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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6530104 No.6530104 [Reply] [Original]

Alright cu/ck/s
Lets brainstorm what we would want on a sticky

The obvious ones to me seem to be

1. Knife guide
2. >>/ck/ link
3. A beginners guide
4. General equipment guide
5. ...
What else?

>> No.6530149

Decent cooking videos or youtube channels

Food Wishes
Heston's series
Gordon Ramsay has a ton of shit on youtube
America's Test Kitchen

>> No.6530269
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A sticky of any quality will not fix this board. We are... unfixable.

Pans: A comparative guide
How to care for your cast iron
Wine pairing guide

>> No.6530276

The how and why of OP being a faggot.

>> No.6530277
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>> No.6530284

Op sucks donkey dicks.

>> No.6530286
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One about budgeting.

There's a thread once a day from some poor fag asking what he can eat for the next week because he's only got 5 bucks to his name.

>> No.6530288



>> No.6530292

Or because he is buying an xbox over food

>> No.6530295

Is there really enough repeat threads to warrant a general sticky? I'm not here quite often but it seems like all the posts stay rather varied save a few subjects that don't really come up THAT often.

>> No.6530297

It begins

>> No.6530299

This is now a Fazoli's thread.

>> No.6530307

c-c-c-combo breaker

>> No.6530308


Nice bread sticks, brother.

>> No.6530313


>> No.6530318

>If you're here from /fit/, the way to make your skinless chicken breasts taste better is to get real heavy handed with the spices

>If you're here from /a/, those round buns sailor moon is eating are called nikuman, baozi, char siu bao, and a bunch of other crap depending on where you are in the world

>If you're here from /d/, yes eating pineapple will make your jizz taste better, but you'll need to eat a lot of it

>Now all of you get out

>> No.6530324
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The call has been sounded, brothers. Will you answer it?

>> No.6530330

You don't have one for /pol/ and /r9k/?

>> No.6530334


>> No.6530335

/pol/, please go and stay go

/r9k/, get the fuck out of my kitchen with your fucking frog.

>> No.6530390

plz don't put a sticky on /ck/ or we'll get ants.

>> No.6530536

Was this an attempt joke /ck/?

>> No.6530548

"What we would want...."

This board has less to do with what "we" would want than it has to do with what each individual OP wants at the time of posting.

>> No.6530590
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A short but informative guide to personal chef Joseph Hernandez

>> No.6530597
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If there's going to be a Joey section, we Ken Men demand equal representation. In fact we demand 75% of the total. We are, after all better in business.

>> No.6530619

Tipping: A Regional Guide

Service charge percentages that are expected in different places and situations.

>> No.6530627

10x this.

>if you're here from /r9k/, yes tendies are delicious. Nice meme, friend.

>if you're here because you're poor, beans and rice and eggs and that ramen image.

>if you're here from the corporate headquarters of a food chain, a modicum of subtlety would be appreciated.

>if you're here from /int/, yes [country] is fat and stupid and eats garbage. HAHAHA nice joke, friend.

>> No.6530709

Cooking Comically.

>> No.6530721

poorfag guide

>> No.6530733

no fucking sticky.




>> No.6530745
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>> No.6530746
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I'm currently writing the knife and sharpening section. We've discussed in the irc chans and it looks like the sticky is going to happen.

>> No.6530755

Poorfag guide to eating
YouTube videos
What to do with chicken breasts
Fast food wars

>> No.6530788


>> No.6530790

a big banner saying no tripfriends allowed please

>> No.6530796

What the fuck is happening in this thread

>> No.6530811

I don't understand why everyone thinks that equipment matters, it doesn't. The fucks that come here need to know how to COOK first before we tell them to go buy simply ebin stand mixers. Teach them how to cook and they will know what they need to buy.

>> No.6530869

Equipment fetishes are part of 4chan culture. People here love pouring money into things with depreciating returns. Go on /mu/ and ask for recommendation on headphones and they'll start from $300. On /fa/ shirts below $150 aren't even discussed. On /g/ only macbook pro and the highest end Dells are worth any discussion. On here it's $200 knives and $400 vitamixes.

I'm not saying that these things aren't worth the money. Most of the 4chan recommended stuff is quality. But it's just missing the point. The ATH headphones, Topman shirt, MacBook or Whustof aren't going to make the thing that you do more enjoyable unless you know the basics of that art.

>> No.6530883

And another saying tripfriends only.

>> No.6530890

Vitamix are only 400 bucks? That's a pretty good deal. Or should I step up to the BlendTec at 550? It's just 150 more.

>> No.6530901

Well $499
You can get a better deal if you search around. Haven't owned either but the consensus these days is that Vitamix is better overall.

I own a Osterizer I got for $20 from a thrift store and it's brilliant for me.

>> No.6530909

Thanks... I have some pondering to do. I need a mixer, mine capped out last month, was a cheap sears special.

>> No.6530922

what's the irc chan?

>> No.6530925

underrated post

>> No.6530953

/ck/ approved memefoods

>> No.6531451

link to irc chans plz.
and you best not say #/ck/ on rizon because nobody says shit in there.

>> No.6531453
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>> No.6531460


>> No.6531877


>> No.6531880

? fix this board?
/ck/ easily one of the better boards on 4chan.

as far as sticky's go, the goal should be creating a base on of knowledge where people can start their recipe/cooking hunt off of.

1.need a buyer's guide for kitchen essentials (reasonably/cheap price).

2.vegetable/meat cutting guide.

3.cuts of meat guide.

these 3 things should create a pretty good base of foundation for following recipes found on google or youtube now.

>> No.6531909


(wait for it)

>> No.6531912


>> No.6531937

Maybe a list of helpful users to look out for or ask for advice if you need an expert on matters? I'm qualified to answer most questions and I'm sure newbies would be happy to have somebody like me looking out for them as they adjust to board culture. List Edgar as a preferred member of /co/ if you'd kindly.

I volunteer to live up to that promise.

>> No.6531940
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>> No.6531999


>> No.6532317

Edgar: /ck/ Minister of Faggotry and try-way-too-hard trolling

>> No.6532318

Actually in all seriousness "Yes, Edgar is a troll" should probably be in the sticky somewhere.

>> No.6532852
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>> No.6533044

It's invite only I'm afraid as we'd only get clogged up with Joey type BS.