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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 260x194, korean_samgetton03838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6513755 No.6513755 [Reply] [Original]

Meat Edition:
How do you really feel about Korean food?
Post Korean food pict and let's discuss.

>> No.6513764

Korean food, is dogs

>> No.6513787

I love kimchi, and I make quite a few korean dishes at home, but I've gotten food poisoning too many times from korean restaurants to EVER want to go to another one. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

>> No.6513799

I've enjoyed bibimbop and bulgogi every time I've had it. I know those are the most well-known dishes, but whatever. I've had kimchi, but only when I was younger. I thought it was far too spicy and I just haven't gotten around to trying it since.

I'd like to try other Korean dishes. But i dont know where to begin. Also apparently double frying chicken is now Korean style chicken? I don't get that.

>> No.6513805

I was really underwhelmed by kimchi when I first tried it. Apparently it can vary a lot because there are different ways people spice and pickle the vegetable. I'd give it a shot again.

>> No.6513820

Me too. I had same experiences before. I'm suspecting Kimchi, Korean seafood and Korean-owned sushi. Kimchi sometimes smells very funny and tastes sour. It means over-fermented, and some unusual bacteria expanded. I think Kimchi is unsanitary. No thx.

>> No.6513824
File: 109 KB, 590x530, soondubu-590x5301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made this a few times from scratch and when I order this same dish in the restaurants I secretly laugh at the chefs in back who probably didn't even take the time to make a proper anchovy stock--probably used a shitty/generic vegetable broth

pic related: soondubu jjigae

>> No.6513827

>I secretly laugh at the chefs in back who probably didn't even take the time to make a proper anchovy stock--probably used a shitty/generic vegetable broth

Boy, you sure show them! I take it you are just cracking up when paying the bill?

>> No.6513842

Korean sushi is the WORST. One of my favorite sushi places sold out to koreans, and the FIRST time I ate there after they took over, I got food poisoning.

>> No.6513904

I think so. I've been to Korean-owned faked sushi restaurants three times. Outlooking was similar, but taste was different from Japanese-owned real sushi bar. I stopped going to sushi restaurants which serve Kimchi because Japanese-owned sushi bar never serve any Korean dishes.

>> No.6513918

So what's the difference between food poisoning and salmonella infection? Like are they the same thing?

>> No.6513936
File: 78 KB, 524x393, china_ginseng chickenoup24315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samgetton(参鶏湯)is not Korean origin. It's a retadated copy of Chinese Ginseng chickin soup(人参鶏湯). Korean Samgetton lools glotesque, so I don't feel very much like to eat however original Chinese one looks delicious.
Korean always steals other's culture and make a retardated copy. Fucking Kimchi

>> No.6513941

angry chink detected

>> No.6513957

What's up with people pushing the use of emojis on 4chan?

>> No.6513969

hwabyeong Kimchi found

>> No.6513970 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 341x255, ted_chinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weaboos and coreaboos mainly.
Ignore them, although disgusting they are harmless

>> No.6514001
File: 10 KB, 290x173, korean_samgyetang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean Samgyetang is glotesque.

>> No.6514008
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>> No.6514013

God, foodies like you absolutely make me hate foodies in general.

>> No.6514018

>ignore them because they are harmless
>implying there are groups of people on /ck/ that should not be ignored because they, on the other hand, are harmful.

>> No.6514035

lots of 👪 📖 4chan on their📱you 💩

>> No.6514041
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>> No.6514049

>acting like making dashida is an accomplishment

you know they make dried stock right? not talking about those msg granules either, it's a sachet that you just put in and it's done. no one makes real stock anymore.

enjoy your commandeered japanese broth.

>> No.6514053

koreaboo detected

>> No.6514067


>butthurt food industry slaves

>> No.6514274


>> No.6514293

Tastes good. But incredibly one note. No elegance. No complexity. Would take Chinese or Japanese over Korean 9/10 times.

>> No.6514331

>eating dirty oriental food
>not empire-building great american food

It's like you're trying to sell out your country.

>> No.6514396
File: 621 KB, 1920x1080, 5133b11c643f02d73bc54b8fee25fb66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more gross.
does anyone know the name of this Korean dish?

>> No.6515088


>> No.6515102

Are there literally butthurt Chinks and Japs who stalk /ck/ to shitpost on Korean food threads?

>> No.6515152


made me chuckle

>> No.6515184

I like a good banh mi, but I love white corn tortilla, shredded chicken breast or pork tacos with just pico de gallo and sour cream, or an awesome pork arepa. I could eat them daily. No, I am not Latino.

