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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 670x628, img5551ace1e2f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6501777 No.6501777 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand this sign.

>> No.6501781


>> No.6501787
File: 142 KB, 658x621, ayy lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand it either, but I like it

>> No.6501794

Congratulations, their sign worked. You're not just thinking about Arby's, but you are actively compelling others to think about it. Arby's slogan is "we have the Meats" and the prominently display the cow, pig, chicken icons on their ads.

This is just advertising. Everything about it is designed to get attention, so congrats on falling for it. They wish vegetarians would flip out about it and give Arby's a bunch of free publicity on their dime. They aren't the only major restaurant to straight up make fun of vegetarians, either.

>> No.6501795


I think it's supposed to be ironic as in - Don't worry, faggots, we serve all the animals.

>> No.6501822

Vegetarians who choose the lifestyle based on animal rights complain about animal abuse in the meat processing industry. When targetting Arby's, said activists usually talk about how cows are mistreated and eating beef from such a corrupt industry is wrong. The ad is a cheeky jab at the fact that Arby's also has turkey and chicken sandiwches in addition to beef.

>> No.6501869
File: 1.81 MB, 640x360, chicken nuggets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying $7 for a lunchmeat sandwich at Arby's
>Paying $6 for 8 chicken marbles at Chick-fil-a
>Paying $3 extra dollars at McD's to get another bun in the middle of your sad burger
>Paying $8 for a 3-piece chicken at Raising Cane's
>Paying $5 for two legs from Popeyes

If you buy fast food anywhere besides Wendy's, Taco Bell and Burger King you deserve you're retarded faggot meal

>Oh my god I'm so different I only buy from B-list joints

>> No.6501890
File: 647 KB, 450x660, wiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny about those vegetarian faggots on Reddit is that they apparently don't realize Arby's is one of the more veg-friendly fast food joints.

I don't eat meat but when I go there, I'll usually get the fries, jalapeno bites and either chopped salad or mozzarello sticks/potato cakes

>> No.6501897

Some people consider white meats to be vegetarian.

>> No.6501903
File: 116 KB, 560x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all overpriced shit for wgat you get, don't fool yourself

>> No.6501904

It's like vegetarians who also eat fish and eggs. They include white meat.

>> No.6501917

>almost no protein
>almost no vegetables
>fat and refined carbs everywhere
Veg fags actually think their self imposed dietary restrictions make them healthier.

>> No.6501927

>tfw hiro was almost a boy

>> No.6501934

I think theyre calling vegetarians chicken?

>> No.6501941

>abattoir road


>> No.6501942


>> No.6501950

originally hiro was a boy but they changed it since the editors thought it wouldnt fit.
at least thats what i read on /a/
still thought, mightve been pretty cool

>> No.6501952
File: 450 KB, 449x642, shrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be former vegitarian
>never got the taste for beef back
>recently found and started enjoying turkey and chicken at Arby's
It worked on me m8s

>> No.6501955

>they changed it since the editors thought it wouldnt fit
Why would the writers even think of having a boy move into a world-of-cute-grils anime? I honestly doubt that.

>> No.6501960

yeah i was probably lied to
i am very naive

>> No.6501961

Vegetarians are healthier than non-vegetarians by every metric of health. They only get a few grams lesser protein than omnivores on average. That doesn't necessarily mean that vegetarianism is healthier before you get your panties in a twist. Just that as a group vegetarians are healthier.

Of course a vegetarian who eats at Arby's will probably be as unheallty as the meat-eater who eat there regularly or even worse.

>> No.6501972

Then why do they always look shriveled and old and dead inside?

>> No.6501974

>That doesn't necessarily mean that vegetarianism is healthier
Filthy carnist lies.

>> No.6501977

You're going to fucking Arby's so I don't think health is really on your mind in that situation. Who knows what he eats the rest of the time?

>> No.6501979

*puts fingers in a v shape and licks them intensely*

>> No.6502012

It's a tongue and cheek ad to get people talking. It's basically saying real meat is beef and pussy meat is turkey and chicken. So to a complete meat head turkey might be something faggy to eat. Faggy like a vegetarian. It's a stretch but it gets people's attention.

