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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6483083 No.6483083 [Reply] [Original]

How was your breakfast this morning /ck/
I made a frittata with bacon, tomato, jalapeno and onion. It is drowning in chicken gravy with some taters on the side.

>> No.6483098
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Fucking room mates took all the plates

>> No.6483217

OP why would you cover it with grease? is it tasty? i cant imagine eating that much fat for breakfast man, pls help me understand

>> No.6483223

It is a once a year type of fatty meal, I really just wanted a bunch of gravy on eggs. Yes, it was tasty.

>> No.6483240

i had some dal with raita and two boiled eggs.


it's gravy, not fat.

>> No.6483248

OP you are such a legend.

>> No.6483297

topkek, okay m80

>> No.6483304


there's probably more fat by weight in the potatoes and maybe even the eggs than in the gravy.

>> No.6483333
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milk 1%
half a baked habanero pepper with garlic cninnamon ginger brown sugar and crushed black walnuts

>> No.6483338
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holy fuck quads today is gonna be great

and same captcha too wtf

>> No.6484045
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3 egg scramble, with parsley and crumbled feta on wholegrain toast, drizzled with evoo. Flat white espresso

>> No.6485945
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french toast crunch, iced coffee, and 2 reeses oreos

>> No.6486233
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Homemade biscuits and gravy niggers

>> No.6486326

The Reese's Oreos haven't made it over here yet, where are you at?

>> No.6486347
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>> No.6486352
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Just take all the pans... will see who gets the last hungry laughs...

>> No.6486365
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>> No.6486407
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>> No.6486414

plenty of meats

>> No.6486448

wtf is that thing to the top right?

>> No.6486456

uncured bacon?

>> No.6486462

something about that bacon doesn't look right...

>> No.6486559

$11.45 w/ tax

>> No.6486600

Sorry but I'm new here and whenever Americans talk about gravy I basically think it's like our gravy, but then I see this beige coloured gravy and I just want to know how to do it.
Could anyone help?

>> No.6486608


beat him up

>> No.6486613
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Forgot pic sorry

>> No.6486617

add flour i think?

>> No.6486621
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It looks like unsmoked cured back bacon
It's folded over but it's this

>> No.6486626

I take it they don't add gravy browning to it?

>> No.6486656

Pork Tenderloin

>> No.6486692
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I would kill for this paired with one of these rightnow

>> No.6486704

no just lots of flour and maybe cream. it's a southern thing.

>> No.6486712
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>gravy browning
what the fugg?

>> No.6486733

You brown sausage. Then use the grease to make a roux. Then add whole milk and fresh cracked black pepper.

>> No.6486734

Use grease and flour to make a roux.

>> No.6486748

Take the fat from the chicken/sausage/etc, add an equal part flour, cook the roux, add milk, season to taste

>> No.6486752

yeah i had to google it. some weird liquid shit that looks like A1 sauce

>> No.6486764

I didn't realise "you brown sausage" was an instruction, I thought you were calling me a brown sausage!
That's great thank you

>> No.6486769

It's a darkening liquid added to homemade gravy to darken it to the more "normal" dark brown colour. It has no flavour that I know of

>> No.6486789
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the normal dark brown color comes from the brick roux what the hell is wrong with anglos m8

>> No.6486800


gravy browning is for postwar prole scum, but the brown colour shouldn't come from the fucking roux either, it should come from the fucking stock.

>mfw plebs don't reduce 8 litres of stock down to a mugful to make their gravy


>> No.6486832

is it just bechamel then?

>> No.6486868

wait a minute here, I make gravy by making a roux out of drippings, who the hell makes it by reducing a stock? what country are you from?

>> No.6486937

Essentially, yes. A lot of people will make meat, then take the pan drippings, add a little stock if necessary, and then add flour. pour gravy over top of meat, and voila, American dinner.

>> No.6487118

A tablespoon of bovril, a litre of water, 2 tablespoons of corn flour mixed with cold water to thicken and a drop of gravy browning to get the colour back after adding corn flour.

>> No.6487463

I'm calling bs
every place that has gravy has milk/cream gravy, not only brown
usually biscuits and gravy has sausage added

>> No.6487951
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A sandwith with a fried egg, garlicy mayo and ham, a couple of wieners and a bagel with strawberry jam and cashew nuts in between. And buttermilk.

>> No.6488035
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Our biscuits aren't your biscuits and nowhere around me does biscuits on any menu

See left: biscuits

>> No.6488070

I had a hard boiled egg, some steamed asparagus, a can of salmon, and two pints of stout.

>> No.6488076

Why do you eat a habanero for breakfast? Diet thing?

>> No.6488127

Yes. It helps quell the appetite.

>> No.6488252

Just finished eating it so no pic I'm afraid, but:

Grilled Smoky Bacon
Fried Eggs (runny, over easy with black pepper)
Grilled Sliced Mushrooms
Grilled Tomato and Red Peppers
Baked Beans (with chili, garlic & ginger)

Washed down with a big glass of Sarsaparilla. Delicious.

>> No.6488529

That's cat vomit on hockey pucks.

>> No.6488531

Who the fuck has a gammon steak for breakfast? Your sausages look diseased too.

>> No.6488536

Why would you mention tax? Of course tax is part of the price.

>> No.6488657

When Americans say gravy, they actually mean a bechamel sauce.

>> No.6488659

Gravy is made from the pan drippings of a roast, deglazed with red wine and stock, reduced until the right consistency.

>> No.6488661

You Americans sure are arrogant fuckers.

>> No.6488684

Jesus Christ m80 thats like 1200 calories worth of shit

>> No.6488695

Its wasn't that bad really. The bagel (I'm not sure if that's the correct English word) is made into water and is fat-free, and the sandwich bun is homemade and free of fat as well.

The wieners, there's 3 of them. The package showed 250 kcal/100 g and it had 12 wieners/400 grams total, so that's 250 kcal.

Lastly, the egg is around 100 calories. Didn't use fat to fry it or anything else. The strawberry jam is a thin layer, so that's not really a killer either.

All in all, its not as much as it looks. Although I did take it before heading to work out.

>> No.6488733

I guess I can see that. I'm just used to amerilard calorie values

>> No.6488770
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2 eggs fried with brown rice and half a green apple

>> No.6488776

lucky charms with whole milk
some more whole milk in my Polish garfield mug i got at the thrift store