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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6531662 No.6531662 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about airplane food?

>> No.6531670

I didn't know they even served meals on planes anymore, that doesn't look too horrible either. I would eat it.

>> No.6531672

Get the Hindu meal. The can't fuck up a vegetable curry, even on a plane.

>> No.6531687
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What are some airlines with good food and airlines with bad food?

Lets see if you guys have any experience

>> No.6531688
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>> No.6531691

Most /ck/ posters are accustomed to airplanes flying over them, not being inside them.

>> No.6531694
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>> No.6531702


>> No.6531738

Most airliners don't even serve meals if the trip is under something like 5 hours. Most you get is a bagged snack and a drink.

>> No.6531746

>bag of chips and a can of coke.jpg

only international/business class has actual meals anymore. or you can bend over and take up the pay and 8 dollars for some microwaved shit sandwich.

>> No.6531757
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ive never been in a plane .

>> No.6531781

I just flew international and all i got was oj and a cookie

>> No.6531784

Literaly mumbled that looks a lot like delta's food before zooming in and seeing the delta napkin

>> No.6531786

>taking a tired old meme and putting a spin on it
I like your style anon

>> No.6531792

Bad food: in economy class, all US airlines, most euro airlines, some Asian airlines
Bad food in business class and higher: none that I've experienced. It's generally at least edible

>> No.6531793


>implying i want to get in a plane when the pilot is choking down an unripe banana

>> No.6531820


I'm not sure why, but your post just depressed the fuck out of me.

It's like the internet is supposed to be the great equalizer, and then you see a post like this, and can't understand how you're supposed to related to someone who's never even been on an airplane.

Even in europoor the planes are cheaper than trains.

How old are you, btw? I kind of grew up on planes, but have gone so al/ck/ that I can't drive without meds and don't plan on getting on a plane ever again. Also, the fucking cutbacks and whatnot's are so ridiculous that it doesn't even seem worth it.

>tfw i sat next to wesley snipes when he was actually relevant, and had all the oj, fruit, cheese (and champagne, if i was old enough) I wanted - and that was before take off
>tfw plane food (and drinks: bloody mary mix, and club soda with lime) gives me proustian feels

>> No.6531826

Singapore Airlines has dope food.

>> No.6531830

I went to China on Hainan airlines, the food was pretty good. On my return trip I asked for a diabetic meal; they gave me the regular meal plus the diabetic meal.

>> No.6531838
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For some reason the little tub of spring water in this picture is stuck in my head and making me incredible thirsty, fuck.

>> No.6531849

Not according to that cunt that emailed Branson.

>> No.6531853

I can't be the only one who thought his fingers were a dick

>> No.6531895

Poor people have the internet now. Scary idea, isn't it?

>> No.6531900

Some japanese airline had a deal with yoshinoya to serve gyuudon on flights.

If I every fly again, I want to eat air yoshinoya

>> No.6531904

>spills cream sauce all over the instrument panel and brings down the plane
ya no thanks, imma travel by boat and train now on

>> No.6531906

Turkish Airlines has some fantastic food. Had lunch on a connecting flight from Istanbul to Tel Aviv.

>> No.6531943

The main reason why people don't like airplane food is because your tastebuds lose sensitivity at the height airplanes fly.

>> No.6531947
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Good job.

>> No.6531966
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>> No.6531968
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I get free standby on United, which has upgraded to some pretty damn good food. On my last flight I had a cold chicken and udon noodle salad with ginger sauce. One alternative I considered was "chicken and mozzarella on tomato focaccia".

It cost like $9.50 but my plane ended up diverted and then cancelled after 5 hours of flying and we landed in an airport where every restaurant but Dunkin' Donuts was closed so I'm glad I went for it, even if I got a migraine when trying to sleep on the benches there and ended up throwing the whole thing up. Air travel is truly hellish.

>> No.6532568
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KLM economy class breakfast

>> No.6532572
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Nasi Goreng on KLM flight

>> No.6532574

i dont remember what airliner i flew on but the in flight meal for coach was iirc a turkey sandwich and some oatmeal raisin cookies. maybe there were crackers but i honestly dont remember much because it was probably over 10 years ago since the last time i've flied

>> No.6532577

correction thats bami goreng but hey it's a lot better to have indonesian, chinese or indian food on a plane then any other type. It just tastes better in the pressure cabin.

>> No.6532589

>Nasi Goreng

My mistake sorry, I meant to write Mi Goreng

>> No.6532680

what's that lassie, there's a nazi going on a klm flight?!