>> No.6502016

How the fuck is Burger King not overpriced? I don't know if they still have them but their chicken parm sandwich was 5 fucking dollars for something barely bigger than a mcchicken.

>> No.6502020
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>he expects a healthy meal from a fast food joint
I bet you're one of those lardos that thinks they're poor, but has fast food 7 times a week, huh?

>> No.6502023

Nah, it's true m8. vegetarians that care for themselves and watch what they eat are probably as healthy as meat eaters that care for themselves and watch what they eat.

I know people like things in black and white, but it's just not that way, irl. We like to make up strawmen to fight, that vegetarians are retarded hipster faggots, and meat eaters are murdering innocent crying baby animals left and right in a brutal way.

The fact is most people are stupid, and they just try to emulate people around them, so you end up with a lot of idiots doing something and they don't know how or why, but they feel they're right and they'll argue the point ad infinitum.

>> No.6502029

I get nervous when it shows her dancing around in slippers while handling that hot oil. Please be careful, fictional anime girl.

>> No.6502059

They don't. You probably don't even know who vegetarians are. Some vegans do especially some celebs. But the rest is selection bias.

>> No.6502061

>go to BK
>order double whopper w/ cheese by itself
>$7 fucking dollars

it was good, but not $7 good

>> No.6502103

>it was good
>but not $7 good
pick one

>> No.6502105

Something can taste good, but still be overpriced, dood. Is that a difficult concept to grasp?

>> No.6502108

>not 7$ good
>being this poorfag

>> No.6502113

This. Exactly this. Arby's is being clever.

Publicity is always desirable, and I doubt they care how many vegetarians they piss off. Vegetarians are not the Arby's target market.

>> No.6502115

You're thinking of vegans. Vegetarians still have access to eggs/dairy products/honey/fish and poultry if that specific person eats those/whatever else.

>> No.6502117

BK's veggie burger is actually pretty damn good and it's only $3.50 if you don't get it as a meal. It's pretty small though so you might need to buy two.

>> No.6502447

I lol'd at buttmad Reddit-fags.

>> No.6502464

Fuck you i go to Popeyes and I get 3 breasts and a side for 6.99 that's an amazing deal

>> No.6502470

are you implying Arby's is A-list?

>> No.6502488
File: 41 KB, 896x214, fake burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that page and opened it, this made me kek so hard.

>> No.6502502

Holy Christ, what a fag.

>> No.6502503
File: 37 KB, 195x193, 1401124383930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I get better vegetarian advice on /ck/ than that sub because they're too busy jerking themselves to death
Even the alternative for recipes is complete shit

>> No.6502803
File: 25 KB, 498x328, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6502813

fuck off back to your containment board you dirty, nip wannabe, pedophile.

>> No.6502858

actually buttered potatoes contain pretty much all needed nutrients for life and you can survive off them indefinitely. just the loads of cheese give it an unhealthy edge.

>> No.6502895

Almost all. There's like one thing missing, but you could get that by eating some beans, or cereal

>> No.6502970


Is this true? What is it that they lack?

I guess it makes sense. That potato famine in Ireland nearly made the Irish go extinct after all.

>> No.6502972

>What's funny about those vegetarian faggots on Reddit is that they apparently don't realize Arby's is one of the more veg-friendly fast food joints.
>I don't eat meat but when I go there, I'll usually get the fries, jalapeno bites and either chopped salad or mozzarello sticks/potato cakes

That's the shittiest "veg-friendly" meal I can imagine. Taco Bell can make tacos, burritos, or tons of other things veggie to order. (They stopped using lard in beans decades ago.) Subway makes veggie footlongs. BK has decent veggie burgers. Chipotle has great tofu or bean burritos. Wendy's has baked potatoes.

How the fuck do you compare those to some deep fried potatoes/cheese/peppers and a 3-day-old plastic-wrapped salad?

Is there something about Arby's deep fried potato cakes that makes them more veg-friendly than french fries at basically *anywhere*? (I.e. are they fried in separate oil from deep fried chicken?) The only way I'd rate them among the best veg-friendly fast food joints is if I lived off fried mozzarella sticks and iceberg lettuce until my brain atrophied.

