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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 250x250, goulash22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6474003 No.6474003 [Reply] [Original]

My wife is out of town for a few days and I'm making Goulash for dinner tonight.
Not Hungarian goulash but American Goulash.

Macaroni, hamburger, onion, tomatoes, spices, mushrooms.

And I'm going to eat it like a boss as well as take some to my neighbor whose Mom died a couple of days ago.

Any secrets you want to share?

>> No.6474026


it looks delicious Anon

I, too, would like a boss

>> No.6474037

You're eating that with hamburgers as well?

>> No.6474039

My secret is that ground meat is not called hamburger

>> No.6474598
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OP here
going to make it right now
sorry about the hamburger instead of ground beef
but I'm not a pretentious loser like you
you douchebag

>> No.6474623

Seems like a good student meal too, might make this next week.

>> No.6474631

"American goulash", LOL.

It is more like some ghastly, mutant Bolognese sauce.

>> No.6474637
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A little celery. A little carrot. Both chopped a bit thinner than a macaronus.

>> No.6474657

wtf is an american goulash ? the only thing on the list that belongs into a goulash are the onions.

>> No.6474768

make maccaroni soup instead,goulash is disgusting.

>> No.6474805
File: 79 KB, 1027x767, vRsTt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Hungarian goulash but American Goulash.

>> No.6474860

Evidently American goulash is what results when you don't know how to cook. Ingredients sourced from Walmart I suppose. Pity he's forgetting the chopped bologna, that's the very best part of American goulash, so I have heard.

Ptotip: package of hot dogs, 2 tablespoons miracle whip, 1 of ketchup and 1 of mustard. Into the Cuisinart and whip til smooth. Serve as whores durrves on crackers before plating the goulash.

>> No.6474871


>> No.6474881

>goulash is disgusting.
You need to fucking die.

>> No.6474885

no,it is low tier peasent food.seriously try maccaroni soup,it looks and sounds disgusting but it is very good and cheap.

>> No.6474886

looks like beefaroni

>> No.6474900

here is a recipe

>> No.6474939

>it is low tier peasent food
Then you can't cook worth shit. Bohemian goulash is delicious.

>> No.6474945

maybe my mom was just shit at cooking it,she would always use disgusting pre made store sauces.

>> No.6474955

i hate america so fucking much

>> No.6474958

yes, she was, goulash is made entirely with fresh ingredients and possibly left overnight to let the flavours improve

>> No.6474968

kisses to you foreigner

>> No.6474974

Real actual goulash is great stuff. This will turn out like vomit in a pot.

>> No.6474989

That looks like classic goulash, you allrecipes-cuck.


>> No.6474995

Well he did say he was going to make the stuff, not that he had it done already. Yiu don't expect anyone from this board to actually cook a recipe from memory do you? Except pot noodles....

>> No.6475000

>Yiu don't expect anyone from this board to actually cook a recipe from memory do you?
>You don't expect anyone from this board to actually cook


>> No.6475032
File: 627 KB, 600x800, cuckgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My wife is out of town for a few days


>> No.6475036

I made some a few days ago, it was so damn good.

added beef bullion, and chedder-parm to the mix it was divine

>> No.6475040

what if shes going to get vagoo

>> No.6475042

>partner experimenting with homosexuality and doesn't let you watch

top cuck m8

>> No.6475057

I'm not even judging your cooking.
Just why the hell do you label that "American Goulash"? It has nothing in common with goulash. Not even remotely.
You could as well cook rice, mix it with cheese sauce and say it's "Swiss Chili".

>> No.6475090

because that's what it's fucking known as

we know it's not even close to goulash. it often has paprika in it, but that doesn't excuse it

it's fucking homemade hamburger helper and should be called something similar, but it's not. it's known as goulash. we didn't name it.

>> No.6475114

>My wife is out of town for a few days
>and I'm making Goulash for dinner tonight
What a let down.

>> No.6475117

No, you're just a loser whose fat ugly wife is out of town getting fucked by some nigger with AIDS while you desperately try (in vain) to seduce your grieving neighbor.

>> No.6475127

>Not Hungarian goulash but American Goulash.
this is ridiculous. american gulasch doesnt even exist. that's like saying i drive a zimbabweian porsche.

>> No.6475134

Is it? Porsche is trademarked and is a brand name. Goulash is a kind of food.

>> No.6475137

We call that beefaroni around here

>> No.6475144
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Kek, he struck a nerve, eh?

>> No.6475148

gulasch is a food since hundreds of years
of course you cant put a trademark on that
also it's almost a denominazione origine controllata

>> No.6475153
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not an accurate comparison at all

>> No.6475157

Naw m8. I'm a different anon :^)

I'm even defending you about the American Goulash nonsense.

>of course you can't put a trademark on that
Then we're settled. We have American Pizza, don't we?

>> No.6475161
File: 7 KB, 220x200, bimmeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American goulash has a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_goulash page. Zimbabweian porsches do not. Yet.

>> No.6476845
File: 9 KB, 250x187, lindseyplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here
Made this last night and for the tomatoes I used a 28 oz can of diced tomatoes, a 10 oz can of tomato sauce and 2/3 of a can of tomato paste. Also added a can of mushrooms.

Big old onion in there, too.

