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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6482091 No.6482091 [Reply] [Original]

How does one go about becoming a regular at a place without getting run off? My favorite place for breakfast recently informed me I was unwelcome and I've got no idea what I did.

>> No.6482095

Try taking a shower and brushing your teeth.

>> No.6482096

Bathing is a good start. Being at a restaurant is an excellent follow-up.

>> No.6482098

describe exactly your typical day at the place from the second you walk in the door to the second you walk out. also explain your order and any alterations

>> No.6482101

Interesting. My hygiene is already very good.

>> No.6482108

Been there, pal. I wasn't informed per se but I got enough dirty looks at the cafe where I used to frolic about that I knew they must have had a problem with me. It was a hip place so I knew my sexual orientation wasn't to blame. I spent most of the time there on my phone and had Eggs Benedict and a delicious big cappucino. Mmm.

Yeah, it's sad because some real cuties that made me feel kind of stiff in the pants served there too. I couldn't stand the dirty looks. Maybe I'll return someday and give them a piece of my mind.

>> No.6482109

If you're American, did you tip appropriately?

>> No.6482115

Do you tip? Did you hit on the waitresses? Did you overstay your welcome on busy days?

All of that can be an element of that. I've never been told I'm not welcome at a place.

>> No.6482124

Fuck off Edgar, I've been trying to ignore you, but I hate you too God damn much. No one cares how gay you are either.

>> No.6482128

>walk in
>sit down at a booth if it's not busy, bar if it is
>waitress brings me water and asks what i want
>usually order a club sandwich or daily special, sometimes cake
>start reading my e reader
>get food
>start eating
>finish eating
>walk to register and pay
>leave healthy tip (30-60%)

I tip very well, and while the waitress is a smokin' milf, I am socially retarded and don't know how to flirt. I do stick around for a bit though, usually an hour. But there's always free space when I'm there.

Last two times I was there, huge parts of my order were missing and they wouldn't fix it OR take it off my bill. So now I don't go there anymore. The food was so good too

>> No.6482134

I'm a bisexual queer who is open to partnering up with just about anyone, including trans people.
Anyways you dont like me? Oh I'm so sad.

I'm not here to be yet ur friend. I'm not here to be cute and please you. I'm here to speak my mind in as frank a tone as I can. You won't change me. I suggest you keep on ignoring me for your own safety, you jackass.

>> No.6482137

lel why so salty, freak?
no one cares about all the dick you take

>> No.6482142

>I am socially retarded

gee i wonder why nobody likes you

>> No.6482144


hahahaaaaaa holy shit prima donna

>> No.6482150


>> No.6482151

So you were complaining about the service and they said you were unwelcome and you don't know what you did to upset them?

>> No.6482155

Well, yeah. I'm not sure why you'd get shitty after bringing me an egg sandwich missing cheese, and a pancake combo missing bacon, then charge me for both despite never giving me what I ordered. Sure it was only like 1 dollar extra, but come on. I was polite as fuck about it too.

>> No.6482163

Everyone gives you dirty looks because you are an insufferable little cunt and everyone hates you. Stop tripfagging or kill yourself.

>> No.6482165


>> No.6482171

Why didn't you ask them what went wrong?

>> No.6482177


>> No.6482184

When they told you you weren't welcome, why didn't you ask why?

>> No.6482186

I'm not going to be run off of my own board. I wasnt getting dirty looks because I'm insufferable. They were probably xenophobic by nature considering I was never a true regular and when I did come in I was usually on my phone and when I get hooked with one waitress in particular I get a bit flirty because she's so ditzy I think why not fuck with her a little, her hipster stupid brain won't know how to handle it if i get a little weird anyway. This close too. Girl wears a tube tol or something and her tits are always so lucious like they're about to pop and she wants it so bad. Wish I could have had my way with that babe.

>> No.6482187

Either you were genuinely insulting and you were too dumb to notice, or someone working there is crazy and got insulted or spread a rumor for no good reason. Not knowing you, both seem equally likely.

This is why I try not to go anywhere often enough that I will be recognized.

>> No.6482196

>being this mad at obvious tr0ll

>> No.6482197

no. should i have?

>> No.6482201


>> No.6482202

Wow a classic example of overcompensating.
We wont forget what a bitch you are just bc you act misogynistically in a pathetic attempt to fit in

You are melodramatic
you are socially inept
you are not welcome here either

>> No.6482205

Are you retarded or something?

