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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 512x384, fatcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6492446 No.6492446[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is /ck/ fat?

>> No.6492455

19.1 BMI here

>> No.6492459

Thin as fuck.

>> No.6492463

nope im a hungry skelton

>> No.6492466

Have you seen whats posted here? Its almost always american tier fast food and snacks, what do you think?

>> No.6492479

Is that Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Holy fuck, nostalgia trip. To answer your question. I am strong fat. I lift daily but am definitely fat. 6' on the button, 18 stone (252 lbs for ameriplebs).

>> No.6492483

>not american
pick one.

>> No.6492486

m/32/189/70 reporting in

>> No.6492492

I'm from Scotland, home of the (glorious) munchy box. We are pretty fat here.

>> No.6492508

Not anymore. Went from 270 to 170 lbs in about 8 months. Just cut down on portion size and stopped eating candy/fast food. It really isn't that hard.

>> No.6492514

I'm skinny fat atm
I don't care about getting swole but I do want to stay healthy

>> No.6492515

6'1.4 and 195lbs, somewhat chubby I guess.

>> No.6492526

I am. I'm at around 28 bmi. Chips are my weakness ;_;

>> No.6492551

I'm with you, bro.

>> No.6492628

6'1 145lbs

I don't know what that is really. Maybe skinnyfat.

>> No.6492638
File: 87 KB, 593x601, PEhbmHhbHX_med_kindlephoto-46152241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.6492645

5'2" and 116lbs

you decide

>> No.6492646

185 cm and about 175 lbs these days

>> No.6492655

>18 stones
And we're laughed at for using pounds instead of kilos

>> No.6492656

timestamp that shit bby

>> No.6492689

What the fuck is up with all the tripfags the past year?

More /soc/ rejects?

>> No.6492703

Don't worry, you are really just laughed at in general. Nothing specific.

>> No.6492708

Fresh off the boat from Reddit and cannot comprehend posting without a concrete identity. He doesn't have enough personality for people to identify him without his trip, so he feels insecure unless people know who he is.

>> No.6492709

It's the price we pay for being the main world power

>> No.6492718

Basically this guy?


>> No.6492719

My own fault for being lazy and loving food too much.
But i have started working out a little,hopefully i can keep it up.

>> No.6492731

Dieting > Exercise for losing weight
Learn some portion control and you can still eat whatever you like while still losing weight.

>> No.6492735

Nah, the world respects your economic and military power. We just laugh at how pathetic your pleb majority is. American politicians managed to enslave white people, and you embrace it.

>> No.6492744

No lol. 6"1 and ~150 lb

>> No.6492753

I will remember that.

>> No.6492773

This coming from a person who likely pays so much taxes that they have little flexibility in how to utilize their money.

But hey, so many things are "free".

The whole western world is slowly crumbling, and we get biting comments from countries with the most similar culture.

>> No.6492780

Like the former, glorified by ck, ultra fag progun?

>> No.6492782

Yea, 5,9 235lbs

>> No.6492786

Someone's ignoring Britain's obesity epidemic

>> No.6492788

190 pounds

>> No.6492794

Getting there. I have developed an unhealthy relationship with food since the love of my life left me

>> No.6492796


300 pounds

>> No.6492804



>> No.6492805


I used to weigh 160 before school started. Three years of stress eating. I'm back on the diet horse now, though. Lost 4 pounds

Also I used to weigh 225 pounds before 160

>> No.6492812

68kg 1m76 23yo male

>> No.6492817


I lift doe

>> No.6492830

I do love American tears.

Relax guy, I am from the UK. Though I take the piss out you, I love you insecure yanks really. Peace and love yank! (except to brown people who don't make kebabs) xxx

>> No.6492844
File: 13 KB, 300x240, ldUHd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you have never left America. We pay taxes like you pay insurance. The difference is, when someone less affluent needs help, it is provided. The normal tax payer is every bit as able to enjoy the finer things in life.

>> No.6492852
File: 267 KB, 1600x1600, 1319496651475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pretty fat as a kid growing up, and still was into my mid 20s. I think at one point I was 5'8 and 215lbs, now I'm 6' and down to 167 with 160 as my goal weight.