>> No.6532692

Good job, that made me giggle.

>> No.6532695

Flew to Asia about a year ago, from Chicago to Manchester, to Qatar and then into India. Qatar airways had the best food out of them all even though I had a cold at the time and could hardly eat.

>> No.6532732
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>tfw the hack steward doesn't serve your macadamia nuts on a plate.

>> No.6532763
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>> No.6532775

whats the deal with it, anyway?

>> No.6532778
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Not sure if want

>> No.6532783

Who else gets drunk as fuck every time you fly? If its a long flight I usually take a valium 20 minutes before boarding, then crush the free beers till I pass out. I actually enjoy flying tbh.

>> No.6532785

>free beers

not in economy :o(

last time i flew, i got a really nice tuna steak in the terminal mmm

>> No.6532786

on longhaul flights you get free beers in economy, but that may just be etihad/qantas. i always fly economy

>> No.6532787

>reported to IATA for potential suicide risk
Enjoy ur desk job

>> No.6532789
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>> No.6532794
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>> No.6532798
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>> No.6532800
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>> No.6532810
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>> No.6532811


I was on a plane on a monthy basis, but then I broke up with my long distance gf, so now I'm not flying that much anymore ._.

>> No.6532817

I couldn't get on a plane for all the beer in Milwaukee.
Claustrophobic and the very thought of breathing the same air as you scumbags makes me want to vomit.

>> No.6532879

>be me age 11
>traveling alone from US to germany
>on some european airline
>usually give everyone a free piece of chocolate
>give me a ton because I'm a kid
>don't remember the food, but I loved the chocolate

>> No.6532883

I mean what's the deal with black people? They're not black, and they're not people. But if I point that out, suddenly I'M the racist. It doesn't make sense people!

>> No.6532887

Same here... but I'm not so sad anymore because I found a new babe.

>> No.6532891

I read that in his voice. Mild lel.

>> No.6532900

I've never flown anywhere but before I got my job I had not been on an airplane before.
I work for Alaska Airlines, but the only thing I know about their food are snack bags I find under the seats when I'm cleaning the cabin. Oh and that their food comes from a company called sky chef.

>> No.6532970

It varies on the airline.


>> No.6532971

What kind of parent lets their 11 year old kid travel alone?

>> No.6532982

Your job is to clean airplanes and you've never flown anywhere? That's really depressing, man. That's like NPR human interest news piece material. Like I'd hear a small blurb about you being too destitute to fly in the planes you clean as a segue into a story about wage increaes

>> No.6532986


That's actually depressingly bad.

>> No.6532991

The awesome kind?

>> No.6532994

i've never been on a plane as I think the ammount of cartbon foorprint they generate is ethically unsound.

I'm also a stage 3 vegan

>> No.6533006

>airplanes leave footprints

>> No.6533014


haha this is great

>> No.6533078

Autism: the Post.

>> No.6533101
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>> No.6533102
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>> No.6533105
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>> No.6533113

why does it come with an owl?

>> No.6533126

You wipe your mouth with it.

>> No.6533140

Kids meal

Or satanic illuminati chemtrail tanker

>> No.6533141

it isnt?

>> No.6533147


>> No.6533150

Eva economy is the worst. Never again.

>> No.6533151
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no poutine :(

>> No.6533152

At least it comes with a tiny beer to cry tiny tears into.

>> No.6533154
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>> No.6533158

The best seat in an Air Koryo flight is in the ball turret

>> No.6533164
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>> No.6533178
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>> No.6533186
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>> No.6533202

Traveled to Florida and they handed out little bags of these amazing pretzel sticks. For some reason she kept handing me them, as well with my family, so I probably had about 10+ of them.

>> No.6533230

>>6532991 is right. I did stay with a host family to be fair.

>> No.6533326

I've never been on a commercial plane. My dad had a single-engine pilots license at one point, so I flew in a Cessna a few times, which was cool.

>> No.6533498

oh, God, I remember that sad roll during my flights with Delta (Atlantic and Pacific).

>> No.6533527


Flew on Korea Air last year, and I thought their meals were phenomenal. I had three meals in all each way (Atlanta --> Seoul --> Tokyo), and each meal was completely different with several options.

>> No.6533532




>> No.6533538

Emirates fed me well.

>> No.6533540

I don't know why but airplane food creeps me out. It always looks like it was just a pill that they put a drop of water on and then BAM, an entire meal, tray and all. It always looks so fake.

