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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6482421 No.6482421 [Reply] [Original]

How did it get so bad, ck? Every night I'm wondering what I want to eat but I never want to choose anything... I just want to eat nothing ever. It's gotten really bad for me. My appetite is gone. My love for taste is gone. There isn't anything that please me in food. Ah but what of it?

When did it get so bad? What can I do?
THIS crisss will be the end of me.

>> No.6482424


>> No.6482426


>> No.6482427

This thread didn't require the use of a trip, Edgar. Please refrain from doing this in the future.

>> No.6482433

It's a tripcode. It's... a tripcode.

Ah, I'm so spent on your kind. I don't know what to do. I just made a Healthy Choice Cafe Steamer and added 2 cups of Queso. I'm upset. I'm pouting.

What of it? What of it, damn it all. Just damn it!

>> No.6482440

>I don't know what to do.

Stop using your tripcode when it isn't necessary. I saw your previous thread about doing some sort of challenge. That was appropriate. /ck/ is the last bastion of proper 4chan form.

>> No.6482441

Yes it did. Shouldd Anthony Bourdain release his books anonymously? Stop trying to provoke me.

>> No.6482446

Why, are you going to post more porn?

>> No.6482453

I never actually did that and you know it.

I'm, sadly, depressed. Hmm. I don't know why. I'm really sad today.

>> No.6482469 [DELETED] 

I wanna fall in love.

>> No.6482473

Well fuck you then. Eat some chocolate and keep your blog posts to Tumblr nigger. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.6482484

Maybe you've never been sad in your life but if you were I would comfort you. I'm not looking for your pity anyways, oh but what of it... what of it?

>> No.6482510

maybe you need some dick OP

>> No.6482511

i really can't tell if this faggot is trolling or not
either way, what kind of fucking mental illness leads a person to this kind of behavior

>> No.6482521

Oh Anon, I wish I knew both of those things.

>> No.6482523

Edgar you're a pathetic loser. Please stop posting.

>> No.6482527

Nice blog, tripfag.

>> No.6482534
File: 143 KB, 1046x800, 1401592508899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat some chocolate
Chocolate long remains one of my favorite drugs. Kindly keep your lack of knowledge to yourself.

>> No.6482536

No Fazolis

>> No.6482539

Reminder to hide Edgar threads.

>> No.6482562

4chan is as much illusion as it shows any kind of truth. Keep that in mind, Edgar.

I recommend finding a forum, somewhere persistent identity and all its implications, social politics, etc, are the norm and accepted. If you persist here and continue to find nothing but disappointment and brick walls, remember that there is only one thing you always have inherent control of.