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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6539272 No.6539272 [Reply] [Original]

I posted my glorious bacon wrapped asparagus the other day and you faggots memed me to death. Just thought I'd share these bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers that I stuffed with chicken, Italian sausage, mozzarella and tomatoes with you niggers.

>> No.6539274
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>stuffed with chicken, Italian sausage, mozzarella and tomatoes

sounds gross, looks ok

6/10 would eat if drunk

>> No.6539277

Sounds good.

>> No.6539281

>meme bacon

>> No.6539300
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It's better than it sounds. The sausage I basically ground up and mixed with small chunks of cheese and little bit of chopped tomatoes. The chicken I just cut into pieces small enough to fit in the pepper and then stuffed the rest of the way with sausage mix and then wrap in bacon and bake at 425. They were pretty good tbh

>> No.6539394
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>> No.6539432

swap the cheese for cream cheese, trust me

>> No.6539455
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How did you prepare it?

>> No.6539486

>bits of raw bacon
>bits of burned bacon
Would not eat / 10

>> No.6539490

Looks atrocious. Thank you for showing some more of OP's shit cooking.

>> No.6539492

This also looks terrible. What the fuck? Eggs are bitter, salmon is sweet...

>> No.6539511
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They were delicious you faggot

>> No.6539532

Literally looks like the shits I get after a long night of drinking.

>> No.6539696
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>bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers

>> No.6539839

>eggs are bitter
The fuck you on about lad?

>> No.6539853

You're shit is white? Oooook, GTFO bird.

>> No.6539875

Why the fuck would you wrap asparagus with bacon?

They're delicious on their own just with a bit of oil, salt, and pepper.

That's why you got memed to death.

>> No.6539877

Only after I drink a ton.

>> No.6539887

You shitting me?

>> No.6539941

You have no taste.

At all/10

>> No.6539973


>> No.6539980

Then what is the primary flavor of eggs, anon?

>> No.6539989

Egg-y, idk man but it sure as hell ain't bitter

Black coffee is bitter, Dark Chocolate is bitter, Alcohol is bitter, but eggs are not

don't know where the fuck you're getting the shit your smoking but I want some too

>> No.6540018


The primary flavor of egg is bitter.

It's not
That means it's either "bitter" or "umami." Since "umami" is some Japanese creation, and even if it was real, eggs wouldn't be it, eggs are "bitter." Fuck off, pleb.

>> No.6540033

Rationalize it however you please, faggot

Eggs aren't bitter.

>> No.6540049

Pffffhaha what?
I would call eggs sweet or salty before I called them bitter.

>> No.6540070

Sweet? Are you shitting me?

Salty? Is that why you never ever ever have to add salt to eggs? Oh wait... you add salt EVERY FUCKING TIME.

>> No.6540075
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What's the deal with the cucumber? You didn't say there was cucumber in it

>> No.6540086

Hmm I meant to post a grossed out meme face but instead 4 chan gets a picture of my son I guess. Fuck

>> No.6540093

>gets memed to death
>doesn't make a retaliatory thread about bacon wrapped bacon dipped in siracha
you're smalltime bruh

>> No.6540100

>not using andouille and gouda instead

>> No.6540103

Your son looks like a girl potato.

>> No.6540124

eggs ARE umami you fucking plebs.

>> No.6540138

Okay, weeb. Eat some hard boiled yolks solo and tell me those are umami, not bitter.

>> No.6540147




>> No.6540155

They're not bitter. Their distinguishing feature is that they're savory, so that makes them umami

>> No.6540243

Oh, are they sweet? After all, "every one disagrees with me."

Umami is made up.

>> No.6540247

By the way, when Japanese cook eggs, they add dashi, which is the traditional "umami" seasoning. If eggs were naturally "umami," they wouldn't need dashi.

>> No.6540416 [DELETED] 

You can't just deduce the flavor down to bitter just cuz it doesn't match up with the other flavors (also, an egg doesn't taste bitter you fucking twat nigger cuck fag)

>> No.6540434

this is the best thread on /ck/, expert troll here

>> No.6541065

I use what I have at hand you faggot. How do you think new dishes at created. Some work out and some don't. Faggot

>> No.6541078
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What kind of faggot can't enjoy the simple pleasure of biscuits and gravy? Does the pork sausage offend you Mohammad? Or are you from such an impoverished nation that you can only afford pic related?