>> No.6533620

Latley I've only gotten the crackers and drink. Short flights so they say bring your own meal.
In the past Lufthansa had really good food as did most others of the Star Alliance.
Air Astana was decent tasting food but a little greasy. Served on real plates covered in tinfoil.

>> No.6533648
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>> No.6533664

Thinking of this the entire thread.

>> No.6533797

>Malaysia Airlines
Enjoy your last meal

>> No.6533819


Only in America. I flew Turkish Airlines for a few hours some months back, got a full meal. Free alcohol, too. I feel sorry for amerifriends sometimes.

>> No.6533829


Whoa, it's Vincent Price.

>> No.6533861

Flew back on Swiss airlines from Sweden. I don't remember what the dinner was, but in the morning they had free sandwiches - all you wanted. They also gave swiss chocolate, but I didn't like it much.

>> No.6533869

best flyover post

>> No.6533888

Using Korean Air next month Tokyo-Seoul. What meals did you have specifically?

>> No.6533927
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Sorry for the God-awful quality, my phone has no wifi but my iPad does. I have two hours left on my ATL-Paris flight. I've had a shitty day with delta, and my meal was pretty good.

Shrimp salad
Cheese and crackers
Fruit assortment
Triple chocolate brownie (fuck that name. Fuck triple and double chocolate)

>> No.6533941

>tfw flying Delta from Boston to LAX tomorrow
am i fucked?

i was going to get the fruit salad

>> No.6533947

Now that in-air wifi is a thing can we start getting cabin footage of planes when they go down?

>> No.6533949

Ooh, I remember flying with them. I wish I remembered what I had though. I only remembered that heavily scented lavender warm wet wipes they handed out to everyone. I'm pretty sure my mom hoarded a bunch of them.

>> No.6534047

my shrimp salad was ok I would probably get the pasta if I could go back that's just me though I'm not a big salad guy

>> No.6534069

How are you enjoying your flight? Personally I love going on plane rides, one of my favorite parts is also the food.

>> No.6534079

i want ajob that pays me to travel :(

>> No.6534084

I couldn't believe my flight from Japan to Dulles had 2 entree choices: curry or fish.

Just roll and salad thanks.

>> No.6534098


>sky chef

Going to check them out now, anon.


Plane food is honestly the only part of the industry I'm interested in, and being a part of the plane food industry would be awesome, seeing as how I never plan on getting on an airplane again.

>> No.6534100

Flying, to me, is truly very underrated. Maybe it's because I've only been on a plane a few times but to me it's something really special and amazing. Just listening to the purr of that engine as you look out your window and stare at the sky, with the clouds below, then you take a snooze and after a while some nice lady walks by with a tray of food to give to you. It's amazing and I really want to be on a plane again, it's a wonderful experience

>> No.6534105

>Maybe it's because I've only been on a plane a few times

trust me, that is the only reason

flying is a miserable fucking experience

>> No.6534143
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Late response if anyone's still on this thread- delta plane to Paris guy.

Just had a good meal
Starbucks coffee 7/10
Granola bar 4/10
Microwaved omelet croissant thing 4/10
Crackers and cheese 8/10

>> No.6534154

I'm the same way.

I know >>6534105
is less optimistic, but I love flying. I knock instantly once the plane does take-off and I always wake up to a nice lady asking me what I'd like to drink.

>> No.6534155

Looks cash bretty gud for delta

>> No.6534157

say this when your plane's wing gets clipped by another airliner and you endure a 2 minute terror spiral to your watery grave

>> No.6534160

>boss is a UPS Captain
>he complains about the food all of the time
>He makes $23k a month

>> No.6534164

At first I was pretty miserable. Now I'm listening to music and having a good time! Excited to land, excited to be in a new country for the first time! Personally, I hate white noise, so the engine sound does bother me

>> No.6534165

>Maybe it's because I've only been on a plane a few times
That's why. I'm a pilot and flying is god awful

>flying from Lexington to Cincinnati followed by two hours of ground time
I swear, it's worse than being a Jew

>> No.6534172

I used to fly a lot on Air New Zealand, and they always had great food, whether it was business class or economy.

Emirates business class was the best food I've had on an airline though.

>> No.6534174

What's your guys' favorite thing to drink on airplanes?

Mine is ginger ale or cranberry juice. Sometimes I'll ask them to mix it for me.

