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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 268 KB, 2028x1466, bluebell6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6493326 No.6493326 [Reply] [Original]

Texas homos, how does it make you feel that this company will soon go out of business? LOL best ice cream ever made LOL.

Niggas pls, you faggots don't even know what real premium ice cream tastes like. Their stuff was generic cow piss made with corn syrup. However, they did make a pretty mean homemade vanilla and red velvet cake. Everything else was shit.

>> No.6493335
File: 52 KB, 636x448, average_texans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some once at a texas theme restaurant after hearing texans freak out over how amazing it was

It tasted like bryer's or some other generic low-quality trash. I was shocked, I mean I didn't have high expectations but I expected it to at least be average quality. Maybe haagen dazs tier or something along those lines.

Texans confirmed for having ruined their taste buds on too much recombinant flyover "cuisine".

>> No.6493354

theme restaurant?

are you a chinese tourist? did you poop in the parking lot before you went in?

>> No.6493362

Parking lot? I don't own a murder cage, and this place didn't have one anyway.

>> No.6493407
File: 410 KB, 1366x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Bell is absolute fucking shit.

Amy's is the only sane choice; why does Austin do everything so right?

>> No.6493417

>murder cage

sup /n/, hope you had a nice ride this weekend.

>> No.6493425

RIP in piss other than the vanilla

still the best vanilla ice cream i've ever had

>> No.6493436

Fellow Austinite here.

Amy's is delicious indeed.

>> No.6493441
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Just having a little rest

>> No.6493442

I always thought it tasted much better than everything besides Haagen Daas at my grocery store.

>> No.6493446

Amy's is only loved by the sort of trash that infests Austin. It's really no better than your average coldstone.

>> No.6493451
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>> No.6493456
File: 32 KB, 600x480, trayvon-martin-double-finger[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this.

eat shit OP

>> No.6493457


I bet you're planning on hitting dirty 6 next weekend too.

>> No.6493460
File: 17 KB, 300x180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for eating Amy's while in the airport

Can't handle some hipster qts? I bet you like driving, too.

>> No.6493469

Next weekend?


Not him, but streets are packed and party's kicking 8 nights a week.

Unlike other shit fat cities in Texas without pedestrians or the infrastructure to support them

>> No.6493476

>Amy's is only loved by the sort of trash that infests Austin

Austin just keeps getting worse and worse and largely because of caliroaches.

>> No.6493488

Stop pretending like Californians have had anything to do with any of the ``changes'' here.

>> No.6493491

God yall are a bunch of dicks.

I love Austin. Sure it's been invaded by a bunch of New Yorkers but it's still the best city in Texas.

>> No.6493493
File: 25 KB, 277x255, 0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, there's one just across he freeway next to freebirds.

Aint worth the trip tho.

>> No.6493496

If you've crossed a freeway, you're no longer in Austin.

>> No.6493499

I was never impressed by Listeria Bell.
It was too expensive, and the quality was meh.
They did have a fuckton of flavors, but Kroger Private Selection does, too.

>> No.6493512

Last year I had got a pint of some bluebell for the first time in many years. It wasn't good. Dunno if my tastebuds "grewup" or they got shitty, but I'm not gonna miss it. Blue Bell is trash.
Hell, even HEB brand is better.

Also, Houston > Austin

>> No.6493514

Every other city in the US > Houston

>> No.6493528

Aint austin bruh

>> No.6493531


Houston is complete shit. Why is Central Houston completely fucking dead (especially at night) all of the time? Freeway spaghetti and sprawl.

Compare this to Central Austin with consistently packed streets.

>> No.6493532

>consistently packed streets
Is that why traffic is so horrendous?

>> No.6493534

Population doesn't mean shit when it's spread over a fucking thousand square kilometers.

>> No.6493537

I know two people from Texas. The one from Austin never really talks about it, he seems like he's trying to put his past behind him. The one from Houston can't shut the fuck up about how Houston is the greatest city ever.

Conclusion: they are both shit.

>> No.6493540

There is no traffic dude, maybe if you live in the burbs.

I walk to work, groceries, restaurants; couldn't be more perfect. I've never even owned a car for the entirety of my life. No fucking need

>> No.6493542

>Anywhere on Earth with people involved
>Not simply shit in a way you just can't see immediately.

>> No.6493548

what is a good ice cream brand that I can pick up at food4less or ralphs? I've never had real ice cream before

>> No.6493550

I think everyone agrees.
Bluebell is overrated shit.
Dallas is the worst city in TX.