Single moms are terrible parents

>> No.6493013

Insurance is mostly provided by my employer.

The less affluent here are usually getting more money than they turn in, as well as other government assistance for food, and even medicine. And they celebrate by participating in bi-annual riots.

>> No.6493023
File: 12 KB, 403x309, 1430783284658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post a lot in /plg/, of course I'm fat.

>> No.6493025

fuckin' A right I am. 6'1 and 300lbs.

I'm legit big boned and very muscular tho. I carry it well, no fupa or back boobs, just a giant ass and gut, and I can touch my toes and do normal human things

>> No.6493035

What the fuck is /plg/? I've been here for five years now and never heard of that shit.

Skinny fat here. If I reach obese on the BMI I lose a few. Hate the cycle I've put myself in for a few years now.

>> No.6493038

Powerlifting general on /fit/. Blame /hsg/ for starting it.

>> No.6493052


I'm in the 800 club where you at

>> No.6493088

My current total is 470kg.

How long have you been lifting and what's you bw lad?

>> No.6493099


im skinnyfat, would like to be in better shape.. i just think not being in good shape shows you to be somewhat of a pleb, and i want to project an image of health, intelligence, euphoria

>> No.6493102
File: 143 KB, 500x375, 1340067924230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never trust a skinny cook

>> No.6493110

Yes but not landwhale or hamplanet.

>> No.6493115

im 84 kg and 176 cm.
im thin and fit.

>> No.6493128

there really aren't a whole lot of fat cooks, trust me. most of them are skinny

nobody wants to work with a fat cook in the kitchen. professional kitchens are busy, cramped places, people running around, trying not to knock into each other, constantly bending and kneeling

last place i worked at both our exec chef and sous chef were pretty rail thin.
only the pastry chef was fat (pastry chefs are allowed to be fat since they work earlier in the day and usually alone

>> No.6493129

6'1" and 160 lbs
skinny fat since I never work out, but still have a 29" waist

>> No.6493131

No. I'm underweight as fuck.

>been underweight most of my life, but had no problems aside from being weak - had many friends and nobody started shit with me, guess I was well-liked
>around 21, I decided it's time to stop being a skinny bitch, started eating properly and lifting
>in around 9 months, went from 54kg to 67kg (I used creatine, so some of that certainly was water weight, but my strength jumped many times, though I was still weak compared to actual men)
>was going well but then, I went into crazy opiate (PST, which is basically diluted opium if you are lucky), dissociatives (mainly MXE and 3-MeO-PCP) and stims (like EPH) binge
>that lasted for over a year, of course my apetite went down the drain since serotonergics tend to decrease it, at elast for me
>gains=gone, but at least kept half of the strength gained

I started lifting and eating properly again two weeks ago, no drugs except coffee for a month and I'm 50kg now. Gonna make it back... and go further. I have the experiences I wanted, time to get serious for once.

>> No.6493135

Forgot to add height - 182cm. No, do your converting for yourself.

>> No.6493140


I do not wish to share but I wanted to know if you were stronger than me

>and you are

>> No.6493198

i worked in a kitchen where we made the fatter cooks. or any sweaty chefs wear sweat bands with their hats. but mostly the fat chefs because standing over heat all day and running everywhere made them sweat on everything. i honestly hated bumping into them and getting splashed.

>> No.6493204

ayy lad, just keep working and improving, that's all that matters.

And who knows, you might be stronger than me relatively speaking, I am a 110kg fatass after all.

>> No.6493627

All my time here and I have never seen someone I actually think might be a retard. Huh.

>> No.6493661

5'6" ~120-125 lbs.

>> No.6493755

Nice I'm jelly. I just payed 800 club, I've been at it for about 7 months off and on (you know how it is when you start, sometimes you don't go 3 times a week) but it's not much of an accomplishment for me since I'm 300lbs. I'm not really trying to lose weight, I just want to get stronger.

>> No.6493759


>> No.6493783

I hit a new squat PR yesterday! 130 lbs @105 lb bodyweight

Thank you Rippetoe-sama

>> No.6493788

never trust a skinny chef.