>> No.6534175

This is me >>6534174
Hard liqour

>> No.6534183

I've always gotten tomato juice to eat with my pretzels/peanuts. Don't know why

>> No.6534185

It's because anything tomato related is heightened because of the air pressure.


>> No.6534190

Why even post at this shit quality it brings nothing positive to the thread.

>> No.6534191


the mcallisters

>> No.6534194

Be a travel agent !

>> No.6534196


>> No.6534204

someone please tell me what the fuck is that white cube with tiny black seed lookin things in it in the upper left corner in what appears to be a fruit cup

>> No.6534208


>> No.6534210


>> No.6534211

thank you

>> No.6534213
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>> No.6534273

Pitaya, there's a pink pulp variant which is slightly more fragrant.

>> No.6534370

I remember when I went on singapore airlines as a kid they served me cup ramen on demand. that was fucking awesome

>> No.6534434

Dragon fruit

The insides can also be purple. I don't know if the taste is different depending on flesh color.

>> No.6534567

American detected.

>> No.6534875



Good food:
Singapore Airlines
Thai Airways
Air New Zealand

Ok food:
Air France

Shit food:
British Airways

Experiences based on economy class meals. Video related

>> No.6534890
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What's the food like in business class compared to economy?

>> No.6534893

Emirates are good

>> No.6534902

Only ever flown with Thai Airlines and I have to say their food was fantastic. From memory we had Pad Thai prawns, cant remember what we had on the way back, but it was as good if not better then any take away you can get

>> No.6535059


They all look like classic movie vampires

>> No.6535064
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>> No.6535068
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>> No.6535070
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Better but not worth the ticket price (unless your boss is paying)

>> No.6535076

aww :3

>> No.6535086
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>> No.6535091

Not lying, I would hoover that up so fast.

>> No.6535101

I only have experience with Bong airlines, but for the most part the food is pretty terrible. Not inedible, mind, but I'd recommend eating a lot before the flight rather than eat the airline food.

>> No.6535168

Why are the cups of water so small on airlines? Or have I been drinking water intended for washing fingers?

>> No.6535254
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>> No.6535263


Never ever fly with China Air.

>> No.6535267

My parents Flew on Concorde before it was shut down. Apparently the food was really good. I remmember them telling about how they ate quail eggs, and that there was actual silverware onboard.

>> No.6535277

Will Gordon be in front of the plane to yell at the stewardess preparing the food?

>> No.6535286

Underrated post

>> No.6535289
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>> No.6535292
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>> No.6535294
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>> No.6535296
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>> No.6535334
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>> No.6535335
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>> No.6535352
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ITT: Snacks on a plane

>> No.6535373
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>> No.6535725

good God man

>> No.6536212
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>> No.6536221

Childhood dreams

>> No.6536498

Seriously? That is pathetic. Not that I don't like snacks but just because...that isn't a meal. It's a ton of processed sugar and carbs and processed beef sticks. I would puke on a stewardess for this disaster, on purpose. After about 13 drinks.

>> No.6536644

last time i flew with delta (us<->eu), the meal was alright, considering the circumstances. i had some sort of mini mozzarella pizza

also: airlinemeals.net

>> No.6537370

Probably assumed that as an american you were requesting extra food.

>> No.6537395

Is stage 3 terminal?

>> No.6537453

Flew same route 5 months ago. Like you said food was pretty decent. Perfectly edible, and they didn't skimp on the alcohol on the way over from Amsterdam to Minnesota.
When I flew from Seattle back to Amsterdam they were a lot more stingy on the booze.

>> No.6537477
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>> No.6537727

Even as a Brit, I think United looks pretty tasty. You can't go wrong with a sandwich and Pepsi.

>> No.6537837

I fucking love drinking coke or water with ice cubes out of those cups, tastes so good for some reason.

>> No.6537957
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>airplane food thread


>> No.6537968

>Bebop & Rocksteady.jpg

>> No.6538108
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>> No.6538131

Air NZ has always been decent every time I've flown with them. Pretty simple, but there's never been anything objectionable about the meals.

Qantas a shit but bearable.

The one time I went with ANA 3 years ago the food was ok.

>> No.6538141
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>> No.6538145
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>> No.6538158

never been on a plane but can someone say why usa airplane food is trash is it cost counting?.

>> No.6538171

It's not exclusive to the USA, but yes, cost counting. People bitch and moan over a $25 difference in airfare, so why should the airline serve anything other than inedible slop?

