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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 1024x768, donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6491411 No.6491411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ full of hot chicks?

>> No.6491427

/ck/ is a board for femanons that lurked back in 2004 but are now bored housewives with small children

And none of us are quite that hot

>> No.6491429
File: 13 KB, 480x360, simplysara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491437

Like all of 4chan it's chock full of latent homosexuals males, occasionally presenting themselves as women.

Hot women don't cook.

>> No.6491440

Breast shape is far more important than sheer size. Relative to their physique as a whole is also important.

Always wondered how people who don't see it that way experience the sight of breasts.

>> No.6491450

If the majority of males on 4chan are weeb autist virgins then you have to wonder what went disastrously wrong in a girl's life for her to also wind up here.

>> No.6491452

I was wondering how long it would take this time for someone to start needlessly shitting on perfectly attractive breasts. The first thread was pretty much just that. Bunch of tough guys trying to prove how gay they AREN'T by telling us all how awful boobs are

>> No.6491466

Why would it matter?

>> No.6491472

I didn't say they were unattractive and I'm not "shitting on them". They're fine breasts,just seem to lack a certain shape.

My focus tends to go more to hips, waist, shoulders, and hair to begin with.

>> No.6491493

> be me, 13
> Asian friend converts me top weeb
> shows me /b/
> pedobear and desuchan so funny lol
> eventually grow out of weeb phase
> stop browsing 4 chan
> get married later and have baby
> husband is gone all the time at work
> consider cheating on him but go to 4 chan out of curiosity
> browse boards related to homemaking and dislike for niggers and Jews

>> No.6491497

I'm about a 6/10-8/10 depending, but my cooking is 10/10. Boobs are a humble B.

>> No.6491508

>teenaged single mothers on my /ck/
I'm mildly aroused
>tfw no uneducated 18 year old high school graduate qt low self esteem basement wife with no friends to impregnate over and over and over and over

>> No.6491514

>13 year old qt laughing at pedoboars
This part aroused me

>> No.6491515

Guys, if you could pick 3 of these donuts to eat, which would you go for and why?

It'd help if i knew the toppings, but i'm a sucker for anything chocolate so the left 2 in the middle. Then the second from the right one on the bottom row if that's something nice like white chocolate or coconut. Or maybe the left on the bottom row if its not lemon.

>> No.6491517

I think I've seen you post before. Pretty fixated eh?

Work on being "socially retarded" instead.

>> No.6491519

It's my turn!

>plain as fuck face
>Grade C cooking
>B cup

At least my cats love me.

>> No.6491523

Allergic to soybean, so I'd politely but firmly decline.

>> No.6491530

It's my dream to get a batch of donuts like these. Where I live they dont sell them like that, they just do cheap shitty ones with jelly fillings. I think one day on a day off i'll go see if i can find some and just spend the day in drinking coffee and eating donuts and gaming.

>> No.6491531

Top sprinkle one because I like colorful doughnuts, and it is probably very sweet. The white chocolate looking one on the bottom because I like white chocolate. Top row, right three because glazed is usually good.

>> No.6491541

>It's my dream to get a batch of donuts like these

That's it anon, reach for the stars

>> No.6491542

I would be attractive if I didn't have a big nose (no, I'm not a jew), but I do so my face sucks. I wear a 34D and have 41 inch hips and I'm not fat (26" waist), so I guess there's that.

I'm a sous chef at a fine dining restaurant so at least I can cook well.

>> No.6491548

200 pound acne ridden land whale reporting here, I certainly am not hot but there might be some gems around this board.

>> No.6491555

i'd fuck you

>> No.6491557


Show pictures

>> No.6491559

B cup is the second best size, A cup being best of course

This is gross >>6491411 >>6491429

>> No.6491560
File: 674 KB, 3531x3531, cupsxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like A cups and will settle for B cups.

Small tits are the bomb.

>> No.6491562

that sounds like me, but im a man

>> No.6491565

id fuck you too

>> No.6491566

Big nose. Like pointy. Use sunglasses/glasses.