>> No.6503015
File: 60 KB, 504x636, donteatbeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the joke is that vegetarians are often offered poultry because people equate meat to cows and pigs. My Big Fat Greek Wedding took it a step further when they offered lamb to the vegetarian fiance.
>A chicken's not a vegetable
(inb4 nobody gets that, where my 90s ausbros at?)

>> No.6503038

How fucking retarded are you? How fat are you where you think you should be using fast food joints for even a half-decent meal?

If you read the whole fucking post, you could tell by context that I meant it at least has more options.

No shit I'm not going to go out of my way for Arby's. But when I go with friends, at least I'm not just getting an order of fries.

No shit beaner food has more vegetarian options. But it's still better than my options at McDonalds or Hardees. Maybe tied with Wendys.

>> No.6503181
File: 297 KB, 777x753, arbysides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...I meant it at least has more options.

It has more options of deep fried crap. Here's how I'd rate fast food restaurants for veg-friendliness:

OK: Do they have normal entrées that are vegetarian on the menu (e.g. bean burritos, veggie burgers/sandwiches, scrambled eggs all day)?

Passable: Do they have side dishes that are at least reasonably healthy (e.g. baked/mashed potatoes, steamed/boiled vegetables, whole fruit)?

Shit: They have deep fried appetizers and/or a weak-ass salad.

I can't think of any fast food restaurants that has less than what I consider shit-tier, which is exactly what Arby's has. Arby's actually had baked potatoes until five or ten years ago. I mean you *might* be able to talk them into making you a lettuce/tomato/cheese sandwich, if you aren't fussy about the poultry feathers/human hair in their buns, but at BK for example, if you don't like their veggie patties, you can also order a "Veggie Whopper" as a standard off-menu item, and their buns are feather/hair-free (they've paid careful attention to ingredient issues like that for decades...they don't use lard for mouthfeel or sneak animal products in under "natural flavors" the way McDonald's does).

>> No.6503204

>tongue and cheek

>> No.6503230
File: 76 KB, 540x371, 11212012122470[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503231

i guess you use both of those to make the statement you're making

>> No.6503240

Who's this fluid druid?

>> No.6503260

This. Just like Chik-a-Filla rage.

>> No.6503271

Well, that was justified considering they're a legitimately homophobic company.

>> No.6503276


The statement the other anon is making is that you're retarded.

>tongue and cheek

>> No.6503293

Jesus Christ, why can't anybody just be a bro and tell the guy that the correct expression is "tongue-in-cheek". It's a mistake anyone could make just hearing it said in an American dialect, where "and" and "in" are both casually pronounced as "n".

>> No.6503305

Molybdenum it seems.
Also Vit. E would be somewhat deficient

>> No.6503411


Fuck spoonfeeding retards. They can use the internet that they're on to figure out how they fucked up.

>> No.6503480

>unironically using the word homophobic
Found the fag.

>> No.6503560
File: 2.38 MB, 720x405, gb2pol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you 15?

>> No.6503572

>unironically making age jokes
Found the fag.

>> No.6503896

I'm gonna need sauce on this.

And I want to vocaroo it too.

>> No.6503901

>The measure of a man is how he treats those around him.

Actually agree with this guy here. Other than that bitching on the internet isn't very useful. He should confront his brother like a fucking man.

>> No.6503905

The fapping part is the best. Perfectly choreographed as a whole.

Someone had a serious spark of inspiration.

>> No.6504686

what show?

>> No.6505802

it called "fuck off to /a/ you weeb"

>> No.6505830
File: 182 KB, 600x811, weaboos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6505844

>>Paying $5 for two legs from Popeyes
On Tuesdays I can get eight pieces of dark meat for less than $5.

That's pretty fucking great.

>> No.6505849

What a fucking mangina

>> No.6505854

Boku no Pico

>> No.6505861


You're also stuck eating the garbage part of the chicken

>> No.6505884
File: 128 KB, 640x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chicken isn't vegan ?