>> No.6493807

I've worked in a lot of kitchens and it's true the vast majority of people working there are not fat. At least in quality establishments. When I worked at my university cafeteria kitchen it was all fat women. But the quality restaurants like 80% of people were skinny, and no one was a hamplanet. There were definitely some chubsters.

I think it's because working in a kitchen is actually a lot of work and in lots of them it's also really hot. I wonder how many calories you would burn in an average 8 hour shift as a line cook. Based on preliminary google it's ~35 more calories burned per hour just from standing still. Then add in actual work (some kitchens there is a fair amount lifting stuff thats sort of heavy if you never lift weights), moving around. I wouldn't be surprised if just working in a kitchen set you back an extra 600 calories a day. Not a lot but way more than office work and less than manual labor.

>> No.6493923

I'm 5'9 154 pound female. I used to be skinnier last year but I was going through some shit, no I'm comfy and eating well.

>> No.6493926

Just fucking bulking brehs

once I hit that 5 plate deadlift I'm going to diet I swear

>> No.6493934
File: 111 KB, 612x612, 1430520797810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of. I'm 153 pounds 5'11. I recently lost 60 pounds though.

>> No.6493960

280 pound 5'11

>> No.6493972

6'1 305lbs.

I love to fucking eat. Food is so amazing, I often can't make up my mind between options so have it all.

Happily though it doesn't hamper me much. I stay pretty active, so I'm not like one of those hamplanets that get wheezy after walking down the driveway, I walk almost everywhere. Love hiking.

Food is just so good though. And I don't even know where all the fat went, I have a bit of a beer gut but I don't have these large flabby arms or legs or anything, and all the walking has kept my legs a bit toned.

>> No.6493978

5'10" 207 aka 29 BMI
I'm fat but dont look nearly as fat as I am. I honestly have really dense bones.

>> No.6493981
File: 608 KB, 1600x1200, 1429485262683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to you, sir.

That being said, "overweight" doesn't necessarily connotate "fat".

But take that with a grain of salt.

Also /ck/ is not so fat. 119 lbs reporting in.

>> No.6493988

1m75, 93kg
So yeah, just under the obese bmi limit.

>> No.6494048

My BMI is 18

>> No.6494062

6'2" and 207 pounds. i'm down from 280.

i still look fat. huge belly, bitch tits, and lovehandles.

i think i'll only look trim at 170 or 180. i have light frame and minimal muscles.

>> No.6494135

No. The gay, Canadian junkie will always be the /ck/ tripfag.

>> No.6494140

What the fuck is this picture?

>> No.6494147

when a girl gets fat do her boobs get bigger

>> No.6494149

not always. also usually at a slower rate than the rest of her.

>> No.6494153

172cm, 74kg
>fuck imperial system
I'm not very fat, I just don't exercise enough.

>> No.6494567

200+ and 5'5" here
Currently doing my best to drop those extra pounds, though.

>> No.6494571

Try eating smaller portions so you can still have what seems like a ton of food without going full binge mode.

>I have really dense bones
This is called denial, son.

>> No.6494573

I'm not but my cat is. I'm a bad animal owner.

>> No.6494574

Mine did. Main motivator for losing weight, too.

Put it on a diet, start taking it for walks. If you own an outdoor cat, you're just a bad person.

>> No.6494599


bodies are so different. I'm 6'1" and when I weighed 185 people were alarmed for my health, I looked like a starvation victim, knobbly joints and sunken cheeks and etc. at 215 people tell me I look good and at 250 people told me I looked like I was 200

>> No.6494608
File: 41 KB, 400x317, 1421074800312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>185 Lbs
>6 foot 5 tall
this /ck/ ain't fat by a long shot
No processed foods
No pop
Never liked milk
Eat anything else I want
Eat like 5 meals a day and snacks
Always have energy

>> No.6494614

ya shit sucks like that
I can't seem to pass 185 Lbs, look like a skinny rail

>> No.6494636

I'm 220lbs and 6'2.

I'm not really fat, I have broad shoulders and I'm just a big guy in general.

>> No.6494646

I'm guessing he thought taking multi vitamins like they're candy is a good idea. Over time his eyes turned yellow (sign of liver failure) and ended up in a hospital. Poor dude.