>> No.6491567

Kek thanks m8

>> No.6491569

Ayy lmao thanks

>> No.6491570

I fucking love big noses (as long as they aren't like hooked or witchy). Most guys at least in my experience who have big noses dig it in girls.

>> No.6491574

I remember in high school legitimately attractive women would consistently use self deprecation, or sell themselves short.

Why, I don't know. Maybe to fish for compliments, maybe they truly didn't know, maybe they wanted to gauge interest in a way that would obviously draw people in. I'm male and can actually remember thinking of myself as the lowest most valueless throwaway trash imaginable, most of it baseless, but no one ever convinced me otherwise. I had to learn and convince myself.

B cup is fine. You're likely not as unattractive as you think. No one gets to choose who or what they're born as, make it the best you can and want to.

Even if you're 200 pounds, acne ridden, and feel unsalvageable. Eat right and start exercising. Also cut out excessive sweeteners and all dairy. Wash your face. Unless it's cystic, your acne will go away.

>> No.6491579


Fuck off beta whiteknight perma virgin. Sucking up to sub par girls on a cooking board isn't going to get you laid.

>> No.6491582

Small tits are disgusting. Only pedos like them.

>> No.6491584


Winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.6491586

>Also cut out excessive sweeteners and all dairy

I wish this was bullshit, but it isn't. I never had serious acne but I used to get quite a few spots around my chin area. I got on some pills and it cleared it all up, then when I finished the subscription I didnt bother getting more because I wasnt getting more than the occasional spot.

So anyway, one day I thought to myself 'I fancy some nesquik chocolate milk'. So I bought 2 tubs of it and 2 massive bottles of milk, and spent the next couple of days blissfully binge drinking a shit ton of it. Anyway, I woke up the morning after with about 6 massive spots on my chin. Felt fucking bad.

>> No.6491587

Oh I wash my face twice a day, but thanks for. The advice. I'm cutting out soda and almost all processed foods, jogging for an hour every other day. I hope I get some progress eventually. I'm 5'2 so I look like I weigh even more than I really do.

>> No.6491589

I wasn't planning on responding again. I happened to see your enraged post while scrolling however, and might as well say it's neat what misery can be conveyed in so few words.

Not fully sure if envy or pity. Have a nice day anon.

>> No.6491591

Yeah I have a history of acne in my family, but cutting shit like that out of my diet should bring it down some

>> No.6491598

Personality: grade A
Cooking: B
Dick sucking skills: A++++++

Boobs are an average 36C.
Wouldn't say I'm hot, would say I'm attractive.

>> No.6491600


>Implying I had to kiss ass to get laid like you.

Your life must really suck m8.

>> No.6491606


Post a picture you fucking fuckslut.

>> No.6491608

small tits are awesome, depending on the type of grill

>> No.6491610

>Dick sucking skills: A++++++
We're gonna have to see about that

>> No.6491611
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guess I'd like to meet you IRL

>> No.6491627


I've had numerous guys tell me they could never get off from dick sucking alone and then I get them to finish in my mouth from dick sucking alone.
>mfw they didn't have to pull their dick out and whack off to finish on my chest
>mfw there is no clean up

>> No.6491631

My life is okay.
I don't have, or form any relationships whether transient or otherwise for reasons and conditions you likely couldn't understand. I don't think I'd still be here if I wasn't alone, life really does tend to come full circle.

Sorry man, I'm not sure what kind of fun you get out of this kind of thing, but you'll have to find someone else to play the game. Might also want to ask yourself some questions about your own security if you feel such a need to play to begin with.

>> No.6491634

Sounds good. :)
And you get protein rich meals.

>> No.6491637
File: 88 KB, 500x667, Fedora Weekly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know how euphoric you sound right now? You're weird as fuck m8.

>> No.6491638
File: 3 KB, 125x119, 1370013937856s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty sure never sucked a dick in her (his) life

>> No.6491641

"Ladies" post pics plox

>> No.6491643

Well I guess it's not really "sucking".