>> No.6505898

Last time I went there, it was fucking 5.50 for a veggie burger by itself... Though I'm sure their prices change based on your location so

>> No.6505905

does that girl want to mate with me

>> No.6505910

Hey those are the same chips that Taco Bell will supposedly use to make nachos out of.. weird.

>> No.6505948
File: 9 KB, 325x325, leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying thighs aren't the bet part of the chicken
>implying wings aren't the most overrated shit part of the bird.

>> No.6505951


gb2pol you insufferable assclown

>lmao i called him gay ahahaha epic

literally kill yourself

>> No.6505960


what anime is this from? masterful work whoever did it tbh

>> No.6505963


the only containment board on 4chan is the one for neonazis, friend

>> No.6505969


youre literally the cutest person on 4chan right now. much love going out to you.

>> No.6505972

could you LITERALLY be any more gay

>> No.6505975

how would they know they messed up if no one tells him?

>> No.6506048

I like dark meat more than white meat.

>> No.6506132

As opposed to figuratively killing myself?

Found the fag.

>> No.6506289

my sides

>> No.6506290
File: 394 KB, 422x964, 1424572754740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6506688

You have to factor in whether or not their fried shit is made in the same fryer as the meat/made in oil that has meat byproducts. I haven't met many vegetarians who don't worry about that too. My friend can't even eat french fries where we go some of the time because their oil has beef in it.

>> No.6506709

>getting buttmad someone said homophobic
>using "fag" unironically
Found the faggot

>> No.6508548

Good. Their roast beef is shit

>> No.6508560

>My friend can't even eat french fries where we go some of the time because their oil has beef in it.
Your friend is a hypochondriac almost as bad as most holoistic healers.

In no way does eating something that has TOUCHED meat contribute to the death of animals or the pollution factory farming causes.

Your friend is a cunt and needs therapy.

>> No.6508761
File: 83 KB, 843x793, Me IRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inō Battle wa Nichijō-kei no Naka de

>> No.6508772


No, that's not it at all.

Arby's is known as a roast beef restaurant. So the answer is a troll response as part of this conversation:

Vegifag: "I don't want to eat at Arby's. They just have roast beef."

Troll: "Don't worry, vegifag, they also have turkey and chicken."

>> No.6509023

what anime is this

>> No.6509435

>unironically saying "buttmad"

Found the fag.

>> No.6509586
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1403633670853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found all you're fags

>> No.6509618

Now I want curly fries. Shit.

What's not to understand? Arby's is known for selling roast beef sandwiches, but I think in the late 90s/early 2000s they started their Market Fresh line which incorporated a wide variety of lunch meats into their menu, like deli turkey, smoke chicken, sweet ham, etc. The point is that they're trying to remind their potential buyers that they have more than roast beef, along with the other icons--pork and fish in this case.

>> No.6509686

Here's your reply.

>> No.6509692
File: 8 KB, 221x228, Americans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joke is that a lot of people in the early 2000s claimed they could eat fish and chicken and still call themselves vegetarians.

>> No.6509702

>lacto-ovo vegetarians
Same bunch of tards. You can't really think that the deforestation, and the subsequent destruction of habitat and violent deaths of field animals pasted in the farm equipment is "cruelty-free".

Vegetarians/vegans are delusional childish fucks.

>> No.6509707



>> No.6509715

Not really; the company itself wasn't going for the publicity in that case or didn't start the fire. They weren't advertising the Chik-fil-a Day thing that happened.

I think it was the talk shows or radio shows that really made that meme, got people to try to show support.

All the company itself did, was the President said he had a stance on something, people flipped out, people counter flipped out to defend it, lot of flipping out, but it wasn't an official thing so much as a bunch of free advertising that fell in their lap.

Now it's over, people believe it was about this or that, or believe "Well Chik-fil-a hates/loves ____". It's like that one thing that spiraled out a few months back, it's not the company coming out with an official stance on anything as much as the guy running it saying what he was into, and a bunch of people took it all over the map.

Then they made a lot of money, because some radio personality rallied people to show their support in difference to the hate, which made the hate itself also grow as it become some odd thing.

