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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 525x630, Hitler_7364ab_5546055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6506136 No.6506136 [Reply] [Original]

>This is what Vegans eat

>> No.6506142

I don't know who is worse, the skinny vegan or the whiny triggerbabby who I bet is fat otherwise she wouldn't have said "skinny"

>> No.6506148

>over a whine

>> No.6506151

So she's eating chicken with her rice?

And this bothers our hero feminist? Maybe the vegan has some growing up to do, and some issues with acceptance, whether it be acceptance from others or acceptance from herself.

This dumbfuck feminist has some growing up to do. I don't understand her hostility. I can't imagine leaving my plate on a counter and coming back to someone taking pictures of my food. Fuck that.

>> No.6506163

>triggered by healthy foods

God damnit this whole 'muh triggers' shit is getting way out of hand.

>> No.6506170


That's what it's like to be a woman/a very popular dude/part of some kind of cult

>> No.6506171

Agreed. I think I need to add trigger and triggered to my filters.

>> No.6506178
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1422570260290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw her being triggered by something stupid triggers /ck/ which triggers me

>> No.6506182


Yeah that makes me wonder how Tumblrites can even function because somebody will be triggered by something which will trigger somebody else and all of that will just be a massive explosion of passive-aggressive posts

>> No.6506186

Is this even that healthy? Or Vegan? It looks like chicken rice and a decent amount of oil. With mayebe three green leaves thrown in. It's definitely not unhealthy food but nothing to get triggered over.

And why the fuck would a German pretend to be Australian. It's not like Americans have a favorable view of one over the other.

>> No.6506195

She probably said Austria and the poster is too stupid to realize.

>> No.6506196


Have you really misunderstood that image this much or are you having a giggle?

>> No.6506202

>all these people thinking its 4srs
It's obvious the person who posted it is joking
Did no one else jump to "Austria" on that one? And how no one with an internet connection in 2015 could possibly be stupid enough to genuinely confuse the two?

>> No.6506206
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 14945381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even understand. There are so many layers of conflicting data here.

>> No.6506207

>getting triggered from food
What a world we live in

>> No.6506212

It's not food directly that triggers people, it's associated implications.

>> No.6506224

>skinny roommate
>doesn't eat every meal from mcdicks
>the implication being that this is why she's skinny
>the knowledge that little self control can make a person skinny triggers fatty fatty tumblrtard

>> No.6506239

Hahaha. That's probably true.

I may have. Isn't the poster throwing a hissy fit about her roommate rubbing her healthy habits in her face?

>> No.6506243

>sounds german
>roommate is probably from austria
americans so dumb so dumb dumb

>> No.6506247


Or maybe I have misunderstood your post.
The facebook poster is the vegan and she complains about her roommate who eats that rice, chicken and spinach (?) dish which totally triggers the facebook posters, so much so that she takes a photo of it and publicises it on her facebook.
And she thinks that Austria is Australia.

>> No.6506251

>tell americans i'm swiss
>"i LOVE your country's meatballs!" then they ask me about IKEA and vikings
You know you're Swiss abroad the moment you've been confused for a Swede.

>> No.6506256

Why do you keep posting Lain on /ck/?

>> No.6506261

It's the closest he'll get to having been.

>> No.6506266

Maybe that's the case but the OP wrote >this is what vegans eat, which was misleading. Nothing about the posted picture suggests either of the concerned parties is vegan. I know some vegans canget triggered about other people eating meat but then why would the skinniness of the roommate or the """healthy"""-ness of the food come into question.

>> No.6506270


Oh I see I didn't even notice that OP posted something I'm kinda really drunk but yeah I understand where you're coming from

>> No.6506873
File: 31 KB, 288x316, 1421946965352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize the retarded bitch that posted this doesn't realize her roommate told her she was from Austria

>> No.6506912

In this case it was tangentially related. Lots of layers of conflicting information, etc, the general vibe of it. In other cases it is used as a response to anyone posting "Fazoli's".

In all other cases, I don't actually know. You could say it just happens. Maybe some part of me is aware that I feel somewhat broken, discontent, and a bit empty inside. I disregard such things as useless and don't directly experience it, but upholding that sense of split mindedness requires indirect outlets. So I post Lain for sentimental value, familiarity, the idea of not being completely alone, or whatever I associate it with.

