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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6480685 No.6480685 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree on this /ck/?

>> No.6480686

Great meme

>> No.6480694

I'm so bad! I usually mix both of them and eat it like a sandwich. Sure its not the healthiest snack but it sure does taste good!

>> No.6480702

That's like comparing butter to sour cream.

>> No.6480709

I got sick after I ate a nutella and peanut butter sandwich as a kid, and it turned me off to both for several years afterwards.
Nothing wrong with either, but nutritionally, peanut butter is better for you.

>> No.6480713

Both stick to the back of your mouth like crazy.

But I mostly eat müsli for breakfast anyway.

>> No.6480718

Fuck off. Peanut butter is the best.

>> No.6480719

Peanut butter actually has some nutritional value whereas Nutella is basically candy. Fuck off. Yeah I know I just got trolled.

>> No.6480731

Nah, more like comparing Philly (cream cheese) to those soft goat cheese logs every grocery store ever seems to sell nowadays.

You can use Philly in place of soft goat's cheese in some applications and vice versa and even put the two together, but they're two different, though similar, things made from two different whole foods (goat's milk and cow's milk/hazelnuts and peanuts).

Depending where you live, one is the old standby and the other is the new, exotic kid on the block.

Neither is necessarily better.

Some people prefer one.
Some people prefer the other.
Very few people, if any at all, get up in arms about anyone else's preference for either.

>> No.6480736
File: 207 KB, 950x1192, AlNatura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best, by the way. If you're in Switzerland, try this one.

Define "nutritional value".

>> No.6480738

As a europoor I vastly prefer peanut butter, ideally chunky. I really don't see what middle-class American college girls see in nutella.

>> No.6480742

I don't get why people even compare the two. One is sweet with chocolate, the other is salty.

That's like arguing biscuits vs crackers.

>> No.6480749

Can confirm, but now it's like adding raclette to the goat's cheese/Philly analogy in >>6480731

>> No.6480750

The black boyfriend their dad doesn't want them to have.

>> No.6481270


>> No.6481274


>he eats salted peanut butter


>> No.6481277

>liking calorie dense, fat dense, near 0 protein spreads

fuckin flabmeisters.

tiny bit of honey and preserves beats it anyday

>> No.6481328

Peanut butter has lots of protein, you unfunny faggot

>> No.6481331

All peanut butter has salt in it, aside from specifically unsalted natural peanut butter. Try eating unsalted peanut butter, bud. It's horrible.

>> No.6481332


>leanest peanut butter you can find
>4g protein per 100calories

AHAHAHHA yeah ok kid.

>implying you lardmericans don't use chunky which is like 2.5-3g protein per 100 calories

>> No.6481350
File: 104 KB, 1200x800, 61ZP365VYJL._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if

>> No.6481366

what a boring comment

>> No.6481369

That theyll never marry bc hes black

poor guys are just a play toy

>> No.6481396

If you're a timid bitch who carefully measures out 100 calories of peanut butter. A person usually eats much more than 100 calories worth.

>> No.6481405

lol no. Peanut butter works way better for Firecrackers

>> No.6481436

I prefer it on pancakes or biscuits.
Sometimes when I feel like I deserve a treat, I buy a small tub and eat straight from the tub.

>> No.6481437
File: 43 KB, 636x423, vwhzabuwtmswf4jaibah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt eat almond cream
Almond cream is so much better than nutella and nutella is better than peanut butter.

>> No.6481460

fuck you, I fell for /ck/'s "almond milk is really good" bullshit and I won't trust this board about anything related to almonds ever again.

>> No.6481472

That's what they get for eating China food on x-mas

>> No.6481480

Yea, I tried almond milk and it was just this white, plain, tasteless liquid with a peculiar thickness to it. It was akin to drinking semen but at least semen has taste.

>> No.6481497

so you switched to semen?

>> No.6481593

oh wow 6g of protein for200 calories

>> No.6481619


that's a dumb comparison. nutella tastes pretty shitty and is way to sweet. nice memes.

>> No.6481621


Yeah, a fat person.

>> No.6481629
File: 316 KB, 550x412, nutella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481630
File: 207 KB, 388x260, 1b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For that alone, you should be banned from commenting on food ever again on /ck/ or anywhere else