>> No.6494655

>Some anon collected a creepy amount of information and pictures about every single anon and tripfag that had ever posted anything personally identifiable about them. He's called "the archiver", or the Vitamin Avenger because he allegedly murdered a trip from /fit/ for giving him bad vitamin advice.

>> No.6494660

aww man. if half of that is true it's way beyond fucked up. It's literally /b/ tier, and I should know, I had been on that board when a dude hanged himself on a door.

>> No.6494665

Nah, the kid kind of deserved it. If you're supplementing with vitamins, you should actually do a bit of research before blindly taking advice from 4chan.

>> No.6494682
File: 98 KB, 450x796, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's true. Still.

>> No.6494704

yes. Been working the industry since 2003
Im swimming lately to get rid of my man tits.

6è3 240 pounds

>> No.6494714


I'm on VLCD, here just to drool over pictures of food.

>> No.6494728

180cm 85kg. I need to reduce it by 77kg I guess

>> No.6494744

>implying every poorfag is getting assistance

I don't even qualify for foodstamps in my state.

>> No.6494747

I guess most of us here are too poor for food to be honest haha

>> No.6494762


Same here and I make $1600/month and my rent is $1200 before utilities, and that's considered very cheap rent where I live. Fuck California.

>> No.6494768

Southern Cali, I'm guessing?

>> No.6495218


Come on, you guys bend over backwards destroying your culture

>> No.6495225

>Tfw normal weight
>Tfw slightly above average height
>Tfw know your weight is in all the wrong places and you'd be a hungry skeleton otherwise

Trying to get /fit/, now.

>> No.6495232


grill here

5'7'', 152 pounds, my job doesn't leave me a lot of time for exercise, unfortunately, but I've managed to start dropping some weight just by cutting calories and eating less fast food.

>> No.6495246

You realize you have a healthy BMI as long as you're not lying, right?

Like not even overweight?

>> No.6495252

ay bby u wan sum fuk?

>> No.6495255

No, because:

>Eat whole grains and fresh fruit all day
>0 large caloric intakes at any point during waking hours
>Work out

>> No.6495258

Genetics, I guess

Not fat but I'd probably be without >muh genetics

>> No.6495268


Yeah, but I've got a high risk for a lot of heart problems from both sides of my family (my dad had a heart attack at 55) so I feel like I need to get into better shape to stave it off.

>> No.6495277

BMI isn't necessary the be all end all of healthy weight, unless you're rather inactive. It doesn't account for muscle weight, for one.

>> No.6495284

>I'm thin because of my genetics
It doesn't work that way. It has never worked that way. Stop thinking this, stop posting this.

>> No.6495294

>People can't have different metabolisms
>Implying metabolism isn't partially genetic

>> No.6495299

differences in metabolic rates rarely pass move than 5-6% between people.

>> No.6495301


My younger brother has a ridiculously unhealthy diet (pasta and sauce for dinner every night) and he's skinny even without regularly working out.

Genetics don't determine whether you STAY fat or thin though, just how easy it is to gain or lose weight.

>> No.6495305

5'11" and 140lbs here

>> No.6495308

I'm willing to wager that a lot of the thin people here have RLS or something, and burn off a fair amount of the net daily gain just through being a twitchy motherfucker.

>> No.6495309

>>People can't have different metabolisms

they don't actually. There have been multiple studies done and the fact remains that there is very little variation in metabolic rate from person to person.

people like to think that it varies a lot but the fact is that it just doesn't.

>> No.6495323

I'm willing to bet your a fatfuck who can't accept the fact that fatties only have themselves to blame for being disgusting fucks

>> No.6495330

5-6% is enormous if you consider daily intakes and time periods of several years. People rarely become fat in a week. shit builds up

>> No.6495349


they vary by ~200 calories, and that's between both men and women so they vary even less among individuals of the same gender

>> No.6495363

No, this is just some personal theory of mine.
I'm criminally underweight, mainly because I'm too cheap to buy luxury foods. But since I work with computers as my job, and shitpost on 4chan as my second job, having RLS is actually a large portion of my exercise on working days. I'm primarily just wondering if thin NEETs have the same sort of thing going on.

