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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 159 KB, 1000x750, Chick-fil-aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6527021 No.6527021 [Reply] [Original]

Is Chick-Fil-A good?

What's your favourite fast food place /ck/?

>> No.6527031

I think their classic chicken sandwich and chicken nuggets are pretty good. But I dislike their stance on gay people. My boyfriend refuses to go there for that reason.

I do think that their nugget trays are good value and are nice for parties.

>> No.6527038

They gave money to an organisation that didn't support gay marriage 4 years ago. They don't hate gay people, the leftist media blows everything out of proportion.

>> No.6527042

>owner says personally he dosent believe in same sex marriage but is okay with anyone eating there
>Liberial media chimp out and make chic-fil-a anti-gay and evil
>people like you actually drink the kool-aid

Simply epic.

>> No.6527047

>But I dislike their stance on gay people
Their president once donated money to a Christian charity that doesn't support gay marriage. How this came to mean that Chick-fil-A hates gay people is astounding, much like the one pizza parlor guy in Indiana who said he was fine with gay people, just that he wouldn't cater a gay wedding because it went against his beliefs.

>> No.6527050

>My boyfriend refuses to go there for that reason.
lucky gal, you are

>> No.6527051

Why, does your boyfriend secretly want to suck dick?

>> No.6527052

you're just as bad as /pol/

>> No.6527054
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>Eating at chik "flay the gays" fil-a
>Anno Domini MMXV

>> No.6527057

He's probably a man, there aren't any women on 4chins and his bf is into gay rights.

>> No.6527062

That pisses me off the most.
Fuck attention whoring gays.

>> No.6527064

people who don't go to chik-fil-a so as not to support homophobia are worse than homophobes

>> No.6527076


Just out of curiosity, how would you react if it came out that the person running Taco Bell was donating money to anti-gun rights groups?

>> No.6527091

>comparing constitutional rights to buttmad sexual deviants
never change, liberal simpletons

>> No.6527094

It's annoying that their food is pretty damn good, I don't really care about the whole gay controversy but I hate how openly Christian they are. It's cringey as fuck how they make the staff act, I feel that it probably isn't an equal employment opportunity or whatever when religion is that heavily involved, also I find it creepy how 90% of the staff are cute underage girls, makes me think there is some creeper shit going on there. The nuggets, strips and the original and spicy chicken sandwiches are bomb as fuck though, and that fucking sweet tea. And they still do a legit free sandwich offer on their receipts, non of that buy a drink and fries shit.

>> No.6527101

I would continue to not eat their gross ass food I suppose.

>> No.6527107


>People who refuse to eat at a restaurant that's donating money to groups actively trying to prevent them from getting married purely out of hatred are somehow worse than people who hate gay people simply for existing

/pol/ ladies and gentlemen, give her a big hand.

>> No.6527110


Meanwhile you sound like the type who'd fall over yourself praising in-and-out who does the same thing.

>> No.6527114

Deport em back to Meheeco like the dirty authentic Meheecans they is.

>This was the answer your question was begging, correct?

>> No.6527117


On a scale of 1-Paula Deen getting fired, how anal assaulted will you be when the Supreme Court declares gay marriage to be a constitutional right by year's end?

>> No.6527122


"Man, those people sure are annoying, I wish they'd stop blocking traffic so I can get lunch."


>> No.6527125

In-n-out, the people who eat there and the entire state of california could all burn, I can't stand any of it, you could not be more wrong.

>> No.6527135

Speaking of In and Out, just tried it the first time, and it was pretty good, but the burger was overly salty. Doubt that has anything to do with their beliefs, but Christians can be a salty Lot.

>> No.6527142

>salty Lot


>> No.6527144

There is nothing wrong with owning guns and having a healthy distrust of the government, you homophobe.

>> No.6527150


Thank you for completely missing the point.

>> No.6527154
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I just can't respect a chicken joint that only does breasts and nuggets. I'm not going to a whole different restaurant just to get a slightly better version of the low-tier chicken products that the burger joints do.

>> No.6527155

Anyone else like Pita Pit? It's like a way better version of subway.

>> No.6527166

Die faggot. Fucking kill yourself you piece of shit.Do it before society finally wakes up to what scum you are and makes your inevitable death slow and very painful.

>> No.6527175

You're welcome.

>> No.6527181

In the US we aren't really concerned that muslims are going to take over and kill everyone they don't agree with, you must be assuming he's in the UK.

>> No.6527192
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All dat mad

>> No.6527196



>> No.6527334

So this is the fast food audience...

>> No.6527352
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There's one in town, but it's okay. If I want sandwiches I go to Jimmy Johns.