People have since realized the marketing prospects for this sort of thing.

>> No.6509716


Fuck you nigga i go to your mom and i get 2 breasts and a ass for free that's an amazing deal

>> No.6509728

Those garlic parmesan chips are ok, but I had rancid farts the next day.

>> No.6509731

Diamond dozen post.

>> No.6509790

publicity stunt

>> No.6509940

>there's nothing negative about being female

I bet he's the same one who said there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish on /pol/. There IS literally nothing wrong with being Jewish, but that's not the point I'm getting at here.

>discussion about vegetarians
>captcha is steak

>> No.6509967


greentext quotes

>> No.6509978

Yes. People have to learn to fend for themselves in this doggy dog world.

>> No.6510089

I second this request.

>> No.6510104

Those are not chicken nuggets. Chicken nuggets were invented as a method for shaping slurry. So sick of people deep frying diced chicken and calling them nuggets.

>> No.6510114

But there are things wrong with being Jewish. Literally.

>> No.6510304
File: 2.45 MB, 3264x2448, 20141213_144856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my favorite hipster burger joint


makes me like them more every time I see it

>> No.6510317

>the coon ass

Is this for real?

>> No.6510347
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20141213_160916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's as real as it gets, Moontower Inn in Houston TX, hipster as fuck, lace is made out of shipping containers, the food is awesome and they literally have 99 beers on tap. Go do a brewery tour at St. Arnolds brewery, go around the corner to this place and you are gonna have a nice day.

pic is the cheech with a fried egg.

>> No.6510421

it just means that beef is the only real meat.

>> No.6510430

Shit is actually funny, place makes their money from selling meat sandwiches, decide's "lol fuck veggifags" and makes fun of them. What are the veggifags going to do about, get hella buttflustered and continue to not eat at arbys, which is amusing to most meat eaters anyways.
I don't really like anything from arbys except the those jalepono poppers with that sweet sauce stuff, but after seeing this I like the cut of their jib.

>> No.6510537

Except there isn't.

>> No.6510827

Welcome to 4chan knobgobbler, having fun yet?

>> No.6512028

Apparently nowhere, faggot.

>> No.6512835
File: 118 KB, 751x615, 1413420891659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidamari Sketch.

I wonder if the Vaggieburger has butt flustered anyone. It sounds pretty good, to be honest.

>> No.6513074

I would totally order it. That, or the cheesus christ.

>> No.6513319

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6513322

Well done your just as fucking dumb as the masses, making fun of a 'minority' group makes you like a company. Companies are not your friends they see you as a cash cows.

>> No.6513335
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>> No.6513339
File: 177 KB, 644x433, disnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool beans bro, you sound like a rustled veggiefag. I'm not super into making fun of minority groups but the majority of veggiefags are self righteous annoying little twats, so in this case I find it hilarious. Yes we the carnivours are cash cows, because everyone knows veggiefags are mostly poor anyways.

I was in a hurry to eat earlier and passed an arbies and I swear this thread almost made me go there, then I went to chic fill a because I find trolling gays slightly funnier than vegnerds.

>> No.6513347
File: 220 KB, 500x735, 27980291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga here...

>> No.6513384

>$6 for a meh burger or three tendies, standard onion rings, drink, AND ice cream at Dairy Queen
I challenge you to do better than this.

>> No.6513387

4-6 items off the cravings menu at Taco Bell, depending on your area and pricing. (The $1 menu is actually $1.39 in my area.)
Beat THAT.

>> No.6513400

>eating at taco bell and trying to talk down to anyone

you are gross

>> No.6513529

Some vegetarians wrongly consider chicken, turkey, and fish not to be meat. I guess this is a place that only sells meat, and so would be off-limits to vegetarians, so this is a mock advert aimed at them. God forbid it's actually aimed at people who don't realise that chicken is meat.

