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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 500x500, AW Root Beer-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6508019 No.6508019 [Reply] [Original]

Im a britfag and I bought this for some reason. It's disgusting, tastes like soap. I have 10 cans of it left, what do I do with it? Does it taste good with icecream?

>> No.6508022
File: 139 KB, 795x1200, The_Kraken_Black_Spiced_Rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508041

Send it to me you uncultured swine.

>> No.6508054

Whats the best way to drink it?

>> No.6508111
File: 20 KB, 460x287, 52459482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By itself you stupid, inbred bonger. Now go back to tea and chips or whatever you disgrace to the anglosphere.

>> No.6508125

Pour a couple of cans over a ham you're roasting.
You'll thank me later.

>> No.6508126
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1348942651431s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want some m8. I will rek u, u yank twat

>> No.6508133

My fam does this but with dr pepper and did it with coke one year

Need to try it with A&W

>> No.6508135

This is actually really good, my sister makes ham like that but I think she just uses coke.

>> No.6508138

Get the Canadian a&w next time. It has cane sugar and 9001 less chemicals

>> No.6508142

Mix with bourbon. The tastes compliment each other very well.

>> No.6508144
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>> No.6508171

It's good with vanilla ice cream, but not many other flavors.

>> No.6508198


I shit my pants laughing.

>> No.6508206

I'm actually starting to like it. Maybe because I never had something like it before. Maybe it's the e numbers and shit.

>> No.6508208

Rootbeer float, you butter-toothed allah lover

>> No.6508214

Already had root beer a few times, but I forgot my favorite brand.
Is there a better alternative to order online for Germany?

>> No.6509704
File: 28 KB, 255x390, sprecher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprecher's Root Beer is the best I've ever had.
It's from a German brewery in Milwaukee, oddly enough.

>> No.6511362
File: 1.09 MB, 2448x1529, IMG_3966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just finished eating an A&W hamburger, fries, and onion rings with a root beer when I saw this thread.

Give them to me.

>> No.6511426
File: 70 KB, 300x350, ec392838c185aa8d6729c407f6af6cc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always go for this when wanting canned root beer.

>> No.6511434
File: 841 KB, 2042x1532, dscf1509-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not drinking this, you're not drinking root beer.

>> No.6511442

seconding this, sprecher's actual beer is only okay, but their soda is pretty dank

>> No.6511444

You bought a case of wintergreen cola without looking wintergreen?

>> No.6511456

bottled is a lot different than canned but i'd definitely have bottled if i was looking to drink root beer as a once and a while thing.

OP should have gotten bottled.

>> No.6511458

any chicagofags know where dad's root beer can be found these days? i know it still exists, but i haven't seen it in years.

>> No.6511652

This. Take a glass and put a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream in, then pour root beer over it. Enjoy.

Note: it makes weird foam.

>> No.6511657

>barq's over a&w
What a stupid, gross faggot. Barq's tastes more like black licorice and has no depth to it.

>> No.6511660

>root beer
>some stupid ass soda only yanks drink

God you're stupid

>> No.6511665

>caffeine in root beer

>> No.6511670

Root beer fucking sucks no matter how you drink it. The only people who like at are North Americans because they're defective as human beings. Ship this nonsense out to anyone in Europe or Asia and they'll think it tastes like toothpaste mixed with piss, shit and anus. Fuck root beer.

>> No.6511674


Average root beer purchasing household

>> No.6511678
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 1365966786728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6511684


Way to expose your own cultural illiteracy, subhuman

>> No.6511693

must be your first time on 4chan

>> No.6511694
File: 59 KB, 512x384, kvass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kvass is superior to root beer

>> No.6511721

You could say that about any kind of local cuisine. Root beer is primarily found in America because the flavor of the drink was originally derived from the roots of a tree that's native to North America rather than Europe. It's often a blend of several distinct, quality flavors (aniseed, honey, vanilla, sarsaparilla, nutmeg, wintergreen, etc.). It may be a sugary soda, but it's delicious and culinarily significant to the country. So, yes, root beer is a part of a culture that a person could reject because of unfamiliarity.

In this case it was some mass-produced can of an OK brand of root beer, not the best the country has to offer but more a general taste of it, so the rejection was reasonable. A glass-bottle brand may have been more immediately appealing.

>> No.6511726

She looks like she'd give you chlamydia, and also would probably be a member of some kind of far-right putin-loving skinhead gang.

>> No.6511728
File: 675 KB, 800x1200, dscf1274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A&W a shit. Try some better root beer.

>> No.6511745

i've wanted to try this ever since i started making my own wine but i can't find it

>> No.6511753

>tastes like soap meme

This is not a real criticism.

>> No.6511859

You could make it yourself with some rye bread since you already homebrew

>> No.6511864

Yes it is.
Rootbeer made with wintergreen is disgusting.

