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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 940x560, perfect-baked-potato-940x560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6509500 No.6509500 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to prepare a baked potato /ck/.

>> No.6509505

bake a potato in the oven until it's done, wa la

>> No.6509510

steamed in a pressure cooker.

>> No.6509529
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Scrub potatoes
Rub with oil (I use olive for taste)
Sprinkle with salt and rosemary
Bake for an hour at 400
Perforate with fork and push the ends together to fluff it up

Enjoy with some cheese and sour cream.

>> No.6509548

Bake it twice.

>> No.6509549

-Pick potato that is good for baking
-Pierce potato with fork many times all over it
-Wrap it tightly in aluminum foil (doesn't matter which side of the foil is facing what if it is tight)
-Get butter at room temperature and mix it with finely chopped garlic, grated parmesan cheese and parsley (really well chopped parsley, as thin as possible) and roll it on plastic wrap like a sausage
-Put that butter sausage on refrigerator
-Fry bacon
-When potato is fork tender and butter is hard (not frozen, but refrigerator temperature), remove it from the oven
-Slice butter as thinly as possible
-Open aluminum foil and cut potato open by making a horizontal incision
-Stuff cold composite butter of garlic, parsley and cheese into that hole you just made
-Add bacon on top

The holes on the potato from piercing it will allow the butter-parsley-garlic-cheese taste to permeate the whole potato. The cold butter will become creamy and melt quickly. Bacon is the cherry on top.

This is the best way to prepare a baked potato IMHO.

>> No.6509550

Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Scrub spud, dry it
Poke holes all over spud with fork
Place directly on oven rack
Bake for 35-40 minutes

You can also bake them at 350 degrees for an hour.

>> No.6509559

Also, important rule:
Hard stuff that grows underground must be put on oven while it is heating like potatoes, cassava, carrots, etc.
Stuff that grow over the ground and is not hard must be put on oven with it pre-heated.

>> No.6509564

That isn't a rule and it literally couldn't be less important.

>> No.6509566

Question, is olive oil made from black olives or green olives?

>> No.6509568
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Isn't it better to melt a bunch of butter and rub it in butter?

>> No.6509569 [DELETED] 
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I hate you, Stacey.

>> No.6509572
File: 80 KB, 680x599, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>push the ends together to fluff it up

i feel like the biggest retard in the world for not knowing this trick until very now.

so that's how restaurants get their baked potatoes so round and fluffy!

>> No.6509574

Of course it is important. If you add potatoes with the over hot, it will sear the surface area and will take longer to cook fully in the inside. If you heat the oven with potatoes already inside, the whole potato will cook at the same time. If you heat the oven with soft vegetables, they'll lose texture on the outer part.

>> No.6509599

not him, but that actually makes a lot of sense. thanks for the tip

>> No.6509602

>Perforate with fork and push the ends together to fluff it up

I can't conceptualize this. can you elaborate pls

>> No.6509640
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You push toward the center from both sides, the potato will pop open and will be pre-fluffed.

Extra fluffing can be done with your fork.

>> No.6509652


you perforate it in a line with your fork then gently push on either end, dont hulk out or youll end up with potato fucking everywhere.

>> No.6509661

Wash potatoes
Rub with Olive oil
Put salt and rosemary on outside

>> No.6509667

I guess the foil makes the potato fork tender?

As an aside, I basically do this >>6509529
though I bake at a lower temp (~350) and turn every 20 mins or so. The oil/seasoning makes the skin taste/feel wicked good

>> No.6509671

>sear the surface area and will take longer to cook fully

This has never happened to me before. I'm not saying that it's not true, but I personally have never experienced this, and I bake potatoes all the time in a preheated oven.

>> No.6509709

take potatoe, toss it in oven, do some shit for 3 hours, come back and eat potatoe


>> No.6509712

That's not how ovens work. That's not how searing works. That's not how any of this works. Are you retarded? What you are saying would only be true if the food was done cooking as soon as the oven was done heating up. Otherwise what you said is full retard.

>> No.6509714

The only difference between black olives and green olives is how they're prepared.

>> No.6509767
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Throw it in the garbage where it belongs and eat a steak, faggot.

>> No.6509775

>implying baked potatoes and steak aren't soulmates

>> No.6509780

>Filling up on potatoes instead of more steak

Not gonna make it

>> No.6509822

>having a little bitch for a stomach

>> No.6509846
File: 23 KB, 217x208, 1431629923471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the most retarded thing I've heard all day

>> No.6509865

Bake the potato as normal (I hear coating it with oil and a little salt before cooking makes the skin crispier).

Slice the spud in half and scoop out all the potato flesh into bowl. Mix the flesh with cottage cheese and herbs. I reckon room temperature cottage cheese is better than chilled for this so it doesn't cool down the potato too much. Stuff the skins with the potato/cheese/herb mix. There'll be some left over, do what you want with it - maybe a little salad if you're making a few spuds and there's enough left over.

Top the potato halves with a little veg (eg. chopped spring onions or sliced leek) and another cheese (eg. Cheddar). Pop them under the grill until the cheese is melted.

>> No.6509869

>there are people who don't eat the skin

fucking get the fuck out

>> No.6509870

Have you ever tried both ways, or are you just taking this for gospel?

I don't have any potatoes right now, but tomorrow I'll get some. I'll put one potato in while it's heating up, and another one in when it has reached temperature. Then I'll compare results and know for sure how full of shit you are.

>> No.6509874

Implying I'm not having a steak with that shit.

>> No.6509882

1. stab your potatoes. make sure to un-stab them to get your shiv back.
2. put them in a bowl. add salt and some (olive) oil.
3. microwave for 7 minutes. maybe more.
4. don't enjoy immediately

>> No.6509910

Personally I stab my potato on all sides like 8 times on each, cover it in melted butter and olive oil and salt and pepper.

Preheat the over to 400 degrees and let it cook for about 2 and a half hours flipping over only once.

>> No.6510177
