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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 265x367, baconator1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6485970 No.6485970 [Reply] [Original]

How did we go from this...

>> No.6485972
File: 31 KB, 400x245, baconator1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6485996


>> No.6485999 [DELETED] 

Black employees getting hired.

>> No.6486003

There was a second explosion at the base of the tower.

>> No.6486004

>protip: the food in professional food photography generally isn't real.

>> No.6486005

they both look good to me

>> No.6486007

jet fuel

>> No.6486009

>The main difference between Europe and USA

>> No.6486014

One is a lie from the land of corporate marketing. The other is the reality as produced by a sullen and disgruntled work force.

This also demonstrates the difference between how a corporate CEO and a low life burger flipper sees things.

>> No.6486015

Look at that picture... It's plump, juicy, three inches thick.

Look at this sorry, miserable, squashed thing. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?

>> No.6486018
File: 137 KB, 500x248, Double+Whammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486022 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 402x789, boiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my local wendy's (hell the town) is 100% white and the food has never been shit.

it's always perfect, even looks like the ads most of the time, other than stacking toppings on one side.

best race is only race you're "not allowed" to be proud to be a part of.

>> No.6486033

Anyone who is proud of something they had no control over is a fucking moron.

"Gee, I sure am proud of my parents fucking within these borders! And I sure am proud that they fucked within their own race!"

It's fucking pathetic, and the kind of thing people with no substance and nothing happening with their own lives latch onto in order to feel better about their lack of accomplishments, just like professional sports.

>> No.6486050
File: 15 KB, 300x186, 463456346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're stupid.

>hurr durr you shouldn't feel proud for the good things your ancestors did they're all dead lel


>> No.6486052

When did I ever say that second part? Please don't put words in my mouth, or I'll be forced to put my cock in yours, faggot.

The past is the past. Leave it there.

>> No.6486054

back to reddit, sjw scum

>> No.6486056

>Please don't put words in my mouth, or I'll be forced to put my cock in yours, faggot.

Not him but is that offer still on the table? I do agree with you though.

>> No.6486058


If you feel either guilt or pride for things your dead ancestors did, you're a pathetic retard who has done nothing with his own life.

>> No.6486063

; ^ )

>> No.6486065 [DELETED] 

i'm proud my parents grew up with their racist parents that prevented my mother from fucking black men which resulted in my white heritage.

thanks for being racist mom, i have a better life because of it.

>> No.6486068

Nah you're dumb. Humans didn't achieve anything without feeling pride for country.

>> No.6486071 [DELETED] 

Says the shitskin whose ancestors achieved nothing.

>> No.6486075

I am proud of the accomplishments of my ancestors. I am pleased to have been born who and what I am.

I cannot however take pride in the color of my skin, the race I belong to or the accomplishments of others.

People mix up pride and nationalism and sports cheering into a mess, and mistakenly call that "pride".

(It's Sammy dobson in the wrangler pro tex chevrolet coming into turn four and he's going to take the chequered flag! Oh Martha! Sammy is from our home town! I'm so proud!)

Good god.

>> No.6486077

I'm white. My ancestors hail from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. Many of these bloodlines have been in America for hundreds of years. Some of my ancestors filed patents during their lives. Some of them made millions and business owners. And some of them even owned slaves. However, I'm never going to feel pride for those accomplishments, nor am I going to feel bad about anything they did, because I didn't do any of that. I care about what I have done, and not some dead people I'll never meet with whom I happen to share some DNA.

>> No.6486078

as business owners*

>> No.6486080

You are pathetic and weak minded.
Good day.

>> No.6486086


>> No.6486089

Seems more weak minded to me to have to latch onto the accomplishments of others for a sense of pride.

>> No.6486090

You sound like those people who say that "happiness is just chemicals in your brain therefore you should never be happy or feel good about anything ever"

>> No.6486091

This was quite a rousing debate. I'm glad to see that 4chan is still the bastion of intelligence discourse that it has always been.

>> No.6486094

Stop being so butthurt over the fact that black people suck. You guys are human, yeah, but, you're rude, willfully unintelligent and proud about it. There is a reason that many people dislike you and it's not because they're "racist".

>> No.6486099

How does that make any fucking sense at all? Literally everything we feel is just chemicals in our brain. That doesn't make those feels any less wonderful (or crushing, depending on the emotion). I'm not sure what my views on taking pride in things you played no part in have to do with the legitimacy of human emotion.