>mfw they don't put bean sprouts on their subs anymore

>> No.6527354

Pita Pit is pretty great. The one near my university closed, which was disappointing. Its hard to find a restaurant that serves falafel in NC, regardless of quality.

>> No.6527359

I mean, I like having a boyfriend because he's into sucking my dick and I'm into having my dick sucked.

I think his stance on Chick-fil-a is maybe too black and white but its not like we're hurting for fast food nearby, so I don't make a big deal about it.

>> No.6527410
File: 71 KB, 346x399, Never forghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farmer Boys is a local fast food-type joint in my area (Inland Empire, CA) that makes pretty darn good burgers and tuna melts.
>those huge as fuck onion rings and fried zucchini
>that breakfast menu
>biscuits and gravy

I'd eat a big ass combo from there for every meal if I could.

I like their plain spicy chicken sandwiches a lot, simple without any sort of ghost pepper/Sriracha gimmick. The chicken nuggers are nice too.

>> No.6527428

If you knew the kinds of bacterial loads that raw bean sprouts carry, you would be glad they stopped.

>> No.6527437



It was one guy. The founder. The company itself did not give any money.

Also, that guy fucking died, so there is literally no reason not to go there.

>> No.6527445


>I hate how openly Christian they are
>I think they might be fuckin' young girls and shit

So you're prejudice?

>> No.6527454

>Jesus chicken

No thanks.

>> No.6527459

It's their money.

>> No.6527534

I mean yes I am prejudice but this isn't the place to discuss that. I am an atheist that does not go around shoveling atheist shit at everyone, I do not like businesses who shovel jesus shit on people.
If they had any where near a 50/50 ratio of young boys and girls I'd assume they are a good place that gives young people jobs, but it seriously almost all girls, no ugly girls btw, so I feel it is suspicious.

If you were making some kind of joke and I missed it sorry.

>> No.6527546


my nigga.

They legit have the best burger in fast food. I wish their sides had more flavor though. They are huge as fuck but taste like nothing which is disappointing. Not huge in the whole smother in ranch gameplan.

>> No.6527551
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if you hate queers, sure

>> No.6527559
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>tfw gay but don't give a shit about what chik-fil-a thinks about me and eat there anyway

>> No.6527598

Good for you, Anon.

>> No.6527631

>I am an atheist that does not go around shoveling atheist shit at everyone
No such thing has ever existed.

>> No.6527674

I do not give the slightest shit about religion and it is not a factor in my life, I have opinions but I do not discuss them publicly or privately besides a conversation that has come up a time or 2 with other non religions friends. The fact that I'm explaining myself here seems a bit preachy for me.

Also the shit at chicfilla where they are forced to answer everything with "my pleasure" is cringe.

>> No.6527704

>gayy lmao

>> No.6527859

Why are underage allowed to browse a Christian imageboard?

>> No.6527891
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>> No.6527893


Maybe go outside some time and you'll see. I haven't brought religion into a conversation in years.

>> No.6527905
File: 68 KB, 640x709, guns dont kill people atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527907

What if I just hate pin cushions?

>> No.6527910
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>> No.6527912
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>> No.6528002


Thread ruined right here.

Look at every post after it.

If this post wasn't made this thread would've turned out normally, possibly staying true to the topic-at-hand the entire way through.

>> No.6528052
File: 38 KB, 370x490, ChairmanMao1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Led a Communist system that was atheist and dis-allowed religion.
>Killed more people that Hitler or Stalin
>Cultural Revolution

I don't know if you blame the dark ages or other wide-spread death occurrences on religion. But for all those who think that damn man's "What if there were no religion" garbage - "Happy people". just study how fucking amazing Mao was. Mao is widely credited in the West with tens of millions of killings (49-78,000,000) but the sources are generally vague and contradictory. However, the low number is grossly above Hitler's 12 million or so number. Glorious leader! Hail Atheism!

>> No.6528071

>doesn't "believe" in two consenting adults doing whatever they want
>not a fucking wacko

>> No.6528081

You can really tell all the faggots that came over from reddit.

Muh gay rights. Muh atheism.

>> No.6528085

The deaths have more to do with bad public management and policy rather than religion/atheism.

>> No.6528092

What in the actual fuck are you talking about, I pretty much said "good chicken, wish they weren't all openly weird with the religious shit at a chicken joint though" and now apparently I am pro commie death dictators. I feel people should be free to worship or not worship whatever the hell they want, when times were barbaric I do believe religions were created to help gain order and instill morals in people which probably worked out for the better. Mao was also a nutjob, he'd have done what he wanted whether he was atheist or not I feel. This isn't /pol/ so pls stop your madness.

>> No.6528108
File: 45 KB, 500x515, 1344710073-pennstation_signatureitems-500x5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime Chik-fil-a gets mentioned the thread always gets derailed into this shit.