>> No.6495365 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 390x649, gettintoooldforthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little obese

>> No.6495369

Get a haircut, hippie. Also, stop stealing your little sister's camera.

>> No.6495371

are u a tomato LMAO

>> No.6495378

It was on sale

>> No.6495393
File: 155 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us actually like to do sports, be active, and eat normal portions.

You would know that if you weren't a fat fuck

>> No.6495399

Be honest, the average userbase of 4chan spends like, 10 hours a day on the computer every day.
I'm thin, and I'm pretty sure it's because moving my legs constantly like a meth addict during that time burns some amount of calories.

>> No.6495411

Proper eating > Exercise for losing weight. You're very likely a skelly because you barely eat at maintenance, not because you're a twitchy fuck.

>> No.6495447

>10 hours a day on the computer every day.
I'm happy to be out there really raising our average. Go team 4chan!

>> No.6495694

Nope, Ive been in several accidents and had several injuries where I should have broken a bone and havent. I've had a 4th degree sprained ankle, which means I should have broken my ankle. Its genetic cause my mom had her bone density test and it should she had the bones of a 20 year old, she's 55. I'm just lucky.

>> No.6496925
File: 18 KB, 233x217, tomsnooze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw posting an insider plg only mayamay to show your koolness on the cooking board

>> No.6496980
File: 193 KB, 586x410, 1428119448820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he actually fucking Canadian

I'm so fucking ashamed honestly

How did we birth such a bitch tit like him

>> No.6497054

Former powerlifter here too - 360 lbs and working on it, dammit. Enlarged heart is keeping me from doing anything other than walking for exercise.

My former maxes - 315 bench
485 squat
545 DL
225 OHP

I had a 315 C&J before I caught one wrong on a warmup and tore all of the ligaments in both of my wrists at once.

>> No.6497074

I don't know what any of those abbreviations mean

>> No.6497089
File: 39 KB, 600x600, Get Meow-tta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm fat.

6'0, 219 lbs at last weeks yearly doctors phsyical.

Bench: 235 x 5
Squat: 305 x 5
Dead: 405 x 5; 455 x 2

2scared to try for 1 rep maxes because no one at the LA fitness I go to knows how to spot squats/bench correctly.

DL = Deadlift
OHP = Over Head Press
C&J = Clean and Jerk

I'm assuming at least.

>> No.6497146

137 lbs, 6'3". Vascular as fuck. Probably absurdly low BF%.
I'm emaciated, but at least I'm not skinnyfat.

>> No.6498032

200+ is pretty overweight unless you're Bulkhuge McLargeStrong.

>> No.6498055
File: 17 KB, 300x217, chris-christie-meme-generator-i-vote-yes-on-extra-cheese-a39a0d-300x217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weigh 200 lbs, so yeah I am

>> No.6498134

21 shoulders...I am built like a dwarven thief

>> No.6498168

5' 6

everyone thinks I'm skinny but I have a bit of a flabby gut, though no-one can see it so meh

>> No.6498220

Nick? Is that you?

>> No.6498254

6'3" and 185 freedomweights. I barely exercise so im skinnyfat. I'd be skinny if food didn't taste so damn good

>> No.6498258

im more tank mr skeltal than fat. i honestly dont know how people get fat because i sat around eating and drinking in college and never gained a pound

>> No.6498404


how is it going Steve??

>> No.6498432
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x1836, 20150123_161040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200+ is pretty overweight unless you're Bulkhuge McLargeStrong.

Fucking dogshit
Pic related is me at 220 a few months ago with gym numbers similar to >>6497089

>> No.6498442

>Visible fat
>Not overweight
Stay in denial, son.

>> No.6498504
File: 183 KB, 894x894, 1420825328964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really understood how people can get as fat as some of the pictures you see, like so fat they can't even walk or they're actually as wide as they are tall.

then I hit 250 pounds (6'2") without it really occuring to me just how much that is, I don't think of myself of a disgusting obese whale but I guess people around me are just being nice

guess I need to make some changes

>> No.6498515

I'm kind of a fat fuck.

