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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 552x800, milk-being-poured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6537117 No.6537117 [Reply] [Original]

>Drinking cow innards


>> No.6537122

cause it's tasty as fuck

>> No.6537137

Milk is a beautiful product. Straight from an ample bosom... so licious.
Not trying to objectify milk producing creatures.
They're a delicate species. Crafted by what could only be a God.
Or Goddess, who knows. We're blessed. It's a miracle product.
I love milk. I love those who produce it.

>> No.6537155

Really doesn't particularly good at all. It's creamy though, and that is nice. But as for taste, I don't see the appeal.

>> No.6537162


Milk products are primarily used for cooking after the age of 7, and if you don't enjoy cheese I feel sorry for you.

>> No.6537192
File: 108 KB, 800x531, dsc7311e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone throws you into a milk vat and drowns you in it.

>> No.6537194


>> No.6537196


>> No.6537199

It doesn't matter where you are, there is no place anywhere in the world where talking to somebody like that is acceptable. Change your ways.

>> No.6537206

>But as for taste, I don't see the appeal.
Ok. No one forces you to drink it. But people like it, plus it's good for cooking, so they'll continue to use it.

>> No.6537209

He's retarded [or probably trolling] in general, but it actually is the most nutritious "natural" food product

>> No.6537372

Milk is so delicious. I don't know why people don't like it.

Maybe they were raised on skim milk?

>> No.6537381

rude and outright boorish

>> No.6537539

if you love milk than you support the rape and molestation of thousands of innocent heifers that are forced to carry their rapists calf to term only to be grouped by humans. edgar you truly are a terrible person.

>> No.6537679

>Maybe they were raised on skim milk?

I was raised on skim milk, can confirm. I learned the truth when I was old enough to buy my own groceries.

>> No.6537892

for gains, of course

>> No.6537915
File: 176 KB, 640x428, dirty dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating things that grow in dirt


>> No.6537944

It's more hydrating than water

>> No.6537951

because non-pasteurized milk is illegal
for your own safety, goyim.
When I used to live on a farm, jesus christ that fresh milk was great.
Never felt healthier in my life.

>> No.6537952
File: 57 KB, 604x453, tesak meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I stopped two weeks ago.I want to see how I and my skin goes along without dairy and lactose containing products. Plan to stay away from it until August. I was on a gluten free diet from Feb to May.

Cow milk is great, but only when it is done right. The milk being sold in modern shops has high contents of antibiotics, growth hormones and bacteria that isn't otherwise native to cow's udder.

>> No.6537955

>non-pasteurized milk is illegal for your own safety

It is like saying, peanuts, honey, salmon, lamb and multiple other products should be fucking banned because apparently some people can't tolerate these foods and can plain fucking die of allergic reaction and severe indigestion.

>> No.6537975

Reading comprehension.

>> No.6537979


>> No.6537988

Fairly tasteless, anon. Get your act together.

>> No.6538000

You ever seen a cow? They're fucking sexy animals, man.

>> No.6538020

>because non-pasteurized milk is illegal
maybe that's the case in your third world country

>> No.6538021
File: 135 KB, 468x413, Dairy-Foods2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.6538026

are vegans not aware they were eating corpses before they went vegan?
It's always those kids who grew up thinking that milk and meat was made in factories and then learn the "shocking truth".
Learn to deal with it or be vegans but accept that other people actually know what they're doing, they are not just ignorants that don't know where meat comes from.

>> No.6538126

This. Dairy is by far the superior food group

>> No.6538133
File: 74 KB, 800x600, tit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boiled cow udder

>> No.6538140


>> No.6538160

>having enough privilege to be vegan
>lording said privilege over others like it makes you superior by spreading sensationalized propaganda.
Kill yourself, you passive aggressive, white liberal faggot. Your special snowflake diet will never salve the dull pain of your guilt over your life as a worthless, helpless consumer. Choke on your self-righteousness and run backwards naked through a field of dicks. People like you are the reason shampoo bottles have instructions on them.

>> No.6538183

>because non-pasteurized milk is illegal
untrue, as long as the milk pass the germ test it can be treated with whatever method you want.
microfiltered is pretty great imo.

>> No.6538185

Looks super fat. I guess you don't eat it like that, right?

>> No.6538190

>But as for taste, I don't see the appeal.

Nice blog post.

>> No.6538280

I sometimes have a big ass glass of milk in place of dinner, which is usually the smallest meal of my day anyway. How unreasonable is this

>> No.6538305

Stop being an idiot.

>> No.6538435

Or else what?

>> No.6538442

I'll continue a gradual descent into madness, eventually become irrationally hostile telling myself I'd pound your head in if we were in person, and slowly become more addled as a counterbalance for feeling tired and alone in the world. I'll eventually calm down some number of weeks or months later, my faculties will return to me, and I'll begin to see people aren't so broken, boring, and lacking as I previously perceived. I will cease to feel like life is such grim a entrapment, and sensibly chuckle to myself at the thought that such a small comment indicated you'd be better off suffering severe bodily damage or death.

Then I'll do it all again. And again. And again. Until I either do something I might regret, or find the truth.