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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, _2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6538575 No.6538575 [Reply] [Original]

Just made pretentious looking Cinnamon Rolls.

Post yours. Hate on mine or suck my dick cause they came out tasty as fuck.

Love you all.

>> No.6538576
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>> No.6538584

Pretty jelly OP.

Every time I make cinnamon rolls all the cinnamon goo just falls out the bottom and I get butterscotch. any tips?

>> No.6538588

less cream ya dingus

>> No.6538598



and well photographed

>> No.6538600

Either fill them more, or let them cool down in the pan (not too much, or you'll rip them apart when trying to unmold them).

If you look closely at the ones in the tray, you'll see that my filling was actually runny. The sugar melted into caramel, but after cooling it was absorved into the pastry, which in a way, made them even cinnamonier. W

>> No.6538601

Thanks. I try to get nice pictures of neat recipes. Then I just print the picture and write the recipe on the back.

>fill them more

I meant fill them less.

>> No.6538761
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Bumping OC thread. I made these a while ago. They were tasty, but not as good as a good bakery.

What do people like to use for icing? I generally do cream cheese icing because I can't make other icing types without fucking them up.

>> No.6538824

I use confectioners sugar, water and butter.

>> No.6538838

Does it give that pale white icing that I associate with cinnamon rolls? Also, do you use melted butter or solid/room temperature?

>> No.6538848
File: 102 KB, 600x400, sticky buns small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a batch of sticky rolls, they're actually "earl grey" sticky buns. So bergmont orange zest and butter for the filling, and the water in the dough replaced for cooled black tea.

>> No.6538864

Very good photography. Now here's my pretentious suggestions:

Diffused studio lighting. Reflective studio umbrellas are only around $6~ on ebay.

Iron the towel.

Straighten the dishes.

Then it's perfect. Oh, and good rolls btw.

>> No.6538868
File: 130 KB, 792x528, feeding my giant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my cinnamon rolls more fluffy and bread-like.

>> No.6538885

Yes, pale, and slightly transparent.
Man, those look good and fluffy as fuck.
Thanks dude. Appreciate it. I've been looking to get one of those reflectors.

>> No.6538929

Those look really great

>> No.6538950

That popin fresh dough sure comes out nice. I've got to get me some grands this week.

>> No.6538951


shoo shoo /p/ goblin. we already post better photos than you all day long

>> No.6538959

Never made cinna rolls because I can't eat more than one roll in a sitting.

>> No.6538960

Nordic cinnamon roll expert here, the bun looks a bit pale.

Did you brush them with egg before baking or is the picture making it look whiter than it is?

>> No.6539144

Egg and butter brushing twice during cooking.

>> No.6539150

So just cover them and eat the rest later. Or refrigerate them. Or freeze them. Or give them to your neighbours.

>> No.6539188

>posting better photos than /p/

>> No.6539682

>bread with glacing

>> No.6540845

Damn. I need a cinnamon bun now.

>> No.6540860

i only make them during the holidays when i order some ceylon. labor intensive but well worth it, the smell is unlike any other.

>> No.6541190

>Cinnamon rolls
>labor intensive

>> No.6541277

That looks tasty as fuck

>> No.6541329

Thanks m8

>> No.6541350

Man, already so defensive right out the door when no one even said anything. You need to calm down just a bit.

>> No.6541359
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Cardamon spiced or bust.

>> No.6541366

Swedes pls leave.

>> No.6541451


>> No.6541485

beautiful. job well one

>> No.6541955

The filling sounds divine. Not entierly convinced about the black tea instead of water. Can you even taste it?

>> No.6541965

Fam you have to drop the recipe for that, or at least recommend a good recipe source.

Incorporating black teas into foods sounds beautiful.

>> No.6542609

In venezuela they have these sticky rolls which they eat with giant slabs of cheese.

I'm getting hungry just thinking about them.

Sometimes when you're riding from one big city to the next you'll see some forest villagers cooking a whole pig in a fire by the road and selling entire portions of it to whoever asks.

>> No.6543152

I can now blame this thread for making me stop at a Cinnabon stand on the way home today.

>> No.6543157

>Lacking even the most base self honesty

>> No.6543164

Not that anon, but I've done similar things with other desserts before, and you can definitely taste the tea. It's a really nice, delicate taste.

>> No.6543175

Id suck a cinnamon roll dick any day.

>> No.6543858
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>> No.6544501


>> No.6546436
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They look like shit and the photography is entry level.

>> No.6546445

Fucking Scully.

>> No.6546448

Man everyonr was being too nice. Thanks for being proper ck

>> No.6546450

Not sure if I'd eat or not

>> No.6546452


>> No.6546875


I wonder if you could make meat or nut and cheese filed rolls.

>> No.6547769
File: 2.23 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_3182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6548111

oh fuck now i'm hungry

that could turn out well

>> No.6548120

LOL!! Not getting enough carbs detected!
Keto will rek you
Paleo will rek you
High carb low fat for long term health and longevity
Your whole body is a glucose burning machine, please feed it

>> No.6548133

I meant the filling, reatrd bag.

>> No.6548155

lol guess ive been on /fit to long, will kill myself immediatly, sorry anon

>> No.6548175

Still, you weren't far off.

I've been on an off keto for a while now.

Currently trying to hold a regular diet.

>tfw over 80lbs down