>> No.6491644

>I've had numerous guys tell me they could never get off from.dick sucking alone and then I get them to finish in my mouth from dick sucking alone.

This is one of my favourite tricks it never fails

>> No.6491648
File: 549 KB, 585x604, Screen shot 2015-05-10 at 11.57.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a stab. Please be nice.

I know I'm not hot.
>inb4 mexican jokes (I'm not really mexican)

>> No.6491649

Would bang

>> No.6491650

>You're weird as fuck m8.
I definitely am. Yet I've got a lifetime of keeping people at arms length and cutting ties behind me. Go figure, eh?

If I truly am mad to your sanity, I'll keep my madness. Apparently women are bored with "sanity" as well. I know I certainly am.

>> No.6491652

Jew York pls go

>> No.6491655
File: 56 KB, 680x518, 1417465779695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The nose knows.

Fucking hell son. At first I thought you were a troll but now i'm starting to think you're serious. Should I preemptively call the police before you shoot up a school?

>> No.6491656

But I thought there weren't any girls on the internet

>> No.6491658
File: 208 KB, 1280x960, 1403684247315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thye're aren't

>> No.6491660

I'm from Texas.

>> No.6491661

Nobody else is posting sooo.. one more pic?

>> No.6491664

Your posts could be adequately responded to with song lyrics alone. How is this fun.

>> No.6491672


Spread your ass.

>> No.6491674

I guess.

>> No.6491682


What the fuck are you talking about? Do you try and portray yourself as some tortured genius in real life or is that just online?

>> No.6491686

You're seeing you.

Don't make you me. Make me me. I am not you.

>> No.6491690

top center so I could feel her mammary glands

>> No.6491697

Cmon I wanted to fap

>> No.6491698
File: 492 KB, 949x528, 1401042166755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Elliot I thought you died trying to become a supreme gentleman. Are you posting from the afterlife?

>> No.6491704

I am not Elliott, however I cannot confirm that he does not post from an afterlife.

>> No.6491715


on a scale of 1-10 how euphoric do you feel right now?

>> No.6491728

i want an apple fritter :(

>> No.6491729

You are really attractive holy shit

>> No.6491730

No but it is full of chicks.

>> No.6491733
File: 109 KB, 640x480, photo(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it was upside down.
Let's try this again.

>> No.6491736

About a 7. It lacks the more prominent positive aspects associated with euphoria though. This is mainly just a smooth sense of being quite lucid yet somewhat out of it. No mental faculties are noticeably compromised. Working memory is fine, logic is fine, visual processing is "good enough". Not quite disorientation but just a smoothed out lack of give a damn, and that's pretty okay.

I'm just okay. 7/10 euphoria, but it's just okay.

>> No.6491745


Tits and GTFO

>> No.6491746

Fuck IDK why it's uploading it upside down cause it's not like that on my computer. Whatever.

Sorry for shitty quality. (Cell phone pic from over a year ago)

>> No.6491760

It's okay
my dick says thanks

>> No.6491764
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1431278936901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed for you, and please be in london, also listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.6491765

damn girl, you are looking right

>> No.6491770
File: 92 KB, 640x480, 1431278936901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6491772

Eyyy bbgurl

>> No.6491781

I'd dump some eggwhites on you. If you know what I am saying.

>> No.6491794

That had better have been a lossless rotation.

>> No.6491795

This is me minus the husband.

>> No.6491797
File: 34 KB, 300x450, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a 4.6/10 at best, calm down you lonely sad fucks
>people still go crazy when a girl posts on the internet
Never change, 4chan. She's not gonna sleep with you, learn to ignore the insistent urgings of your teen hormones, they evolved before we had computers.

Pic related, it's me. Please do everything for me because I am a girl :^)

>> No.6491806
File: 65 KB, 544x470, Screen shot 2015-05-10 at 12.46.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this was me.

lol dick sucking champion of the world.
mom's not very proud but then again, I never was good enough for her.