>> No.6482206

I mean it would be totally normal

>> No.6482208

Well the way I see it, it couldn't have gotten much worse. Might as well ask. Besides, if you don't ask, there might have been just one waitress that thought you didn't tip enough or something so she's the only one that wants you gone.

>> No.6482210

I'm only half retarded. The other half of my brain doesn't work at all.

>> No.6482215

yeah i'm legit p autistic
maybe that's why i have no friends

my bill always came between 10 and 15, and I always tipped 5

is that somehow not enough

>> No.6482219 [DELETED] 

I have delt with people like you mostof my life. Take a hint, I don't want to fit in! I'm strange and I'm proud because it means I get to be better than you. You have no discernable personality. Youre bland and vanilla. I'm Edgar. I have a tripcode. I have a place to share my days and my pov. You dont have any of the things I have and you can go screw yourself.

>> No.6482221


>I am unwelcomed at a place that I loved and I have no idea why
>"did you think to possibly ask why are unwelcomed at the place that you love going to?"
>am srry wht r u talking abut? shuld i hve dun tht? xdd i dunt understond the questien

>> No.6482222

no its probably just some social faux pas.

Do you tend to stare?

>> No.6482223

No offense, but you do seem a bit off. That doesn't seem like enough to ask you to leave. Well if that's the case then I doubt that's the reason. I just meant maybe something like that. Maybe you gave her a funny look. My point was that it might have just been one person that didn't like you for no good reason and wanted you gone.

>> No.6482225

no i'm pretty quiet

no offense taken. i know i'm broken

>> No.6482228

I'm one of the people that wants you to leave and has been talking to you. I want to make sure you know that there is at least more than one of us.

>> No.6482230

You're an attention whore. When you're playing LOOK AT ME games, most people feel embarrassed for you.

When you leave from any place, everyone becomes happy.

>> No.6482231

I imagine you walkingin, and sitting down. The waiter comes up to you and says "You are no longer welcome here, get out."

And then you say "ok", get up, and leave. What normal person does this? I'm seriously very confused. Why the fuck would you not be like "Excuse me? What for?" Or something of the likes

>> No.6482232

>Im different

If you have no one in real life and have to resort to here for social interaction and affirmation, then i just feel bad for you.
i wont heckle you anymore out of pitty.

Go on and share your opinions with people that at the very least dont care about you but mostly hate you

>> No.6482236

This guy is probably right

Just brush it off and move on. You seem like a decent guy

>> No.6482238

I am NEVER going to leave /ck/.

>> No.6482240

it's hard to explain it's not like she came out and said 'ey m8 gtfo' but i'm definitely unwelcome

oh well time to find another place to ruin with my presence

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 14/88

>> No.6482242

Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase be b8.

It's all clear now though, you are an incredibly autistic fuckhead

>> No.6482244

seriously kill yourself

>> No.6482248

Oh. Well, what makes you believe that you're unwelcomed? Like, what happens when you walk in?

>> No.6482251

Well then I'm going to ask florens to implement a blocking feature for Clover so that I never have to see your stupid shit. You never contribute anything of value, just annoyance.

>> No.6482252


>> No.6482254

Why the hell is everyone so hostile?

Good grief. I must be missing something here.

((A hamburger is a sandwich. So is a chicken burger. Thanks Captcha.)

>> No.6482255
File: 16 KB, 215x200, 1429315680538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just filter people you don't like.

>> No.6482258


Many think you should. I am one of them.

>> No.6482259

i haven't been back recently, but as i said before, lots of shit missing from my order, different attitude, charging me for missing shit and unwilling to believe that i wasn't lying. I dunno. That's what I get for going to the same place twice a week for a year.

>> No.6482260

Even with Clover? I've looked for this feature, but I haven't managed to find it.

>> No.6482261

It's Floens you turd

>> No.6482263

When someone is tripping AND blogging, it tends to provoke a reaction since it comes off as making the discussion about the one person with a name

>> No.6482265

>I'm Edgar. I have a tripcode.
I'm Anonymous. I have a filter.

>> No.6482266

That's too bad anon. Then again, perhaps a change would be a good idea. Why spend coin where they aren't pleased to see you. Sounds more like their problem than yours.

>> No.6482269

Just stop using your trip then.
This. I've never wanted to filter anyone before and I've seen plenty of tripfags.

>> No.6482272

OP, yeah, just another opinion weighing in that you're pretty far from normal in not asking why they said you weren't welcome.