>> No.6541120

Yeah, those are scones not biscuits. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.

>> No.6541209
File: 5 KB, 234x251, 1431904858019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded, or a nigger?

>> No.6541628

Fuck the haters OP. Those biscuits and gravy look tasty as can be. Would slam

>> No.6541646

Sounds pretty good, OP, I'd eat happily. I usually prefer my bacon wrapped jalapenos stuffed with a cheese and veg filling, minus extra meat, but I'd try those and probably like them.
I also like pickled jalapenos that have been halved and stuffed with a seasoned cream cheese mixture (like cream cheese with chives and onion, or cream cheese with garlic and sundried tomato, or bacon and fresh tomato) and served cold. Those are also the tits. I love pretty much any stuffed jalapeno.

>> No.6541650
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I don't think so, anon.

>> No.6541651

I knew a guy who used to participate in medical testing to get extra cash, and he did a pharma test on some new drug, which turned his shit permanently white. WTF.

>> No.6541656

Oh look, it's some retarded Brit again.

>> No.6541665

Fuck off with your epic hipster foods. Bacon drags down the flavor of absolutely everything.

>> No.6541679

Well, that's simply not true. I do think bacon is way overused these days, but it doesn't "drag down the flavor of absolutely everything", in fact, it greatly enhances certain dishes.

>> No.6541691

Please give me an example of two dishes enhanced by bacon.

>> No.6541693

What the fuck is he rationalizing? Is this just another buzzword that you picked up from tumblr and think it is an automatic victory point for you?

There's little to no sugar in eggs and virtually zero salt.

Eggs are one of the few foods that are extremely low in glutamate. Can't be umami without glutamate, faggot.

I agree with him. Eggs are bitter.

Definitely not umami.

What are they, then?

>> No.6541696

umami is not the same as bitter...

>> No.6541707

Lentil soup
Pot of beans
Seven layer salad
Hangtown Fry
BLT sandwiches (what the fuck would that even be without bacon?)
Angels on Horseback
Quiche Lorraine
Himmel and Urd
Cabbage and onions
Clams Casino
Cobb Salad
Scalloped Potatoes

>> No.6541708
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You are a master troll, /b/ro.

>> No.6541711

>What are they, then?
Eggs are considered "rich", which usually falls under "savory" or fucking "umami", unless it's a sweet. They are NOT bitter.

>> No.6541712

>disagree with him
>kek he must be a troll
Get lost, fag.

But before you do, tell me the primary taste of eggs.

Again, no glutamate means no umami.

>> No.6541717

Then just fucking SAVORY, you retarded fucklord. Savory has been around long before that umami bullshit, it's not interchangeable.

>> No.6541718

I think those dishes taste better with other cuts of pork, but that's subjective and moving goalposts. I'll give you this one, anon. Well done.

>> No.6541721

He does it again! Troll master!

>> No.6541722

Savory is not one of the 5 tastes.

>> No.6541734

Savory is a taste, just as richness is taste and a texture. If you had to pick one of the only 5 certified "tastes", they would be sweet. Only dumb faglords want to argue about the taste of a food or dish based on only the "certified 5 tastes". Eggs are not bitter. It's on you to prove it, faggot. Prove to all of us that eggs are bitter. Do it faggot.

>> No.6541737

Simply epic! I'm learning so much!

>> No.6541750

>hard boil egg
>do not season
>damn son, that's bitter

>> No.6541751

You're forgetting savory you retard. Is meat bitter to you too?

>> No.6541756

Another one! You're on a roll!

>> No.6541758

>Since "umami" is some Japanese creation, and even if it was real, eggs wouldn't be it
Are you literally retarded? "umami" is free glutamates in a food.

>> No.6541761

Which eggs are particularly low in

>> No.6541763

If umami doesn't exist why do they add it to eggs then?

>> No.6541767


>> No.6541768

If your boiled eggs are bitter, you're a fucking TERRIBLE cook and should stick to eating your fucking Lean Cuisines or Kraft mac and cheese. Boiled eggs are NOT fucking bitter.

>> No.6541771

done, doesn't taste bitter, more mildly meaty, maybe you should see a doctor anon

>> No.6541773

So is meat bitter to you? Is it salty or sweet or sour?