>> No.6491809

I'd say I'm a 9/10, very pretty, /fit, and I wear cute dresses/skirts a lot

I thought my cooking was a B, but my ex boyfriend apparently thought it was a F.

I can make grilled cheese sandwiches, a steak, a peanut butter and banana sandwich, sauted vegetables, and a cheesecake.

>> No.6491812

I once got drunk with a coworker and said I had never gotten off from dick sucking. She said I had never had a good blow job, one thing led to another and she demonstrated her skills. If she was really as good as she claimed to me, blow jobs are massively overrated, I went home with blue balls because I didn't really want to give her my seed anyway.

>> No.6491816

Do people actually think cooking is relevant in a potential partner?

I mean, I get it if they go about it with ridiculous or irritating attitudes that show how they think in a way you don't like, but other than that, why. Why are people so goddamn picky about things that seem so trivial.

>> No.6491819

She obviously failed at getting you off.
I'd say you still haven't had a good blow job.

>> No.6491820

I'm probably 5/10 but since I'm a skinny fit Asian, guys seem to be into it. I'm probably too tall and have wayyyyy tiny boobs.
I'm pretty good at Asian cuisine, and basic American stuff.

>> No.6491824

If you don't wear chaste and modest flats, you're not 9/10
if you have tattoos or piercings other than a single piercing in each earlobe, you are not 9/10
If your vagina is beef curtain style, you are not 9/10
If your skull is not attractively shaped, you are not 9/10

>> No.6491826

nobody cares you projecting permavirgin. none of what you said was original anyway

>> No.6491834

I dunno, unless I am thrusting, on top, and in complete control, I don't see how I'm gonna get off. I suppose I could try throat fucking but I think it would be a boner killer unless she's vomiting and in tears, and decent girls aren't into that.

>> No.6491837

Number one here I'd agree with. Wearing heels of your own volition is an immediate turnoff and a red flag, kick those stupid things off because they definitely don't make your legs and ass look better. The more comfortable a woman looks about wearing such foolish things, the less attractive she becomes.

>> No.6491841

I somehow knew (hoped) its you.

>> No.6491845

but I love heels! sure I'll wear flat shoes for the gym or for an outdoors event, but for parties and work, I wear heels

>> No.6491850

I look like Brooke Shields had a baby with that one weird body bitch from "Girls", so no.

>> No.6491855


you've got some weird hangups.

>> No.6491858

So you would rather be with a girl who wears Crocs than heels?

Cros are the ultimate in comfort and "i clearly don't give a shit what other people think".

>> No.6491860

I jerk off to the memory of the best blow job I've had more often than to the best sex I've had. It was porn star grade

>> No.6491862

If someone's clothing at all hinders survival or ability to adapt, I'm not into it. Whether it's heals, shorts in the winter, or a tie around your neck (clip on included).

The ligaments and tendons in my lower legs are a bit tight, so as a kid I'd tend to walk around slightly on my toes. It does give you a bit of dexterity. Tried on some of my mother's heels for the hell of it, things were unusable even for me, and nothing but in the way. Very hindering, and I'd imagine that never really fades.

That's a bit of my psychology on it. Also, like I said, it doesn't really add anything visually either.

>> No.6491866

Yes it can get messy. But any girl skilled in the art of dick sucking knows who to wipe away those tears (of joy) without smearing her make up and knows how to swallow that vomit (of love) before it even comes up.

It also impossible to give head with a stuffy nose.

>> No.6491869


>I have something I want sexually
>but DECENT girls aren't INTO that

jesus christ you manchildren are so fucking insecure. it's honestly hilarious.

>> No.6491870
File: 61 KB, 620x350, kangaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you are a guy then I'm a kangaroo

>> No.6491872

Are you on the spectrum?

>> No.6491873


>autism: the post

>> No.6491877

Depends on the girl as a whole, and how she views her clothing choices / clothes and presentation in general.

It doesn't really matter much anyway, even if I'm not as specific as I seem, I'm not part of any of this. My taste isn't relevant.