You understand the difference between being proud of and taking pride in something, don't you? If your friend does something great, you feel proud of him. If you do something great, you take pride in that.

>> No.6486103

>you're rude, willfully unintelligent and proud about it

This is possibly the most ironic thing I've read on 4chan all year.

>> No.6486187

You sound like a euphoric underachiever tbh

>> No.6486194

>espouses the belief that one should take pride in only their own achievements
>gets called an underachiever
Explain your logic.

>> No.6486195

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

>> No.6486288

The burger acceptance movement. All burgers are beautiful

>> No.6486295

>You guys are human, yeah, but, you're rude, willfully unintelligent and proud about it.

literally sums up 4chan tho

>> No.6486466

Protip: by law it has to be real now. Federal Trade Commission truth-in-advertising laws

>> No.6486474


Why do two patties?

You could have the same amount of meat with one thick patty that would be far superior if cooked correctly.

My usual hamburger patties are an inch thick.

>> No.6486477

Patties more like fatties

>> No.6486498
File: 95 KB, 1152x864, the provocative sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger has two patties

>> No.6486531

That's called settling.

>> No.6486538

Guarantee your burgers taste like sawdust. Thick patties are shit and no one wants to tell you because you're obviously the guy who will never let anyone forget how much better you can make a burger at home

>> No.6486666


>> No.6486671
File: 47 KB, 620x348, 20140225080254997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I went to Wendy's and was intending to buy a baconator but they said they were OUT OF BACON WHAT THE FUCK I bought some asiago diago chicken shit instead and it tasted okay but I was pretty disappointed

>> No.6486685

I've had the baconator and it's awful. I would consider going in for the spicy sandwich they're advertising now with the ghost pepper sauce.

>> No.6486787

future cuck detected

>> No.6486799

You probably had a slip of the tongue and asked to fuck a child you dirty, pedophile weaboo.

>> No.6486896
File: 1.23 MB, 640x360, 1429090219298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I had the baconator before and really enjoyed it. I'd be p. willing to try that spicy sandwich though spice owns

>> No.6487027

Protip: That doesn't stop them from painting food to look better, or nailing down pizzas to stretch the cheese.

>> No.6487032
File: 84 KB, 421x248, 1407423805481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jalapeno fresco spicy chicken sandwich is really good

>> No.6487081

I'll admit burgers don't ever look like they do in the pictures but that is just pathetic looking.
I would take it back and get a refund.

>> No.6487201

They aren't lying dipshit, everything in that picture you get in your fucking food. They never promised it would look like that.

>> No.6487288


>> No.6488439

They will claim its because of time limits. But we know its bullshit.

It only takes 5 minutes to put a burger together at home. And they look fine.

>> No.6488452


>> No.6488509

Fuck you faggot I pick out my own steak from my selection of freshly butchered steaks that I keep in my kitchen and grind it up into the finest burger possible

>> No.6488633

This guy is right. If you're proud of your heritage that's fine but it's not much more than a hobby. That you believe you are inherently more valuable because of your random circumstances of birth just proves how backwards most of the fucks on this website are.
I'm sure your ancestors were great, but people today only give a fuck about what YOU'VE accomplished. Believing anything else makes you as bad as the SJW boogeyman.
The wendy's new my house is almost exclusively staffed by blacks and hispanics, and the food is always 10/10. Hilariously enough, the taco bell is mostly white people but shit tier. And I'vehad good taco bell.
But I'm sure it's just the jews, right?

>> No.6488641

Quite honestly by the time i've gotten a good few beers down me, i'd much rather get >>6485972 put infront of me.

>> No.6488666


>> No.6488678


Like this.


>> No.6488691

Obama did this.

>> No.6488767

Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture? Anybody? Anybody at all.

>> No.6488802

I was only responding to the other anons claim that the
>food in professional food photography generally isn't real

So I'm not sure what you two buttholes are trying to prove to me.