81 KG at 185cm.

>> No.6498546
File: 493 KB, 409x1111, how are you still breathing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy enough to hit 250 just by overeating. It's the people who are morbidly obese that have legit mental issues. It's like they can't stop eating. It's both sad and disgusting at the same time. I know I'm somewhere over the 200 line myself, but I've been watching what I eat lately because I think my body is disgusting.

>> No.6498550

On a normal sized woman, that corset would be under her breasts, not over them.

>> No.6498584

>body positive
>plus size
>fat acceptance

this shit genuinely grinds my gears
I'm decidedly a fat person, but at least I know it's not okay to stay this way in the long term, let alone post pictures of myself

>> No.6498589

This 'fat acceptance' shit needs to stop, she is fucking disgusting

>> No.6498591

>tfw 5'11 and 130 lbs

>> No.6498595
File: 331 KB, 415x621, time to reblog to my porn blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's mostly contained to Tumblr. Watching these lardbeasts deny their own misery is what keeps me strong.

>> No.6498611

I don't know how to respond.

>> No.6498647


>> No.6498652

I don't get it.

>> No.6498659

Unless you're a grill, you're a manlet. How is this hard to understand?

>> No.6498660


hahaha holy fuck. And I bet you live in a single bedroom piece of shit apartment too.

>> No.6498661
File: 37 KB, 472x352, Kick_Lowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slash his goddamn knees out from under him that's how!

>> No.6498663

Doesn't seem meaningful.

>> No.6498763

I'm 6'3" and fluctuate between 180 and 200 depending on the time of year. Am I fat?

>> No.6498769


>> No.6498795


They are trying so hard to convince themselves and others that their fatness is cute/beautiful. How much mental energy is wasted on that, man. I bet one day they actually believe it

>> No.6498900


>> No.6498982

>depending on the time of year

Are you a bear

>> No.6498997

6'2", 240lbs.

So yes.

>> No.6499045

5"8 and 400 pounds.

I'm in constant pain, I can barely wipe my own ass. Wish I was dead. I can't even give up the shit food that's inevitably going to kill me.

>> No.6499066

>I can't even give up the shit food that's inevitably going to kill me.

>> No.6499070


>I can't even give up the shit food that's inevitably going to kill me.

Why not?
And at least you're not part of the HAES community and glorify wiping your ass with toilet paper wrapped around a long spoon

>> No.6499079

This is Zoey, asshole

>> No.6499085

post pic pls

>> No.6499087
File: 3.96 MB, 640x381, smug tony 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6499108

oh knock it off Paul, I know its you

>> No.6499118

I'm 6'1'' and 350, but I haven't gained or lost in a long time.

I know how you feel about giving up the food, but for me it's more just not being motivated to exercise. I do enough during the day that I eat really bad and don't gain weight (most of the weight I gained was from having the same attitude but transitioning to jobs where I didn't have to walk as much, etc).

Would I rather have my ankles or pizza? Man it's a tough fucking choice.

>> No.6499121

What you're experiencing is called addiction.

>> No.6499137

Skinny-fat here. 6'2", 185 pounds. I estimate myself at about 20% be but I haven't actually measured. I love eating a shit ton of food at once, but I also love feeling hungry so I usually don't eat till the late afternoon at which point I eat like 2200-2500 calories.

>> No.6499143

>wiping your ass with toilet paper wrapped around a long spoon

How else is he supposed to revel in nostalgic memories of mother making brownies and letting him lick the spoon?

>> No.6499152
File: 480 KB, 455x649, ice2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5"10. Used to be 210 pounds but now I'm 165. Planning to shed a few pounds over the summer. I've never had visible abs. Seems like a goal to strive for.

I have a buddy who's 5"8 and 310 pounds. I try to get him to lose weight but he never cooks so he's always eating out, and I never see him drink water. It's always milk or soda or sugary tea. There's only so much I can do to help.