>> No.6491884


>> No.6491890

I'm male.

No. Language acquisition and cognitive development was within normal ranges. No deficits in theory of mind and nothing to suggest malformation of dendritic spines. No, I'm a bit out there and can be rigidly obsessive, but likely not autistic.

>> No.6491892


You've got it all wrong, the tears and vomit are good.


You have no idea.

>> No.6491896

Tears? Yes.
Snot? Sure.
But nobody likes vomit.

>> No.6491906


>> No.6491910

This is the most autistic post I've read on this site

>> No.6491911

Flip flops and sandals are more comfortable than crocs.

>> No.6491920

For all that we always stay the same, we sure do change.

>> No.6491922


>> No.6491929


Agreed. Vomit or shit and it's just all over for me.

>tfw one night stand with a guy who wanted me to shit on his chest
>like out of nowhere just fucking asked me to do it after we had completely normal sex
>offered me $500
>almost took it because I really wanted a PS4, but not that badly

>> No.6491933

>almost took it because I really wanted a PS4, but not that badly
This was my favorite part

>> No.6491935

Why wouldn't you? I don't understand.

>> No.6491938

I would've done it if it wasnt at my place. $500 man

>> No.6491940

Really? My friend pissed on a dude for free. You passed up an easy 500$

>> No.6491941

it's 500 dollars just for the pleasure of taking a shit. you relieve yourself, get enough money for a bitchin video card or a shitty console, and you never see the guy again. or your work out some sort of informal contract where he contacts you every time he wants his chest shit on and you make 500 extra dollars regularly that you don't have to report in your taxes. you goofed so hard.

>> No.6491942


hey man I worked at gamestop during the great PS4/Xbone release, at one of the busiest malls in America. there are people who would've gladly taken a dump on someone's chest to get their little snotnosed crotch dropping the console it wanted in time for the holidays.

>> No.6491946

What's the problem? If all he wanted was for you to shit on his chest and you didn't have to do anything else, you're a retard for not taking the money

>> No.6491952


>> No.6491964

Wow are all you guys desperate or what?
I work a good job and am getting by just fine with my paychecks. I don't need to take a dump on some guys chest to make a living so why would I? 500 bucks is not worth it. That's chump change.

Would do it for $1000 though because fuck, I'm not stupid.

>> No.6491969

You shit for free anyway, why not do it on his chest?

>> No.6491972

Are you the femanon who posted pics, or someone else

>> No.6491974


I don't know, guys. There was something about taking a dump on a random guy's chest for money that just felt wrong. Plus I had eaten Arabic food the night before, so I probably would've splattered the poor bastard like a Pollock painting.

>> No.6491981

It is wrong and it's disgusting and it's also funny. It would have been even funnier if you sprayed spicy diarrhea in his eyes.

>> No.6491982

You're getting paid to shit. I'm not hurting for cash but I'd shit on someone for anything above 100$

>> No.6491983

should've splattered and taken pictures. shit would've been keks and maybe you would have made him change his mind and improve his life.

you already had sex with him and the entire time he was thinking about what your shit smells like and rubbing it all over him

>> No.6491988

Yes. Not sure why that matters though.

You may think I'm hypocritical because I will gag myself deep-throating and drooling all over some guys shlong but won't take a dump on him... but deep down I still like to think of myself as a lady. And shitting in front of others is just not attractive. Plus girls don't poop.

>> No.6491991


Alright, I've been convinced. The next time I'm with someone and they ask me to shit on their chest for money, I'll do it and post pictures to 4chan.

>> No.6491993

That's the spirit!

>> No.6492001

I like how this thread is about "women on /ck/" but really it's about shitting on strangers for money and dick sucking induced vomiting.

>> No.6492010


wait, you didn't actually expect all these anons to stick to OP's topic, did you?
this is a place where a pizza discussion thread can turn into why the jews faked the moon landing.

>> No.6492015

Bro, you're obviously going out of your way to use big words to seem smart. But actual smart people don't do that. Real smart people can get big ideas across with small and few words. You're just trying to jerk yourself off onto our faces and I for one am not into it.