It's why lately the trend has been pre-boxed meals that you pay for. They seem to be somewhat better quality than the old "free" meals they used to serve. Although they are not hot, I'd rather pay $7 for a box of 6/10 cheese and 6/10 crackers and 5/10 cured meats and 5/10 cookies, than a -2/10 tray of suspicious grey goo for "free".

>> No.6538174
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10 years plus I have worked in airline catering, all the way up to running my own states unit for a few years.

Just finished my shift and noticed this thread, ask away if you want to know anything.

Wont reveal company or location however.

>> No.6538177

Whats the deal with airplane food?

>> No.6538178

Well obviously it is Australia, so probably Gategourmet or Qantas Catering, not that anyone is going to find you.

I would like to know the deal with the pilots being served two different meals in case one gets sick, is that really true and how does that work? Does one have to be bought at McDonalds and the other catered?

>> No.6538186


Both tech crew are served an entirely different meal incase the food will cause them sickness. It is true, witht he 40,000+ meals made every day over different airlines its very easy to supply two diferent meals.

Tech crew are served usually business class meals, in business class passengers are offered a choice of meal from the menu

>> No.6538189

Its massively bulk made food, then portioned into bowls.

Some airlines are extremely strict on their quality standards, others dont give a fuck

>> No.6538191

But if it comes from the same facility then how can you be sure it's not contaminated with the same feces? Is it just a pro forma thing or have people reverse-engineered the process to make sure it actually reduces the chances of a problem?

>> No.6538196

If a staff member doesn't want to wash their hands after they have taken their shit, then yes. Usually two different meals are made by different stations or at a different time as you only make the one type of meal at the same time

>> No.6538210
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I see, so in practice it drastically cuts the odds of a problem, but theoretically there is still some chance which is probably accepted given that a puking pilot can probably still land and anyway even if it gets real bad I've played a lot of X-Plane and MSFS so I should be able to help out if there's a real problem.
>tfw the pilots never pass out so I can heroically volunteer to land the plane and have stewardesses swoon
Like dude I totally got this guys, relax

>> No.6538217

stewardesses are moles. Should hear what they say when all the passengers get off. First people they see who arent passengers are the caterers. We hear all their comments about the fat man who smells down to the good looking guy that they reckon is gay and should have asked for their number

>> No.6538251

>dat banana
It's like they don't want a delicious, creamy, soft banana that actually tastes like banana

>> No.6538256
File: 2.40 MB, 3760x2676, 1432507613446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would very much like to hear what the stewardess says when I get off. This hasn't happened yet, though.

>> No.6538259

This gives me feel for some reason

I miss being a kid

>> No.6538261

I've never had udon before

Is it good? I can't imagine that plain noodles are particularly amazing

>> No.6538263

But that's soba, anon-kun

>> No.6538270


well can I still have an answer?

>> No.6538274

It's not going to give you the same sensation as a chili rava masala butter dosa dunked in sambhar, if that's what you mean. But the flavor comes from the stock.

>> No.6538279


Is it filling? Cheap in US?

>> No.6538285

You should really post this in the Food from Japan thread, it's way way way off topic.

Bringing this back to the thread, the soba isn't going to be especially good in economy class on ANA

>> No.6538313

Is it true that some airlines go to ridiculous measures in order to cut food costs, such as limiting the amount of peas you can have per serving and shit like that?

>> No.6538320

Emirates was good. I heard Aeroflot was horrible giving you herring for breakfast.

>> No.6538329
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>> No.6538337

Its all on weight, 250g is most often the amount of total food you will receive in your main meal.

Some like quality, others go for whatever is cheap. Airlines who supply rice in a meal are the cheaper ones

>> No.6538345

Everytime I fly I go on the same airline. Always just get the cheese and crackers because the food usually sucks.

>> No.6538357

beer/wine/liquor is almost always free on any economy overseas international flight

i wish they let me bring my own liquor on board mroe since the stewardesses don't come by often enough to quench my thirst

i can't sleep at all on planes, so the best chance i have is just getting drunk enough to nod off

>> No.6538364

What the fuck did they do to that tomato? It has the same shaky, barely held together emotional demeanor of a molested 14 year old.

>> No.6538366

You know you can ask for two at once, right? Unless you're visibly drunk they don't give a shit.

>> No.6538369

Motherfuckers. 250 g isn't even enough for a child, let alone a grown person. Also, I thought that rice is chosen because it's delicious, healthier, and more nutritious than potatoes, not because it's cheap. What other ways do those bastards screw us over on food?