Dear Capatcha,

Slushies are not ice cream, you fucking cunts

>> No.6499153

I'm scared to learn about what HAES stands for

>> No.6499167


Healthy at Every Size. the idea is you can deviate from the bodily ideal and still be healthy, which is true up to a point, but in practice it means that buttergolems and raging psycho shehams make excuses for being 400 lbs and pretend they are discriminated against

>> No.6499170


Healthy At Every Size
It's some kind of movement where the fattest persons on the planet (and I guess dudes with a fat fetish and thin girls that want to improve their social status by pretending to be open-minded) claim that they're perfectly healthy and that all their doctors are just full of shit when they say that their knee problems and all that come from their weight.

>> No.6499177


you look fat bro

a lot of it is build tho you're right. I'm not chunky at 220, and i'm ripped at 205. but there's guys in my gym than at 5"7" and 165 and they're stronger than me, and there people my height that look like puff the magic dragon at 220, they need to be 175

>> No.6499195

>look thin when standing
>look like a piece of butter melting in the sun when sitting down or bending down


>> No.6499240

Movements like this are irritating. They aren't helpful to anyone involved and just provide artificial comfort that allows people to never change or make any effort, it's delusional. They ignore the fact that these people and their dietary and lifestyle choices do not exist in a vacuum, it's not a closed system.

The worst part is the spillover and the endless debates about things I see as philosophically null and fairly easy to solve. Also, people tend to start feeling justified, since it's all now a thing and they get together in groups to fight each other, in doing what they see as "pushing back". Aka they try to argue what you should and should not find attractive. This stupid idea proliferates and pretty soon people legitimately hold the opinion that you're wrong to not find beauty or aesthetic appeal in overweight women (let's be honest here, the movement is mostly about them.)

The whole thing is madness and overcomplicating something simple. Accept the nature of your lifestyle choices and how people view you as a result, or stop eating like shit, get proper sleep, and exercise for once. Bingo, problem solved. It all falls into place.

I know I'm preaching to choir here, but for fuck's sake. Availability of knowledge and what the internet affords as far as communication, has made humanity net stupider. That says a lot.

>> No.6499252

Also, to tack on. Even those these people have a net negative effect on more or less everything around them via their choices, I tend to lean towards "everyone should just leave each other alone, unless being provoked, attacked, or threatened." The only worthwhile part of the whole mindset is that fat people's shouldn't necessarily be treated poorly and not accepted, as long as they don't make ridiculous self centered demands or hold disjointed and dishonest beliefs about the world or how things actually are. No one should have to feel like garbage and under constant attack just for existing.

Beyond that, it's clutter.

>> No.6499255

even though these people*

>> No.6499268

>I tend to lean towards "everyone should just leave each other alone, unless being provoked, attacked, or threatened."


>> No.6499366


>as long as they don't make ridiculous self centered demands

Like costing the U.S. 190 billion dollars a year?

>> No.6499374

Shut up, Quaid!

>> No.6499384

I'm a hair under 90lbs, at 5'2.
Fairly normal, I guess, I eat plenty.

>> No.6499431

I'm not certain if that figure is correct. But either way, you can add on perverse subsidies lobbied for by large biotech / pharmaceutical firms, and other nonsense by other large sectors of industry.

A(n arguably superfluous) medication that's like 10 bucks per bottle in the UK, can be 300+ in the US. Insurance shit, broken. Healthcare system, artificially inflated and broken, cost ridiculous and thensome. Politics? Rigged. Screw it, obesity is just the symptom. That's part of why it was kind of strange to watch Obama's campaign start to soften even the most hard jaded cynics. People feel and are individually powerless and desperate for some semblance of "change they can believe in", no matter how delusional an idea it is.

You know what they say though. When learning about another culture, often you can glean a lot by looking to their cuisine, and the way they treat it. America is a pitiful, hacked together tale of failed philosophies and opportunistic function run amok and unchecked.

>> No.6499607
File: 47 KB, 1143x393, #thestruggleisreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled this up just for you.

>> No.6500038

190cm and 73kg here.
No matter how much I eat I don't gain weight.
I don't abuse it though, and make sure I eat healthy meals.

>> No.6500040

yep. but I know how to be skinny. I was, a year ago. I put on a metric fuckload of weight when I started drinking. I'm joining a gym this week, actually. Resolved to stop drinking. Gonna get it under control. Most of my daily calories are booze. I probably eat around 900-1000 calories of food a day. So simply cutting the booze and some cardio ought to fix this real quick.