>> No.6492016

how can you say you love him if you won't even shit on him?

>> No.6492017

Those measurements sound ... Nummy.

>> No.6492021
File: 15 KB, 201x300, picture-4-201x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be fun to watch

>> No.6492027

Cute. Intriguing. Would eat your ... food.

>> No.6492030

I don't have sex with people I love.
Only friends.

>> No.6492034

>average wife

>> No.6492035

Family sex is best sex though.

>> No.6492036


I'm the anon that wouldn't shit on a dude. Just looked at your pictures- you wanna rub cunts together and make a fire?

>> No.6492041


>> No.6492043

>Do people actually think cooking is relevant in a potential partner?

It would be NICE in a female partner, but I'd certainly never turn down an otherwise great girl just because she couldn't cook.

>> No.6492047

They don't lack anything you queer. And even if they did you couldn't help focusing on the flaws.

>> No.6492054


Strap-on sex is fine though.

>> No.6492055

Can I watch? I'll buy the one who feels the most degraded a playstation.

>> No.6492066

This board is really going to shit...

>> No.6492068


Fuck your playstation, buy me an Alienware and I'll "ultimate surrender" that gorgeous brown ass.

>> No.6492076

You seem a little too willing, how about a used Dreamcast? I'll throw in the vibrator units for free.

>> No.6492080

He's right though. Tattoos are disgusting.

>> No.6492085

This has already been addressed.

It comes to context. In person I would convey information as it seemed reasonable for whoever I'm talking to and my own mood, that is called effective communication. The internet, 4chan especially, I'm apt to say whatever I want pretty well however I feel like at the time. I might write near gibberish, or I might generated a well structured essay. Other people aren't really part of it, as foreign as that might seem, you're seeing a feedback loop where there isn't one. I might as well be talking in my own head hoping the echoes tell me something I don't already know. That you have difficulty understand this, on your own, by default, is a bit frustrating, but not unfamiliar. I come here for one of two things, to more or less talk to myself by proxy, or to exchange information with people hoping, just hoping, I get something meaningful back. Spoilers bud, I don't.

Put as bluntly as possible, if someone has the entire internet at your disposal and I don't care if, where, how, or why you might stumble, and it ain't my problem if you won't look it up or quit whining long enough to even get back on your feet. Want to talk about autism? You damn well better know what language acquisition refers to, you damn well better know where dendritic spines fit into current models, and damn well better know what theory of mind is. Typical to blame others for your own deficit, maybe you ought to expand your vocabulary. I wasn't born this way.

>> No.6492088


>Tattoos are delicious.


>> No.6492092

Tattoos on girls are putrid.

They can turn a pretty girl into a solid 5/10

>> No.6492093

I like you. Would cuddle.

>> No.6492094

Don't waste your time on him

>> No.6492096

I like you. Would shit on.

>> No.6492097


Opinions sure are lovely, aren't they?

Only an autist would think his opinion is objective fact.

>> No.6492099


you're really not doing yourself any favors to convince people you aren't on the autistic spectrum. calm the hell down.

>> No.6492101

Let me guess. You're a FAT GIRL, aren't you?
You've recently got some big ugly tattoo and now you're regretting it.

I laugh in your direction.

>> No.6492102
File: 192 KB, 500x500, 879122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are autists thenOR

>> No.6492108


>butthurt assumptions because your opinions aren't fact

I have a penis.


>more butthurt shitposting because your opinions don't equal fact


>> No.6492109
File: 32 KB, 500x415, fat-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, this so much

>> No.6492111

Come on, be serious.
I want to know what your current situation is involving a girl and a tattoo. I know there's something going on.

Talk to me about it.

>> No.6492112
File: 976 KB, 500x220, ceelolaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these people mad over having opinions explained to them

lol it's like i'm really talking to CWC.

how's sonichu doing?