>> No.6538371

>250 g isn't even enough for a child, let alone a grown person

You're the guy who hasn't been on a plane, aren't you.

I promise, when they plop that plastic tray in front of you and you take off the plastic wrap and smell that "wonderful" aroma, 250g will seem like too much already.

>> No.6538372

Why are there nips on a Malaysian flight?

>> No.6538376
File: 215 KB, 2048x1529, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a Malaysia flight. They obviously got lost.

>> No.6538377

I've been on many flights and eaten the shit that they serve, I just never bothered to bring a fucking scale and weigh the portions. All I know is that airline food always leaves me hungry, and now I know why.

>> No.6538392

>Welcome to take our flight

>> No.6538393

inaccurate, ive been on chinese and american airlines, for breakfast we had an omlete and shit a bun, salad it was all really good, you could have choose other stuff buti cant remember what, for the chinese airlines you for the dinner meal you could have got like chicken or fish then theres rice, a bun, i think some shitty browny and a salad also, all the food was pretty shitty like fast food tier

>> No.6538400

This would be incredible

>> No.6538404

What you said had nothing to do with the image you're quoting, but thank you for the story.

>> No.6538408

Everything is bulk prepared. Think what is the easiest cheapest item to cook in 90kg batches. Usually rice and beef in a black bean sauce.

>> No.6538411


>> No.6538414

The syntax is:

>I'd like two bottles of [INSERT NAME OF DRINK HERE]

Try it a few times until you can do it without stuttering. I believe in you anon!

>> No.6539143

well, it's a north korean airline, what do you expect

>> No.6540005
File: 90 KB, 960x720, ANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANA meal back in 2012.

It was pretty good from what I can remember.

>> No.6540007
File: 46 KB, 604x453, United.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instant noodles meal on a United flight.

United consistently has bad food for me.

>> No.6540048

This is so true.

I got disgusting a dog-food tier meal from them, but I was so hungry I ate about 3/4 of it. Now I don't have a sensitive stomach and can easily have street food from all over the world, but this meal sent me directly to the shitter in about 7hrs. So while everyone was sleeping, I crept into the airplane bathroom and took the biggest shit that has ever escaped my ass. I was actually kind of proud because it felt like a birth of a child. Anyway, on the way back I prepared and brought my own food.

That's my China Air story.

>> No.6540335

If you want to taste, you can tell the steward that you're vegetarian (or fake it), they usually don't have vegetarian option, and I end up with first class meal on Lufthansa. It was pretty good, and I was served with a real plate (so that a plus).

>> No.6540340

underrated post

>> No.6540348

And you will never be seen again.


>> No.6540351

A bucket of ear wax and a broccoli florets, a carrot triangle and a fucking pimento. Good god.

>> No.6540402

what airline gives their passengers urine to drink?

>> No.6540406

Food cost factors in, but also there's load of the plane they need to account for, for fuel to take off

>> No.6540431
File: 513 KB, 576x610, 1431902657384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aside from salty snacks and water, there is no good airplane food.

it's all horrible, and /ck/ would be well advised to only eat the absolute bare minimum as necessary to keep one's mind off of food, stay hydrated with water, and enjoy the occasional salty snack (like, mini bag of chex mix, not bag of cheetos).

I've flown between the US and Eurasia about a dozen times and there were only ever 2 meals I found palatable without becoming totally nauseated.

One was some indian or maybe arab rice and chicken, the other was an ice cream.

>> No.6540439
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that, and sleep as much as you can.

>> No.6540451

Only flown a couple of times, but lufthansa has good food, even in the goy class. British airways is horrible though.

>> No.6540462

>I've flown between the US and Eurasia about a dozen times and there were only ever 2 meals I found palatable without becoming totally nauseated.

You sound far too proud of being a hypersensitive little flower.
It's food.
It's not gourmet, but it's not nauseating either.

Eat it, be glad you have food, stop talking like you're a 17th century explorer surviving on wormy ship's biscuits.

>> No.6540472

Amerifag here to other amerifags.

In terms of Air travel, how much do they charge for meals? I remember the good old days 25 years ago when they included them with your ticket. Not so much now. Is it like $10 for a piss ant sandwich?

>> No.6540478

Can't survive a couple hours without food fatty?

>> No.6540480
File: 145 KB, 700x434, ANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANA child meal

>> No.6540481

Well we aren't the greatest country on earth by just eating your crumbs, peon.