Fuck you guys, Penn Station is the best goddamn fast food you will ever have.

>dem fries
>dat lemonade
>dose cheesesteaks

>> No.6528156

Their italian subs are pretty based. Not gonna lie.

>> No.6528281

Hey OP, as a Communist, what is the most Communist dish you've ever cooked? Remember, all the ingredients have to be equal and fairly represented equally.

>> No.6528296

was gonna go there today. the line wrapped around the building twice. fuck that shit.

>> No.6528506

I wouldnt mind tasting that lovely girls tits.

>> No.6528533
File: 7 KB, 480x360, chicken bone stuck in throat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants bones in their chicken? Not me, thanks. I never buy any chicken with bones in it.

>> No.6528541


>> No.6528899

Their fries and strips are pretty nice but I generally prefer Bojangles for chicken

>> No.6529232

Resident McDonalds manager here

New things to report on
Recently started the Sirloin burgers (Lettuce & Tomato, Bacon & Cheese, and Steakhouse)
As well as the Twix mcflurry and the Arctic Orange shake.

Within the next few days here we will be starting our Oreo Frappes and starting next month (July 10th)
We will start changing our salad procedures styling them in a painters pallet formation, changing up the salad blend as well. That will consist of Romaine, baby spinach and baby kale.

Starting on that same day will be the Asian salad, which consists of mandarin oranges, asian vegetables, choice of chicken with a lemon glaze.
Unsure if it will be served with almonds and sesame ginger dressing.

>> No.6529343
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idk why ppl say "omg omg innout is the bee's knees"

its good compared to normal fast food on that tier. Especially their fries

Also I do not know what innouts you guys have been to, but the one that I go to (when I visit home) its just staffed with people who just arent dicks/assholes like most fast food places.

Havent been to chick-fil-a that much though since theres none around me, but the major turn off for me is how fucking expensive that shit is

whereas innout is relatively cheap for what you get

for a burger and fries, it will just get you a big mac for instance

>pic related is you

>> No.6529354

>Also I do not know what innouts you guys have been to, but the one that I go to (when I visit home) its just staffed with people who just arent dicks/assholes like most fast food places.

Thats because they at least require a high school diploma or GED to be eligible for employment.

>> No.6529363
File: 1.29 MB, 2026x1068, SWOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what? most places dont? I understand that most fast food places want the bottom of the barrel but shit, I thought it was somewhat illegal to do that unless the employee was underage

also doesnt hurt that they pay employess ~$12 per hour

>> No.6529386

>it's illegal to hire people without high school diplomas
Now that's one I haven't heard before.

>> No.6529405

what are some whiny anti-anything groups going to accomplish? its just like internet activism, which does jack shit besides raise money for people's causes.

>> No.6529416

sorry maybe I was just too optimistic that corporations dont hire the retarded of the retarded

my bad, not bein sarcastic

>> No.6529429

you may be retarded, or sleepy.

>> No.6529446

I held a job at a few places before getting my ged.
I just told each one that I was 'working on it', and no questions were asked because i'm the shit at interviews.

>> No.6529478

Why the fuck would any rational human being believe in and approve of disgusting shit?
>You like fucking corpses? Sweet, come right in!

>> No.6529483

Yeah mang, the jalapeño burger and the Farmer's burger are my personal favorite fast food items. I agree with you about the sides (more the zucchini and onions, the fries and chili fries are k) that they are on the blander side. I don't mind that much since I do tend to smother them in ranch.

>> No.6529636

June 10th**
its too late at night to post..

>> No.6529641

is that Maddox? *tips tattered, jazz-stained fedora*

>> No.6529675

Laugh at his foolishness and waste of money. Look how far bloomberg's 50 mil went. Nowhere important.

I'd still get my monthly taco bell cravjng and satisfy it though.

>> No.6529676

Shh, nobody cares what non-shithats think about religion. They're here to prove the point that everyone they don't like is either dumb or wears a fedora.

>> No.6529679
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You like fast food don't you, /ck/ ?

>> No.6529687


underrated posting sequence

>> No.6529731
File: 115 KB, 315x389, 2-beret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


too many queers in the place every time I go there

do they have to flaunt it?

just want some snadwiches

>> No.6529760

Company is closed on Sundays because of the jew on the stick and invisible sky wizard.

Once they get their mythical delusions out of the public, I might do business with them. Until then, none of my money will go to support or enrich bible thumping faggots.

>> No.6529767

Greensboro, Winston-Salem, RDU, Charlotte, Wilmington, Jacksonville, High Point, Chapel Hill. To name a few places in NC that have joints that serve falafel.

You must be in the sticks.

>> No.6530644