>> No.6493572
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line at Amy's right now on South Congress.

Should I wait?

>> No.6493576

Fucking rotated, no mobile imagemagick to rotate it 90 degrees ;__;

>> No.6493579

Georgia Master Race reporting in from the home of Kinnett Dairy. Some of the finest fucking ice cream ever made. Sadly they were bought out by Fieldbrook Farms in 1999. Some faggot New York operation. Anyone here ever tried Kinnett?

>> No.6493588

As a Texan raised on Blue Bell™ I never much cared for it and fail to see what the hype was all about.

>> No.6493604

what is a good ice cream brand that I can pick up at food4less or ralphs? I've never had real ice cream before

>> No.6493617

I'm a Houston gal and I love Blue Bell!

>> No.6493633
File: 125 KB, 350x447, 1429268504605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a Houston gal and I love Blue Bell!
N O R T H - W E S T S I D E


>> No.6493636


>> No.6493685

>too expensive
a ½ gallon for 5 bucks

>> No.6493691

Turkey Hill is $3.99 and doesn't have bacteria in it that'll turn your internal organs to liquid shit.

>> No.6493717

Same here. Grew up in Austin. Blue bell faggots everywhere. Never thought much of Blue Ball

>> No.6493722

>bacteria goes undetected for a long long time
>finally discovered, they fix it
>you assume that this can't happen to anyone else
>even a bargain brand
It must be nice to be blissfully ignorant.

>> No.6493723

Blue Bell advocates in Austin?



>> No.6493742
File: 32 KB, 518x375, CreateaPack-Hero[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graeter's is the only good ice cream.

>> No.6493770

Must be nice to be able to see most processed food as anything other than trash.

>> No.6493795

>Turkey Hill is $3.99 and doesn't have bacteria in it that'll turn your internal organs to liquid shit.

turkey hill is also not ½ gallon

>> No.6493799

>how does it make you feel that this company will soon go out of business?

Don't care.

>you faggots don't even know what real premium ice cream tastes like.

I've eaten a fair share and variety of gelato in Italy, so actually I do.

Relax asshole. You too OP. Blue Bell is an icon. A lot of people here, that are in their twenties now, grew up with it. The commercials, the jingle, etc. Also that was back before corn syrup got shat into everything. Anyway, people do get emotionally attached to products for certain reasons. it's really not shocking or unusual. And I'm pretty sure a lot of the popularity has to do with availability and variety.

As for me personally, my childhood memories of ice cream are of what my mom would make in her big clanky, manual crank ice cream maker. Delicious. Blue Bell had a lyric in their jingle I'll never forget. "Blue Bell homemade ice cream...". 22 years later I still remember asking my mom how it can be homemade if its in the store. I don't even remember her response but I'm sure she got a kick out of that considering that she actually did make our ice cream at home.

So yeah, shut it down, whatever.

>> No.6493802


I wont deny grater's being diety tier, but most of their flavors are kinda boring but great. I like some of the more crazy and original shit that Jenni pumps out. But even Jenni right now is having a blue bell episode.

>> No.6493804

listeria is only a danger to the old and small children.

>> No.6493820

As soon as I learn that they have restocked the local store with Blue Bell, I'll be there to buy some.

>> No.6493839

I'm from the west coast. Heard Blue Bell hype -- I mean, red velvet cake ice cream, sounds amazing right?

It's all shit. Never tasted anything so entirely one-dimensional.

>> No.6496063
File: 428 KB, 1296x968, 1430703778249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move down south
>people tell me to get blue bell because it is so amazing
>buy some
>try it
>remember that the south can't do anything right with dairy/cheese

>> No.6496110

except they did, all the tech jobs from cali are moving to texas, so of course they set up in a liberal shit hole

>> No.6496114

>soon go out of business
>distributes from GA to AZ, and pretty north too.

Keep sucking, while I scoop from a full half gallon container

>> No.6496123

Enjoy your Listeria, faggot.

>> No.6496129

It's a good thing if he dies. Just let it be.

>> No.6496172

Seriously? God damn it. I remember my favorite Jenni's was like Plum Sake. I don't know why, but alcohol based ice cream is something I adore despite hating alcohol.

>> No.6496210

Oregon reporting in with the best regional ice cream in the nation, which is Tillamook.

>> No.6496389

>other companies never recall product

>> No.6496403

I thought Austin was liberal since way back, also >implying liberals aren't the best people to live among, why would anyone prefer illiterate rustics?