Now hurry up and make more designer clothing.

>> No.6540492

I flew Alitalia in like 2010 and had their breakfast and dinner meals. The breakfast was pretty okay, some fruit and yogurt the highlight was the chocolate pastry, which was warmed. I got ravioli for the dinner thinking that it was impossible to fuck up pasta, and boy was I wrong. It was hella overcooked; I would have preferred Chef Boyardee honestly. There was more to both meals but that's most of what I remember. There was coffee/tea with the breakfast, I remember getting coffee and enjoying it.

>> No.6540496

what the fuck are those gelatinous/doughy looking things in the upper left?

>> No.6540498

I don't know where you're getting free beers, but of course I get tanked on flights. It's dumb not to.

I've never flown international, so I don't get free booze, but my local drugstore sells airplane-size bottles of liquor, so I just grab a bunch of those, chuck them in with my bag-o-small-bottles, then put waht I want to drink on the flight into my laptop bad while waiting to board.

Then I just wait till the free drink comes around and mix it up. Or not, if someone's being annoying and I need to get tanked right then.

>> No.6540499

Looks like shit quality melted mochi

>> No.6540506

Looks like red bean paste wrapped in mochi.

>> No.6540507

Eat a light, nutritious meal before the flight, and eat a huge as meal after you land. Although, I've only flown between the USA and Europe. If you are traveling to somewhere where the water is bad, you should not take this advice.

>> No.6540519

This is the only sensible advice ITT.

Go to a nice restaurant before you board and get some quality food, then on the plane just eat snacks that they give you (biscuits etc) then eat once you're off.

>> No.6540550
File: 602 KB, 720x533, Screenshot_2015-05-26-01-41-07-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty economy meal flying from Germany to US. Pasta in red sauce, a salad that only consisted of mixed greens, small cheese wedge, tough bread roll, dry brownie cake thing, and a chocolate Weihnachtsmann because it was around Christmas. Not inedible, but definitely not satisfying.

>> No.6540659
File: 458 KB, 2048x1536, KA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gourmet meals of the best dignity and it's a traditional food and it's also a global food.

>> No.6540686
File: 11 KB, 248x267, 1414375356841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flew British Airways last summer and got so fucking sick after having shitty Lasagna very close to a couple pint at Heathrow before my flight. Their breakfast stuff was alright though.

>> No.6540697

Air new Zealand does have some amazing food, I sampled quite a lot of it as I had yo travel there quite often and was never let down or disappointed. The other great thing is the stewards and stewardesses are always willing to talk to you because its long flights for them as well and they have to do shifts. Overall it is the best flight company and will never travel with anyone else of I was to go to New Zealand or connecting countries.

>> No.6540705

I want to know what airline is serving the one on the left

>> No.6540755

Philippine airlines is one of the best meals i had during international flights.

>> No.6541005

Ive never been in a plane either..
I live in a small country (slovakia) and everything is so close here that we only use planes when traveling for holiday..

fuck I have austria, hungary, czech republic and poland about an hour driving from where I live...

>> No.6541076


Good, I fucking hate those vague wet tissues.

>> No.6541079
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Racial slur

>> No.6541082
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>> No.6541083

Emirates has fucking delicious food on their flights

>> No.6541086

Good thing that ran out of zipperhead candy.

>> No.6541090
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>> No.6541094

Here's the stinger of my second China Air story:

Grey Cheesecake.

>> No.6541096
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>> No.6541102
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>> No.6541108
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>> No.6541109
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I don't see how your picture's relevent OP but alright

>> No.6541112


There's no spaghetti on that plate, you should be fine anon

>> No.6541121
File: 125 KB, 1024x683, Hello-Kitty-economy-meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6541122

It took you 255 posts to think up that one.

>> No.6541124
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>> No.6541126
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>> No.6541131

Once I had a beer and a pot noodle cup on a plane and it tasted fucking amazing, I've had that combo again since and it wasn't as good as I remembered

I think planes fuck with your sense of taste or something

>> No.6541134

god I wish I had that kind of money and weren't such a bitter little goblin

>> No.6541142

Even if I could afford it, I'd be too awkward to enjoy first class. I would rather just buy 2 business class seats.

>> No.6541143

Wonderful! The prestige of the Chinese airline company.
A Chinese food seems to be expected deliciously.