>> No.6541774

this is some grade A trolling lad

>> No.6541781

You're a faggot.

>> No.6541782
File: 7 KB, 348x123, Screenshot (268).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger sympathizer

>> No.6541784

So what flavor is meat? Is it bitter for you like eggs? Are other things bitter for you but not others? Have you talked to a doctor?

>> No.6541789

I didn't say it was overwhelmingly bitter, you monstrous faggots. Kind of like how lobster and honey are both sweet, but to different degrees.

>> No.6541796

But bitter is the primary taste of egg for you? What is the primary taste of meat for you, is it also bitter?

>> No.6541797

Kill yourself.

>> No.6541798

Of course not. Meat is high in free glutamate, which makes it umami.

Now the real question: do eggs taste similar to meat to you?

>> No.6541800

Why are you so mad anon?

>> No.6541803

Die, scum.

>> No.6541809

Mildly so. I often add spice and a little salt but then I do the same for meat.
I wonder if some are mistaking the pungency of sulfur for bitter but then that's also related to how well the eggs are cooked.

>> No.6541811

Sorry I upset your feels anon, maybe someplace like reddit or tumblr would be a better safe-space for you?

>> No.6541816

It's hard for me to keep hating you when you get all these dubs.

>> No.6541819

Adding salt and pepper to both means they have the same taste? Holy shit, then everything must be umami.

I put salt and pepper on lobster (sweet), so that must make it umami.
I put salt on chocolate (sweet), so that must make it umami.

>> No.6541830

Eggs are not bitter. Period. You just can't accept that you're wrong.

>> No.6541832

There are no fewer than 3 people ITT saying eggs are bitter.

>> No.6541833

Of course not silly anon, you have that backwards, I spice them similarly because of their similar flavor.
Why would you salt your lobster? It's already briny.
Chocolate is bitter without added sugar anon, maybe you should read some more and educate yourself.

>> No.6541840

>implying implications
I mostly eat soft shelled lobsters, which are not particularly briny at all.

Also, you know for a fact that I wasn't saying that I add salt to cocoa beans and call it sweet.

In fact, by saying "chocolate," I am specifically referring to cocoa beans that have been processed into food. Most chocolate is sweet, while semisweet and bitter chocolates are often preceded by those qualifiers.

Stay mad.

>> No.6541883

Oh I'm not mad, I just can't figure why some people think eggs are bitter and are so determined to make others think the same.
It doesn't really effect my life at all, I'll still eat eggs and meat and whatever else I feel like.

>> No.6541896


I'm defending it because there are some who are so determined to make others think eggs are not bitter (without a viable alternative), and refuse to concede.

>> No.6541909

Well you're the one claiming they are bitter, a positive claim needs evidence anon.

>> No.6541914

There are at least 3 ppl in this thread who have argued the same case I am.

>> No.6541918

And the same rules apply to prove a positive.
Three anecdotes do not equal a fact.

>> No.6541931

I never said anything about anecdotes. Do you know what that word means?

Anecdotes aren't people, numbskull.

Also, I presented a very loose proof by elimination.

>Are eggs sweet?
No, eggs are not sweet
>Are eggs sour?
No, eggs are not sour
>Are eggs salty?
No, eggs are not salty
>Are eggs umami?
No, eggs are not umami

So they must be bitter. This is supported by the fact that if you eat an egg without seasoning or dressing, it is slightly bitter.

>> No.6542018

>Anecdotes aren't people
But the personal experiences of those people are for the purpose of proving a positive statement. Some actual evidence would probably support your opinion better than being pedantic about definitions.
I would say they are a bit sweet and savory but regardless none of this proves or even suggests they are bitter. I and many others think that they do not taste bitter and them not tasting strongly like other things does not somehow change that.
You seem very focused on how eggs supposedly aren't other things but you've done nothing to prove it or that they instead taste bitter for some unidentified reason.

>> No.6542043

>So they must be bitter.

But that's not true at all. Water is neither sweet, nor sour, nor salty, nor umami. So according to your silly-ass logic it must be bitter then? No, it doesn't work that way.

>> No.6542051

>But the personal experiences of those people are for the purpose of proving a positive statement
Which, heh, isn't what any of us did.