>> No.6488819

same ingredients m8, and they both taste the same

>> No.6488856

>ketchup injection

>> No.6489023
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 35671086BwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like Wendy's.. The first pic is "food art" probably wax or plastic. Almost every chain burger or other restaurant does it. the second pic does not look that bad.I usually get a single, cheese,ltm,and a cup of chili, or baked potato and chili.My biggest bitch is the bacon.I LIKE bacon, in different foods. . Not on a burger. Also the 'tarded names all places give their food."Baconater"! sounds like Arnold is gonna bust in and lay 4-5 strips of nice thick cut bacon on your burger.what you get is maybe three half strips of micro thin low quality cheapshit bacon. Don't be picking on Wendy's. They (fast food) all do it. Part cultural, and our own fault. We expect to roll in anyplace, plunk down< 5 bucks, get a 1/3-1/2 burger with any topings, maybe use the restrooms,grab a handful of napkins and"extra" condiments,then bitch and moan about why "corporate" can't pay those nice people much over minimum wage ,

>> No.6489087
File: 52 KB, 512x383, 1427821460031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yer a faget.

>> No.6489095

>implying it was ever like that in the first place

>> No.6489726

most truthful post in the thread

>> No.6489830 [DELETED] 

White people made the picture. Niggers made that burger.

>> No.6489834

Prove it.

>> No.6489870

as if the whole camera recording didnt give it away, do they expect anyone to believe that this store didn't know before hand who she was and what she was doing?
yeah, some people might be fooled but they gotta be complete idiots to think this was real and legit

>> No.6489892

Assuming all blacks are that way is racist. Put all the quotations you want.

>> No.6490037

Assuming all whites are racist is also racist

>> No.6490623

Just because whites tend to benefit from political/social systems doesn't make all of them personally racist. Rich people benefit from inherently flawed economical systems, doesn't mean they all want to personally wage a war against the lower class.

>> No.6490626

Inch-thick patties are for the fatties who are disappointed when their stomachs aren't exploding after a meal.

>> No.6490676

>Federal Trade Commission truth-in-advertising laws

How is Apple allowed to advertise now?

>> No.6490707

/ck/ - Politi/ck/ally Incorrect

Anyways, black employees are the worst.
>black chick with piercings and red hair texts under the counter while I'm ordering at Burger King
>Order a bacon cheeseburger, ketchup only
>burger has no bacon, cheese, or ketchup but everything else
>still charged full price
I'm still buttmad about it to this day. At the time I lived in a place where burger places were nonexistent, so a fast food burger was a rare treat I had to travel out of town for.

>> No.6490723
File: 26 KB, 303x566, rack bradder diciprine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going into wendys for the first time with friend
>mother didnt like me eating fast food so we always cooked
>waiting in a long ass line
>our turn to order
>old ass man jumps in front of the line
>stalled the whole line for about 15 minutes arguing
>guy behind us says "just eat your damn food."
>more arguing with guy behind us and old man
>they almost fight over a sandwich of dead cow
>old man gets his food

I dont go in wendys anymore

>> No.6491612

That had potential to be a /ck/ version of the navy seal copypasta

>> No.6491614

Is this taken from a vlog?

>> No.6491617

The burgers in promotional photos aren't wrapped up and stuffed into bags.

>> No.6492203

They freeze everything

>> No.6492565

Do your own research then you tell me faggot. You're on a food/cooking board dumbass. Stay on topic

>> No.6492605

>/pol/ fast food

>> No.6492624

Satanic trips.

This looks like it was left out too much.

>> No.6493149

>>burger has no bacon, cheese, or ketchup but everything else
>>still charged full price

Something similar happened to me at McDonald's. Now, the closest McDonald's is still about a fifteen minute drive, which I suppose doesn't sound that bad, but this was already eight at night, I didn't want to eat any later than I already was.

>dad doesn't eat bacon because health reasons
>wanted McD's anyway
>sends me to get one of their limited time burgers, with no bacon
>decide to get myself the same thing but normal
>ask just to put the bacon you were gonna remove from his onto mine
>check before leaving, everything seems to be there without actually opening the packaging itself

In retrospect I should have.

>dad's burger ends up being a patty between two buns, no sauce/cheese/whatever else was supposed to be on it at all
>mine was literally the removed serving of bacon between two buns
>they still charged me for two of those specials when I got maybe 2 slices of bacon as a "meal"

>> No.6493167
File: 18 KB, 550x309, 1409081640752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are cool.


>> No.6493319


Sure was hot today.

>> No.6493331


The ones at Red Robin come pretty fucking close.

>> No.6493348
File: 46 KB, 522x372, 1341801340337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be black
>parents are African immigrants
>mfw I don't care much about slavery because worse things have happened