If you're that far outside the norm, and know you're socially awkward, I'd guess that it's something subtle that you do that just made people uncomfortable. Maybe you stare at servers or customers. Maybe you eat messily and chew with your mouth open. Maybe you talk too loudly on your phone. Maybe you come across as angry when you're ordering or asking for something. Could be any of a thousand little things like that. It would actually be a good idea to call them up and ask politely; explain that you have some personality issues and want to try and work on whatever caused offense.

>> No.6482273

What the fuck. Well they don't desserve your service or hard-earned money anyway. Time to find a new one, one that will serve you always.

>> No.6482277

You've dealt with people like you most of your life because everyone hates moron attention whores like you.

>> No.6482285

OP, I agree with this guy:
Call them up, ask why, report back.

That being said, I'm sorry you had to deal with it anyway. If you genuinely don't understand why, it sort of hurts.

>> No.6482287

Waiter B pockets the tip and Waitress A thinks she got stiffed?

Or there's a good chance it was for no specific reason, people working in a restaurant sometimes just want to make drama and shit on customers.

On the other hand, you seem like someone who might be paranoid and take things personally when they are not. They might have just hired terrible staff or just dropped in quality of service for some reason. Or maybe they just always had shitty service and you just never noticed it until you had a reason to complain about the food. Maybe check yelp and see if other people have similar problems?

>> No.6482293

credit card tips, same waitress since the place opened
maybe i am taking it personally

>> No.6482305

Make tell us the place and we can call on yur behalf. We can make sure you get the best service. I'm pretty sure there's a few of us here with people skills who could do the job.

>> No.6482310

nah tomorrow im gonna try a different place
at least waffle house has never treated me bad

>> No.6482319

Give me your credit card number. I can check to make sure your tips went through correctly.

>> No.6482322

Good luck, happy dining. The Philly cheese steak omelet is pretty good at w/h

>> No.6482323

anon pls

>> No.6482331

Kek. Sad try. Very sad. Anon said he was not particularly social, he didn't say he was a complete idiot.

>> No.6482332

>posts on 4chan
>admits he's a social retard
>is probably fat and has a neckbeard
You should stop inflicting yourself on others.

>> No.6482371

>>posts on 4chan
>>admits he's a social retard
>>is probably fat and has a neckbeard
>You should stop inflicting yourself on others.
At least s/he seems nice, whereas you're behaving like an asshole. Why would you be a douche to someone who already has problems? There are real people behind these posts.

>> No.6482374

Because freaks need to know their place and stop ruining my beautiful diverse world.
No one likes them, they should just go away.

>> No.6482375

zero part of that post was about food

or cooking

>> No.6482379

God, this thread. No one bats an eye at a mom crawling in children screaming and making a scene but if some well-meaning guy has a lack of social grace he's somehow unfit to patronize, even when he pays for his service?

Society needs to whip itself into shape about letting the social retardeds just fucking exist in peace.

>> No.6482384

Men are evil anon. They rape constantly and ruin everything.
Single moms dindu nuffin

>> No.6482387

Strange =/= better

>> No.6482394

Damn, I didn't expect a /ck/ thread to get so deep and make me feel things. I still mostly feel hatred for Edgar though.

>> No.6482398

>Why would you be a douche to someone who already has problems?
Because he has the same problems. Pretty much everyone on this site has some social issues, but the platitude for dealing with it is "man up u pussy beta fag". People are convinced if they berate themselves/others enough they will get shocked out of it or something.

>> No.6482406


Completely agreed. And the dude tips. I work for tips and would be pleased as fucking peaches to have this guy in my section.

>durr but he might be AWKWARD

>> No.6482420

>Pretty much everyone on this site has some social issues

haven't you ever heard of normals? it's a total infestation my man

>> No.6482482

How are you guys still falling for Edgar's posts?

Unless it's all just a game and nobody is actually angry. That wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.6482503

>secure trip
>tumblr special snowflake faggot
>blogging about your degenerate life on the cooking board of a mongolian cave painting site

>> No.6482509

Edgar is my best friend, but he doesn't talk enough. The best way to squeeze posts out of him is to insult him.

>> No.6482543

why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.6482550

its ok edgar, i enjoyed your tale ;_;

>> No.6482761

>my own board

>> No.6482763

>Being at a restaurant is an excellent follow-up.

>> No.6482934

>Girl wears a tube tol or something and her tits are always so lucious like they're about to pop and she wants it so bad

gee whiz i wonder why you aren't welcome
>Um, manager, that customer makes me feel uncomfortable
>Oh wow, waitress, you're right. he has rape in his eyes. I'll ask him to leave

>> No.6482936

I'm a total social reject also, OP. I've just been through enough shit to say 'Fuck it' and somehow that turned me into an autist who can't conform to social constructs anymore.

