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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 600x389, Egg Boiling Times (Medium Eggs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6517545 No.6517545 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your boiled eggs /ck/? I like them at four. The whites are solid, but the yolk is still liquid. They make a perfect sauce pouch for dipping toast.

>> No.6517560

10 if I'm making egg salad, 2-4 if I'm not.

>> No.6517565

Is there a reason that the yolk sometimes looks very orange, as in the picture here, and sometimes it is more yellow? Mine often are a kind of greenish-yellow, bUT I find the orange yolk to be far more attractive.

>> No.6517567

>They make a perfect sauce pouch for dipping toast.
Huh. I'll need to try that. I like them at 6. Can bite into without it dripping everywhere but not overly dry.

>> No.6517569

iirc orange yolk means the chicken was fed better, resulting in a more nutritious yolk. The green stuff occurs when overcooking the yolk.

>> No.6517571

regional differences. the yolks in japan are much more orange than north america

>> No.6517576

Depends on the breed.

>> No.6517579

trying making egg salad with 4 min eggs. It's delicious when the yolk emulsifies with everything, it's more runny than your average agg salad.

>> No.6517607

Depends on how I'm eating them but usually four

>> No.6517615

I don't really like boiled eggs. Better to scramble them.

>> No.6517634

I usually can't stand raw yolk from a boiled egg unless it's prepared as a deviled egg

>> No.6517637

its literally just what they eat. more yellow in america because chicken are fed corn. I believe its zanzibar or somewhere in africa wild chickens have pink yolks because of their diets. so it means nothing really

>> No.6517648

I like mine with a kiss

>> No.6517652

Do you like fried eggs at least?

>> No.6517658


>> No.6517668

2 to 10 are all enjoyable

>> No.6517696

Mine's runny enough with the dressing. I like the hard yolk mostly crumbling into it and some of it staying intact.

>> No.6517874

Fourteen. I don't eat them unless they have a green ring around the yolk. They are two wet otherwise.

>> No.6517904

If your yolk is green, that means your eggs are overdone and you've ruined their proteins or something like that. I forgot the specific cause of the greenish colour except that it negated some of the healthy shit about eggs.

>> No.6518227
File: 72 KB, 630x300, EggAndSoldiers_fullweekly_630x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never had soft boiled egg and soldiers? It's probably my favourite quick breakfast.

You can use a shot glass if you don't have an egg cup, and I would suggest only cutting half of your toast into soldiers so you have a large bit to spoon out the leftover white onto.

Protip: When you're done, you're supposed to turn the empty shell upside down and pretend as if it's a new egg. Even if no one else is around.

>> No.6518242

What's up with keeping the shell on? I see this often with soft-boiled egg photos, but I never have a problem peeling mine. Although, I can definitely get behind the egg cup.

>> No.6518248

I don't really get that either, though I've seen people find it too hot to peel easily, so maybe that's their solution.

>> No.6518330

i've had a hankering for the 2-4 eggs for a while now but they intimidate me

how long are they supposed to go for and at what temp? if i try to peel them will the peeling process make them burst/leak?

>> No.6518376

>What's up with keeping the shell on? I see this often with soft-boiled egg photos, but I never have a problem peeling mine. Although, I can definitely get behind the egg cup.

You eat the egg out of the shell with a spoon. It is more interesting and less messy. Egg and soldiers is more of a kid thing.

>> No.6518382


Fun fact: chicken farmers literally have a colour palette to choose the yolk colour via feed.

Source, I used to be a chicken famer

>> No.6518384

I like my eggs barely set (2 ish), and I put a room temperature egg into already boiling water for about 5:15. Try six minutes, and just be careful to pinch and peel the shell rather than pull it away.

>> No.6518404

I do large eggs from the fridge and pop them into boiling water for 5:45 to get the 4 in OP's pic.

>> No.6518449

Eight looks good. Maybe ten.

>> No.6518455

>those eggs

Give me the 12-20 eggs.

>> No.6518524

>Give me the 12-20 eggs.
>>>/sp/ in the golf threads...

>> No.6518718


>> No.6518733

About 5. Solid whites but runny yolk.

>> No.6519212
File: 46 KB, 736x552, eggs hardboiled in oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft boiled eggs are stupid.

If you want a runny yolk, make a fried egg, instead of trying to carefully scoop the yolk out of a fragile shell and getting bits and pieces of shell in the yolk and then trying to peel the shell off a mushy fragile hollow egg white, getting more pieces of shell stuck to it.

