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File: 371 KB, 916x565, Freelee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6489113 No.6489113 [Reply] [Original]


>If you're not a vegan, then you deserve to die.

>> No.6489118

>spends time in bed thinking about who should live or die based on diet.
Vegans everybody.
>comments have been disabled

>> No.6489265

Convert to vegan

What an insane woman. I mean that is some top tier crazy.

>> No.6489290

Stopped watching at 0:21
>Posts a video from a woman who is clearly insane
>Who constructed a diet that literally kills her followers.
>Who is such a pseudo-intellectual that she'd be willing to kill people for their beliefs.

I'd be willing to put money on the guess that she uses animal products.

Kinda like one of the higher ups in PETA, who needed a bovine artery for her treatment and she said "I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just doing what I need to save the animals".

>> No.6489293
File: 202 KB, 600x496, cattleproduct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.6489302

i'd feed her my sausage

>> No.6489305

From the comments section on youtube:
>Do animals that eat meat deserve to die?
>No -_- because humans are biologically designed to be vegan.

>> No.6489308

>Do animals that eat meat deserve to die?

then what if i eat animals who eat other animals?

checkmate vegans.

>> No.6489310

I'd love to tie a Vegan to a chair in a slaughterhouse and force them to watch the execution, draining, carving, and grilling of a cow. Then force them to eat some.

>> No.6489313

I think you missed the point.
>humans are biologically designed to be vegan.

>> No.6489327

>this insane woman beat Scooby in the YouTube fitness channel competition

>> No.6489367

i'm not a vegan or a vegetarian but you're simultaneously stupid and worthy of anger but also stupid and in need of guidance.

do you want to enter an abusive relationship with me? i'm a good cook.

>> No.6489375

Sure where you at?

Also, do you have a penis?

>> No.6489382

>Sure where you at?
>Also, do you have a penis?
I'm not sure, I haven't seen past my stomach for a while. I've forgotten what's down there.

>> No.6489876

Who has the link to the video of the qtp2t Swiss(?) vegan grill who made a blog of what she ate throughout the day?

>> No.6489997

>That fucking obnoxious accent.

>> No.6490172


well known fake and scammer, she and her douchelord fuckpuppet are well known to hit the maccas when they go into town.

straight out liars and thieves

>> No.6490206

So what does she think about free range beef and organic beef?

>> No.6490220

Why do I click on this obvious bait ?
Now I will be angry at vegans all week :(

>> No.6490356
File: 167 KB, 1536x1115, o-ADOLF-HITLER-VEGETARIAN-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adolf Hitler
Anti-semite, vegetarian, genocider

>Nazi Party
Animal rights activists, environmentalists, fascist murderers

>Martin Luther
Anti-semite, vegetarian, lynch mob advocate

>Henry Ford
Anti-semite, vegetarian, Nazi supporter

>Richard Wagner
Anti-semite, vegetarian, Hitler's favorite composer

Just sayin'

>> No.6490369
File: 87 KB, 400x300, sheldon-adelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger, I thought "anti-semite" was a bad thing.

Then I found out how juice has ruined democracy and I realized, hitler was right. And I'm actually, technically, jewish. I'd rather kill myself than allow this cancer to continue destroying humanity.

I like bagels as much as the next guy, but let's not forget who the enemy is.

>> No.6490387

>never not shitposting

>> No.6490410
File: 30 KB, 712x649, 1403400540825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you say such hurtful things?

>> No.6490440
File: 12 KB, 300x180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey! nothing wrong with meat goyim eat it up like during the shoah, no need to worry you just have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease no problem! allow me to refer you to dr. goldstein who can help perscribe sheckleberg pharm & co cures! you'll be fixed up in no time!

>> No.6490446

I think she's against the slaughtering and inhumane treatment of animals

My guess is that she doesn't support those, either

>> No.6490714

Well, I don't know about you lot but I flagged it for inciting murder.