Eating all the cocoa bean doesn't help, that's probably the main root of it. Couldn't actually tell you why, could be relics of the past slipping through. But you asked, and that's all I could really say.

>> No.6506915

>I change to a high def/quality profile picture
>female friend changes profile picture to a grainy dark iphone image

>> No.6506924

why should anyne not post lain

>> No.6506938
File: 560 KB, 1000x1502, 1429673880759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about your life

>> No.6506952

Really? You don't know whose worse? The person who eats what they like, or the fat fuck getting fucking triggered and posting online for oppression points by it?

100% of the time I will take a typical vegan over a typical SJW

>> No.6506956

wow thats actually a pretty fucked up image

and I have been here for years

>> No.6506960
File: 53 KB, 516x381, 88 fingers edward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.6506984
File: 22 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-00286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6506995
File: 2.64 MB, 2549x3441, scan03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should post Lain.

>> No.6506998

stop over-saturating the place with lain you idiots. stop posting it out of context

you anime fucking shits that can't appreciate a great show without obsessing over it and posting image #879 from your lain folder in the food and cooking board are irritating. just stop

>> No.6507004

As far as I've seen, it's more or less just me. Context also hinges on perspective.

You'll be alright.

>> No.6507005

show more respect for your god

>> No.6507030

all of them are girls and beta/gays. every time.

>> No.6507033


>> No.6507037

>I am triggered by anime posts
Fuck off

>> No.6507042

Anime is the ultimate faggotry though...

>> No.6507052

Once again you faggots forget in what website you are posting.

>> No.6507062


>> No.6507065

It's okay anon. Even if I don't "know" you, I want to reach out to you through the nexus of your on-line presence and tell you: you have intrinsic value and you are never truely alone.No homo.

>> No.6507067

>Chicken and rice is healthy
Sweet, now I'm an enlightened middle class.

>> No.6507073
File: 127 KB, 429x566, soylent-green-20110222-123658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuddup and stick to your soylent green wafers

>> No.6507077

I am from the planet Vega and I've never eaten anything like this

>> No.6507095
File: 54 KB, 639x747, 1380823535288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting lain whenever there is an excuse

>> No.6507672

This has no relevancy whatsoever, but I can't read a sentence where "know" is the only emphasized word and not think of visiting /tg/.

Just wanted to share.

>> No.6507842

>Excuse me, sir.
How do vegans feel about eating yeast products, since Yeast is a living organism

>> No.6507860

Apparently OP is a retard. This Facebook post is either a fatty with a superiority complex complaining about their roommate or a vegan with a superiority complex complaining about their roommate.

Either way OP's post makes no fucking sense.

>> No.6507992

I wish people that use the word "trigger" over something stupid as this actually get into a situation that causes genuine PTSD. Yes I know, edgy, but the tumblerinas deserve it.

>> No.6508028
File: 24 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confusing Austria and Australia.

>> No.6508030
File: 855 KB, 800x1200, This is a bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does bear meat taste like ?

>> No.6508047

greazy and unpleasant

>> No.6508061
File: 39 KB, 389x387, ped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510188
File: 154 KB, 495x323, 1431119815433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who feels emotionally tormented by this picture right.
I'm slightly tearing up right now.
Fuck I'd do it right now if it was possible.

>> No.6510786

If she gets triggered by "food for skinny people" it's not hard to believe she doesn't know the difference between Austria and Australia.

>> No.6510813
File: 22 KB, 500x333, 954881_10201659392915000_2051083671_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510832

who the fuck desperately tells someone they're from another country? that fat fuck needs to be put down

>> No.6510880

Dat autism doe
Nigga you a wizard

>> No.6510981

>The facebook poster is the vegan and she complains about her roommate who eats that rice, chicken and spinach (?) dish which totally triggers the facebook posters, so much so that she takes a photo of it and publicises it on her facebook.

Looks like a 'fat acceptance' post to me. Landwhale is triggered by her normal weight friend eating healthy food.

>> No.6511019

Right in the feels man. Depressed/10

>> No.6511092

Plants are alive too. They don't eat animals because of the animals nervous system.

>> No.6511547

I don't even comprehend what makes that pic "healthy" in the eyes of the delusional hambeast. Is it because it's not drenched in chocolate syrup? Because it isn't enough to serve 12 mortal beings? Because it has one or two leafy greens?