>> No.6519219
File: 89 KB, 525x320, slice-eggs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also; a hard boiled egg, sliced in half, with a shake of salt and dollop of horseradish on top is the best.

>> No.6519230

I like to put meme sauce on mine.

>> No.6519241

I know, it's actually quite a good use for it.

>> No.6519244
File: 38 KB, 519x454, 1383766228155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not know the specific thermodynamics behind it, but how could you put eggs in a 350 degree (F im assuming) oven to not have them overcooked to shit

Whereas normally you have them in 212 F water for sub 5min?

>> No.6519248

*oven for 30min

**sub 10min

sorry im drunk

>> No.6519260
File: 91 KB, 500x375, Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a weekend I love having 2 soft boiled eggs seasoned with light soy sauce and white pepper

>> No.6519272


Water's denser. Better heat transfer.

>> No.6519275
File: 449 KB, 573x1401, horseradish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Horseradish is now a meme?

>> No.6519288

medium rare

>> No.6519295

What do I even do with hard boiled eggs to make them interesting?

>> No.6519300
File: 45 KB, 559x600, sriracha-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Referring to /ck/'s favorite meme.

>> No.6519310
File: 78 KB, 1000x669, 300-minute-eggs-06-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could make a 300-minute egg in the oven instead, or try pickling boiled eggs.

>> No.6519312

>300 minute eggs
For what purpose?

>> No.6519315

I have yet to try it (too lazy, and the one time I tried I was paranoid and added some water to the pan, ended up with boiled eggs instead), but supposedly it has a nutty taste and unique texture to it.

>> No.6519322

I hardboiled my first egg just now, after years of being disgusted by eggs from being basically forcefed scrambled eggs in my youth.

Meh/10, I like to fry them. I like hard boiled eggs in ramen at probably 10 in OPs pic or maybe 8. I still can't get over super runny eggs, makes me shudder.

>> No.6519328

I don't like my eggs runny either, but my youth was also full of overdone boiled eggs with green rings. Whenever I boil eggs now, they have to be at least a six.

>> No.6519334

I was just getting over fried eggs that are a bit runny but then my SO was served super undercooked/basically raw "fried" eggs at his university's cafeteria... ugh.

I suppose a bit runny is fine if I have something to mask/soak up the runny-ness like toast or something. I also need to eat eggs with something, can't just eat straight eggs.

>> No.6519337

I put hot oil on mine. Not even Chinese.

>> No.6519485

Do you live in an infomercial?

>> No.6519617

Put them out of the water sooner.

>> No.6519623

That never even happened to me when I was a kid. You just cut the top off, dip thin bits of toast in to consume the yolk, and pry the white out with a spoon to consume the white as a single entity. Then you've got this intact shell to play around with. It's fun.

>> No.6519659

Between four and six in that picture is perfect, but it usually takes longer than that. 7 minutes usually.

>> No.6519671
File: 108 KB, 600x600, 1429067248829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are weird looking eggs. But I'd say about 5. If it's runny, it's technically not safe to eat.

>> No.6519676

> If it's runny, it's technically not safe to eat.
Are you a toddler or geriatric?

Eggs are safe as fuck. The biggest issues occur when one breaks and gets on the exterior of another, leaving bacteria to grow on it's surface and inside if that shell is also cracked.

Still you should be more afraid of cantaloupe than eggs.

>> No.6519689

Well is it safe to store egg whites in the fridge uncovered for a day or two and then use them to cook with?

>> No.6519694

Oh lord yes.

Whites are mostly protein. If you'd separated out the yolk and stored it uncovered I'd tell you to pitch them at the end of the third day.

>> No.6519695

Once you go raw, you dont go back.

Tamago kake gohan; look it up.

>> No.6519696

The only problem is because us Americans are retarded and have a delusional idea of hygiene and safety, so we wash the protective membrane off eggs and refrigerate them needlessly, even if they're sourced locally and apt to fly right off the shelves.

The salmonella risk comes primarily from mass production and compromising that membrane. To my knowledge, beyond this, it isn't such a big deal.

>> No.6519699

I'll tamago kake you, Gohan. Faggot.

>> No.6519700

That is a fun fact, I appreciate that knowledge drop.

>> No.6519702

I am American. I still contend that eggs, even mass market eggs, are safe as fuck.

>> No.6519716

You're free to believe whatever you want. I usually get pasteurized eggs anyway so I don't have to worry either way.

>> No.6519726

How are they pasteurized? Wouldn't that cook them?

>> No.6519763

Something to do with with constant agitation and exact temperatures, I don't know. I wish in-shell pasteurization would get more popular.

