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File: 42 KB, 450x300, soft-semolina-sourdough-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6483483 No.6483483 [Reply] [Original]

Please help me feel better about eating wheat, the propaganda has worked and I can't enjoy toast for breakfast anymore

>> No.6483516

nothing wrong with bread. it's what you put on it that's the problem. jam, cream cheese, butter, cheese. bad stuff.

>> No.6483534

wheat is the reason westerners are taller, stronger and have far higher testosterone than eastern chinks.

potatos and rice are far worse offenders as carb sources if you want to be autistic about it.

>> No.6483536
File: 6 KB, 259x194, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a faggot

>> No.6483539


>not using 3% fat cream cheese
>80 calories and 16g protein per 100grams
>tastes about 90% as good as the full fat one

it's like you don't even lift and take steroids



american cheese, yeah.

>> No.6483575

If you'd have gluten intolerance, you'd realise before all the propaganda starded.

>> No.6483594

Bread has been like the main constant food for humans for literally thousands of years. What has changed in the last couple years that negates the entirety of human civilization's culinary experience?

>> No.6483607

In X years (where X < 100) you are going to be dead. Eat the freaking bread while you can?

>> No.6483613


misinformation is able to travel like wildfire in milliseconds

>> No.6483617

There is literally nothing good about that genetically modified crap.

>> No.6483644

Wheat was different back then. The wheat in older times had simpler genetics. The wheat we have now is made up of hundreds of chromosomes the wheat we know as triticum compactum. The wheat that was modified never even had a real safety testing for over fifty years. So the modified wheat you people eat has never been tested for safe human consumption and is now in the worldwide food supply without question due to lack of documentation during the experiments.

>> No.6483659
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Please no bully, I'm in a vulnerable place right now

>> No.6483674
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>> No.6484015
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The bread we make and eat (the majority of it) is totally different, with more processed bs in it. Make your own bread, then it's fine.

>> No.6484078

You know nothing of genetics. First of all, multiplication of genomes, resulting in polyploidy, is common in plants. Usually this means a bigger plant, which may be at a disadvantage because it requires more nutrients. Humans selected for these bigger grains and wa la, corn and wheat.

In essence, it's just more of the same proteins produced per plant. More bang for your buck.

Then there's GMO crops. So far, no GM wheat has been approved anywhere in the world for release. Nobody is growing the stuff commercially, only testing it.

Educate yourself, you paranoid fucks.


>> No.6485680

Try growing up

>> No.6485904

>3% fat

>> No.6485908

>hundreds of chromosomes
Almost as many as you have!
Nice dubs btw.

>> No.6485963

>hundreds of chromosomes

Y'all niggers need to study genetics 101 before you embarrass yourselves any further,

Wheat has 6 sets of 7 = 42 chromosomes.
Humans have 2 sets of 23 = 46 chromosomes.

Chromosome multiplications do not cause toxins to be produced, they make for bigger plants.

How did you not learn this in highschool?

>> No.6485971
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Screencapping this shit. Fucking hippies are retarded.

>> No.6486311

Monsanto shill please go.

>> No.6486329

You must be shilling for dumb people, then.

>> No.6486332

>got BTFO
>full damage control mode

libshit please go

>> No.6486358
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, Grilled-Cheese-Invitational.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, what's wrong with you?

>> No.6486361
File: 168 KB, 771x1024, IMG_03303-771x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jam, cream cheese, butter, cheese. bad stuff.
Nigga, what's wrong with you?

>3% fat cream cheese
and what the shit is wrong with you?

>> No.6486510
File: 5 KB, 208x156, 1405416983263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some 300 pound+ lady at my work said we really shouldn't be eating wheat and is avoiding "anything white" because she doesn't understand how carbs work

>> No.6486585
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>anything white

>> No.6486635
File: 58 KB, 450x360, Jarlbergs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrialized wheat is a thing. Thats fairly recent.
Industrialized pesticide is also a thing, and as is monocycle crops.
There is also a difference of how the life around the crops are. A small one.

That said, none of these factors are significant yet.
The biggest difference is the use of white flour at a industrial level instead of only the rich.
The other big difference is preservatives in everything. Some is fine, but the modern level is a little retarded if you don't eat potatos freeze your bread.

This is a thing. Its actually sad that "Bread with preservatives" is a thing now. That said, its not that bad, if your country forces bakeries to only sell fresh doughware.

>> No.6486650

there is the same person at my work, and she talks about the dangers of artificial colours, gluten intolerance, and a few other issues too.

>> No.6488145

The species of wheat. The herbicide intensive farming method. The fine grinding of the flour. The additives.

>> No.6488154

Something I've observed is that only white pansies have "gluten intolerance" or shit like that.

Fuck, I hate people with stupid "allergies" more than anything else.

>> No.6488162

It's not as bad for breakfast as it is later in the day. The quick energy from cheap carbs can be handy when you're just getting started, as long as you're not sitting down all day.

Definitely avoid it at dinner time, however.

>> No.6489503

So are you saying its better to eat white zero nutrition bread?

>> No.6489512


What a shitty argument. If you eat it for breakfast then you crash 2 hours later when you get to school or work. I eat meat and nuts for breakfast and eat my grains and other carbs later in the day

>> No.6489514

>Nigga, what's wrong with you?
Why so hnnnggg?

>> No.6489515


you can chomp on these nuts too fagboy

>> No.6489527

Speaking of bread, how much should I be paying for bread? And not the sliced kind. Disclaimer, I recently moved out and have been buying my own groceries, I've been craving bread for toast and Vegemite in the morning, but I don't know what reasonable prices are/should be

>> No.6490055

It's glycemic as fuck and nutritionally void of any value whatsoever. At least a Snickers bar has some nutrients from the cacao and peanuts.
It's something that people all over the world have eaten for almost all of civil history. It is almost fundamental to the cultural and gustatory experience of eating.
I don't eat carbs in general, myself, but I recognize that there are good reasons to eat them, even hyper-refined ones such as bread.