>> No.6496416

cuz no dank weed smell all the time

>> No.6496500

OKfag here, there's not a lot of choices for ice cream here other than generic brands, Blue Bunny, Braums, Ben and Jerry's, and Blue Bell in terms of store bought ice cream. Haagen Dazs is almost always sold near expiration date because it's just not popular here.

Anyone here who tells you store bought is better than brand creameries is a poorfag or has pleb taste. There was actually a good gelato place around here a while back but it got put out of business.

>how does it make you feel that this company will soon go out of business?
Good. Those fuckers knew what was going on since 2013 and I had their ice cream numerous times at friends' graduation parties between then and now, but they decided to play jeopardy instead of fixing the problem. Blue Bell deserves to pay, it's what they chose.

>> No.6496849

I'm from texas and no one here thinks this is the GOAT ice cream.

>> No.6496899

What's wrong with Blue Bell? I'm a vanilla only fag and rarely buy ice cream, and I only buy the vanilla bean one, so I can't tell.

>> No.6496907

I don't think anyone is arguing that Blue Bell is the GOAT ice cream, but for the price and variety of flavors they have, it's decent enough.

>> No.6496924

Oh look, it's another Texas bashing thread.
How does it feel to be so threatened by another state's autonomy and superiority, OP? We know you're just lashing out because you're so weak and live in a shithole. Don't feel bad, not everyone can have been born and raised, (or at least have moved to), the largest and most independent of any of the contiguous US states.

>> No.6497303

nothing, these fags are just saying that it isnt good and that it's going to go out of business cause of the recall

>> No.6497335

Is the chocolate milk okay?

>> No.6497368

its great

>> No.6497621

It's basically Breyer's but people make it out to be a big deal because muh texus.

>> No.6497627

Im from GA and breyers sucks ass, Blue bell is actually decent

>> No.6497643

Turkey Hill best ice cream all year every year.

>> No.6498378
File: 166 KB, 500x358, amys_icecream_queue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas isn't the south mayne.

Although, Blue Bell is absolutely fucking disgusting and no one gives a shit regarding it here.

Why does Austin do everything so right?

>> No.6498420

texans also think shiner is some kind of god-tier craft nectar so

>> No.6498439

That's like saying Jersey isn't the UK.

A political technicality, nothing more

inb4 I'm a europoor because I'm not ignorant

>> No.6498441

What, no. We drink bud light like the rest of the white trash southerners.

>> No.6498447



>> No.6498626
File: 92 KB, 288x288, 2452-sm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only ice cream that matters.

>> No.6498641

Looks like a decent in all ways but the cocoa being processed with alkali in the case of their chocolate flavor.

>> No.6498700

Euros are incredibly ignorant. The fuck are you talking about

>> No.6498709

I've noticed many people from the UK are heavily predisposed towards collectivism and an unwavering faith in perceived authority, or "the system". I would like to go there. I want to understand why this is.

>> No.6498712

>Texas isn't the south mayne.
>South of Mason Dixon Line
>Joined the Confederacy
>Talk like retards

>> No.6498723

That's not really true, most people despise the government (or elements of the government) but most of us feel loyal to the Queen.
The Queen is a lot more based than most people realise, she absolutely fucking destroyed Tony Blair.

>> No.6498724

Texas is culturally closer to the Western states, except for East Texas.

Texas is absolute shit though except for Austin

>> No.6498727

>Talk like retards

Hipsters to the rescue, again!


>> No.6498964

Your caps lock has truly convinced me, Cletus.

>> No.6499257

Texasfag here. Eh, it was okay, but I'm not really gonna miss it.

>> No.6499313

Not him, but you Texans talk so fucking slowly it drives me insane. I get that there's no rush, but sometimes you gotta just fucking spit it out.

>> No.6499321

Yeah but the royal family spends all your money on bullshit

I mean, granted, all governments spend money on bullshit, but they can't even pretend it was for a good cause when it goes towards jewelry for some old bitty.

>> No.6499334

>You Texans

Source? Did you even watch the video? Texans are fucking shit; sure, except for Austin.

