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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 480x320, breadmold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6500312 No.6500312 [Reply] [Original]

If bread spoiled in the cabinet does it contaminate the other food? I had some oatmeal and the box smelled like bread mold when I first took the bread out. Am I still okay to eat it?

>> No.6500317

unfortunately, everything in the cabinet including the sealed food is no longer safe to eat. if you opened the cabinet while the bread was spoiled at the same time as having another cabinet or the fridge open, that food has to go as well

>> No.6500318


>> No.6500322


>> No.6500326

Cheese is mold and you can eat it. Mushrooms are FUNGUS and you can eat them. Here's the thing, buffoon, living cultures and mold are good for the body. They might upset or tickle your stomach at first but once you get used to them in your system they'll treat you right. Mmm.

>> No.6500342

mushrooms are a vegetable.

>> No.6500355


Pizza is a vegetable.

>> No.6500356

In the cabinet? You keep bread in a cabinet? Mistake #1

>> No.6500358

They're not all edible, just like not all mushrooms are edible. Some produce toxins.

>> No.6500359

penicillium chrysogenum, nothing to worry about aside from the taste.

>> No.6500362

Do not reply to the sperg.

>> No.6500373

you are like a bad penny

>> No.6500375

Where am I supposed to keep it?

>> No.6500515

The refrigerator, duh.
Honestly, you Americans are daft.

>> No.6500538


Keeping bread in the refridgerator increases staling although it does inhibit mold growth. Its better to keep out enough bread to last you a few days and freeze the rest. Then after a day or two start thawing the bread in the refrigerator that way it will be ready by the time you finish off the first bit of bread.

>> No.6501115
File: 293 KB, 1246x480, maximum faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you use a tripcode when your identity is irrelevant to your post? Are you trying to build some sort of reputation on 4chan? Garner some internet fame?

Unless you're consistently providing quality OC, the only reputation you'll get by tripfagging the place up like that is one of a gigantic asshole and attention whore.

If you want to log in to a website and chat with a persistent ID then perhaps you should try Reddit. 4chan thrives on the purity of it's discourse thanks to the fact that posters present only their ideas and views (and memes), not their personal details or characteristics.

When you regularly post with an unnecessary tripcode you're effectively saying "Hey everyone, fuck the topic you all came to discuss, let's all make this about me instead!" It's obnoxious and irritating, everybody on here that I've talked to about it feel the same way, so on behalf of those people, please stop it.

>> No.6501176

This. Puking and shitting your guts out just isn't worth it op; better start fresh.

>> No.6501186
File: 115 KB, 992x1057, IMG_20130811_124023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damm you are amazing Edgar. I try to stir up shit sometimes with a tripcode and I've occasionally gotten dozens of replies for particularly good posts, but I could never dream of reaching this level of consistency and effectiveness, combined. Much respect.

>> No.6501232

Put your trip back on Edgar so I can continue to filter you.

>> No.6501243

They get off on it. It's like a full career of "I'm just pretending to be retarded" with their own signature on every post. Just ignore it, your post encourages it massively

>> No.6501965