>> No.6519788

My sister uses the egg yolk in her hair and leaves the whites in the fridge and it just grossed me out, I figured why not cover it just to be on the safe side, eh

>> No.6519798

Well it would be better to cover it, other odors may permeate. But they're still safe.

>> No.6519819

if it must be boiled then 2

>> No.6519841

how long do you boil them to get 8-10?

>> No.6519842

Must be tricky to poach eggs without boiling them.

>> No.6519844
File: 1.14 MB, 500x540, 1428928120506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what I always do

>> No.6519995

thanks mate

>> No.6519996

Actually, they're simmered, smartass.

>> No.6520003

My new favorite is now eggs cooked 15-20 min (could be less, never tried) at 65°C (150 °F) in my electric kettle which offers a nice range of temperatures and keep them 30min.

It makes eggs that can be cracked in pasta, in soup or in a bowl as is. The white is slightly cooked and the yolk is a bit firm yet still liquid.

Pretty good, flawless.

>> No.6520018

>Pretty good, flawless.

Is this the new 'it was okay, 10/10'

>> No.6520091

Looks like abortion soup

>> No.6520164

Wait, so you're telling me I could have legit green eggs if I had chickens and fed them special feed? Or are the colors all shades of orange and yellow, which would make more sense.

>> No.6520171

My sister used to pour cereal and milk in a bowl, drink the milk out, and then put the cereal back in the box. Makes me glad to know I'm not the only one with a stupid sibling.

>> No.6520328

i feel like 4 is the perfect boiled egg, if you eat it right away. You cant go wrong with 8 for picnics though. never go ten. Not ever. Unless of course, you are making egg salad.. but even then, a nine should do well.

>> No.6521165

4-6 minutes usually
Runnier than that and can't really use the eggs for anything but dipping toast in and I don't really eat toast.

>> No.6521192

How did you not murder her

>> No.6523271

More like foolproof/10, perfect yolk all the time, easiest to peel ever soft boiled eggs.

>> No.6523631

Two is the the only acceptable option. Egg white looks overcooked in all the other examples.

>> No.6523649


>enjoying a chalky yolk texture.

>> No.6524017

Can I get 5?

>> No.6525534

Orange is grass fed and probably free range.

>> No.6525543

Water is more conductive than air. The eggs probably don't actually get hotter than boiled eggs unless you left them in there for forever.

>> No.6527009

What is the best texture for ramen? Was thinking about making a batch of them for next week and eating them with instant noodles.

>> No.6527259

p sure you boil it for 7 minutes but im no cooking culinary genius or anything. That's how long I usually boil it for and its perfect

>> No.6527753

And lol, a restaurant run by some guy I went to kindergarten with even explicitly serves 'eggs cooked at 65℃'!

>> No.6527763

I usually forget, so 20 minute eggs.

>> No.6527782
File: 8 KB, 208x148, 1430928458499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just peel off the shell you fucking mong.

>> No.6528477
File: 84 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_2015-05-21-20-30-32~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh! Is that why we wash our eggs? I didn't know! Here I thought-- and I feel foolish now-- that for some reason we washed them because a female chicken squeezed them out of her single hole, a combination urethra/anus/vagina!

And the salmonella comes from WASHING the egg and compromising this layer of shitty vag juice on the egg? Really? I had no idea. This whole time I thought it was the chicken feces that was the problem, but WASHING IT was the problem the whole time! I really, really wish Americans would wise up and be more like the rural European farmers, who in their ancient sagelike wisdom pop a still warm, unwashed egg into their mouth to swish around

>> No.6528497

You've entirely misinterpreted, probably willfully.

See, eggs are laid by chickens. Chickens are an organism, like many organisms, they need o be viable within their ecology. So they have this neat membrane over eggs when they're laid, it's to protect them from the elements and from the very bacteria you just mentioned.

However, when you "sterilize" the egg by washing it, surprise surprise, you damage that membrane. Depending on how you wash it you might even make its shell surface easier to survive and easier to permeate, because that's what you've done, made them permeable.

Now otherwise you can just leave em out. Then the consumer, upon going to use the aforementioned eggs, can... get this, you ready? Wash them! The consumer can wash them and take a marginal amount of care doing so. The eggs internals are uncompromised because they aren't left to sit now transported around using low temperatures as a crude inhibitor for bacterial growth. The egg is used immediately.

I hope this cleared up any inability to interpret and process my post properly.

>> No.6528500


i tried that years ago

hated it

>> No.6528517


you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.6528536


Raw eggs don't taste like all that much people saying otherwise are lying