>> No.6541149

I take some opoid painkillers before flying (obviously I don't bring the bottle with me) which makes the flight nice and relaxing and the constipation means I don't have to shit on the flight.

>> No.6541157
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>> No.6541159

This doesn't look that bad, just dry as fuck
That butter looks too cold

>> No.6541180

Any idea of the average cost of the meal in econ and business for the airline?

>> No.6541181

that is a square of "cheese" actually

>> No.6541186
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Edelweiss Air 1/3.

>> No.6541191
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>> No.6541192
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>> No.6541193

No you don't, it's fun for a week, then you start to slowly hate your life.

Worth the money that comes with it though.

>> No.6541194

Got to be a Chinese domestic airline. Those are godawful.

>> No.6541218

Ah yes the travel job humble brag. I do that a lot myself. It's a great way to avoid sports talk on those conference calls, since I don't know shit about sports and it just makes me uncomfortable
>oh man I'm so tired because I just got back from Singapore, this jet lag is killing me travel suxx0rz I wish I didn't have to do it lol xd xd xd
Cool story bro :)

>> No.6541224

That croissant looks better than the rubber ball bread bun airlines often serve.

>> No.6541232

Korean Air.

>> No.6541245

it was all quite good

>> No.6541272

rubbing crotch

>> No.6541512

I wish I had a picture of the slop US Airways serves me in economy class on transatlantic flights. It is always chicken or pasta. The chicken is always some kind of brown slightly slimy but somehow still dry chunks. The pasta is always slathered in incredibly salty pesto or tomato sauce.
The roll is smaller than the KLM one. The salad is 3 pieces of lettuce and a single tasteless strangely inflated cherry tomato. You sometimes also get some tiny pieces of chopped bell pepper in vinegar.

It is nearly inedible.

>> No.6541652


Most airlines (for international flights at least) offer an "upgraded" meal for like 20 dollars which is still a ripoff for what it is if you weren't on a plane, but it is a massive improvement on what you would normally get. And if you're paying 1k for a flight anyway, what is 20 dollars.

>> No.6541702
File: 1.73 MB, 3072x2304, DSC05504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the food on my recent trip aboard EVA AIR.

>> No.6541714
File: 2.23 MB, 3072x2304, DSC07322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy asians.

>> No.6541772

That's not the only thing he's gonna be choking down.

>> No.6541995


Tasty food and satisfied passengers seem to correspond to friendlier crew behaviour, yea

>> No.6542084
File: 2.50 MB, 4128x2322, 20140830_024730[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVA AIR. I laughed when I saw the Almond Joy. I fucking hate shredded coconut, but I was so hungry that it was actually palatable.

>> No.6542091
File: 2.53 MB, 4128x2322, 20140830_122240[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oops, sorry, not EVA, China Airlines. Here's the second flight after that one. It was morning in Taiwan.

>> No.6542100
File: 2.35 MB, 4128x2322, 20140831_112200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last of the stop overs. I was a bit worried about the shrimp pasta, but I turned out fine.

Overall a 6/10 for all 3 meals.

>> No.6542189

Yeah, filename kinda implied plane cannot be found

>> No.6542564

damn if i wore my PJs on a plane i would get dirty looks that looks cozy as fuck

>> No.6542576

There was actually a commercial on the television for EVA AIR like 30 minutes after I read that. And I'm in South Carolina. Which is odd.

>> No.6542839
File: 93 KB, 740x1099, 269386-hello-kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're waiting for you...
And at least one is a ladyboy

>> No.6543023
File: 711 KB, 480x270, 1419046404303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that plain ass sandwich
>cheese doesn't even cover whole thing
>shitty pre-made cole slaw
>diet pepsi
>plain m&m's

jesus christ united

>> No.6543219


>> No.6543290

Regional airlines love to cut back on anything as long as it results in better priced tickets that make them more attractive to competitors. Cut throat industry that it is there will be little chance you get a hot box meal and instead be fed peanuts and soda.

>> No.6543405

be a pilot

>> No.6543655
File: 197 KB, 1200x795, air-koryo-food[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a nice outdated image...

>> No.6543672

>tfw american
>tfw extent of in-flight meal is a cup of tomato juice
>just sleep through every flight

>> No.6544222
File: 201 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0719a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short haul dinner

>> No.6544410
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>drinking club soda by itself

>> No.6544439

aircanada yes!

>> No.6544446
File: 60 KB, 598x449, Lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6544500

Bet you are on Chrome....am I right?

>> No.6544706
