colossal fuckup, but they played it spectacularly well.

>> No.6545112


That's nice and all, but the switch to HFCS happened about five years before the "new coke" thing. Coca-cola was already using HFCS in all their products well before they created "new coke" or re-introduced "classic coke"

>> No.6545150

>no one could easily get their hands on the original formula to do a side by side comparison to see if the change in sugar had a negative effect on flavor. No one cared, because they were just happy to have "old Coke" back.
Yes, they could. They could get just about any Coke that was bottled outside the US. Like fucking Mexico see >>6542654

>> No.6545164

>Coca-cola was already using HFCS in all their products well before they created "new coke" or re-introduced "classic coke"
Coca-Cola allowed bottlers to use only up to 50% HFCS in their drinks until about six months before New Coke was introduced. Then it relaxed and allowed 100% HFCS. Not all bottling plants were using 100% HFCS at the time old coke was phased out, but they all were when Classic was reintroduced.

>> No.6545168

>They could get just about any Coke that was bottled outside the US. Like fucking Mexico
And I know plenty of folks who claim to like MexiCoke better, and happily pay a premium for it.

>> No.6545171

Because it is indeed better due to the completely different body characteristic given it by the real sugar instead of HFCS.

>> No.6545399

where can I find non diet lime coke?

Those and vanilla coke are the best types of soda.

>> No.6546502

Can't do cherry coke.

I used to love it but my fucking idiot co-worker pranked me by putting pepper in mine. Now all I can think about is that terrible taste.

Try it yourself on someone you don't care about. It's not like spicy but like makes it taste like nasty ass cherry stems.

>> No.6546504

Just force it down till you like it again. I hope you got revenge on your co-worker

>> No.6546506

/old/ here. One of my first memories was trying to drink some of that bitter, nasty ass shit.

>It tasted like TAB.

Yeah, if you wanna know how it tastes find some TAB.

>> No.6546510
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closest thing you'll get is a coke freestyle machine

>> No.6546511

Oh I did...

Faggot left his bottled water behind and I drank it down and replaced the water with white wine vinegar.

>> No.6546542

I hate those things. No matter what I get, it always tastes like fucking raspberries.

>> No.6546598
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I love raspberry fanta
you're welcome

>> No.6547692

I just go to the local taqueria that has a salsa bar since they inevitably have lime wedges there. I just order a fountain drink, squeeze a couple wedges in, fill with Coke and boom, fresh Coke with lime.

>> No.6548203

>the Uneducated are allowed to post on 4chan
stop posting any time

>> No.6548258

Cause they renamed it coke classic. They are both pretty much the same HFCS terribad concoctions. If you want real old coke buy Mexican coke, or coke from any country that doesn't have corn subsidies.
shit they sell whisky out of coke machines now?

>> No.6548592

>My shitty diabetus water is better than your yours

>> No.6548637


Underrated post