>> No.6500704


>> No.6500764

wow fat people really are disgusting

>> No.6500770
File: 95 KB, 720x447, 1415519704077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fuckinf poor and skinny as hell. I only come here to see foods pics.
65 kg.
1.74 mts

>> No.6500883

6 feet and 170 pounds, i'm working on losing weight

>> No.6500886

i think I'm under 5'4" and weigh like 148 lbs. i cant tell if thats good or not

>> No.6500911

I'm 5'4'' and 130 and kinda reckon I could lose a few, so maybe.

>> No.6500916

~180cm ~73kg

feels very very bad man.

>> No.6500924

158 cm, 54 kg

I like food, but have self-control.

>> No.6500927

That is not normal, that is underweight. Are you okay?

>> No.6500930

5'5", around 155lbs, not fat but chubbier than I'd like to be
[spoiler]I'm a gril btw

>> No.6500941

6'1" 130 pounds

>> No.6501495

That isn't very underweight. 90 lbs at 5'2 isn't too bad, but she could probably stand to gain a couple of pounds.

>> No.6501712


>in b4 silly boys don't hit on me

>> No.6503061

It's from /fit/ you DYELfag

>> No.6503105

you're fucking fat. im 5'5 at 125 and still have some flab.

>> No.6503395

Pretty fat but not insane. I was skinny all through highschool and half of college but once I went on birthcontrol pill/quit my job that kept me really active/started drinking I put on a good 50 pounds.
At this point its cosmetic and since I dont particularly care about that I dont worry as much as I should but I'm still working towards bringing it down for future health/my joints

>> No.6503583

165cm, 42kg, I'm weak and sickly and should lift

>> No.6503589

Save me from mild thinness with your cuisine

>> No.6503601

i'm here for healthy recipes.
i've got gout.

>> No.6503606

Eat a lot of unprocessed cocoa bean for a while. It contains flavan-3-ols that spur the growth of mitochondria in skeletal muscle. Also gets you in the mood to actually do anything.

Depending on your body, this could make it easier to get started. I've never truly been "weak", but I have been close, and I know what it's like to be sickly. Good luck, hope you find a way out. Some random stranger on the internet, in this transient moment, believes in you.

>> No.6503611

>Healthy recipes
Just eat less, you fat fuck. Honestly you'd be better off asking /fit/ how to lose weight. Or just reading the sticky since that's where you're going to be redirected anyway.

>> No.6503622

It's important for people to understand what healthy is, and what food to eat. Just "hurr durr eat less" doesn't work, and doesn't create meaningful change in someone's lifestyle.

You aren't helping anyone. Stop posting.

>> No.6503627

just reading not asking anyone for anything. take your advice and shove it up your ass

>> No.6503632

You're retarded. The reason people get fat is that they eat in excess. They don't need a fucking rocket scientist to tell them that eating McDonalds 3 times a day 5 times a week is unhealthy. Simply homecooking your meals is "healthy" enough, for actually losing weight, one would be better off on /fit/, since this board is 90% fast food/processed shit threads.

>> No.6503638

Used to be 268 pounds, now I'm 136. But I'm 5'3 so I guess I still got some to lose. But at least I can feel my collarbone and feel my shoulder blades and ribs now.

>> No.6503708

5 foot 7 inches
105 pounds
22 years old, healthy

I swear im the lightest American male ever.

>> No.6503721

Nah, I'm sure there are plenty of other twinks and manlets who weigh as little or even less than you, though the appellation of "male" is questionable at that point.

>> No.6503733

/ck/s a bunch of fatfu/cks/

>> No.6503735

Another Fatshit thinking they are tough because they are "big"

>> No.6503739

What did you expect when most of the threads on this board are about junk food?


>> No.6503820

No. The cause of obesity is both quantity and content. Thinking someone can keep eating less of the same garbage and fix their problems is wrong and not even worth really engaging with. Lasting change requires a level of understanding, give a man a fish or teach him how to fish himself, etc. No matter where it's applied, your logic will almost always be incorrect.

Weight management cannot be meaningfully viewed through a lens of thermodynamics. It does not work the way you think it does.