>> No.6513533

>mfw realise that I'm an effeminate male veggie

>> No.6513535

This may be theoretically true, but you'd have to be really dedicated to never eat an apple or have a bite of something else, which would be plenty to balance it out

>> No.6513537

>Subway makes veggie footlongs.
Here in bongland subway's veggie offering is really poor, it's just a salad sandwich, for the same price as the same thing with meat of some sort in

>> No.6513539

Who is this semen demon?
Edgy "omnivores" (aka reactionary carnists) who actually believe they're a persecuted minority get to feel like they're special for a day. I know this board is full of teenagers but are you really this naive? When I was your age I had a healthy skepticism about advertising campaigns.

>> No.6513564

>when I was your age
And so you're what.....18? Because your post sounds incredibly juvenile and uneducated.

>> No.6513568


>> No.6513576

Wow...you should be much wiser and less full of angst than that by now.

>> No.6513583

What angst? Because I think that modern internet culture has allowed everyone, including people who are in no way unusual, to think they're a special snowflake under attack by everyone who has different values from them?

Non-vegetarians outnumber vegetarians. You're not having your freedom taken away by them. It's time to stop acting like eating meat is a secret brotherhood fighting to preserve your endangered way of life.

>> No.6513592

>says the loudmouth vegetarian who uses buzzwords and memespeak to obnoxiously attack other people on the internet

Oh god, fuck off. I hope you haven't bred.

>> No.6513600

And that's the other thing. Anyone with common sense must be a vegetarian trying to "convert" you.

Get a grip, kids. There isn't a meat war. This is just a bad meme used to make fast food seem edgy and hip.

Actually now that I think about it, when I was your age advertising agencies just put a cartoon animal with sunglasses and a saxophone to seem hip and edgy. They've gotten substantially more sophisticated, I suppose.

>> No.6513604

You must be new here, grandpa. Did your grandson show you how to use a computer?

>> No.6513613

Been on 4chan since 2005, if that's what you're asking. Been on the internet since before you were born.

>> No.6513619
File: 828 KB, 320x240, crazynic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you have. Sure. you. have. And we all believe that, too! Did I mention I own a unicorn and sleep on a live polar bear named Harold?

>> No.6513629

This isn't /fa/, old people actually post on /ck/.

>> No.6513633

Yes, but they can't be that old, because their posts read like an angsty 15 year old.

>> No.6513641

No, you're just stuck in your generation bubble. Seems like 12-25 thinks that social justice is bad, racism is good, Big Vegetarianism is actually on the verge of taking over the world and banning meat, and there are too many women in the high tech field.

Talk to your parents about this stuff and watch them laugh.

>> No.6513648

My parents are dead, and I'm older than you.

>> No.6513756

nor do many. sad, really. Arby's was always a bit more expensive but worth it.Nice stores,clean, great staff. And I liked the beef and cheadar, on an onion bun, , or the simple Arby's roast beef, 4/5, then 3/5 then 2 5 then 1/five take or leave it ?Most people are leaving. I like the "horsy" sauce and even regular sauce. To . and "we gots the meats" what does that even mean? and ruben an rachel? yes, I know, but rachel? just making shit up now. which is ok, inovate. and it's strange, that they now say "we got the meat" because for 6 bucks a sandwich. there was/is presious little on it. One of the redeeming things was deep fried tater cakes. Nope.Well thanks much Arby's. I can get pressed beef, tatter tots at home. See that big hat? Larson made a cartoon 'bout big cowboy hats. not impressed. I ain't either.Maybe. just maybe, if they would spend more on food and help(crew)( and less on marketing I might eat there. same with Sonic.deluged with adds, for who? Even Jack n box is better. and define your market I like BK, druthers" I go there.and not perfect Factoid, if you try to be everything to everyone, all the time you are doomed. Mr Gustav Kools tought me that.. an owner, but a line cook. the others? circling the drain

>> No.6513868

one day I pooped and it was blue

>> No.6513892

>I don't understand this sign.
Understanding concepts is a sign of high IQ.
This sign is using the advertising technique of bandwagon/snob appeal (being anti-vegan is cool camaraderie with other haters such as yourself, twitter link provided for socializing with same), emotional appeal/engage with dramatic conflict (invokes an emotional response for the love of meat, upclose image provided) and confusion/humor. The type of humor is sarcasm.

Good luck in life without your critical thinking skills, OP!