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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 610x407, Steak940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6504345 No.6504345 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so into steak? I can't into steak... I don't know, i have bought several expensive cuts from various butchers, ordered steaks from restaurants up to 120$, eating it at dinner parties++

I mean it's okey but there isn't anything ''amazing'' about it. Everyone is like ''steak is GOAT'', the best''.

What do i do? How do i learn to appreciate it? I'm really trying but i'm starting to believe that it just a ''fad'' that will never die...
Is it overrated?

>> No.6504347

trade in your vagina for a dick

>> No.6504348

How do you get it cooked?

>> No.6504351

Be vegetarian. When you feel the need to eat meat/protein, eat seafood.

You will never want to look at raw beef again.

>> No.6504352

I have tried everything, i generally prefer it medium rare and i don't like to put stuff on it, sauce, butter, 100 different seasoning+.

>> No.6504353

>a fad

Pick one. Seriously, if you think steak is a food fad, perhaps eating a bag of dicks is more your speed.

>> No.6504356

I meant something that people have ''valued'' over several decades. It's not a fad but maybe hyped or overrated? I don't know how to put my words on it, i'm sure that you understand my point though.

>> No.6504364

Preference in food is subjective, you can't just say that you don't understand why many people say they love steak, when you clearly have the mental capacity to understand that it isn't your cup of tea.
I fucking love a good steak.

>> No.6504365

It's not overrated, the concept is meaningless. It's a thing that you don't like, that other people like, and this is hard for you to accept like a rational adult. All you have to do is just not eat steak, problem solved.

You wouldn't believe how many people I have had to explain this to.

>> No.6504371
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1431202506277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot kill yourself.

>> No.6504374

Same here, I mean it's just a piece of meat, that's it. I'd much rather have rice and a sick sauce than a flat piece of meat and some small sides.

>> No.6504377

What is a sick sauce?

>> No.6504392

I think it's the texture that draws people to it. Plus, nothing else tastes quite like it.

>> No.6504394


>> No.6504395

>i'm starting to believe that it just a ''fad'' that will never die...







>> No.6504396

If you don't like it you don't like it. The majority think they're awesome though.

>> No.6504401

It's a dish that's easy to cook. A good steak is made great by choosing great meat, not by cooking or preparing it in a different way. That's why people like it.

>> No.6504404

If it will never die, and is therefore immutable, it's not a fad. Think through the nonsense that comes rolling from your lips.

>> No.6504408
File: 238 KB, 1225x1035, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know how to read, i said it was okey, i don't dislike it. There is probably plenty of stuff that you find just ''okey''' while the majority loves it.

>...like a rational adult
>His whole life card
>You wouldn't believe how many people I have had to explain this to.

>> No.6504419

I'm also not into steak. I've had steak with so much fat on it that it shouldn't be considered steak and I've had god-tier steak that melts in your mouth, and all other kinds of steak. It's great sometimes, but I never crave it or look forward to it. It's just /okay/.

I guess I'm just particular about my meats.

>> No.6504422

That's completely irrelevant. It's still not overrated. It's still not "hyped." It's a slab of meat, and you don't like it. And that's okay, because it doesn't matter.

>> No.6504433

Because you said so, right? I asked in the first post if there is something i could do differently. Maybe it's simply not for my taste buds. But people on this board is so emotionally attached to food that they feel like someone attcked them personally.

>> No.6504435

Pretty much this for me. Rarely I'll have a craving for a good steak but most of the time I'd rather be eating something else. I think it might have to do with how my parents always served it well done and ingrained a subpar association with steak.

>> No.6504439
File: 87 KB, 620x399, breach1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you tried. It's not your thing. Steak is cow at it's simplest. A cut of steak, seasonings, cooked to perfection(medium rare for me), juicy and tender. Maybe a bit of horseradish, or butter for some. That's it. No fancy sauces, no complex ingredients. If you don't like it you just don't like it. Maybe your'e someone who needs a shit ton of ingredients in his food to make things taste good. I dunno.

>> No.6504441

I love when people parse a post like this, then tack on kinds of ridiculous ways to twist its pieces while ignoring the whole. Then they present this new version as though it's substantial or even the slightest bit meaningful.

This is what makes good lawyers. If you aren't presently in that field, or a field related to law, I recommend you consider it. The hours can be quite long and exhausting, you're arguably nothing more than a parasite, but you'd make quite a decent yearly income doing what you're already doing on 4chan and probably everywhere else in your life. The only potential hangup is you need a degree of awareness and acceptance of what you are, how you work, and why it's logically disjointed and faulty at its very root. This is what separates a decent lawyer from a great one.

