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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 542x444, wisdom-tooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6525306 No.6525306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last week I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, because frankly I couldn't stand another day knowing those timebombs were in my mouth. I'm on antibiotics that I'm and I have to swish salt water. Yuck. I'm in agony.

My tongue works just fine but my teeth are very sensitive. The I food I can eat has to slide down my throat, like fried onions and greens. Soup isn't something I consider real food but the fried food is starting to agitate my stomach. What do I do?

>> No.6525308

Fuck off.

>> No.6525312

Don't post in my thread if you're infantile. Thanks.

>> No.6525314

Don't post on this board if you're too stupid to take off your trip.

>> No.6525321


>> No.6525327

Oh I'm sorry, does my individualism scare you? Are you worried that somebody with a distinct personality might burst the bubble? Might force you to look in the mirror and wondee why others forget you but remember me? Wonder why you don't mean much to anyone? Don't infest my threads with the impotent pettiness I experience daily from real life versions of you stooges.

I don't need it. Thanks.

>> No.6525330

This guy gets it.

>> No.6525332

You just plain don't understand 4chan. I suggest another website.

>> No.6525336
File: 63 KB, 1125x681, tripfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6525337

You don't get to tell me what I don't understand.

>> No.6525340

I just did.

>> No.6525341


>> No.6525344

If I was your father and you spoke to me like this...
You don't want me to end that sentence.

Thank you. I'll try that.

>> No.6525345

If you were my father I'd beat the shit out of you.

>> No.6525348 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I feel like the wisdom tooth in this comic. Unfortunately I'm the one of the few posters spreading any wisdom on this flailing board.

>> No.6525350

>>6525306 (OP) #
Sometimes I feel like the wisdom tooth in this comic. Unfortunately I'm the one of the few posters spreading any wisdom on this flailing board so I'm obligated to stay.

>> No.6525353

>has to slide down my throat
>my tongue works just fine

Have you considered cock?

>> No.6525354

You're very disconnected from reality or a very adept troll. Either way you should fuck off.

>> No.6525381

He's probably high as shit on painkillers, but yes, fuck off.

>> No.6525383

That doesn't work as an insult against me just so you know. I'm basically queer. So okay, dick sucking isn't something I make negative connotations with because I'm not ass backwards on the wrong side of history. Thanks for reminding me that to some people being myself is funny. Feels so great.

>> No.6525396

> V I R G I N

>> No.6525399
File: 3 KB, 165x115, jpg b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People being b8d this hard

>> No.6525404 [DELETED] 

You DO NOT have the right to shame anyone under any circumstances for their sexual proclivities, or lack thereof. That is none of your business.

>> No.6525409
File: 354 KB, 406x436, 1431905911467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of shitposting belongs on /b/ you faggot

>> No.6525410

This kid is a master baiter.

Btw >I'm a girl

>> No.6525413

Okay, some insults I could shake off but you DO NOT have the right to shame anyone under any circumstances for their sexual proclivities, or lack thereof. That is none of business.

>> No.6525417

>people are making a joke of my lifestyle wahhh

Fun fact: this happens to literally every human being ever. Stop being a massive fucking crybaby and develop a sense a self-reliance and respect. And a sense of humor wouldn't hurt.
Stop demanding that people walk on eggshells around you. Be a fucking man and ignore the senseless hate, and at the same time learn to see the difference between male bonding ribbing and genuine hate you idiot.
signed, a fellow gay man

>> No.6525422

Seriously, back to /b/ faggot. They love your kind there.

>> No.6525426

Yeah, you're an embarrassment to the LGBT community for thinking that's okay and if one of us actually overheard you being okay with that in public.... you don't want me to end that sentence.

>> No.6525428

Then fucking go there and bitch about it. Fun fact, this is 4chan, you're still not going to be treated like a fucking snowflake.

>> No.6525434

>I had some of my teeth yanked out
>I'm in agony now, life sucks omg.

I'll likely never have my wisdom teeth removed unless there's a functional problem. I've already got trigeminal neuralgia, I'm not foolish as to screw unnecessarily with such sensitive nerve branches.

Might even be a big scam as well. The field of dentistry is full of that, barely a step above the leucotome wielding psychiatrists, and their thorazine peddling descendants. Yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.6525436

They don't like me there.
Apparently I'm a trans chaser for appreciating a certain type of beauty.

>> No.6525442

>Yeah, my cheeks are swollen but I'm still gosh darn cute!

>That doesn't work as an insult against me just so you know. I'm basically queer. So okay, dick sucking isn't something I make negative connotations with because I'm not ass backwards on the wrong side of history. Thanks for reminding me that to some people being myself is funny. Feels so great.

>If I was your father and you spoke to me like this...
You don't want me to end that sentence.

You're a whole new kind of autism, aren't you?

>> No.6525445

They don't like you on /lbgt/, we don't like you on /ck/. Solution, go to fucking /b/. They're really not going to like you, but who the fuck cares, they're retards.

>> No.6525447

You know what? YOU GO THERE. This is home.

>> No.6525450

are you guys all in on it, is participating in this guy's show fun for you or are you genuinely fooled

>> No.6525458

I just like ragging heavily on the dental and medical profession as a whole. This is a good substrate to act on that, despite it not really belonging.

>> No.6525462

I was pissed at first, but then arguing got kind of fun. Just wanted to see how long feeding the troll took before it got boring, turns out it was pretty quick.

>> No.6525466

I'm pretty bored. Lazy afternoon today.

>> No.6525477

Everyone hates everyone, Edgar. This should be obvious.

>> No.6525481

>an embarrassment to the lgbt
Like I give a fuck about what that sekrit speshul hugbox thinks. I don't see how because I'm gay that means I have a "home team" to protect. Being gay does not place you within a special context. It's the same deal as skin color; anyone who tries to shame you for it is retarded, but so is anyone who tries to use it as a source of pride.
For clarification, yes you're supposed to be proud of who you are. But you're supposed to be proud of what you've actually done, not just of whatever you were born with.

>> No.6526759
File: 461 KB, 1680x1050, 1410272122102_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is squatting more like.

>> No.6526762

What kind of human being turns up and does this, knowing the inevitable response

Did your parents starve you for attention or what?

>> No.6526769

I hate it when people make jpg screencaps. Trashes text solely to be marginally smaller than something lossless, like png. Many times they're larger.

Fuck jpeg.