>> No.6492116


Nothing, actually. If you mean the porn I fap to, sure, there's some girls in there with tattoos. Most hardcore girls have one or two. I just simply pointed out that your opinion doesn't equal fact, and now you're pretending to be a psychology major, which is just the icing on the autism cake.

>> No.6492119

But anon, I don't care if I convince anyone of anything. I'm not other people's ideas, and their ideas aren't valuable. I'm pretty calm as a whole.

Eating too much ginger really gets rid of any capacity for irritation however.

>> No.6492120


>I don't care
>which is why I keep posting replies to people who are clearly laughing at me
>which is why I need to convince you all that I've "won" this internet argument


>> No.6492122

>now you're pretending to be a psychology major

But I'm not. You're just avoiding the question.

You have a fat girlfriend with tattoos, don't you?
I bet she smells of food.

>> No.6492124

I'm mad that stating the obvious is so common. Obviously opinions aren't fact, and like I said, it's also obvious most people consistently mistake the two.

Your species is shit. Get over it, embrace the misanthropy and learn to accept the disgust that lies within yourself. Only then can you truly see yourself.

>> No.6492126
File: 126 KB, 492x492, smug meduka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude... you're like, so totally deep

>> No.6492127

Too much stupid arguing and too few pictures of /ck/ qts.

>> No.6492128

borneo confirmed for chest shitter

>> No.6492133
File: 80 KB, 540x709, 1426971015781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tipped my fedora to everyone who posted in the last 50 posts.

Thanks for the euphoria.

>> No.6492134

4/10 looks
normal weight
C+ Grade Cooking, should apply myself
Never gotten off to a blowjob
Would pick the chocolate cake donut, upper right corner, and upper left corner
Thing I miss most from ex was her cooking.

Come at me co/ck/s

>> No.6492135

I would treat her to a meal at the Fat Duck if she would just let me drink her piss.

>> No.6492146

My motivations have been made obvious and stated explicitly. This is why I say, you're seeing you, not me.

You are a machine. I am a machine. We exist in a machine, and I don't really care if you're into a reductionist reality or not. You take in stimuli. You make ideas. You apply heuristics and a weighting process, but yours are faulty. You are not seeing the me that exist, you are seeing yourself.

I can't take anyone like that very seriously, it's a path of self destruction to do so. If you want my honest opinion (you don't, but you'll get it anyway) you're childish, highly dishonest, self fixated, and heavily confuse your own assumptions with truth. Use that for whatever you will, I'm a broken mess myself, but I sincerely hope you aren't into your twenties and still using this near braindead way of reasoning and deducing ideas / associated probabilities about yourself and others.

When I read your posts, this is what I lean towards, this is the you that exists in my head. This is what I see. Hopefully you indicate something different down the line, but part of me doubts. Maybe one day, it's all up to you.

>> No.6492152
File: 124 KB, 960x849, Stoned asian man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm not on the spectrum I swear!!!!

>> No.6492154

this is some high tier trolling

>> No.6492156
File: 597 KB, 707x1000, 20709251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you got something out of it.

>> No.6492158

Picture of putrid sister with her putrid hand tattoo in all of it's putridness.

>> No.6492161
File: 167 KB, 800x800, 1400034033760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I am a spectrum.

>> No.6492164
File: 74 KB, 470x632, photo(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annnnnd forgot pic.

>> No.6492171

Pretty sure your sister used to be your brother.

I'd still hit it although I would wear three layers of condoms and get myself tested afterwards.

>> No.6492172

want to trade food for head?

You cook me nice meal I go down
I cook you nice meal and you go down

Though if either makes food the other hates, the person who made the food gets anal

>> No.6492176


>> No.6492184

Okay that was my sister. But I'm the chick from earlier who posted pics.

I would cook AND give you head regardless. No trading is necessary. As a woman these are my duties.

And yes, my sister is most definitely ratchet.

>> No.6492185

ok deal

>> No.6492190

First if all, those are a beautiful set of pert shapely breasts.