>> No.6511877

No one outside of the shitty southern states actually gives a single shit about the Mason-Dixon line. Which tells me you're in a shitty southern state.

How's that for cultural literacy you inbreed bucktooth redneck fuck?

>> No.6511879

Youre mean

>> No.6511896

he's not wrong though

>> No.6511900

i wanted to avoid it because i usually don't bake rye bread but it sounds delicious so i will eventually.

have you ever had a malta soda? seems like it would taste similar to that without too much sugar.

>> No.6511907


You have to go to an actual a&w restaurant to get good a&w root beer

Otherwise stick to barqs or something made by small bottlers

>> No.6513090


>baco negger

>> No.6513097

>all this root beer circlejerk
>no mention of based vergils

>> No.6513103


keep trying some more, you'll begin to like it.

>> No.6513135

fuck you, at least our food tastes good, unlike the drivel you fucktards produce
>this has more than 20 calories?!

>> No.6513306

you might want to look up the definition of 'dank' in a dictionary

>> No.6513388

I don't like root beer either, but I do really want to try sasparilla so if anyone has any recommendations for brands which I can order online to the uk post em

>> No.6513401

A&w and Hires are the best. Faygo is alright, not bad, and Barqs is straight up disgusting pleb tier

>> No.6513402

i had a grandpa burger with peppers bacon, a moza burger, onion rings, and a root beer. it was sooo good. yum yum . oh i forgot except the onion rings were salty as FUARK

>> No.6513404

oh shit forgot about dads. i sometimes see it in its trademark glass bottles some places....they had it at the Oceanside restaurant i used to work at

>> No.6513408

dum brit oughta be used to his nanny state washing his naughty mouth out with soap hue hue hue hue...

Just kidding. Yes, it's garbage. I recommend freezing it, I suppose. Or throw it and watching the cans explode, if done correctly. Alternatively, mix it with alcohol and render yourself forever incapable of drinking it without tasting whatever booze you added.

>> No.6513428

Why are you yuropoors such pussies? They gag at everything like a child.

>> No.6514298

It's also a decent base for a barbeque sauce if you want to slow-cook ribs or shredded pork.

>> No.6514340

Would I be correct in assuming that your residence is a modern one, equipped with toilet facilities?

Perhaps consider amusing yourself by pouring the unwanted drinks down the commode, then flushing.

This action would not only solve all your problems, it would also prevent the harm these drinks cause to your body should you be foolish enough to consume them all

>> No.6514754

ffs Pls don't ruin even your cheapest bourbon by doing this.

>> No.6514763
File: 149 KB, 464x352, 130181494516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes good if you're not a faggot

>> No.6514771

>edit: it makes amazing foam, slurp it down, no spoon required

>> No.6514777

>Europe and Asia
>caring what sub-humans think of anything ever

>> No.6516160
File: 276 KB, 1500x1500, virgil_s_root_beer_3.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one posting Virgil's. You'll swear its made in heaven.

>> No.6516176

Too sweet.

>> No.6516199

>tastes like soap
You britbongs must have some tasty soap.

That, or you had expired soda.

>> No.6516296

Guess I should have said "weird-looking". It does taste amazing.

>> No.6516311

Used to do Southern Comfort and Root Beer back in the day.

Easy to drink, tasted good, got me fucked up fast, and was cheap.

Everybody always thought it sounded nasty but when they tried it they couldn't believe how well it actually works. I mean, it just kinda tastes the same. Pretty much tastes like alcoholic root beer.

>> No.6516317

well A&W is just way too damn sweet.
Barq's got bite, motherfucker.

I take IBC over either A&W or Barq's, any day.

>> No.6516327

I tried that for the first time the other day. Which is odd because I'm FROM Louisiana and used to drink Abita Beer all the time.

Their root beer is too subtle a flavor, and is too sweet for how subtle the sassafras flavor is. Also, I expected it to be fizzier.

>> No.6516415

So water then.

>> No.6516488


Barq's is made and distributed by Coca-Cola, you uncultured, spare chromosome, piece of shit faglord.

For anyone else who wants to try a real 'small bottler', try 'Dang!', or 'Sprecher' is also good


Disagree? Come at me m8.

>> No.6516521

lol.Brittfag or not(by the way welcome to"merica, land of constant bitching and whining Until some one says stuff to one, Then it's on. to answer your question. don't ruin good iice cream. I suppose you could pour it down a storm drain but unfair to slugs and creatures that live there Almost as bad as Vernon's ginger ale, a drink foisted upon unsuspecting tourists. My advice is Canada Dry gingerale, diet Dr ::Pepper or water from a mud puddle. Anything is better than a& ow, quit hitting me.

>> No.6518287

A&W and Mug are shit, Barq's is ok

I prefer IBC or Sioux City Sarsaparilla