>> No.6499350
File: 26 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more of those folksy down-home radio ads talking about "dem thar good ol' days down at the ol' swimmin' hole hyuk hyuk" advertising shit-tier ice cream

Feels good man

>> No.6499395

>thinks company is going out of business
>thinks a company going out of business would bother with cleaning and process overhauls

>> No.6499426

austin is a plague

attracted every middle aged yuppie dipshit from the west coast

enjoy your traffic (thanks for ruining i35)

>> No.6499469

fuck texas

>> No.6499481

>too poor to afford SH-130

>> No.6499535

>Texas sucks except for Austin

you are literally the worst type of Texan though

>> No.6499591

Be nice, he might shoot you with his gun

>> No.6499643
File: 46 KB, 508x338, dohohonut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who like Austin also have guns

>> No.6499671

>not being able to handle the monstrous torque put out by a big 'murican v8 with a blower the size of a suitcase and a big dick cam that makes it sound like it's about to stall at idle

>not being able to execute the perfect heel toe downshift on your before you slice the apex off the corner

Enjoy your child's toy, /n/.

>> No.6499685

Blue Balls.

>> No.6499690

do you have any idea how much money the royal family brings in? 100s times more then is spent on them

>> No.6499697

>downshift on your

Also I've noticed people who are into American V8s tend to be "plus sized Americans" and dress very tastelessly

>> No.6499705

Post a picture of yourself right now

>> No.6500286

No, because I look like shit, but if you're wondering what I look like at this exact instant:
>white v neck undershirt
>grey oxford cloth boxers
>navy blue merino calf socks
>some ratty old slippers
>haven't shaved in 3 days
That's it, because I am drinking at my computer and about to go to bed. Today I wore light 12 wale grey corduroy, a white chambray shirt with a button down collar and the sleeves rolled up, snuff suede tassel loafers and a matching snuff suede lined and raised dress belt, black acetate frame glasses and a 1950s stainless steel seamaster on a red and yellow nylon strap from brooks bros (not NATO). And I smelled like Sel de Vetiver by A Different Company. I would say I was presentable, albeit not at my finest.

I have a 31 inch waist and I wear a 38 jacket with most brands, if you are looking for my general proportions.

What about you?

>> No.6500302

Not the guy you were reply to, but god damn man, why do you even care?

>> No.6500755

im fine

>> No.6500775
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 20141227_165503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT:a bunch of faggots from shit tier states are jealous.

Blue bell isn't really too special, the banana pudding flavor is pretty good, the ice cream is considered higher quality than most brands because they don't pump as much air into it, so it is less fluffy, creamier, and you get more for your money. Ice cream is for children and woman though.

Austin is full of fags, literally on the same dogshit level as san francisco or portland.

pic related, custard, what adults eat

>> No.6500846

Not having Blue Bell on the shelves is worse than Hitler. They need to restart production ASAP, listeria be damned.

>> No.6500972
File: 64 KB, 273x202, Penn State Creamery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...how does it make you feel that this company will soon go out of business?

Don't give a shit.

>...you faggots don't even know what real premium ice cream tastes like.

I went to Penn State. YOU don't know what real premium ice cream tastes like.

>> No.6500979

Most Texans I know drink Keystone. Either way, Shiner is to Texas what Yuengling is to Pennsylvania. They're proud of their beer. If you don't like it, then don't drink it.

>> No.6500992

lol we have good craft beers, shiner is more like budweiser, I get it in pitchers at the pool hall for cheap. It's funny that you've probably heard of our shitty beers like shiner, lone star and even zeigenbach, yet most people probably havent heard of any of your godly beer. faggot

>> No.6500994

>Texas isn't the south mayne.
East Texas is very Southern. Hell, they're building a Confederate memorial in Orange on Martin Luther King Drive.


>> No.6501017

so basically the moral here is texas is full of complete fucking assblasted faggots

>> No.6501036

Didn't this shitty ice cream kill people? I sure fucking hope it goes out of business.

>> No.6501155



>> No.6501214
File: 55 KB, 500x456, 1422446487571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neckbeards who lived in their moms basement most of their life arguing over states and cities

>> No.6501222
File: 117 KB, 959x639, OB-XT102_0606di_J_20130606113748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like
>everyone shits on flyover land
>flyover land says "at least we're not the south" and tries to blame everything on california

>> No.6501224


>> No.6501260

>Coke was invented in Georgia
>Calling soda coke is more popular in Lousiana than Georgia.
>Southern logic

>Captcha: A tiki made out of stone

>> No.6501346

It's really distressing how large of a geographical area calls it 'pop'

>> No.6501356

>moved from Texas to Washington
>not only do people call it "pop," all signage in convenience stores/displays have huge banners that say "pop."
>triggered eternally

>> No.6501404

I grew up in west Alabama. I worked at a high school concession stand for three years and I've never heard of anybody referring to a Sprite, Mt Dew, or rootbeer as a 'Coke.' Those are sodas.