>Some actual evidence would probably support your opinion better than being pedantic about definitions.
If I might quote Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
>Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. proof

>I would say they are a bit sweet and savory
I can say with certainty eggs are not sweet.

Water is tasteless. Kind of like you.

>> No.6542057

I can say with certainty eggs are not bitter or sour.
>Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. proof

>> No.6542067

Eggs are definitely not sour, you're right.

They are, however, bitter.

>> No.6542069

Are eggs bitter?
Are eggs sweet?
Are eggs umami?
Are eggs salty?

QED eggs are sour

>using this logic

You are wrong. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, happens to everyone. Stop trying to convince everyone you're not. And it's just you, not three people.

>> No.6542109

Except for the bitter part. Because they are bitter.

>> No.6542134


>Because they are bitter

In your opinion. Don't forget to add that to your statements.

>> No.6542140

Kek, yeah. It's my opinion that salt is salty, too :^)

>> No.6542167
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>guy says something stupid
>slowly begins to realize how dumb his comment was
>keeps going with it anyway in an attempt to make it look like he was just trolling everyone
>degrades to the point where his last post ends with a fucking smiley face

Good thread.

>> No.6542202

Man, /b/ is so cool bro! Checkem! EPIC! o_0 lol :^D

Anyway, is this "eggs are bitter" psychopath still around today?

>> No.6542226

The smiley face was there to make fun of the comment that it's merely my "opinion."

Also, I'm the 2nd person ITT who holds this particular opinion.

>> No.6542319
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>> No.6542347

Just get your taste-buds checked out already anon, eggs should not be tasting bitter to you, they are fat and protein.

>> No.6542355

It might also be a brain-tumor. Miracle-berry and cannabis are used to help stuff not taste horrible for patients with broken brains.

>> No.6542413

>fat and protein
You do realize that one of the main substances that make "bitterness" is a particular set of peptides... found in other such "fat and protein" foods like cheese.

>> No.6542422

Nah. Cheese is fat and protein AND peptides. No peptides in eggs bruh>>6542226

>> No.6542426

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot.

>> No.6542427

So are you trying to say stuff with fat and protein like meat is bitter?
Or was that just an unrelated fun fact before explaining why eggs specifically are supposed to be bitter even though they don't seem to taste that way to other people.

>> No.6542428


>> No.6542435
File: 75 KB, 540x360, obama-laugh-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lel

>> No.6542447

Except, you know... for the ones that are


Peptide is protein, btw, faggot.

Of course not. I'm saying that things with specific peptides have bitterness to them.

>> No.6542483

So why don't eggs taste bitter?

>> No.6542490

>meme meme

>> No.6542542
File: 309 KB, 399x600, advancedfaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the haters here, OP. They look and sound like excellent pub food.

The problem is this place is packed with people so terrified of being hipsters that they've decided they hate bacon because it's become too popular. They've become what they hate most, as has anyone whose turned their nose at food because it's "meme food". It's a mental disability of some sort I'm sure.

>> No.6542553

But by going by that logic you could ask those questions in any order to come to whichever conclusion you wanted to.

>Are eggs sweet?
No, eggs are not sweet
>Are eggs salty?
No, eggs are not salty
>Are eggs umami?
No, eggs are not umami
>Are eggs bitter?
No, eggs are not bitter

So they must be sour.

>> No.6542563

Eggs are both somewhat sweet and meaty. You can claim umami isn't real but that doesn't stop things from having a "meaty" or savory flavor like eggs do.

>> No.6542613
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>> No.6542616
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Op here. I salute you, you glorious cu/ck/ bastard

>> No.6544037

They do.

No, they're bitter.


>> No.6544450

Look at this fucking retard.
Dude, you need to get back on the short bus and STFU.

>> No.6544464

>huehue the retard meme
My level 20 wizard powers are too powerful for this magic.

>> No.6544483

It's not a meme, it's fact. Only someone with severe mental incapacities would argue this long and hard about something that they are completely wrong about. You're an idiot. Try to deal with that the best you can with your limited faculties.

>> No.6544491

Or someone on 4chan who leaves a tab open while he's at work and is also right.

>> No.6544494
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>> No.6544527

>Or someone on 4chan who leaves a tab open while he's at work and is also idiotically wrong.


>> No.6544559

Proe me wrong. Prove eggs aren't bitter.