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6518700 No.6518700 [Reply] [Original]

why do italians and italian americans eat so much pasta?

>> No.6518702

Delicious, versatile, and cheap.

>> No.6518724

Overfeeding your kids should constitute child abuse.

>> No.6518725


>> No.6518751

Pasta in the length of human development is actually a rather shorter timeline than one would think. It was first referenced in the 12th century. So to be sure, it was well after the advent of Christ our Lord.

So it only has been around 1K years or so. Bread, maybe 10K, so pasta in retrospect is still a "new and exiting" food fad imo. Jump on the 1 thousand year old bandwagon OP.

>> No.6518767

Name an Italian mafia boss who wasn't fat or didn't eat pasta. They set the rules. They controlled the alcohol and food. NY is the trend setter for the US. (city) Pasta has been in and will always be. Although, >>6518702
is on for these days. Super cheap. Super easy for parents to boil some 69 cent pound of pasta. Dump a can or jar of sauce. Done. Maybe burn some bread while they're at it. Dinner in 20 and still a lot of people think it's healthy but I don't know why, not like that, at least.

>> No.6518777

Theres healthy whole grain and or vegetable pastas

Put some actual veggie puree for the sauce in there maybe some brussel sprouts asparagus and fish or shrimp and you got yourself some healthy shit nigga

>> No.6518778

You staring at women should constitute sexual abuse.

>> No.6518785

Now you have me craving. Just pasta, some olive oil so they don't stick, some garlic, shrimp and asparagus and pepper.

>> No.6518821

what i wouldnt give to fuck a bowl of spaghetti

>> No.6518824

Why do asians and asian americans eat so much rice?

>> No.6518837

ain't saying a damn wrd. I am mostly Brit and German heritage. + 50, and have three cans of boyardee "skettie and meat wads" in the pantry right now wouldn't eat it every day, but if the power goes out, or if just tired, not bad at all. 'specially at a buck per can. you can do a lot worse.

>> No.6518850

>Delicious, versatile, and cheap.
That explains its appeal in general, but why Italians in particular? Greece is nearby, has a roughly similar climate and geography, got the same foods around the same time, and while Greeks like pasta, it's not really the cornerstone of their diet the way it is for Italians.

Pasta per-capita consumption by country in 2011 (kg)
Italy 26.0
Venezuela 12.3
Tunisia 11.9
Greece 10.5
Switzerland 9.3
Sweden 9.0
United States 8.8
Iran 8.5
Chile 8.4
Peru 8.2

>> No.6518853

One of my fondest memories from growing up was being like 8 years old, major ice storm up in the NY area. Had to go to Grandmas because she had a woodstove and we had no power for over a week. Her chicken noodle soup on top the wood stove home made..and...chef boyardee 1 pound cans in a cast iron pot on top..sleeping on the floor with the woodstove and a kerosene heater after eating those..different nights not both at the same time..it just felt so comfortable. I think that's why people buy it. Not because they think it's real pasta and sauce or italian or this or that. But the comfort and memories. Going all deep on you eh my apologies

>> No.6518865

Greece has been out of style since the foundation of the Roman Republic.

>> No.6518870

Italian immigrants brought some pretty good pasta dishes with them from Southern Italy that were easily adapted for American taste. Also, Americans like wheat, but most of our bread is pretty shit. Pasta is a way to enjoy wheat without having to suffer shit bread.

nice info

>> No.6518902

Why do non-Italians and non-Italian Americans eat so much bread?

Why do Asians eat so much rice?

Why do Central and South Americans eat so much corn?

>> No.6518919

Why do mexicans eat so many tacos and tortillas?
Why do asians eat so much white rice, like in their sushi?
Why does everyone in the middle east eat their food with pita bread?

I dunno, starch maybe?

>> No.6518924

It's because they can't cut their toe nails properly. Seriously.

>> No.6518928

It fills you up. Pasta will make you very full.

>> No.6518931

it gets you full.

>> No.6518937

Pita Bread.

>> No.6518975

because its goat-tier

>> No.6519015

I bet if they only look at Americans who claim Italian heritage they would actually beat out native Italians.

>> No.6519024

I have always preferred rice over potatoes or pasta. Though pasta is good for feeding large families, I have seen articles that claim eating pasta can make one feel more depressed. I would think this is true with most starchy foods anyway.

>> No.6519047

no idea if im just fucked up or this comment was TOO IRONIC


>> No.6519064

Pasta is my friend. Pasta would never make me depressed.

When I eat pasta, all of my troubles melt away.

>> No.6519386
File: 29 KB, 425x301, 1302585758495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me fill you in. That anon is using an equally ridiculous question to illustrate how much of a jackass, OP is being.

>Why would people eat something that historically was eaten by their direct family and ancestors?

GEE, I DUNNO MAYBE IT JUST MAKES GOOD SENSE? It's the most logical course of action considering the pattern?

It's like I really can't fucking tell who is actually trolling anymore and who really is just that ignorant. That's gotta make things difficult on the people who have culture barriers in understanding some jokes or expressions.

>> No.6519388


Go asked the British.

>> No.6519392

It's just culture I think, come to think I don't really like rice so much.

>> No.6519400

Why do American eat so much potatoes? Why do other European countries eat so much bread? Why do Latin Americans eat so many tortillas? Why do Asians eat so much rice? Why do [ethnic group] eat so much [product derived from native staple crop]?

>> No.6519536

Exactly. This thread is bad and OP should feel bad.

>> No.6519540

>I have seen articles that claim eating pasta can make one feel more depressed.
No way does something as full of carbs as pasta make you depressed. The only problem with pasta is dishes like spaghetti and meatballs which have no fiber and give you constipation. Italian-Americans always have constipation because they don't eat the vegetable like people in southern Italy did.

>> No.6519557

There would be a more involved history to it than that. I don't know what it is, but there must be. I know that pasta hasn't been around that long relative to Italy's history. There may have been a period in which there wasn't enough of the softer wheats around to support the use of durum wheat in bread. Or something. I don't know. OP wanted to know specific facts.

But, no, be a jackass.

>> No.6519570

Meh, I would have felt differently if OP actually phrased the question in a way that suggested he was curious about the relatively sudden prominence of pasta in Italian cuisine, but simply asking why they eat so much pasta just suggested to me that he never actually put that much thought into the question.

Hence the simple/dismissive answer.

>> No.6519590

You're giving OP way too much benefit of the doubt. I guess you haven't been disappointed by humanity enough, yet, to stop projecting your own sensibilities onto people that really don't deserve your defending.

>> No.6522276


Why do Europeans eat so much cum?

>> No.6522294

On some college campuses, it does.

You win!

>> No.6522296

Fucking. Brit. Baby. Babble.

>> No.6522300

Greece went out of style when it was dicovered that most of the top people had a predilection for young boys.