>> No.6515201

the sauce thing on the left is probably sesame oil, and the stuff in the soup looks like tripe

>> No.6515241
File: 15 KB, 225x225, hwabyeong2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gook detected

>> No.6515279


>> No.6515291

how much longer before that japanese guy comes in the thread with those pics of koreans eating noodles off the floor

>> No.6515293

yes theres one guy who posts the same 5 images in every korean food thread. its insane how racist and butthurt asians can be against other asians

im not particularly fond of niggers but i dont follow them around posting pics of fried chicken

>> No.6515295

Korean food is disgusting. They're really good at marketing their derivative Chinese/Japanese culture though.

>> No.6515328
File: 125 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty sure all the korean food I like is entry-level as fuck for an american.


Sundubu jjigae (fish roe is my favorite)
Bi Bim Bap
Jjammpong (though I'm told it's chinese, but I've never seen this shit in a chinese restaurant)

And Korean Fried Chicken is seriously the most fucking amazing fried chicken I've had in Norcal, but mostly because there's no true Southern Fried Chicken places here.

>> No.6515337

>Actually believes someone is going to spend all that time making stock
>Even if they do they freeze it and reheat it
>Same fucking thing as using a dried variant

Nice job dude, go write in your blog how much of a pretentious faggot you are because you work 10 hours a week sucking out toilets and are able to make your faggy anchovy stock.

>> No.6515371

Hey Koreanguys,
The more you shout Chinks and Japs, the more you show you're Kimchi.
Here, this is a Korean Food thread. If you're proud of your food, you should introduce us what real Korean food is.
Korean did the same every time, everywhere.
Anyway, I'm curious about Korean food. Can you introduce your favourite Korean food to us?

>> No.6515418

im not korean, nor do i enjoy korean food.

its just cute to watch the lesser races argue amongst themself about fucking food.

as a white european, you're all shit skins.

>> No.6515449

>im not korean
koreaboo detected
you feel as if you were europoor :DDDD
anyway, gook's english is disgusting. it's easy to find.

>> No.6518041

Looks tasty/10. Care to share your recipe? Also, what are some other dishes done better at your place than at the average Korean restaurant ?

>> No.6518077
File: 298 KB, 1200x1005, cumchi-candicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like seafood kimchi jjigae

>> No.6518082

Nice last page, bump faggot. Especially for a google image.

>> No.6518126

Not the poster you're replying to but
my old man is a korean chef with hands on training since the 90s (NYC area).

Terrible at cooking red meat but god damn it, the broth he can cook up for stews are amazing.

>> No.6518174

People like you are the direct cause of hipsters, "authentic" hype trends, and all things meme exist.
Originality isn't worth the shit you give about it.

>> No.6518186

I always took Korean style to mean using cornstarch rather than flour as well as using a different sort of sauce. I'm not sure if Korean's velvet their chicken, or if that's just any different from a typical two step fry.

>> No.6518192


Hopefully you realize that there is a difference between preferring a recipe because you like the way it tastes as opposed to "durr, it's the original".

>> No.6518208

That's not a hipster, just an irrationally hateful Chinaman.

To be honest your post seems a lot more suited to >>6513824 and was what I originally assumed you were quoting

>> No.6518553

We /ck/ want to see the photograph of the Korean daily life meal.

>> No.6519456
File: 112 KB, 502x484, 1392898030289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure is divide and conquer all up in this thread.
Just look at this guy. He's even admitting it. Not directly, no, but that's the point.
To admit it, indirectly. When are you sheep going to wake up? How can you understand the voice of reason when you don't use it? The reflection can only mirror back it's origin.

I'm damn near convinced that shills and sock puppet accounts are trying to deliberately discourage more culture exchange, and discourage people from buying outside their own country. That, in and of itself, is not a good sign.

inb4 gb2/pol/

>> No.6519471


Op tries to highlight Korean food.

But everyone regales the origins of their Korean food poisoning.

The writing is on the wall, OP. It's no surprise that the people who consume dog, don't have a clue how to cook.

>> No.6519475


>>6515418 here

i got 24 ban for posting that ;-; i should keep that type of talk for /pol/

>> No.6519481


I should also add, I too have gotten food poisoning from kimchi.

I wanted to love Korean food..

>> No.6519500

Pickled vegetables is the main bulk of Korean food, along with rice. There is a wide variety. I'm not doing your homework for you. If you're interested enough, you'll pursue it yourself. Or, you can listen to the people in this thread, and avoid it altogether. The choice is yours.

Just like in any culture, and any country, there are good cooks and bad cooks. Good cooks increase when times are difficult, because adversity brings ingenuity. Bad cooks increase in times of complacency. You know, kinda like now.

>> No.6519848

>Pickled vegetables
The very source of my interest for Korean (as well as Polish) food. I'll do my homework.