Secondly, you are a fag

Also, go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.6492206
File: 665 KB, 1600x1200, KIMG0249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the ugly nursing bra. Fucking milk leaks

>> No.6492209


>> No.6492210
File: 154 KB, 720x302, 1427071245300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck you. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.

>> No.6492213

Don't reply to the attention whore please.

>> No.6492217


Show them cumslut.

>> No.6492221

Work safe board dickface.

>> No.6492222

Remember not to reply to the landwhale attention whore.

1 fedora tip for everyone who doesn't reply.

>> No.6492227

Ok so it looks like late October could be good, given my current vacation schedule. You wanna meet in L O N D O N first and do the deed in advance, or after? Either one is fine with me. We could even do a before/after, if you want to shit in my mouth that would be lovely but by no means required.

>> No.6492228

quads. this man speaks the truth.

>> No.6492233


>> No.6492239

>expect a torrent of replies
>get 2
>u-u-uh... t-time to samefag I guess

>> No.6492241

did your black boyfriend stick around after treyshawn was born?

>> No.6492242

Pls explain

>> No.6492247
File: 25 KB, 388x219, no (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually OP. I think you've embarrassed yourself enough in this thread, tipper

>> No.6492252

>tfw your mom posted her tits on an anime image board before feeding you

>> No.6492254

4/10 looks(by 4chan standards), might be 6 with makeup/pretty clothes
non white(by 4chan standards)
in a LDR
A grade cooking, mostly self taught: busy parents so home alone all the time
Drunk and down, trying to figure out what to cook for the /challenge/
I love fried chicken

sup cu/ck/s

>> No.6492257

Fuck off you fat, ugly attention whore.
You're pregnant, have some self respect. Pathetic.

>> No.6492259

>this thread
Do we really need this /b/ tier material on /ck/?

>> No.6492263

Well "sucking" is like drinking something through a straw right? You suck.

But you don't actually suck a dick like that (it will hurt when he pees the next day).

>> No.6492269


OOOh are you scared of the big bad moderators? fucking do it.

>> No.6492276


>> No.6492281


get back in the knife drawer, you edgy goofball

>> No.6492283


no we do not. anybody into this should start a /ck/ thread on /soc/

>> No.6492285

guys...this is really autistic

>> No.6492292

It's the weekend, for crying out loud

But they're probably gross, so let's not do this. Breasts are the last recourse of a horse faced fatty uggo.

>> No.6492296

I know right
This thread was probably my first post on this board and it looks like /b/ failed to contain all the bitter virgins

>> No.6492301


Go back to the cuckshed, SJW.

>> No.6492308


>> No.6492317

whole 4chan is full of such people
made me lose all hope honestly

>> No.6492323

>attention whore tits
>people are irritated that /b/tier letitsorgtfo is on a fucking cooking board, a COOKING BOARD

>> No.6492328

spotted the virgin

>> No.6492329


lmao I called you edgy, so now I'm an SJW? don't be so defensive m8

>> No.6492332

Usually edgy is just a way of saying "I get offended easily, I think this word means something it doesn't mean"

>> No.6492333
File: 314 KB, 1457x1128, 31931655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so mad anon.

>> No.6492335

I'm irritated by both.
just like with annoying tripfags, don't give them attention, it's easy to ignore
bitter r9k virgins are more annoying anyway

>> No.6492336


seems like you're the reactionary/offended one in this scenario

>> No.6492338

I'm a virgin because I'm not whiteknighting the pregnant attention whore?
I don't see the logic.

>> No.6492342

Not even slightly.

>> No.6492344

It's 4chan... what did you expect?
If this sort of stuff bothers you, go somewhere else for your entertainment.

>> No.6492345

women will have sex with you if you defend them on the internet

>> No.6492346


alright, neat

>> No.6492347

Tee hee hee.

Of /ck/ourse you silly boy!

>> No.6492351

I don't get this.
How does not defending a m'ladies honor make you a virgin?

>> No.6492364


*tips fedora* m'lady white knights originated on /v/ 3 years ago

If you defend women no matter what, you're the fedora