Spices were bay leaf, basil, thyme, garlic, and oregano

let the sauce simmer for a good hour before adding pasta

shit is the bomb
will have for lunch today

>> No.6476861

>We have American Pizza, don't we?
this board thinks we dont
your mom doesn't have a wiki page

>> No.6476873

>any kind of of pasta in a goulash

>> No.6476874
File: 11 KB, 225x225, swede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that looks delicious

>> No.6476882
File: 7 KB, 225x225, hershy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder what your grandmother did during the liberation of Europe for one of these?

Geez, the imagination reels.

>> No.6476885


she was probably a sex monkey

>> No.6476893
File: 173 KB, 540x518, 1419073471509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma has been making that shit since the 50's. I don't know why the fuck they call it goulash because it clearly is not. She makes it with beef, bell peppers, onions, sausage, garlic and tomato sauce with some fucking spices. If you think about it it's really more like a Bolognese with elbow noodles.

>> No.6476895

Kill yourself

>> No.6476901

>be American
>automatically troll EU faggots
>thats literally all it takes

Your goulash looks pretty good OP.

>> No.6477133

>chili doesn't have to be anything like what the Texans say it is, anything can be chili, words don't matter!
>no that's not goulash, don't call that goulash, that's not what goulash iiiiis!


>> No.6477159

>this board thinks we dont
My bad. Then it must be true.

>> No.6477171

>And I'm going to eat it like a boss as well as take some to my neighbor whose Mom died a couple of days ago.
Make sure you cook his mother to a suitable level and don't leave any noticeable hair, lest he find out before the big reveal.

>> No.6477190

>Hey guys, now that I'm officially in college, my parents can't stop me from watching South Park!

>> No.6477311

But that is not goulash, that is chop suey

>> No.6477321


Chop suey not goulash

>> No.6477347

Hamburger as a colloquialism for ground beef is probably just not understood outside NA.

He's probably not pretentious, just not American/Canadian.

>> No.6477368




>> No.6477391

Why would you let your wife leave town?

>> No.6477403

He's a cuck

>> No.6477415
File: 93 KB, 446x335, startrekbreadandsurfaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All Hail Maximas Effluvium Macaronus!

>> No.6477428


for work

>> No.6477445


you take it in the butt, ya lousy catamite

>> No.6477455 [DELETED] 

Funny. I heard something similar about your wife taking it in the butt by some niggers. Probably because she's so fat.

>> No.6477461
File: 15 KB, 236x415, fredo543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please go back to /pol/ Fredo

we know you're smart

>> No.6477468

>le /pol/ meme
Try again, cuck.

>> No.6477470 [DELETED] 

Did his mom eat your goulash?

>> No.6477473
File: 13 KB, 160x225, fredo999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


still jerking off to a pair of your little sisters' panties you loser?

back to /pol/ Fredo

>> No.6477484

So what if I am? Doesn't make you any less of a cuck.

>big bad /pol/ boogeyman is going to say mean things :^(

>> No.6477493
File: 39 KB, 600x300, fredo6666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't even make a friend among the losers in /pol/

poor Fredo and he's smart!

>> No.6477500 [DELETED] 

OP your wife is getting fucked by African americans

>> No.6477504 [DELETED] 

Your wife is a slut

>> No.6477510

Is this supposed to be an insult? At least my wife isn't being plowed by AIDS infected niggers while I make the lowest of low brow food by myself.

>> No.6477517 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 490x405, oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good 1

>> No.6477520
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this cuck and jew talk is ruining /ck/.
I am about to become a truck driver and I am worried enough as it is without you guys harping on this shit all day long.

>> No.6477523

>jew talk
m8, you're the only one who has even said anything about jews in this entire thread

>> No.6477525


looks tasty
reminds me of my childhood

>> No.6477527

My secret is blog somewhere else

>> No.6477594

>zimbabweian porsche


>> No.6479244

Sad but true.

>> No.6480800

Goulash? That's American Chop Suey, ya retard.

>> No.6480807
File: 6 KB, 200x150, 142609342929s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just another name in a different region of the U. S. my friend

>> No.6480885

what you're making is a Massachusetts delicacy known as American Chop Suey - any other bostonfags can confirm this. There are as many recipes for American Chop Suey as there are 'ol ladies from Southie who artistically drop F bombs the way Michelangelo painted.

Shit's fuckin pissa tho. Makes me wanna go down the cape, have some chop suey and a chowder and maybe some schrod. Follwed up by a hoodsie after suppa.
>fuck you A-rod you fuckin quayuh

critical thing you're missing is some aromatics. Add some celery at the very least.

>> No.6480896
File: 83 KB, 295x163, Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 3.14.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that dirty water... oh Boston you're my home

>> No.6480905




>> No.6480915

i cant help but look at that and think of the shitty sound system at fenway.

Now batting (atting)... for the boston red sox (ox) chop(op) ... suey (uey)

>> No.6480922


>Bolognese "sauce"

Nice way to out yourself as a fag. That shit is only a "sauce" in the US. In Italy, it's a fucking stew. They give you pasta on the side and a dirty look for being an American/Britbong/Canuk.

>> No.6480930

This thread just proves that the Boston bombers didn't go far enough.

>> No.6480961

Who gives a shit what wogs think?