I have noticed that only a small percentage of people have a problem with people who are different from them. And those are the people who have the most problems within themselves.

If asked to leave somewhere where I wasn't causing a scene or any harm, I'm not sure I would ask 'why' either. Just accept that they have their own reasons and be done with it. I couldn't place a call like >>6482272 suggested, though.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. Hope your weekend makes up for it!

>> No.6482945

>my own board
Tripfags, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6482989

Oh God I agree so hard

>> No.6482995

I don't know who you are but you seem pretty fucking up your own ass.

See also the people who were never leaving like Sceak or Angie.

>> No.6483028


I can kind of confirm this.

I worked a summer at IHOP back in high school and we had a waitress working there that was legit out of her fucking mind. She seemed to live for stirring shit up with the customers. If the manager didn't spend most of her time across the street gambling and getting shitfaced she would have been fired pretty quickly. It's strange that no matter where an IHOP is, they're always a complete shit show.

>> No.6483039

>tripfagging so hard even people outside the internet dislike you

Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.6483047

What do you think makes it so diverse, mate? It's the weirdos that make life fun.

>> No.6483088

"I'm a bisexual queer" so... You mean you're just a queer? Fuck trips don't even do mild research to sound somewhat believable anymore.

>> No.6483090

not sure if actually queer or just /pol/tard falseflagigng to generate hate

>> No.6483137


Good thing this is a fake story I'd feel bad for you americucks otherwise.

>> No.6483252

Do you have NLD?

>> No.6483321

This is why I purposefully DON'T want to ever be a "regular" at a place. I don't need that shit. I quit going to a particular grocery store here because the employees started talking to me every time I came in like they knew me. At first, it was just "hey there, how are you" or "nice to see you again", but IT NEVER FAILS to get more and more personal as time goes on. By the time I quit going there, a few of the employees were asking oddly personal questions about me and my family, and that's just plain uncomfortable. I have my own life with my own friends, thanks, I don't need my cashier to know all the intimate details of my life. Same with restaurants. The more they know about you, the weirder it gets. Because children, people suck, and most of them are idiots, and that's a fact of life you can bet on.

>> No.6483340

>healthy tip (30-60%)
fuck you

>> No.6483389

Maybe it's because your thetan levels are too high.

>> No.6483401
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>> No.6483403

It sounds like you just had one shitty experience OP, maybe the waitress was having a bad day. Doesn't really seem like you're banned or something. Go back and see if they're back to normal if you really like the food.

>> No.6483417

There is clearly something OP is not telling us.

>> No.6483453

Fuck it OP it's time for war.

Make them feel your loss of patronage.

>> No.6483530
File: 872 KB, 326x300, Shameful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep going there then. Make sure you know how to fight in case someone wants to run up. Only go if it is a place where you can watch them prepare your breakfast. This only applies if they just told you this shit out of the blue. If you're sitting there trying to catch whifffs of the waitress's ass or starting arguments with customers and staff then you need to learn some social skills.

>> No.6483543

cuz OP has got a case of the 'tism

>> No.6483554

Going by the fact that you're an attention whore I can see why they didn't want your bitch ass there.

>> No.6483556

>Edgar Gay/ck/

>> No.6484019

They probably saw you were tripfagging.

>> No.6484053

> mfw
> being this obvious a troll
At least stop tripfagging Edgar.

>> No.6484070

I genuinely don't get why they would tell you to stop coming to their restaurant, though. As one other Anon said, maybe it was some sort of social faux pas, but even then, if you're as socially incapable as you say you are, they should have noticed. This either means that you don't come over as asocial as you think you do, or it means that you did nothing wrong and the staff are just being a bunch of dicks for sending away one of their regulars.

>> No.6484073


maybe he is some ethnicity in a restaurant or town who don't take kindly to his sort

>> No.6484120

>not craving the feeling of a close-knit village community amidst the crushing anonymity of the concrete jungle


>> No.6484194

Three questions:
How many times did you look at her boobs?
Do you dress similarly to the other customers, or do you fuck up their ambience? (e.g. do you roll up in a bathrobe and slippers in the middle of the day because you fucking can?)
And, do you smell?

>> No.6484459

Yeah, NO.
I've had that "close knit village community" before. Actually, most of my life, and it gets goddamn stifling. I prefer my anonymity, thanks very much. Which is also the reason I shun most social media, besides 4chan and a few other select sites where I can maintain my independence.

