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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6504711 No.6504711 [Reply] [Original]

A friend gave me some "extra" boxes of random flavored Lipton's tea. To my horror, I find the type of tea bags pictured here are made of plastic/nylon. Just googling this,


...Is enough to make me create my own tea bags from coffee filters, which is easy enough to do. Turns out that many paper tea bags are coated in plasticizers too. God damn pleb tier tea shit.

Time for loose teas. What are your favorite tea blends, /ck/? Puer perhaps?

>> No.6504721

What's so wrong with plastic and nylon?

>> No.6504728


recently had some pu-erh and it was too fishy for my taste. kind of surprising since I love sencha.

my favorites are definitely genmaisha, thai oolong and various sorts of korean green tea, the best being the roasted ones. what are yours?

>> No.6504759

I'm not your mother. It isn't my responsibility to educate you. Use the google link.

I actually prefer herbal-tea blends. I had a tea plant for a few years under a polytunnel before massive storms dumped 4 feet of snow on everything and the electric was out for 2 weeks. Everything died as a result. But, I was blending Aspalathus linearis (rooibos) and Camellia sinensis (tea). I'm hoping to get more starts and continue. Meanwhile I've been surviving on mint teas (peppermint, wild bergamot, horsemint, etc) and pine needle teas. I also wish to plant a permanent patch of comfrey. But, I really need to get actual tea plants again, in moveable pots, and learn to process them in various ways.

I'm really at a lose when it comes to store bought teas. Around this rural area there's only 3 brands and they are all, "meh". Thus, I'd need to order online.

>> No.6504897

You don't have to be the mother of a child to stop him/her when he/she gets too close to something hazardous.

You're being a pretentious smart ass for no reason. He asked for your opinion on why it was so bad.

>"yeah so I hate Muslims"
>"why? What's so bad about them?"
>"im not here to educate you, go watch the news."

That's what you're acting like, just fuck off with your dumbass tea problems.

Probably never had good quality tea to understand the difference between a brand and a good one.

>> No.6505034

If you'd clicked on the link in the OP you'd instantly see all the stuff about it. There's nothing else in the first page of searches.

Stop being a complete moron.

>> No.6505044

>i'm too lazy to explain the thing i'm trying to talk about

>> No.6505045

young puerh is pretty dang fishy.
try some older puerh next time.

>> No.6505388
File: 1.57 MB, 260x289, 1376605047409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liptons tea

>> No.6505607


I use these for most teas.
Also, a good source of loose leaf teas, if you're in the US or Canada. I like Pu erh and CTC Assam, or dragon pearls.

>> No.6505819

>i'm too lazy to click on a link and need to be spoonfed

>> No.6505822

just brewed up some black tea + p. cubensis tea. added a bit of honey, and it's pretty tastey way to end the day.

>> No.6505825

Sounds pretty trippy.

>> No.6505984

>Time for loose teas. What are your favorite tea blends, /ck/?
I don't usually drink blends, but nice single variety, unflavoured stuff. Assam Broken is my favourite black tea (which also great since it's cheap) and my favourite green tea is Gyokuro (which unfortunately is not so cheap). If you like green tea definitely try gyokuro once, even if it's a bit expensive. The flavour is so nice, full, creamy and flowery. Doesn't even ompare to sencha.
East frisian blends are pretty awesome, though. Perfect with whipped cream.

>> No.6505998

Can't you repeatedly steep gyokuro a lot, so the price evens out?

>> No.6506015

>autism speaks

>> No.6506017

>Can't you repeatedly steep gyokuro a lot
Yes, but you also need more leafs per water than for most other teas, namely up to 10g per 60ml of water (I use a lot less, though), so that evens out. In the end it is definitely among the most expensive infusion teas.

>> No.6506020

You didn't even link to a fucking website, you linked to a google search you fucking nigger, at least link to the information you're trying to give us for fucks sake... Some people...

>> No.6506087
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Geeee, I wonder.

>> No.6507088



>> No.6507192

Oh I see, you don't actually want us to read any of the articles, just look at the headlines and form bullshit reactionary opinions like you did.


>> No.6507339

Some writefag on /co/ spammed a Korra thread with his crazy-ass Bart/Lisa lemon one time. It ruined the show forever, now I can never watch the Simpsons again.

>> No.6507387

instead of using coffee filters which will add a paper taste to your beverage, buy a steel strainer and pour through it from another cup or a kettle.

>> No.6507394

If I Google "loose tea dangers" I'd get a lot of articles too.

Genmaicha is great. I need to try and compare green teas from other countries, so far I wouldn't know the difference.

>> No.6508077
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Yeah, I don't understand why people buy it. I guess it is cheap or something and they don't really care.

>being this autistic

Yeah, I hunted up my tea ball for this stuff. I've been ripping the plastic open and dumping the contents into the tea ball and going from there. No problems now. Other than it being subpar tea of course.

>> No.6508134

you are literally retarded.

>> No.6508235

>using reddit memes