Just something to think about.

>> No.6504444

>I don't like thing. What do I do?

You continue not being enthusiastic about eating steak. You eat foods you enjoy. You try new foods and new ways to prepare foods. You let your tastes guide you.

>> No.6504451

See >>6504352

>I love when people parse a post like this, then tack on kinds of ridiculous ways to twist its pieces while ignoring the whole.
Read your own post m8.

Yeah, i don't mind having it from time to time but i would rather order or prepare something else 19/20 times.

>> No.6504452

>You wouldn't believe how many people I have had to explain this to.

It's because we've raised a whole generation of people who think they are all "winners" and everything should be "fair", and they cannot understand why anyone else would have differing views from them and want everyone to line up and behave exactly the same. It's really fucked up. I could have explained it better if I wasn't so sleep deprived right now. And now that generation is about to start having children which is only going to compound the problem. People are fed up with "helicopter parents"? Just wait and see what happens with the next generation of parents. Fuck this gay earth......

>> No.6504462

In all fairness you are sitting on an image board while complaining about ''this'' generation having babies and ''cannot understand why anyone else would have differing views from them''.

Like the irony is just...wow....

4chan is the board where people who shouldn't pass natural selection in the first place, come to shitpost because they can't into society like everyone else. They value their opion so much, gets so emotionally attached to the board, rages when people disagree with them and don't realise how pathetic their life really is.

The pride and ego is hard to swallow. People will also tell themself differently.
>Nono, i got everything in place, i'm the ideal pinnacle, everyone else sucks except me. Fuck this gay world because i'm not happy and things aren't going my way.

>> No.6504471

See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You made assumptions about my life based on your own beliefs. You're selfish. You were raised to be selfish and single minded, and will raise a generation of even more selfish and single minded children. Also, you don't understand irony, but that's okay, you will someday. And perhaps you should learn not to speak in half sentenced laced with memespeak and blatant anger, then more people would take you seriously.

>> No.6504476

Collectivism. And yes, it's fucked up and infantile, they also don't fully realize they're doing it or why. I believe once this has been woven into someone, it cannot be changed by direct external means.

So I just ignore them and hope we don't regress back to public torture and executions out in the street. Unless I put on my pretending cap, I'll be the first to go.

>> No.6504478

>See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You made assumptions about my life based on your own beliefs. You're selfish. You were raised to be selfish and single minded
> raised a whole generation of people
> that generation is about to start having children
>Just wait and see what happens with the next generation of parents. Fuck this gay earth......
>blatant anger, then more people would take you seriously
It's time to stop posting. >>6504462 got a decent point, like it or not.

>> No.6504484

It's a cultural hangup from when meat was a luxury that most people couldn't afford.

What people don't seem to understand is that meat is still a luxury, and no one can afford it.

>> No.6504488

You're so stupid it's unbelievable.

>> No.6504493

I'm not him, but I'd like to see you say why.

People like you are exactly what his post is describing. All you can ever say is how wrong someone is, how stupid they are, how retarded they must be, but when pushed, you can't actually explain any of it. You likely lack any kind of self awareness and anything you say is a shell at best.

Prove me wrong. Explain, in depth, why the poster you quoted is stupid. I'll wait. To be honest, I don't you can even bullshit something out. Every you say relies on a group agreeing with you.

>> No.6504508

You spewing stuff like that on 4chan and then have the audacity to complain about this generation and the upcoming one?

I'm not >>6504488

He is judging a group of people and is then ignorant enough to say that other people are judgemental, selfish, assumptions, ''own beliefs'', and then goes out to call him single minded....

>> No.6504509

If you really need an explenation for that post then i have bad news.

First time visiting since coming home from vacation. I'll def be gone for another 2 weeks. This board got destroyed...

>> No.6504513

You're so far up your own ass I'm surprised you can see well enough to type.

>> No.6504515
File: 1.91 MB, 420x315, 1359264830337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even more of a shitstorm than the usual steak threads, and steak is the most reliable way to cause a shitstorm.

I'll bet it's that angsty early 20s guy with chronic pain and an inability to edit his thoughts before he puts them onto the page. He also "blessed" the chocolate thread and the what booze do you hate thread with his cancer.

>> No.6504516


Found the vegan SJW who's going to breastfeed until her kid is 8 (despite the damage it will do to the kid).

>> No.6504517

>your lips

Not OP but I'd advise you to do the same

>> No.6504520

This is a perfect example of the selfishness we're talking about.
>me, me, me
>I don't have to explain anything
>people don't agree with me so THEY have the problems, not me

>> No.6504529

>You likely lack any kind of self awareness and anything you say is a shell at best.
>To be honest, I don't you can even bullshit something out.