Pepsi and Coca-Cola are cokes. Nothing else is. Who the fuck are these people?

>> No.6501457

That goes to show the amount of people that live in GA that arent from the south

>> No.6501640

The two biggest eaters of ice cream.

>> No.6501995 [DELETED] 

>Austin is full of fags,

Formernite here
>can confirm this

Just to show you what Southern Values mean,

>BlueBell has never laid off any worker
>has announced that workers at its OK plant where the tainted ice cream was made will be relocated and not out of jobs
>pay relocation costs

That is based folks. Even more so when you consider that as a precaution it voluntarily pulled all its ice cream from the market, even those made in plants other than the suspect plant. Liberal hippie betacucks with clasping hands would not have done the same.

>> No.6502213

>enjoy your traffic (thanks for ruining i35)


Why the hell would you choose to operate a murderbox in Austin? Too poor to live in the city centre?

You can *literally* walk everywhere; there is absolutely no reason to even own a car.

>> No.6502230

>there is absolutely no reason to even own a car.
But muh freedoms! Not being separated by glass triggers my social anxiety! Besides my "genetics" make walking very stressful.

>> No.6502254

>You can *literally* walk everywhere

Yeah? How is that going to help when I need to buy lumber? Or when I want to go on a road trip with friends? Or when I need to drive to the seafood markets on the coast? Sure, if all you do is hang around 6th street and smoke dope you don't need a car. But if you actually do things, yeah, you'll want one.

>> No.6502287


Been living in Texas for a few years, I do like your craft beers. That dude is right to some extent though. So many people yapping about how great Shiner Bock when its a step about bud light and expensive even in Texas for no reason. Ziegenbock is just as good and substantially cheaper.

The bohemian black lager is pretty good though.

>> No.6502294


So many fat girls dying their hair platinum blonde and pretending to be southern belles.

>> No.6502298


From Louisiana, and I've never heard of this either. I've always used "soft drinks" when referring to sweet, carbonated beverages in general

>> No.6502300


Oh, I see.

>> No.6502305


I've been living in TX for several years now. I don't really care for beer--I'm more into bourbon--but Shiner Bock used to be very inexpensive. I remember it being the same price as the big brands (bud, coors, etc.) yet quite a bit better. It was a mid-tier beer for a cheap price. I often bought it just to keep around for friends, or for cooking chili, etc. But the last 2 years or so it's gone up in price a lot. It's crazy expensive for what it is now. I'd take Ziegenbock over it any day.

>> No.6502314

there's very little people in that area compared to the south and coasts.

>> No.6502315


>> No.6502329

As a Native Austinite; I prefer ``centre'' and ``km2''

Is there a problem?

>> No.6502410

They make ice cream? Their cheese is top tier. Gonna have to keep an eye out for it here in AZ.

I don't even like ice cream.

>> No.6502626

So what's the best ice cream/gelato for under $5/pint? Talenti? No regional favorites please unless they're from NJ.

>> No.6502628


Are you stupid or just ignorant?

>> No.6502632

Dove if you can find it.

>> No.6502636

I've had their chocolate and it was meh. The same price as Lindt and Ghiradeli but nowhere near the quality.

>> No.6502653

Lindt and Ghiradeli are both garbage as well, they're just high tier garbage. That isn't even a typical matter of /ck/ "stop liking what doesn't taste good to me" elitism, I have pretty deep ideological reasons for hating every little thing they do to ruin perfectly good cocoa beans.

Everything about them fills me with disgust. They aren't as bad as Hershey's, but they're still their own kind of trash.

>> No.6502668
File: 207 KB, 1024x768, banana pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i dunno, their banana pudding flavor was phenomenal

>> No.6502794

So what's good and still affordable? Green and Black is very inconsistent. I have a piece of chacolate everyday but I'm not ready to blow $5 a bar.

>> No.6503000

Not that guy, but you should be able to pick up bulk valhrona or callebaut from a baking supply shop for a pretty reasonable price. That's probably the most cost effective way to get chocolate that isn't utter shit, rather than buying one bar at a time at the grocery store.

>> No.6503026

I typed out something fairly in depth, as I always tend to when it comes to chocolate, but screwed up and lost it all. I guess I'm not going to rewrite it.

Summarized I tend to like Equal Exchange (inb4 someone tries to twist this into being about fair trade), which you shouldn't be paying more than 3.75 for a 3.5 oz bar. There's another I like that begins with P, but dammit, I can never remember what it's called. It's good, but I don't buy it often. Those bars are slightly larger and ~4 bucks. Apparently it's called "Pascha", I typed chocolate and then started typing "Pa" before it, and google immediately filled in what I wanted and searched for it. Not as a suggestion in the box, that's a bad sign.