>> No.6484690
File: 568 KB, 200x136, Butter and salt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suggest you keep on ignoring me for your own safety

>> No.6484699

yeah like white in Sweden

>> No.6485818

It's alright when you live in a big city and can go to other places when you want. It's nice to be able to walk into a pub and have them start pulling your pint before you reach the bar.

>> No.6485822

m8 it's their fault for having cheap food
a 5 dollar tip for an hours worth of service isn't much

>> No.6485847

>leave healthy tip (30-60%)
Well there's your problem. 30-60% is actually 30% negative, no wonder you're not welcome if you pay only 70% of what you owe them.

>> No.6485850

Yeah, if anything, he's the one that will get tracked down. I am just anonymous, I know a little bit about him. Unless it's all lies.

>> No.6485860

I'll have you know I'm a white, aryan, Swedish, cis male and I'm the shitlordiest of them all. I pretend to take care of immigrants, while actually taking them in as my slaves; meaning I use them for target practice and for feeding the remaining slaves.
Wherever I go shitskins bow before me, and if they dare speak up I have them executed on the spot.
The best part is that the police is too pussy to do anything and the typical Swedish will look the other way or be grumpy in silence.
God, I love this country.

>> No.6485863

Good for you, keep it up.

>> No.6485865


Yeah, uh thats just drivel.. This is what really happened: OP is a straight white male that was acting comfortable in a place which is probably in commiefornia.. Everyones socially retarded, what the fuck does that even mean anymore? Its pretty much just a false belief about yourself, i mean other than your looks.

Heres what you do.. write, a neutral, truthful yelp review detailing what happened and make yourself sound like a normal person.. print it out, walk into the place angry and ask to talk to the head manager, hand him the paper and tell him what happened, calmly but angry.. Without reacting or waiting for him to react just walk out the door and never come back.. Those people will likely be fired or at least scolded.. And if the arent, that place is really shitty and abnormal. This kind of crap is highly despised within any kind of business even if you looked like jeffery dahlmer.

I have unfortunately been hearing alot about this HORSESHIT happening in CA.. It is obviously very wrong. All the times ive heard people complain, they are ALWAYS scolded. Ive known people who where scolded like this and they said it threatened their job.. Things just look different from the other side, those people are usually ALWAYS disciplined.. dont underestimate the power of legitimacy if you arent afraid to use it.

Was this some kind of hipster joint? If so i wouldnt even worry about it, that crap is normal.

>> No.6485909

This is unacceptable on so many levels and it it's something that affects everyone. OP is too nice to be asked to stand up for himself and all of us, but the service industry will continue to decline until people are accountable for despicable displays like this one. Let's army for OP, guise

>> No.6485938

le misunderstanding meme
le lebbid switcharoo

>> No.6485941

Thank you for giving me something to call this non-comedic style of "joke"

the good ol' reddit switcharoo

>> No.6487661

Hey buddy, /ck/ doesn't stand for cock.

>> No.6487671

That's quite a rare peepee you have there , be terrible if someone were to save it.

>> No.6487694

Did you talk to the restaurant yet OP?

>> No.6489094

This is why you can't be a regular. Regulars don't objectify the waitstaff. She knew what you were doing and complained all the time about the weird guy that was always oggling her, maybe you got a little extra weird and finally the house decided you weren't worth it.

I work in food service. There's an acceptable amount of creepy/crazy/dangerous/rude/out of line that we'll deal with.

You overstepped the line, and they decided that your $20 tab every week was not worth it.

>> No.6489110

When stuff is missing from your order you need to point it out right away. When the service is very bad, this means waiting until your food is cold and untouched, but if it gets to that point the wait staff will usually comp or make you new stuff.

When you point out something wrong after having eaten the whole thing the waitstaff thinks you're trying to screw them over. People do this all the time. I've had people gobble down costly steak and lobster dinners then complain that everything was overcooked. After they've eaten everything. After I do the check up after 2-5 minutes once they've received the food (gives them time to make sure everything's in order), halfway through their food/when a drink needs refilling, and at the end of their food.

Lots of people try to get free food by acting like assholes. Unfortunately they usually get it, because an unhappy asshole will tip nothing, and an asshole that got a free drink and free dessert will tip slightly under normal.

>> No.6489114

I forget that once you have kids you're not allowed to have someone else cook for your family once in a while. Or if you do, you have to go to some crappy restaurant like Chuckie Cheeze or McDonald's.