Holy shit.

Fucking this. What is wrong with you guys.

Don't you realise that you're doing the exact same thing?

I mean >>6504452 said: ''a whole generation of people'', ''that generation is about to start having children''

A whole generation is shit because of his feelings.

>> No.6504536

>A whole generation is shit because of his feelings.


Have you tried T-Bone? T-Bone is amazing.

>> No.6504540

No, a whole generation is shit because of how they were raised. Do you not have any reading comprehension?

>> No.6504543

I did. Lips is perfectly sensible.

>> No.6504548

The people are still shit in his opinion, doesn't matter how they got that way. Saying that x people is shit regardless of who they are without really knowing them is just ignorant and show such a lack of intellegence and hate.

>All Christians are crusaders who kill people because they were raised up to be Christians.
>All Muslims are terrorists.
>All atheists are fat autist fedoras with 3-4 friends at best.

>> No.6504549

So more or less, you can't, and you're unwilling to even try. Better get gone then I guess, lest you keep further proving my point.

>> No.6504558

I'm not him.

It's amazing how some people will hold so tight to their opion without even trying to see a case from a second or third perspective. gl

>> No.6504560


>muh machismo

>> No.6504564 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 288x437, nazicue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, can I just add something? You white people are too much. Obama's hitler-like rethugnican flyover feminazi SJW cuck redditor tumbler coastie fag lover shitskin supporters are ruining America because of their vegan entitlements. Straight white men are the worst thing ever and must be destroyed. Have I mentioned how minorities are why I'm not a winner? GMO is exactly the same as selective breeding, and the pores in the magnetite of my cast iron pan would need to be sealed in by searing. Unitasker! Also, California is why my home is not optimal, and we are DEFINITELY not the south.

>> No.6504571

Goddamn, I'm so sick of you SJWs shitting everything up. Here's an "ALL" for you, ALL people are entitled to their own goddamn opinions. If you didn't "show such a lack of intelligence (at least I can spell it properly), you'd realize that you can't fucking force people to believe whatever you want them to.

>> No.6504586

I hate SJWs myself but the guy is right about the other poster not recognizing other peoples opinion. It goes both way you know.

>got emotionally hurt early on in life.
>Starts to isolate himself
>Shits on everything that doesn't cater to his feelings
>Generations is to blame


>> No.6504590

>wanting a just society is bad
Job opportunities must be really harsh these days for the youth. When I was your age, social justice was a good thing, but history has shown that racism and harsh times go hand in hand.

>> No.6504592

Unfortunately, you haven't put yourself in anyone else's shoes long enough to realize I've already thought about your perspective. I've already chewed on other people's opinions for a while. I'm doin' it right now too, but I'm not seeing anything novel. I'm not seeing anything convincing. I'm barely seeing effort

When you say you see me "clinging", what you really mean is that you don't see me immediately shifting to your viewpoint and to become something you want me to be. Any clinging you might perceive in others is of a dual basis, their lack of change is due to an equal lack of your own actions. Perhaps it's impossible to change the person you're talking to, that ascribes a deficit in yourself by default that you can really do anything about.

Etc. Like has been said, you're being selfish and can't see that there are two parts to every interaction, nor will you take responsibility for your own. Blaming me and simply saying I'm faulty will not get you where or what you seem to want. So keep whining I suppose.

>> No.6504608

You are both idiots, but you are really taking it to another level.

>> No.6504609

What's hilarious that you wouldn't be so butthurt if you weren't part of the selfish generation.

Social justice has become a monster in modern age, where people want to take down and destroy anyone who doesn't agree with their viewpoint, and social media has made that possible. It's not even close to the same kind of social justice fights that happened last century. This is a much more insidious monster.

>> No.6504612

I think you are confusing mob justice done over a social network with social justice. Accusing someone of being a pedophile on twitter isn't what "social justice" means.

>> No.6504613

>Still failing to not do things you've already been called on.
Anon. You must be really used to behaving this way and having other people tolerate it. Sounds a lot like middle school, at most.

>> No.6504624

I think you're ignoring the bigger problem and picking a minor and oversimplified example.

>> No.6504634

You have spent hours now, arguing with like 8 different people about your bitternes and childish behaviour. You should have a talk with yourself.

>> No.6504641

The bigger problem being that your generation is struggling to get gainful employment so you spend your idle hours freaking out about a fat lady on twitter who said something retarded? No, as I said I do get that things are rough these days and it's comforting to be able to say "this is why things are bad and if only there was a Final Solution to this problem"

Perhaps if we could just elect a charismatic leader to galvanize the economy and have the courage to take on these Problems you're referring to :)

>> No.6504642

Now you're just making things up. Ridiculous.