>> No.6490722

>people who consume animal products deserves to die

And yet she's using a tv, the internet, living in a house, using a bed with lines and sheets, and has hair products in her hair, as well as clothes.

Guess how many of these things AREN'T made with animal products?

>> No.6490811
File: 768 KB, 1099x526, 1416023865471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't wrong though. It would save me a lot of time from having to tell vegetarians/meat eaters that they're literally raping the earth.
btw all that food your mother fed you is giving you cancer, you might want to stop drinking processed food, meat of any kind and any diary food.

>> No.6490812
File: 593 KB, 1920x1275, canines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panda bears are super predators

>> No.6490814

Omnivore teeth on the monkey brah. Why didn't you just write "Wizard" instead of "Herbivore"?

>> No.6490818
File: 52 KB, 384x476, hoodieday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the vegan troll

>> No.6490849

Chimps go out in groups, impale monkeys on spears, and eat them.

>> No.6490855


>> No.6490971

pandas are once-omnivores that pigeon-holed themselves into an evolutionary dead end and only continue to survive due to being cute as all fuck.

really, it's quite interesting how they managed to evolve to survive via human benevolence, despite their utter lack of interest in perpetuating their species.

>> No.6490998

Animals kill and process prey with their teeth. Humans have evolved to use tools for this purpose. Our gut is shorter than other primates, our jaws, teeth and chewing muscles are tiny and we don't have the upper body strength and opposable big toes to climb trees for fruit. Even our closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobo's, who do have these traits, hunt and consume meat.

What we do have is the intelligence, upright gait and hairless body to be the ultimate pursuit predator. Our talent for persistance hunting makes us the t-1000 of the animal kingdom. We can make prey collapse just by jogging after them at a leisurly pace until they keel over from exhaustion and we can finish them off with the tools we were able to fashion after milennia of gene-culture coevolution.

>> No.6491009

> Our talent for persistance hunting makes us the t-1000 of the animal kingdom.
This sentence in a nutshell refutes the crazy ladys point. She says that Humans have been designed to be vegan. When in fact, they have adapted to hunt animals to the point of exhaustion and only after hunting would they focus on foraging.

>> No.6491019

In fact it's only through the copious amounts of fat gained through meat in our diets that we've been able to evolve to the point we are

The brain is chiefly fat, it THRIVES off of fat.

>> No.6491021

You're oversimplifying. Not all humans developed the mutation for higher ratios of slow twitch muscle.

It's funny to listen to people talk up the fact that they are quite literally engineered by nature to be pack animals. Yes, certainly you can track and run down prey for miles upon miles until it's too exhausted to move, but what goes along with that is being too individually weak to be even close to a threat on your own. The kind of animals you were running down would tear you apart without a group, you thrived via strength in numbers and that was all that made you viable. Naturally hunting larger game allowed for larger tribes, a smaller travel radius, and more complex social hierarchies. I don't think this did you any favors, really.

People who retained their fast twitch muscle formed smaller tribes and very likely relied on higher individual intelligence and fitness. They likely traveled more, had to plan ahead further, and were either opportunistic hunters, ate smaller animals, or devised crude traps. Most of their diet however, was likely foraging. And they survived as well.

Humans have many subsets. You are simplifying to a point of being incorrect.

>> No.6491049

The amount of raging pseudo-intellectual bullshit in the post in making me nauseous

>> No.6491318

Aside from that picture being hilariously shopped, they really dropped the ball making her head completely out of proportion to her body.

>> No.6491326

This is the part where you follow it up with hard reasoning and actual substance.

I'll wait until your nausea subsides. Glad to be of service.

>> No.6491327

You're a good faggot.

>> No.6491335


>> No.6491347

Did you know that breathing is literally killing you by introducing free radicals into your system?

Humans just aren't built to breath and you should cut it out of your lifestyle.

>> No.6491349

She's way better looking in the video than in that photoshopped pic

>> No.6491369

Breathing is required, X garbage ingredient or compound in your food is not. Also, we have ample intrinsic mechanisms to scavenge ROS and free radicals, as well as dietary intake of antioxidants.