All that aside, I don't eat any chocolate with soy lecitihin, and tend to see it as a lazy and cheap way to get around having to pay more for, or pay at all, for cocoa butter or vanilla. I avoid it as an allergy thing, and while there are some good chocolates that use soy or another lecitihin, I can't say much about them anymore or buy them myself. It tends to change the texture and consistency of the chocolate, as well as how it crumbles. I don't really care for it.

>> No.6503030

>There's another I like that begins with P, but dammit, I can never remember what it's called. It's good, but I don't buy it often. Those bars are slightly larger and ~4 bucks. Apparently it's called "Pascha", I typed chocolate and then started typing "Pa" before it, and google immediately filled in what I wanted and searched for it. Not as a suggestion in the box, that's a bad sign.

Do you have any idea how annoying and self-absorbed you sound?

>> No.6503148

I checked at my shoprite and they don't have either. Is there a special place you buy them from. I don't want to order a 12 pack off their site.

>> No.6503215

I am relatively self absorbed. Should I be pretending otherwise?

You'll be okay. Whether I'm capable of generating something concise and direct is irrelevant, you'll manage. Unless you're too self centered to handle the existence of anyone else. Which unlike being merely self centered, isn't really justifiable and 100% your problem to reconcile. Don't even try to make it my problem.

Yeah, it's pretty hit or miss entirely. I tend to buy them at coops. The occasional large supermarket has something though. Like "Enjoy Life", which has everything I like but a slightly off taste as far as a chocolate bar goes.

I'm not sure whereabouts you are (I'm in the northeastern US), but if I were to move I don't know how easily I'd be able to find things, if at all. Hope you find something though.

>> No.6503222

You should don a tripcode and see if you can out-Edgar Edgar. I bet you'd do pretty well, but something tells me you're too thin-skinned to trip.

>> No.6503232

I'm in north Jersey, about 10-20 minutes from NY but I doubt i'll be going to the city to buy chocolate. At that point I might as well just order the 12 pack.

So I assume you don't recommend any of the easily available brands

>> No.6503236

Why not just order a small bar of valrhona or callebaut, and if you like it, get it by the pound from a confectioner/baker supply?

>> No.6503243

I could pretty easily handle other people, where I'm apt to be too frail is internally. I don't care to be recognized, but historically I haven't handled persistent identity very well in places with no lasting or physical presence.

I come here to not have a me, and to be forgotten. If I wanted something else I'd go to some forum.

>> No.6503247

Not for myself and my own tastes, no.

I look for something that uses a decent amount of both cocoa butter and cocoa solids. In such a case, another emulsifying agent isn't required. That's more or less the baseline for me. Other things added depends what and how.

Wish I had something better to suggest (the shipping for those 12 packs is pretty expensive). That's definitely my idea of good chocolate, but ultimately you should obviously go for whatever you like.

>> No.6503256

(For future reference, chocolate liquor just means a paste of 50/50 cocoa solids/butter.)

>> No.6503268

I might go and ask around for it in a supply store. It costs $9 off amazon.

>> No.6504308
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>> No.6504323

I wasn't aware /ck/ was made of so many easy to rile little wimps.

>> No.6504370

It's not, you just write like an insufferable prick.

>> No.6504409

Yeah. Like I said, they're wimps.

You're a wimp too, Anon. As well as suffering some decent cognitive dissonance on top of it. Recommend you do something about that, you will begin to feel better.

>> No.6504414
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>> No.6504420

Keep tipping that fedora. It will not make you happy.

>> No.6504423
File: 71 KB, 588x350, FedoraVsTrilby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hat recognition sucks.

>> No.6504431

Oh well, I'm no hat expert.

>> No.6504761

Never ever live in a place that doesn't call it soda.

>> No.6504931

Texan here. I've never heard anyone rave about how good this shit is. I've also never preferred it to anything else.

>> No.6505290

They can get rid of every flavor except not natural vanilla bean. It's the only flavor they have that doesn't use corn syrup.

This is sad news.

>> No.6505588


>> No.6505678

Thanks. But where is my 4chan gold?

I'm saving up enough to buy a 4chan gold account. Please donate for more posts like that one. ^_~

>> No.6505691

because everything is californias fault,at least nyc trys to contain its awfulness to its own city.