>> No.6504650

I think you're confusing me with someone else. Also, your post was a rambling mess.

>> No.6504658

Don't near randomly capitalize certain Words or Phrases as though the have Special Significance or are Proper Nouns. Nothing you said is a Proper Noun, and I'm not incline to interpret your statement as implying they're things, because you have other Arbitrary words capitalized here and there.

Learn what to capitalize. Google it, it's easy.

>> No.6504661

But the Final Solution did have Special Significance. I see you children were taught some kind of revisionist history that said the Holocaust (also capitalized) never happened (but it should have).

>> No.6504699

Steak is delicious, but I agree it's not amazing. There are many reasons that it's highly prized. Historically it's been a wealthy person's food. In Europe this goes all the way back to the Middle Ages. When meat prices fell after the Black Death peasants gorged themselves on pork. Nobles responded by favoring birds and beef, and the ultimate forms of beef were the rib roast and the fillet - the two cuts that provide the most coveted steaks.

This view of beef as the most desirable meat - the one that equated with high social standing - held particularly strong in England. London had steakhouses before the US was a country. Given the strong English influence on out culture it was no surprise that by the 19th Century New York's wealth and the development of railroads led to steakhouses in America. These are the oldest restaurants in the country. They were men only, and only for the very wealthy. (This is how eating steak became associated with manliness). The tuxedo was invented as a mode of dress for the men who ate at such places.

Beyond history and prestige steak has another thing going for it. It's a lowest common denominator luxury food. Some fussy eaters might not like other luxury foods like caviar, champagne, lobster, foie gras, oysters, and the like. But a steakhouse is a safe bet for any businessman entertaining clients on an expense account. Because even a client with absolute shit taste will appreciate a good steak. It's delicious, luxurious and most important non-threatening.

But I agree with you, OP. There are much better things to eat out there. Steak's popularity is not because it's the best luxury food out there. It's just the hardest one to dislike. It's the safe bet.

>> No.6504706

People are also weirdly primal about steak. We evolved larger brains partly thanks to cooking our food and here we have all these people pretending to be carnivores while they're actually omnivores. I like my steakswell done, grilled through and through. Keep your cro magnon opinions about other people's food to yourself tiny brains.

>> No.6504712

I see, I completely missed that. Didn't expect that sort of reference.

I'm tired and doing multiple things either way. Just dropped in this thread when I was scrolling and saw a few of the comments. The things that disgusts me the most is people's perception of strength in numbers. I'm not the guy who sparked this conversation, but I've been on the "alone in this" end of conversations more times than I can count. They'll ridicule, they'll whine, they'll twist, they'll even bore you. But the moment they perceive a presence greater than one individual, they begin to feel insecure and either hold their tongue, or shift what they say to be more group based. They are wired to start shit yet not be able to handle it on their own, it all hinges on the perception of being accepted within the majority. It doesn't matter what is said, and it sure as hell doesn't matter who's right. With them, might makes right, and since you aren't in person you can't get your hands around their throat. So it becomes moot.

With that bit of disgust out of the way and slipping into my day, I'm gone. Got other shit to do. Anon didn't need "help" and I didn't really intend to have that kind of role, but the results are usually disappointing when it ultimately is so. Remember kids, collectivism is an awful poison. Spit it out when they put it in your mouth, like those pills they give you so you can focus in school. Cheek it, maybe even pretend you're one of em, spit it out later. You might be glad you did.

>> No.6504952

>entire post boils down to something Nietzsche said much better: "Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule."
Up your game, Anon.

>> No.6504956

I only eat blue steak.

>> No.6504965


>> No.6505183

Confirmed for actual ignoramus.

>> No.6505282

Bruh we've been eating steak for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. Most people have a primal urge for it. If you don't like a juicy red steak with bits of salty, buttery, peppery char on the outside then I don't know what to tell you. Youre broken or something. You should become a vegan, most people can't do it because they cave in for steak and burgers. Lucky for you.

>> No.6505317

People are into steak because they like the taste and because other people got good at cooking them
it's like why people like wine
and hell yes it's overrated, but that won't stop people from eating it because they believe the expense is worth it

>> No.6505363

I can't into steak either OP. But for me, it's because I have so very rarely ever had a good steak. I've only ever had a steak I truly loved once, and it was because it had a damn good crust on it. I've never been able to get a good crust on a steak myself and I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. If I could crust up a steak real good though, I would definitely change my opinion on steaks. As it stands, usually when I try to get a good crust I just end up with burnt steak.