Oxygen, and every breath might very well be our omnipresent death sentence, but it's a necessary one.

Now looks like we wait for Anon to cook up a fresh
batch of excuses.

>> No.6491395

Good lord I always knew the vegans on 4chan were redditors, but fuck me, at least be subtle about it.

>> No.6491401

>Kinda like one of the higher ups in PETA, who needed a bovine artery for her treatment
Got a link?

>> No.6491412

We also fly. And deep sea dive. And move at speeds faster than a run. And communicate from continent to continent. You want to ban all of that because we weren't "engineered" to do that?

>> No.6491416
File: 133 KB, 400x505, 1402761091009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might want to stop drinking processed food

>> No.6491420


one of my best friends in high school was vegan and he died last year from leukemia. He was raised vegetarian prior to becoming vegan, and had literally never eaten meat.

so even if I'm raising my chances of getting cancer by some TINY fraction of a percent, so what? Cancer is just a lack of the draw (or lack thereof) anyway.

>> No.6491426

Oh god, just came from b and the first fucking comment I see is this shit.
4chan has a lot of redditors

>> No.6491428
File: 403 KB, 700x330, static_visualsnow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I have visited reddit a total of 6 times.
-Once for what might as well be pornography
-Once for images of scenic vistas and various aspects of photography. I went looking for visual snow-esque photography errors but didn't end up finding anything.
-Skimmed the AMA with Gabe Newell
-The other three represent any odd link that's ended me there

Truth is, historically I haven't done very well when it comes to persistent identity within any given online community. I have no real inclination, but am also somewhat averse. Work on your heuristics, they're faulty and causing you to post clutter I have to look at. fite me irl etc

>> No.6491433

No one cares, Anon.

>> No.6491439

Please, walk in front of a train.

>> No.6491442

great blog

>> No.6491443

I do indeed.

At 4:30

>> No.6491455

>You're oversimplifying. Not all humans developed the mutation for higher ratios of slow twitch muscle.

And that's why some tribes developed ambush hunting.

>> No.6491457


>> No.6491461

>unironically liking Penn and Teller

>> No.6491464

More or less an axiom. Fuck em, Anon.
Fuck all of em.

There is only one active rail line near where I live and it only runs on occasion. It's also not very high speed and death isn't guaranteed.

I would rather go out in the woods somewhere, deep, where I knew I'd be undisturbed. Sever femoral arteries, wait for a few minutes. If things aren't going like I want, stab a hole in the heart as a failsafe, just in case. If I can't make that distinction, chances are I don't have to.

If it was still winter I might jump off a bridge. I sink like a rock in water. Even something like a river, if isn't shallow, means near certain death if dropped into the middle. I know enough not to starve myself to death.

Getting rid of yourself can be hard. But there's a lot of ways.

>> No.6491467

I went into that later. It was mainly apt to consist of smaller game, and was unreliable. Foraging was far more of their diet.

>> No.6491474
File: 115 KB, 341x450, Smug_hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like he found out he really liked well made mashed potatos.
And a few other dishes.
I don't really disagree with him. If all the food I like is without meat, then fuck meat.
That said, Vegetarian = Okay
Vegan = Full on WTF retarded
Eggs, Cheese, and Wool is too good products to waste em.

>> No.6491476
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, 1378950356565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell your aspergers from here.

>> No.6491491

Check yourself again. It might be coming from you.

>> No.6491568

Yeah, I'm sure you are.

>> No.6491577
File: 2.29 MB, 2800x1600, alone_by_spleko-d4ssib8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on. I need to post anime now. It's part of my routine.

>> No.6491601

>We can make prey collapse just by jogging after them at a leisurly pace until they keel over from exhaustion
this never ever happened. please read up on what you're telling other people instead of just repeating what you hear in popsci videos.

persistance hunting isn't what you think it is.

>> No.6492405

So what if I ate road kill?