>> No.6519920

Glad to hear it. I didn't know that the Polish also did that. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6519983

bigos (half cabbage/half sourkraut meat stew)
ogurki soup (fermented pickled cucumber cream soup)
barszcz soup (fermented beet soup)
red sauerkraut

Also, they have a selection of fermented vegetable juices worthy of interest.

>> No.6519998
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1430109997232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ogurki soup sounds pretty good. I am intrigued by the fermented vegetable juices, as well. Thank you for helping expand my interests, anon. Much appreciated.

>> No.6520013

Look up żurek soups

Back to the topic, do you happen to have a nice cookbook reference for korean pickled vegetables? Pickling and fermenting is my current huge turn-on.

>> No.6520015

>fermented vegetable juices
Where I live I can find them in organic groceries. My Polish friend is allways happy to have her beetroot or carrot juice after a night of vodka.

>> No.6520975

Question. Why aren't the Koreans getting all this food poisoning?

>> No.6521107

They eat literal dog food so the assumption is their immune systems also behaves like dogs.

>> No.6521306

I do not. The thing about East Asian cooking in general is, everything is taught by word of mouth. Most of the moms that put together amazing dishes, do so without ever having looked at the recipe being written down. Of course this is changing a lot in the cities, since they're chasing the electronic dragon now, just like the West has been.

I'm sure you could find something related on one of the Korean food channels on youtube, though.

Fermented food in general, usually has a great assortment of helpful bacteria in it. They also eat more greens than most other cultures. You also have to take into account, fish sauce being included in many dishes. All of this makes their intestinal flora, much more varied and stronger than people who don't eat that.

*sigh* You're such a massive faggot. What a waste of an existence. Keep pushing that huge boulder up the slope, only to have it roll down the other side and have to do it all over again.

>> No.6521935
File: 1.99 MB, 2592x1936, j2015-03-05 18.18.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some korean food. The picture is not good but the food was tasty.

>> No.6521949
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more korean food, tteokgalbi

>> No.6521957
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korean napkin pouch

>> No.6521958

I don't eat or cook much korean food, but this youtuber makes it all look super delicious:

The slurping/chewing noises she makes sometimes are kind of embarrassing to listen to though. The mic is probably too close to her face.

>> No.6523327
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>> No.6523711

>being a 12 year old commie chink

Why are you still alive?

>> No.6523717

Chimek is the absolute shit.

I don't drink Korean beer though unless I'm eating in and that's all they have. If I order out, I usually go for Heineken at my local grocery place.

>> No.6523728

Want some good fucking Korean food?

Don't keep rotting away in your sad little hole with your "golden tongues" and actually go to Korea. There are legit restaurants that make God-tier dishes.

You might find a gem or two in LA's Koreatown, but most are passable and will satisfy the layman.

>> No.6523733

Kimchi is the same as every other food made by human hands. I've had some dank-ass kimchi before and had some that made me wonder if I was chewing on raw cabbage.

>> No.6523738

That's fine. I'm going to Korea & Japan on a two week trip next month.

Any suggestions?

>> No.6523739

Will be spending time more specifically in Seoul and Busan

>> No.6523742

>one order of jiggy boombap please
Korean food reminds me of 90s hiphop

>> No.6523761

lmao the chinks fight amongst themselves

>> No.6523772

>Good cooks increase when times are difficult, because adversity brings ingenuity. Bad cooks increase in times of complacency. You know, kinda like now.

no they don't you pretentious twat. when there are times of plenty, people can indulge in good food more often, leading to all sorts of new dishes (especially of the more decadent variety), and conversely in shit times people can just go back to staples and just stay there, not developing anything further

as examples, look at the founding of the four seasons in 1959 (time of plenty), and the current state of french cuisine (time of lack)

>> No.6523985

I just had korean food yesterday.

I ordered fish roe soup and my friend ordered spicy squid.

It was really good but the place is dirty as fuck.

>> No.6524076

Haejangguk with giblets. Pretty good!

>> No.6524153
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>> No.6524232

I never had Korean food
But next month I m moving in with my gf and she s Korean so hopefully I ll be able to try..

What dishes should I ask her to do ?
And yeah she s a good cook

>> No.6524242


>> No.6524286


bulgogi and kimchi jjigae are both very common and delicious

>> No.6524347

What is that?

>> No.6524358
File: 47 KB, 455x425, madohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is Korean but she can't cook for shit, so I pretty much end up cooking simple stir frys or omelettes every time she comes round my place.

kill me now

>> No.6524363

how does her not being able to cook keep you from being able to cook?

have you tried teaching her? although my experience has been that ladies dont enjoy being taught

>> No.6524413

Does her vag smell like kimchi?

>> No.6524484

i'd pickle it..

>> No.6524684

>anyway, gook's english is disgusting.
So you are a self-loathing Korean?

>> No.6525550

I just use it on an .